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March 13th, 2020 1,593 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 14 Blu-ray

Available to order while stocks last from

Doctor Who: The Collection – Season 14, first released as a limited edition on Blu-ray in May 2020, is being re-released by BBC Studios on 27th July 2020 due to unprecedented demand for this season in the classic collection. All content, extras and artwork will remain the same as the 1st edition.

Available to order from

Available to order in standard packaging in the USA from #ad

Previously available from,,, and
BBC Studios announce release of Season 14 in the Doctor Who: The Collection Blu-Ray range.

Doctor Who fans will be delighted to hear that BBC Studios is releasing Season 14 on Blu-Ray. Tom Baker’s third series as the Doctor will debut on Monday 20th April.

Doctor Who – The Collection: Season 14:


In 1976, Doctor Who took a dramatic new turn, electrifying audiences with changes in format,
companion and appearance of the TARDIS. Season 14 saw the departure of the Doctor’s long-term
companion Sarah Jane Smith, and the introduction of Leela. The season contains some of Tom
Baker’s most iconic serials, with intrepid investigations in Victorian London, deadly robots in a
murderous whodunit, a return to the Doctor’s homeworld, and one of the saddest goodbyes in Doctor
Who history.

Producer Phillip Hinchliffe led Doctor Who through a creative high, joined by Elisabeth Sladen as
Sarah Jane Smith, Louise Jameson as the Doctor’s captivating new companion Leela and guests
stars Tim Pigott-Smith, Stephen Thorne, Peter Pratt, Pamela Salem, David Collings, Christopher
Benjamin and Trevor Baxter.

With all episodes newly remastered from the best available sources, this Blu-ray box set also
contains extensive and exclusive special features which include:

  • Immersive 5.1 surround sound – The Deadly Assassin
  • Brand new audio commentaries – Tom Baker and Matthew Sweet on selected episodes of
    The Face of Evil and The Talons of Weng-Chiang.
  • Behind the Sofa – New episodes with Tom Baker, Louise Jameson, Philip Hinchcliffe, plus
    companions Sophie Aldred and Peter Purves.
  • Our Sarah Jane – Elisabeth Sladen Tribute – A feature-length look at the life and career of
    Sarah Jane Smith, played by Elisabeth Sladen.
  • Whose Doctor Who Revisited – Toby Hadoke meets the producers and grown-up stars of
    the very first Who Documentary.
  • In Conversation – Matthew Sweet chats to producer Philip Hinchcliffe.
  • Blu-Ray trailer – Louise Jameson has trouble with her new home assistant.
  • Brand new interviews
  • Rare archive material
  • Convention footage
  • HD photo galleries

The eight-disc box set also includes hours of extensive special features previously released on DVD.

DOCTOR WHO: THE COLLECTION – SEASON 14 stars Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor, Elisabeth
Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith and Louise Jameson as Leela. The Master reappears in The Deadly
Assasin, played by Peter Pratt. RRP: £56.16

Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD, Featured



  • Timelord 1944

    November 16th, 2020 - 10:40am

    Talking of season 20 the Five Doctors Death Zone location featured in the opening episode of I’m a Celebrity last night ( repeated around 4 o clock today on ITV 2). As the celebs drive to a cliff face on Anglesey the cars are actually filmed miles away above Ffestiniog driving towards Carrreg y Foel Gron where the Cyber men ambushed the Fifth Doctor. That whole area was the bulk of the Death Zone all those years ago.

    • Pete X

      November 16th, 2020 - 5:46pm

      Maybr that could be an alternative title for The Fives Doctors.

      I’m the Doctor, get me out of here!

  • Richard

    November 15th, 2020 - 2:28pm

    I hope there is enough demand so eventually we will see the new series included in ‘The Collection’?

    • SilentNinjaZero

      November 17th, 2020 - 8:38am

      Let’s hope so. The new series would definitely benefit from having expanded releases, with new docos and other features. They could do behind the sofa, new interviews with various cast and crew and include more behind the scenes footage. Commentaries for every episode would also benefit the boxsets. Plus, missing stuff like PS could be added and TUAT could be in the right place on S10.

      It would also be a good opportunity to include the full length versions of DW confidential if possible, and correct the slightly sped up episode speeds that are present on the current blu-rays. I’d also love the spin-offs to get these releases, but I feel only Torchwood and SJA would get enough demand. I would like Class to get the same treatment, even though it was average, but I don’t think it will be re-released again.

