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March 13th, 2020 1,593 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 14 Blu-ray

Available to order while stocks last from

Doctor Who: The Collection – Season 14, first released as a limited edition on Blu-ray in May 2020, is being re-released by BBC Studios on 27th July 2020 due to unprecedented demand for this season in the classic collection. All content, extras and artwork will remain the same as the 1st edition.

Available to order from

Available to order in standard packaging in the USA from #ad

Previously available from,,, and
BBC Studios announce release of Season 14 in the Doctor Who: The Collection Blu-Ray range.

Doctor Who fans will be delighted to hear that BBC Studios is releasing Season 14 on Blu-Ray. Tom Baker’s third series as the Doctor will debut on Monday 20th April.

Doctor Who – The Collection: Season 14:


In 1976, Doctor Who took a dramatic new turn, electrifying audiences with changes in format,
companion and appearance of the TARDIS. Season 14 saw the departure of the Doctor’s long-term
companion Sarah Jane Smith, and the introduction of Leela. The season contains some of Tom
Baker’s most iconic serials, with intrepid investigations in Victorian London, deadly robots in a
murderous whodunit, a return to the Doctor’s homeworld, and one of the saddest goodbyes in Doctor
Who history.

Producer Phillip Hinchliffe led Doctor Who through a creative high, joined by Elisabeth Sladen as
Sarah Jane Smith, Louise Jameson as the Doctor’s captivating new companion Leela and guests
stars Tim Pigott-Smith, Stephen Thorne, Peter Pratt, Pamela Salem, David Collings, Christopher
Benjamin and Trevor Baxter.

With all episodes newly remastered from the best available sources, this Blu-ray box set also
contains extensive and exclusive special features which include:

  • Immersive 5.1 surround sound – The Deadly Assassin
  • Brand new audio commentaries – Tom Baker and Matthew Sweet on selected episodes of
    The Face of Evil and The Talons of Weng-Chiang.
  • Behind the Sofa – New episodes with Tom Baker, Louise Jameson, Philip Hinchcliffe, plus
    companions Sophie Aldred and Peter Purves.
  • Our Sarah Jane – Elisabeth Sladen Tribute – A feature-length look at the life and career of
    Sarah Jane Smith, played by Elisabeth Sladen.
  • Whose Doctor Who Revisited – Toby Hadoke meets the producers and grown-up stars of
    the very first Who Documentary.
  • In Conversation – Matthew Sweet chats to producer Philip Hinchcliffe.
  • Blu-Ray trailer – Louise Jameson has trouble with her new home assistant.
  • Brand new interviews
  • Rare archive material
  • Convention footage
  • HD photo galleries

The eight-disc box set also includes hours of extensive special features previously released on DVD.

DOCTOR WHO: THE COLLECTION – SEASON 14 stars Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor, Elisabeth
Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith and Louise Jameson as Leela. The Master reappears in The Deadly
Assasin, played by Peter Pratt. RRP: £56.16

Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD, Featured



  • Dr. Help Me

    July 24th, 2020 - 10:55am

    I’ve just opened my copy of the limited edition season 23 (bought from Zoom) and now it won’t shut again properly. Because it’s sold out, what do you think my best port of action is?

    • Rob W

      July 24th, 2020 - 3:14pm

      Unless you can get a copy elsewhere, you’ll maybe have to return it for a full refund, or you could ask for a partial credit.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 24th, 2020 - 8:24pm

      First and foremost contact Zoom and explain your dilemma to them

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 24th, 2020 - 8:26pm

      Why won’t it close?

      Are the disk trays out of alignment? Might be fixable or is it physically damaged?

    • Dr. Help Me

      July 25th, 2020 - 9:30am

      Bobby Farrel, i think it might be that the disc tray is so far out, it’s stopping it from closing, and trust me I have no intention of trying to fix something that’s limited edition.

    • Coleman

      July 27th, 2020 - 2:38pm

      Who’s Bobby Farrell.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 27th, 2020 - 10:23pm

      Will Farrel’s uncle?

    • Anonymous

      July 28th, 2020 - 6:22pm

      *Bobby Fackrell, perhaps?

    • Coleman

      July 29th, 2020 - 12:13pm

      Yes it’s Bobby Fackrell, just having a bit of fun

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 31st, 2020 - 7:21pm

      So I’m Bobby Farrell?

    • Dr. Help Me

      August 1st, 2020 - 8:03pm

      Bobby Fackrell, you can be whatever you want to be mate, it was just my autocorrect.

    • Coleman

      August 1st, 2020 - 8:54pm

      Yes Bobby Fackrell,
      I noticed when Dr. Help Me replied to your comment he slightly misspelt your name.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      August 2nd, 2020 - 6:09pm

      Farrell may be a Bobby but I am The Bobby, the definite article you might say

  • Sarge

    July 23rd, 2020 - 4:26am

    I just wish the team would give us an update on the sets. A good PR and Marketing team makes all the difference in excitement for a product. Keeping us in the dark on these releases for so long outside the 14 re-release is unprecedented. Even in the midst of the pandemic companies are finding ways to continue production while staying safe, what’s the deal here?Anyone else share the same sentiment about a progress report from the BBC?

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 23rd, 2020 - 7:08am

      Not at all

      The delay is completely understandable. A lot of very hard work goes into these sets and production has been severely hampered.

      The release of 14 was virtually on the eve of lockdown and look at the issues when it got released

      We will be lucky to get another this year and if we do it will be several months away

      No one is doing it on purpose they probably are not able to say when they can release the next set.

      Be patient

    • Gordon

      July 23rd, 2020 - 11:44am

      They have no obligation to reveal plans or what’s happening until a date and time they feel comfortable with. Most people working on these sets are politely asked not to reveal what they are working on until the press release and details are revealed. With the situation they would be able to do picture and sound restoration at home however when it comes to the new special features it’s where they would have struggled. Pretty much every cast member pre Peter era were told by the government to stay at home and you have Colin and Sylvester who also fall into the age category and Peter isn’t that far off it. Janet had breast cancer too which would make her a risk. Majority of the new extras are recorded at either studios or at locations and it’s a bit hard to record in studios or in locations when they have been told to stay at home. Scanning the pdfs would also have been an issue as well due to the place where the documents being held is effectively a library and therefore had been shut . I’d love to know officially what they are doing and I’m sure when they are ready to do so they will.

    • SamWho

      July 23rd, 2020 - 12:38pm

      They have great PR and marketing they have no news to give us when it’s announced it will sell they don’t need to tell us before it’s ready because stuff may go wrong like a Worldwide virus
      Also the cast and crew are all over 50 so it’s not safe to get them to film extras and trailers yet
      I’m fine with waiting they will come eventually

    • Timelord44

      July 23rd, 2020 - 7:46pm

      If I was them I would spend the rest of this year re-releasing the earlier releases, if only in standard packaging. No production of special features needed and gives people a chance to fill any gaps. Keeps interest alive and satisfies those who have missed out.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 24th, 2020 - 6:28am

      But even that is logistically difficult look at what happened with 14. And they are re-releasing it in a few days aren’t they?

      Even re-releases still need to be made and shipped to order.

      There’s plenty of other releases such as Power of the Daleks, Fury From the Deep and new series six coming out to keep interest alive

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 25th, 2020 - 4:32am

      When I was a kid it was on once a week and when you missed it you missed it. We had target books and annuals. Videos were coming in but they were expensive and there was about one Who release about once a year.

      If you showed me these lavish boxsets I would have had a heart attack, people don’t know how lucky they are these days just to get any classic Who at the touch of a button is mind blowing enough but who series in a box, remastered with tons of extras. Usually 4 released a year and they still moan about it

  • Gordon

    July 15th, 2020 - 12:27am

    It’s over 6 months since we last had an announcement. Reissue announcement excluded.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 15th, 2020 - 8:54am

      It’s understandable but I’m more than happy with 26 and 14 and really looking forward to Power of the Daleks and Fury for the Deep

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 15th, 2020 - 8:55am

      Oh and Faceless Ones too

    • Lege

      July 15th, 2020 - 9:37am

      This saddens me.