  • Richard

    November 15th, 2020 - 2:11pm

    I’m guessing that they will be holding back SEASON 1 until 2023 for the 60th anniversary celebrations?

    • daz

      November 15th, 2020 - 4:53pm

      Yeah. That’s what I expect. Be great if they combined all the teams to animate Marco Polo for the anniversary too.

      Hopefully they will combine them when they eventually do The Daleks Master Plan.

      As for Collection Series releases. If they can get RTD and the like back for Behind The Sofa and lots of interesting features I’d be all for it but would sell my steelbooks to fund it. Just like I sold my dvds to help fund the Seasons.

    • SilentNinjaZero

      November 16th, 2020 - 3:07am

      Sadly it seems like an animation won’t happen anytime soon. As they seem to be focusing on the Troughton era at the moment, I doubt Marco Polo will be animated by 2023. I feel it would make sense to bring out a DVD sometime next year with a telesnap version and some new extras. Then enough time would pass between that and the boxset, coming out around Nov 2023.

      I would love for them to animate Marco Polo, just looks unlikely to happen before a potential season 1 boxset :/

    • daz

      November 16th, 2020 - 12:11pm

      I still hope they leave an empty disc tray or have a disc with what they have (soundtrack/ telesnaps) so that we can easily swap it for the animated version if it is ever done.

      That way the Season is ‘Complete’ either way and that goes for any with missing/not animated adventures.

    • SilentNinjaZero

      November 17th, 2020 - 8:27am

      Yeah I hope so too. I think people who want every story individually released on DVD will be upset if a story comes out “exclusively” on a boxset first. So maybe first bring out telesnap versions on DVD, then put them on the sets later. Then if stories are animated, they can release special edition DVDs, and maybe offer a choice between regular and Collection-style artwork.

      I expect seasons 1, 2 and 6 to come a lot sooner, with 3, 4 and 5 coming near the end. 4 and 5 may actually be fully animated by the time they are released, with just Smugglers, Highlanders, Evil, Snowmen and Wheel left (plus Menace and Web). 3 is clearly very complicated, so I see that being the last 60s release.

  • Prof Horner

    November 15th, 2020 - 11:59am

    So if as I hope season 8 is next. It will be interesting to see what the picture quality will be. like . Given that three of the stories at least needed to be restored to colour . And of course what it means for a possible season 7 release.

    • BearEight

      November 15th, 2020 - 12:43pm

      Some of the rougher looking looking Season 7/8 stories were restored to colour by combining the lower quality NTSC colour information with the higher quality PAL black and white footage but subsequently, a new(er) colour restoration technique was discovered and used for other stories so, in theory, the shoddier looking stories could be remastered using that technique to provide better results because, let’s face it, Terror of the Autons’ quality is currently unacceptable for a Blu-Ray release.

    • Gordon

      November 15th, 2020 - 7:20pm

      Terror of the autons exists as a 16mm black and white telerecording and a 40 plus year old 525 colour ntsc beatamax videotape. I don’t think it’s ever going to look amazing on blu. I’m hopeful that they will at least be able to improve upon the quality of it though.

  • James

    November 14th, 2020 - 11:25am

    With loads of talk about season 8 coming 2021 to coincide with 50th anniversary of The Master. Hopefully lessons have been learned and this one will be released without any problems. On time, correct content, correct disc artwork.

    • Timelord 1944

      November 14th, 2020 - 9:36pm

      Just wish they would manufacture enough of them. There is a huge demand but they are not meeting that demand.

    • James

      November 15th, 2020 - 12:57pm

      Timelord1944 that aswell

    • Gordon

      November 15th, 2020 - 2:05pm

      To quote Mario and Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto “A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad,”

      I’d rather see it out when it’s ready than stuck to a deadline and pushed out on a certain date. If it means delaying it so be it.

    • daz

      November 15th, 2020 - 8:11pm

      Wise words from Miyamoto there. I have high hopes for BOTW2 on Switch and of course the rest of this glorious Season Collection.

      Also with us only getting 8 episodes in Series 13 I hope every script is best it can be too.

  • James Landale

    November 14th, 2020 - 11:25am

    With loads of talk about season 8 coming 2021 to coincide with 50th anniversary of The Master. Hopefully lessons have been learned and this one will be released without any problems. On time, correct content, correct disc artwork.