    • Denis

      July 18th, 2020 - 6:52pm

      I would like to see season 13 released next to complete the Hinchcliffe era, the best Who ever made IMO. Pyramids of Mars, brain of morbius… unlikely though I should think. We could also do with some more Pertwee, love season 9. It would also be great to get some Hartnell or Troughton, it would be fantastic if they colourised the episodes, with an option to watch in original B&W on the menu. Imagine the added depth colour would bring if done well. I guess everyone has their own personal wishlist, the BBC should read this forum!

    • daz

      July 18th, 2020 - 8:17pm

      I see Season 13 as being the final Tom Baker release in this range in about 4 years. All good things come to those who wait and it will be the most popular set I think.

      No to them doing Colour versions of B&W. I don’t even watch the animations in colour. Happy if they include a feature or 2 on the fans that make them and their versions (that can be seen on Youtube). The budget needs to go elsewhere in the range.

      But yeah. As fans we all have our wishes.

      Hopefully we will get at least 1 more set this year. Although I’d love more it is currently unlikely.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 19th, 2020 - 8:17am

      I think 13 will come a lot earlier personally, they are releasing the most popular series’ first such as 10, 12, 15, 26 all fan favourites, they also tend do series which are quite close together, 10 and 12 with 11 rumoured, 13 would complete the run to 14. However we are getting through the Tom’s so it won’t be too long either way. I agree there is unlikely to be many more this year, hopefully one in the winter to watch with our Christmas decorations

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 19th, 2020 - 9:51am

      Obviously I meant 14 not 15 phone’s fault

    • Prof Horner

      July 19th, 2020 - 11:22am

      Well if season 13 comes out in four years I will be in to my sixties! So I hope we don’t have to wait for that season so long ! My hope for the next few releases is another Pertwee , hopefully a Troughton and a Baker T. Let’s lay off eighties Who for a while.

    • Coleman

      July 20th, 2020 - 9:18pm

      Tonight, I’ve Just watched an old episode of Randall and Hopkirk on the Sony channel, and low and behold both Roger Delgado and Nicolas Courtney both made an appearance in the same episode.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 23rd, 2020 - 7:09am

      I watched an All Creatures Great and Small with the Brig the other day, he committed suicide after losing his dog, very sad ☹️

    • Coleman

      July 26th, 2020 - 4:56pm

      Yes, and lf I’m correct All Creatures Great and Small featured the old 5th Doctor Peter Davison aswell.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 26th, 2020 - 6:46pm

      It did, the reason JNT cast him was having worked with him on Creatures

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 29th, 2020 - 8:42am

      However when I watch All Creatures I always think if you need to cast a Doctor surely Robert Hardy is the one you want?

    • Coleman

      July 29th, 2020 - 1:03pm

      Bobby Fackrell,
      Yes, I see what you mean, way back then Peter Davison wouldn’t be an obvious choice. I thought the same about Sylvester McCoy aswell, not an obvious choice in the late 80s.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      August 1st, 2020 - 10:49pm

      I love McCoy but he was my Doctor as a kid. For me by far the best of the JNT castings. Peter Davison himself thought he was miscast. The problem was the writing slipped under Seaward’s guard and no one actually knew how they wanted Davison to play it. His best performances as the Doctor for me was his first and last 4 to Doomsday and Caves

  • Bushboy

    July 14th, 2020 - 11:57pm

    The Australian version of this set was due out in New Zealand today but has now been delayed until the 22nd.
    Oh well, only another week to wait….

  • Neill Stringer

    July 11th, 2020 - 6:20pm

    I wonder if there will be any word soon on what the next box set will be or do you think that’s it until the lockdown is over.

    Eager to hear what the next season will be

    • Sarge

      July 11th, 2020 - 7:14pm

      I was thinking the same thing. Have they possibly had to switch up the release schedule and work on an easier season?

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 11th, 2020 - 10:23pm

      I believe 17 will be brought forward however I still think it will be a few months until the production of these sets in back to normal

    • Stuart

      July 12th, 2020 - 1:14pm

      I think the next box up for release is S20, there were just a couple of extras left to film. No word from 2entertain of a release date though. Don’t think we’ll see anything this side of October though. Wouldn’t have thought the lockdown would have affected them too much…. Fantom are restarting their signing sessions in a fortnight, so doesn’t seem the actors are averse to working again…..