  • xxadamscottxx

    November 13th, 2020 - 11:56pm

    PLEASE RERELEASE SEASON 10! Its the only one I dont have plus it has the 10 year anniversary!

  • Jamiouse

    November 11th, 2020 - 3:13pm

    Rumor has it Season 8 is next…

    • Gordon

      November 11th, 2020 - 4:44pm

      It’s up for pre order on a French Canadian website so I think it maybe more than a rumour

    • Bobby Davros

      November 14th, 2020 - 12:17am

      Interesting given that what, only 3 (?) episodes of season 8 are available in their original format. Helluva remaster.

    • Haza14

      November 14th, 2020 - 1:19am

      Oooh is Season 8 a surprise? Everyone has been saying season 20 is the next one. Either way I’m excited for the next release. These have been wonderfully done so far!

      Once you’ve managed to get hold of one that is! Although part of me does like the exclusivity of these releases, it must be dreadfully annoying to miss out.

    • Auton

      November 14th, 2020 - 7:58am

      I don’t mind waited for months for the next blu ray boxset as long as they don’t cut down on the amazing quality these boxsets have. With the whole pandemic I just hoping that they haven’t cut any planned extras for the boxsets because the special features and the cover are what will makes theses boxsets so special. And of course the stories themselves.

    • Pete X

      November 15th, 2020 - 10:40am

      Haza14, not too much of a surprise.

      Next January is the 50th anniversary of the Master’s appearance in the show. If I was running the releases, I’d want to link that to a release of Season 8, it being Master heavy and his first appearance, thus also the 50th anniversary of that season.

      Season 20 might have been the next set had Covid not intervened or had they been able to get a release out before Christmas. It might still be the release after Season 8.

      Anyway, it’s all rumour at the moment beyond the pre-order entry on the French Canadian website.

      Whenever Season 8 is released, I would love the box art to be reversed from the usual. Have the Master in place of the Doctor and the Doctor, Jo, the Brigadier, Benton and Yates below as his enemies.

    • daz

      November 15th, 2020 - 12:56pm

      Pete X. I like idea of a Master cover but would have to be the back cover. With usual Doctor on front.

      Auton. They won’t have cut down on extras due to pandemic. That why we’ve had nothing new since May.

      It would have made sense to get Season 20 out in 2020 but fact they haven’t so they can still film that extra in Amsterdam is a good thing.

      Good things come to those who wait. I just hope they are filming things via Zoom or social distancing in place especially with the older cast.

      I also hope in terms of Behind The Sofa that they are filmed well in advance even if the guests watch the bog standard DVD versions of the show.

    • Haza14

      November 16th, 2020 - 12:40am

      Nice! I’m just looking forward to whatever set they release next. Makes sense that season 20 was intended for release this year but put back due to COVID and features not being filmed. Would much prefer them release it when it’s ready than rush it out unfinished so they should be praised for putting quality first!!

      Now I guess they might be sticking with season 8 when it was originally intended as it’s the 50th anniversary of it. If so I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve only seen the opening story of that season.

    • Ben

      November 16th, 2020 - 4:24pm

      Sure this is it on an Australian website, for release 30-11-20??

    • daz

      November 16th, 2020 - 6:00pm

      Ben. They tend to announce them at midnight (12AM) so this might point to 30/11 – 01/12 when it goes live on other sites. Maybe.

      Be great to get another one pre-ordered soon though.

    • Ben

      November 16th, 2020 - 6:46pm

      Can’t wait to get one pre-ordered after so long!!
      I really don’t want to miss out.

      The artwork is always amazing and season 8 is pretty solid!!

    • SilentNinjaZero

      November 17th, 2020 - 8:58am

      Exciting news! Let’s hope it’s announced sooner rather than later. Bit of a shame it was leaked, would have preferred a surprise announcement. Love this season, especially Terror and Daemons. Certainly a surprise being the next Pertwee season instead of 9 or 11, but makes sense being the 50th anniversary of the Master next year.

      I’ve visited Aldbourne before, was quite surreal. There was a nice little cafe there, with a Dalek bin outside. Pick up trash or be exterminated! Got some awesome photos of the church and surrounds 🙂

      Article about the Dalek here:

  • Alzie D

    October 18th, 2020 - 10:07pm

    I see that Janet Fielding has done a Behind the Sofa today according to Twitter for a blu-ray. She didn’t say for what season.

    Good that things seem to starting again. Perhaps a nice new year pressie?

    • Bobby Fackrell

      October 19th, 2020 - 8:12pm

      It’s looking more and more like season 20 but I still fear it is several months away, I think it will probably be around March next year all being well

    • Gordon

      October 19th, 2020 - 9:17pm

      They seem to be getting back to normal In terms of filming.

      Last Monday Chris chapman tweeted that he filmed a collection documentary over the weekend. He has since said he has 2 documentaries waiting for restored clips and sound mixing, 1 in an early edit and 2 being prepped (one of which is a another instalment of the doctors table). Not all of them are for the same season

      Matthew sweet tweeted on Friday that he was filming showing a photo of the in conversation set.

      Katy manning has also been filming something this past weekend. Didn’t mention doctor who but I’d say it’s a good chance it’s for the collection.

      Janet fielding could be doing season 20 but it could just as easy be for a season she wasn’t apart of as she could be on a 2nd or even 3rd sofa.

      Would be astonished if the next set is out this year. Unless they are only giving it a 1 month around from announcement to release which I feel is unlikely

    • Gordon

      October 19th, 2020 - 9:22pm

      Also on ep 5 of the fury from the deep commentary Michael E Bryant mentioned that he has done stuff for the blu ray collection to do with the sea devils

    • Bobby Fackrell

      October 20th, 2020 - 5:29pm

      I’d prefer 9 to the rumoured 11 however Sea Devils could be linked to 21 too

    • ThatBloodyWhovian

      October 26th, 2020 - 7:21pm

      Bobby Fackrell I don’t think it could be 21. Because then, along with 20, that would complete the Davison era too early. I think Sea Devils could hint at 9 being next after 20…

  • errore_404

    October 9th, 2020 - 5:03pm

    Two of my box sets have been damaged. The plastic holding the discs has peeled off the cardboard, damaging the doctor’s face. It seems that the glue does not support the weight of the discs and plastic, especially where there are more discs such as in seasons 14, 18 and 19.
    Improvements could be made in future releases. Like putting more glue or keeping the plastic not glued but bigger so that it stays in the box.

    The top would be to put the plastic that holds the discs in the photo I linked. It would also help save space for the black and white seasons which will have many more records.

    Just some thoughts.

    • errore_404

      October 9th, 2020 - 5:04pm

      with “record” I meant “disks”

    • A dalek gave me flowers

      November 13th, 2020 - 9:42pm

      That sucks but the disc tray themselves don’t need to change, they look great and fit with the style. I personally dislike the double disc in the photo, all the tray needs is better holding glue something stronger then sticky dots. Although i agree that the glue isnt the best at times (its always my fear when my set arrives) but having seen the way people handle/open them, tipping and letting them dangle in reviews etc im not surprised they pull off so easily. The discs are more suited to be open as the box set is flat and having you hold the trays upright as you get the disc you want rather than let them dangle as you flip through them. Im a DVD/Bluary sad sod collector so i worry about these things aha.
      sucks though but i bought a replacement box of a seller on ebay who just takes the discs out so hopefully he or someone else has an empty box you can get.

  • Sarge

    September 16th, 2020 - 7:42pm

    Lee binding tweeted about the five doctors a few days ago. It didn’t say anything about the Blu-ray’s, but it is quit suspicious that he would mention the story so out of the blue considering the strong rumors Is it safe to say season 20 is up next, and that we may get a possible release around Nov.23?

    • Bobby Fackrell

      September 17th, 2020 - 7:56am

      Season 20 next – very possible
      November release – highly unlikely

  • James

    September 14th, 2020 - 11:22am

    Anyone heard anything about the next Box Set?
    My Fury steelBook arrived Saturday. Now is the first time I haven’t had a Collection Box Set or steelBook or preorder.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      September 14th, 2020 - 2:20pm

      I’m getting dej’vu

    • Anonymous

      September 14th, 2020 - 2:48pm

      There probably won’t be any more at all this year.

    • daz

      September 14th, 2020 - 4:57pm

      More chance of Series 7 steelbook being announced in next few weeks so to let Fury have the spotlight for a bit.