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 12th, 2020 - 3:22pm

      I believe it was 20 but that was apparently delayed before the pandemic and still needs filming for the special features which they probably still cannot do yet, was there not overseas stuff planned for the documentary too? 17 is rumoured to have a lot of special features banked so most of the remaining restoration work could probably be done remotely but we are not out of the woods yet and even when we are people need to appreciate the production has been delayed so it could still be several months before we get an announcement

    • Gordon

      July 12th, 2020 - 11:01pm

      Well if it ain’t this coming week I can’t see it being announced till august. Next week is too close to the release of the power se and the week after is just a day after the release of power. If they announced it then I feel it would over shadow the power release.

      The issue with announcing the collection releases is that when they announce the next release they include a trailer of footage of the new extras and a list of the new features. Bit difficult when can’t film at the moment and it maybe some time before they can. Even if they get the ok to film it maybe weeks or months of scheduling and Planning before they can start shooting. The pitched road trip to Amsterdam could be a while away as it could be months before they could be allowed to film in the 4 countries that they would be travelling through. If it’s a significant amount of time before they can film it they may decide to push it to either Season 21 or just can it completely. You’ve also got to take into account the health and ages of the cast members. A lot of them are at least 50s and 60s. Even Sophie who is who is the youngest surviving companion is 57. Janet also had breast cancer a while back. They are dangerously close to the at risk category. If I was in charge of the range I wouldn’t want them to rush back ASAP until it’s completely safe. On a more positive note Toby Hadoke recorded a “Dvd commentary” on Friday done remotely from home. No mention on what 1 it is for but I guess it might be for fury.

      I think it’s been overstated what has been done for season 17. What I’ve heard is that lalla did a city of death commentary and some interviews as she was due to move to the other side of the world. That is all and Season 17 is a long way from being ready. I don’t think they can move much forward. They only have the pdfs ready for the next 2 releases according to Richard Bignell (and 1 of them is probably 20) and the written archive where all the written material is kept may or may not have reopened yet.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 13th, 2020 - 9:31am

      Is it not true that Catherine Schnell also recorded material for a City of Death documentary?

    • Gordon

      July 13th, 2020 - 9:41am

      She was part of the commentary along with lalla. It was Catherine that was the 1 the leaked the info about the commentary

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 13th, 2020 - 3:06pm

      What a wonderful butler, he’s so violent

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 15th, 2020 - 9:34pm

      Bonnie Langford is the youngest surviving companion isn’t she? Age 55

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 22nd, 2020 - 8:52pm

      She’s 56 now

    • Gordon

      July 23rd, 2020 - 11:48am

      I kind of forgot bonnie was younger than sophie. Not that I’m expecting s24 to be recording material any time soon. Sylvester is holed up in France and season 26 really wasn’t that long ago.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 24th, 2020 - 9:37am

      And season 24 is dreadful apart from Delta and the Bannermen

    • Prowl1701

      July 24th, 2020 - 9:15pm

      I actually really like dragon fire except for that odd scene with Seven hanging by his umbrella.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 25th, 2020 - 7:56am

      But it’s a cliffhanger and he’s hanging off a cliff!

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 25th, 2020 - 8:10am

      Paradise Towers is okay actually, I like the concept, ideology and parody of High Rise, it’s a good script, poorly realised.

      Time and the Rani is a hard one to love though, actually the more I think of it series 24 might be better than series 22

  • Danny

    July 10th, 2020 - 5:56pm

    HMV have this back up for pre-order if anyone is still without one…

    • Peter

      July 10th, 2020 - 10:22pm

      Thanks for sharing this. I’ve just ordered it now.

  • bryan

    July 7th, 2020 - 7:58pm

    Just in case , some people missed them. This company had some in thier Stores, but could do nothing about it. I doubt there are many (3 in Norwich store) spread over. So get in quick if you missed out.

    Obviously dearer, than the Usual online stores, as they are an independant chain. But cheaper that many Ebay sellers.

  • booboo

    July 5th, 2020 - 9:57am

    could be a one of, returned or something, as far as i can see Amazon have not sent any of the latest batch out, no reports across SM of anyone else getting it early

  • booboo

    July 5th, 2020 - 9:55am

    as far as i can see Amazon have not sent any out, no reports across SM of anyone else getting it early

  • Tom

    July 4th, 2020 - 11:09pm

    Will there be copies of Season 14 available at Argos when it rereleases on 27th July?