      I’d still love 1 more Season set this year but is looking unlikely.

    • Pete X

      September 14th, 2020 - 5:10pm

      As I recall, Season 26 had already been announced a week this time last year and that was scheduled to be released a couple of days before christmas, then later on the release date was put back to January.

      The earliest a Season blu-ray is likely now looks to be next January.

  • anonymus

    September 13th, 2020 - 1:29pm

    I was thinking it would be cool if they also included “Twice Upon A Time” in the season 4 blu ray. As they did with “Time Crash” in season 19 and “Death of The Doctor” in season 10

    • James

      September 14th, 2020 - 11:21am

      Great idea. But would that be the same for the other multi-Doctor stories? The Three Doctors across 3 seasons. The Five Doctors across 5 seasons. The Two Doctors across 2 seasons. What about Day of the Doctor?

    • error_404

      September 14th, 2020 - 4:40pm

      The multi-doctor episodes of the classic series will all be released in the season they belong to, so there is no need to include them in multiple box sets. Twice Upon A Time is a different case because it represents the last “canonical” story of the first doctor and is very much connected to The Tenth Planet.

  • Gordon

    August 31st, 2020 - 2:57pm

    Looks like things are starting to get back to some normality. Chris chapman has said on twitter that he’s prepping some filming for vam (extras) for who-ray. Mark Ayers is also working on 2 5.1 mixes and lee binding is currently cutting out a prop that only appeared for 5 seconds for the cover.

    • Anonymous

      August 31st, 2020 - 6:15pm

      What season was the prop from?

    • Gordon

      August 31st, 2020 - 6:32pm

      Didn’t say.

    • Timelord1944

      August 31st, 2020 - 10:31pm

      Do you think this indicates a release later this year or do you think we are still talking about early next year?

    • Gordon

      August 31st, 2020 - 10:48pm

      Might be a struggle but it could be done. All depends on when the filming is and how soon they can get everything completed

    • the ergon

      September 1st, 2020 - 5:57am

      If it is 20. I,m hoping for all new updated effects for ‘The Kings Demons’ and ‘The Five Doctors’. Preferably Demons to match the CGI they used for Kamelion in ‘Planet of Fire’.

    • Gordon

      September 1st, 2020 - 11:27am

      Neil Bushnell has also said he’s prepping some animation and vfx for the collection so we are getting something. If it’s for season 20 I can see it being for five doctors. The effects for the Original special edition are 25 years old. Suppose snakedance is another possibility. Loads of room for new effects there. Can’t really see kings demons getting alternative cgi especially if it’s just 1 story getting the alternative effects. Outside of Kamelion there Isn’t really anything in kings demons that would require alternative effects. I would quite like if they were able to integrate the enlightenment effects from the omnibus

    • Bobby Fackrell

      September 1st, 2020 - 1:45pm

      Enlightenment is one of the few 80s Who’s which does not need anything done to it. Can’t believe they fiddled around with on the DVD.

      Enlightenment is the best thing about series 20 by several light years

    • the ergon

      September 1st, 2020 - 2:28pm

      Thats why i thought it wouldn,t prove too costly if they can scrape the budget for those two stories unlikely as it may be, but it is only a two parter they could just add the kamelion effects and just improve on The Five Doctors. The Triangle and swirly effects are dated and they could be replaced and add new CGI shots of Rassilons tower. Snakedance is fine enough and doesn,t really require that much essential CGI with regards to the snake or the other effects.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      September 1st, 2020 - 3:56pm

      Don’t get me wrong tidy the picture and sound for Enlightenment it’s going to look beautiful but what was that Director’s edit all about? Condensing it and replacing model work with CGI? Insane.

    • the ergon

      September 1st, 2020 - 4:12pm

      Bobby Fackrell, they had to complete the effects that they started for The Black guardian trilogy starting with the crystalline device which the Black Guardian gives to turlough to contact/ Inflict pain it would have been at odds with the other two stories had they missed it out. Although i agree some of the effects used were a bit hit and miss and not really required.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      September 1st, 2020 - 6:04pm

      I love Enlightenment. When I was a kid back in the early 90s when Doctor Who magazine was one of our only sources of access to old Who they did a feature on it and it became one of those ‘i really want to see this’ stories. Boy did it ever deliver. it’s a masterpiece

    • the ergon

      September 1st, 2020 - 8:45pm

      Its one of davisons better stories but very high camp if Lynda Baron and Leeeeee ‘Imagination’ johns performances are anything to go buy. There wasn,t much depth but i liked the eternals idea.

    • Gordon

      September 1st, 2020 - 10:52pm

      To clarify it’s more so that enlightenment has its alternative effects in the transmitted version to match the alternative effects of the other 2 guardian stories of the trilogy. It was very disapointing that they put the alternative effects of enlightenment exclusively on a cut down omnibus version. It would have been good if it had also been available on the transmitted episodes. I don’t actually mind the special edition of it. I think the story still works. The choice to do it in widescreen is a bit of an odd choice however I think that was because Fiona Cummings wanted to make it give it a more modern feel and more like current who. It’s a fine experiment as a 1 off but sadly she went on to do planet of fire which is probably my least favourite omnibus/special edition of the lot. Thank goodness they are completely optional.

    • philip Shaw

      September 8th, 2020 - 2:04pm

      Probably the return yo yo given to the Master!

    • Bobby Fackrell

      September 17th, 2020 - 8:55am

      Which you gave him Castalan!!!!!!

  • Anonymo

    August 31st, 2020 - 8:50am

    Hi, i was wondering if, when season 20 comes out, a single version of Five Doctors will be released.

    • Gordon

      August 31st, 2020 - 2:51pm

      I can see that just being on season 20.

    • SamWho

      August 31st, 2020 - 3:31pm

      No it will just be released with 20

    • Anonymo

      August 31st, 2020 - 8:04pm

      Thank you. Maybe a German version?

    • Gordon

      August 31st, 2020 - 9:09pm

      That’s quite possible

    • Anonymo

      August 31st, 2020 - 9:35pm

      Thanks Gordon!

  • Morgan

    August 30th, 2020 - 10:09pm

    I might be late to the game, but I’d love to own this collection. Do they ever reprint these once they’re sold out or are they limited batch products only? Thanks!

    • Anonymous

      August 31st, 2020 - 2:09am

      Limited batches, there have been a couple of reissues where there have been faulty products or issues with supply chains but otherwise you are going to have to go digging around on Ebay.

  • Timelord1944

    August 30th, 2020 - 9:49pm

    Does anyone know if covid has effected dvd manufacture/production? Dvd titles seem to be going out of stock in many retailers and are not being replenished. Is this a consequence of covid or is this the beginning of the end for physical media?

  • James

    August 14th, 2020 - 1:39pm

    Any news or confirmed rumours of which set will be next? First time not got a set not on preorder since they started. Just Fury awaiting to be released

    • Bobby Fackrell

      August 14th, 2020 - 10:17pm

      How is it a rumour if it is confirmed?

    • James

      August 15th, 2020 - 10:49am

      Bobby Fackrell: alot of rumours around season 20 being next. Didn’t know if that has now been confirmed. Any rumour of a season could be confirmed just not announced publicly

    • Bobby Fackrell

      August 15th, 2020 - 12:14pm

      It will probably be a long time before we have another announcement the country just officially gone into recession

    • Robert Sienicki

      August 24th, 2020 - 9:00am

      Would be nice if they at least let us know if there will be another box set this year. I am still hoping that one day I will wake up to an announcement and new box art. If I knew there won’t be one this year, I could redirect the money I saved on something else. 😀

    • Bobby Fackrell

      August 24th, 2020 - 1:54pm

      But they don’t know!

      Why don’t you just put 40 quid to one side and not spend it?

      Even if there was an announcement next month it will still not be released for several months after and you will not be invoiced until it’s dispatched anyway


      August 25th, 2020 - 7:21pm

      Hoping there’ll be something announced for a December / Christmas release….. I’m kinda hoping to have the complete set sometime in my lifetime…..

    • Bobby Fackrell

      August 26th, 2020 - 2:19pm

      How long are you planning to live and how is Christmas significant in your life expectancy?

    • Timelord44

      August 27th, 2020 - 5:19pm

      No news about the box sets but the next animated titles are Evil of the Daleks and The Abominable Snowmen.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      August 27th, 2020 - 7:56pm

      The Evil of the Daleks and The Abominable Snowmen destroy any boxset announcement. The Evil of the Daleks is the greatest ever Doctor Who story and Abominable Snowmen is decent

    • The Fishmonger

      August 31st, 2020 - 5:13pm

      Lee Binding teased on Twitter today that he is doing artwork for the next one, using a picture of a prop which is only on screen for 5 seconds. Make of that what you will.