  • Bobby Fackrell

    June 28th, 2020 - 7:04am

    It would be lovely if our restoration team could fly over to America and given them a hand upscaling Deep Space Nine

    • daz

      June 28th, 2020 - 7:21am

      It’s a shame TNG Bluray set didn’t make Paramount much money as was a great upgrade.

      Watched them on bbc2 once Who had died.
      And although I’m still yet to watch my set I’d have bought both DS9 and Voyager too.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      June 28th, 2020 - 9:30am

      Yes Deep Space Nine and The X Files were my two lifesavers after 1989

    • daz

      June 30th, 2020 - 10:09pm

      I loved Quantum Leap as well.
      Got the box set but yet to try rewatching it

    • Gordon

      July 1st, 2020 - 12:28am

      There really is some great releases of older sci fi shows on blu ray. Star Trek and next generation and the x files were great blu ray releases. Along with some of the Gerry Anderson blu rays (space 1999, ufo, Captain Scarlett and joe 90) the prisoner twin peaks to name but a few.

      I think cbs made a massive mistake making Star Trek the next generation the Hd remasters available to stream on Netflix far too soon. I do think with them having their own streaming service it would be a draw to have hd remasters of ds9 and voyager exclusively on their cbs all access for a year or 2 to recoup costs then a blu ray release after. Maybe if they end up selling the brand the next owners may decide to pony up the cash for it. After all there was this strange rumour of seth macfarlane buying it with NBC’s backing a few months back.

      Would love to own quantum leap on blu ray but at £90 I always have other things that I need to buy first. Out of 90s us shows I’d love Babylon 5 to get an hd remaster but it will probably be too costly. Secondly I’d vote for buffy. I know it was remastered in hd in 2015 but it’s remastering was an utter mess. As for uk shows Blake 7 is the obvious 1. Crime traveler is another. It’s essentially doctor who of it’s time. The last train as well (it was written by Matthew Graeme of life on mars fame). Non sci-fi I’d love the restoration team to tackle only fools and horses. It’s crying out to be remastered with the music edits fixed and any edits put back in.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 1st, 2020 - 8:56am

      Here here

      The only fools and horses DVD are a disgrace!

      Rather than adding things and enhancing the quality they cut chunks out

    • daz

      July 1st, 2020 - 9:35am


      I had X-files on dvd. Watched a couple then traded it. Bought hd version for £40 at CEX.

      A lot of stuff just sits on my shelf but glad I have it for my collection.

      I recently re-watched Red Dwarf 1 to 8. Really enjoyed it. Going back to my youth. I do cringe seeing modern ones as the cast are all old and it isn’t as funny.

      Wasn’t aware QL is available on BR.
      Will have a look into it. And I remember Crime Traveller too.

      Did you and Bobby watch Picard?
      Although not like TNG I really enjoyed it and seeing somd old faces.

    • Gordon

      July 1st, 2020 - 4:59pm

      The Dave era of red dwarf has been a bit of a mixed bag for me but I loved the recent special. Best thing they done since moving to Dave in my opinion.

      I did watch Picard. I quite liked it but i do feel there was room for improvement

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 1st, 2020 - 8:01pm

      I enjoyed Picard agree with Gordon could have been a bit better.

      I’ve got all the X Files on DVD from yester year but they are on Prime too, which looks like an upscale to me, definitely clearer than the DVD

    • MJS

      July 4th, 2020 - 5:27pm

      The QL blu rays have the original music put back as well. B5 is a contender for blu ray but would have to remain in 4:3.
      The ST:TNG hd had to go to streaming to make some of the money spent on it back.

    • The Monitor

      July 5th, 2020 - 6:15pm

      Having followed RD since 1990, I actually rather like the Dave era. It has the toughest challenge but I think I almost prefer it.

      RD and B7 I watch every two years. Perfect all round TV alongside DW.