    • booboo

      August 31st, 2020 - 5:20pm

      Yet every Doctor Who fan will probably know what it is

    • SamWho

      August 31st, 2020 - 5:42pm

      “Sorry must dash”

  • Cymon

    August 11th, 2020 - 5:50pm

    simply-he (simply home entertainment) have copies for £49.99 on eBay if you still need one. I assume it’s the second pressing

    • Rob W

      August 14th, 2020 - 2:28pm

      Try their website with copies at £44.99 plus free U?K postage for a slightly better deal mate.

  • Bushboy

    July 30th, 2020 - 11:46pm

    Finally getting my copy (Australian Version) here in New Zealand today. It’s been a long, long wait but I’m sure it will be worth it.
    Can’t wait for an announcement about the next set, though I’m guessing it might be a while.

  • Denis

    July 29th, 2020 - 2:21pm

    Now sold out on Amazon by the look of it, the only ones listed for sale are from Amazon scalpers, starting at £99… Hope everyone who wanted one managed to get one this time round

    • booboo

      July 29th, 2020 - 4:36pm

      Can i make an observation?

      If you take a quick glance at the front page in the merchandise section every day ( or several times a day if you like) no one need miss out on anything, that’s what we are here for

    • The Monitor

      July 29th, 2020 - 5:48pm

      Fully endorse your comment because of your relentless commitment. This site and BBC Weather are all you need to plan your day.

      Because of this site I got my copy today at lunchtime. I tried to do the right thing with this release and buy it from Argos to support them rather than Amazon and it is the first release I missed out on since 1985. I felt like I wanted to stop collecting. In fact I did.
      This site posting the re-ordering re-fuelled my interest in merchandise.
      There is a great community spirit in collecting and chasing for bits.
      I am very grateful to this site.
      All the best,
      The Monitor

    • Coleman

      July 29th, 2020 - 10:13pm

      Yes I agree,
      BooBoo, I’ve been regularly viewing this site for years now and I’m sure my collection would be much, much smaller if it wasn’t for you and this great site.

    • ChrisP

      August 1st, 2020 - 11:32am

      I found this site when the BBC store closed and redirected here.
      Wish I’d found it earlier.
      I buy much less than I used to 10-15 years ago (young family!)
      But the site is invaluable for making sure I don’t miss out on the stuff I really want to get (eg the Blu ray boxes).
      I check it every couple of days.
      So thank you Boo boo 🙂

  • Philip Shaw

    July 28th, 2020 - 9:48pm

    What’s the difference between the first run and the reissue? Does it have second edition on the bottom like season 12 reissue. The reason I ask is that mine has arrived from HMV and appears to be a first run copy.

    • Rory

      July 29th, 2020 - 12:25pm

      Mine is the same, and also from HMV. I think because the first run was under-produced due to the lockdown, this is not an official second edition. I know that when Amazon relisted, it was just an update to the existing listing, so the same AIN.

    • philip shaw

      July 29th, 2020 - 10:31pm

      A couple of friends got copies this time and comparing couldn’t find any differences …which is great, so as Rory said no 2nd edition.

  • Rob

    July 28th, 2020 - 2:46pm

    I’ve just had an email from Amazon, saying that they’ve revised the delivery date, and Season 14 will be with me by Friday.

    • Prof Horner

      July 29th, 2020 - 12:53pm

      My copy was supposed to be delivered yesterday , but I got a email from Amazon yesterday saying it would be a day late. Well I have got it this morning! Looks forward to watch this starting with the List Sladen tribute.

  • Deuteronomy

    July 28th, 2020 - 2:14pm

    Joyous news. Email from Amazon order despatched for delivery today…

  • Danny

    July 27th, 2020 - 7:18pm

    Does anyone have any sets arrive from Amazon today for the re-issue? I can see that people have had them from HMV but I think Amazon were the only other retailer to have re-issue copies for pre-order?

    • booboo

      July 27th, 2020 - 7:29pm

      very few got sent out think they are a bit behind

    • D84

      July 28th, 2020 - 3:50pm

      Mine has been despatched and should arrive tomorrow (Amazon)

    • D84

      July 30th, 2020 - 2:21pm

      And its now arrived (yesterday) from Amazon – in perfect condition

  • Coleman

    July 27th, 2020 - 2:14pm

    Mine arrived this morning In great condition from HMV , packed in cardboard box. Glad it wasn’t in a padded envelope. Usually order from Zoom but they were sold out this time, so used HMV for the 1st time.

  • Rory

    July 27th, 2020 - 12:30pm

    That’s my copy just arrived from HMV, so anyone else who ordered from them should expect theirs soon.

    It was very well packaged, so in top condition.

    I read somewhere that the Season 12 reissue was marked as a second printing on the packaging. Where was it marked? I don’t see anything on the Season 14 box.

    • Bicky

      July 27th, 2020 - 12:50pm

      Season 12 had a slightly different spine picture and had 2nd edition printed on the base. Season 14 second wave from what I can see has a thinner spine ( so no overlap of back cover) and is a slightly different shade

    • Coleman

      July 27th, 2020 - 2:28pm

      Rory , just received mine this morning from HMV. it doesn’t have the 2nd edition printed on this time. I have the rerelease of season 12 and 2nd edition is printed on the bottom (underneath).

    • MJS

      July 27th, 2020 - 2:44pm

      It’s quite possibly *isn’t* a second edition. I think covid might have seriously dented distribution so there may well be plenty of 1st Eds still in warehouses to go out. Maybe.

  • Timelord44

    July 27th, 2020 - 9:52am

    Good news and bad news. Mine arrived this morning from hmv, but the box is badly damaged and they have no more in stock. I suppose its the discs that are important but its very disappointing.

    • Rory

      July 27th, 2020 - 1:58pm

      @Timelord44, how badly damaged?

      I now have a copy from the first run which is going spare. It has a scratch down the spine, but is in otherwise great condition. If you’re interested, PM me on Facebook (Rory Cruickshank) and I’ll send you some pics

    • Denis

      July 27th, 2020 - 2:15pm

      Also got mine from HMV this morning. The outer packaging is soggy and damaged, haven’t opened it yet! Here’s hoping….
      I’ve noticed Argos haven’t stocked it this time, I’m wondering if the very limited 2nd edition release and the difference in packaging will make even more money for the scalpers? Prices on eBay auctions had been tumbling to near retail, I wonder if this might push them back up again. About time for the whole set to get a standard packaging re-release.

    • Timelord44

      July 27th, 2020 - 3:57pm

      Rory. Thank you. Its squashed on one side Looks like it was done before dispatch as the package itself is fine. Denis I agree. While there are no new releases they should re release the whole lot in standard packaging. I’d buy them again as its a more practical case.

    • Tom

      July 28th, 2020 - 2:37pm

      Amazon have done available right now if you’re quick 🙂

    • Timelord44

      July 28th, 2020 - 6:53pm

      Thanks Tom. Really appreciate it. I missed it but really appreciate you letting me know.

  • Coleman

    July 24th, 2020 - 2:18pm

    Yes, it looks like it’s being released on time.
    I’ve ordered from HMV, they’ve sent me an email this morning saying it’s just been despatched.

  • Joe 90

    July 24th, 2020 - 12:17pm

    Does anyone know if this is still released on 27/07?

    I ordered with Amazon and it doesn’t show a release date.

    • booboo

      July 24th, 2020 - 12:21pm

      assume so, because its sold out the dates vanish, what does your order say you should be able to check

    • Coleman

      July 24th, 2020 - 12:42pm

      Yes, it looks like it’s going to be released on time. I’ve ordered from HMV and they’ve sent an email this morning saying it’s just been despatched.

    • Joe90

      July 24th, 2020 - 2:08pm

      Thanks for the confirmation.
      My Amazon account just advises item not yet dispatched…
      There is none of the usual details on the order of arriving xxxxxxx or expected by xxxxxxx
      Clicked on track package it just advises that they will email when they have an estimated delivery date so thought the release may have been delayed.
      Am nervous with Amazon as had horrific issues with the Season 12 re-release and had to get that resolved via the Beeb.

    • Coleman

      July 24th, 2020 - 2:35pm

      Joe90, As you know, it’s not released while the 27th so there’s still time for you to get confirmation. Hope you get it soon. I’m surprised HMV sent it out early though.

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