      When you stop to think about it, how many programmes do you need to own?
      I used to think it 1500. I have reduced to 50. Wondering if 20 will do, and all I ever do is watch these three series over and over again rather than anything new…

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 27th, 2020 - 10:25pm

      Star Trek Original series one and TNG series one HD both on Prime for only 4.99 bargain they look great but it makes me sad DS9 never got the treatment ☹️

  • Antonio Zambonini

    June 23rd, 2020 - 10:58am

    Went too local fopps in Cambridge on Saturday and seems surprised they still had season 23 for 40 anyone after it best bet too go too ur fopps or this one

    • Serge8

      June 23rd, 2020 - 11:28am

      Hi Antonio.

      Did you by any chance see any copies of season 26 in Fopps?

    • Antonio Zambonini

      June 23rd, 2020 - 11:09pm

      Yes I did in London foops before lockdown but do now if it’s gone

    • Antonio Zambonini

      June 23rd, 2020 - 11:34pm

      Ment too say don’t know

    • Serge8

      June 24th, 2020 - 9:58am


  • Mark C.

    June 23rd, 2020 - 10:34am

    My order from Hive arrived in Australia today. Bit more expensive than others but proper cardboard packaging. (No jiffy bag). Perfect condition, not a dent! Never ordering these from zavvi again.

    On a side note for those down under I’d also recommend Got both S23 & 26 from them in the UK packaging.

    • Tegan’s distant cousin

      June 23rd, 2020 - 2:33pm

      That’s great news about Hive and I’ll certainly order from them in the future rather than mess around with Zavvi again. And thanks for that other recommendation too!

  • Joe 90

    June 23rd, 2020 - 9:52am

    Not sure if anyone has noticed but Amazon have changed the delivery date.

    On Sunday my Season 14 re-issue was due to be delivered today.

    Now it just shows item not yet dispatched and now there is no delivery date.

    Sadly I have had a bad experience with Amazon over the S12 re-release so this change doesn’t bode well !

    • booboo

      June 23rd, 2020 - 10:04am

      when the Amazon listing first went live they had a delivery date of the 22nd June (a mistake), they changed it within about an hour i think for the correct date, might explain why people are being charged and this delivery date shwoing for some if you ordered it straight away

  • Arcadia Resident

    June 23rd, 2020 - 5:47am

    Come on BBC let us at least know what the next release is going to be. I understand 14 is being rereleased but is that in place of the next.only ask as series 12 was rereleased and it didn’t interfere with series 14 coming out.All I am asking if the BBC could let us know what the next release will be.or is it a secret…ha ha.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      July 3rd, 2020 - 7:46pm

      There is a massive production delay due to the pandemic, Series 20 was strongly rumoured to be next but now it is believed the filming of one of the documentaries has been halted. Series 17 maybe a contender as a lot of the special features were banked a long time ago.

      The bottom line is there is a much bigger issue going on in the world right now, be thankful we managed to get 14 when we did!

  • Inquisitor

    June 21st, 2020 - 10:34pm

    Just checking, has anyone who pre-ordered the re-issue already been charged by Amazon ?, just noticed my card has been debited for this on the 20th June, very naughty of amazon, they should only charge when the items are shipping (my order doesn’t even say it’s preparing for despatch or anything)

    • Prowl 1701

      June 22nd, 2020 - 12:44am

      Same happened to me. Already hit my credit card.

    • philip Shaw

      June 22nd, 2020 - 8:19am

      Yes me too, left me totally skint…perhaps they are being cautious and ordering to already paid customers. Still annoying though.

    • The Monitor

      June 22nd, 2020 - 9:16am

      Thank you for the heads up. If this guarantees a copy its one thing. First time they have ever done this. Let’s just hope that our firm and paid up front orders that Amazon share the numbers the BBC ensure enough copies are made and the right people get them.

  • Serge8

    June 20th, 2020 - 10:33pm

    Hello everyone. Can anyone tell me if Australian version of Doctor Who The Collection Season 26 is the same as the UK one? Unfortunately, due to Covid pandemic I missed on this box set 🙁

    • Bushboy

      June 21st, 2020 - 12:01am

      The Australian release is not the same but is still much more nicely packaged than the US version.
      Basically a Digibook inside a slipcase.
      It has most of the same artwork and booklet etc but it doesn’t have the booklet holder with the TARDIS control room inside. It is also slightly smaller so will not 100% match the look of the UK sets on your shelf.
      The first two releases in Australia were identical to the UK and I was slightly annoyed when they changed the design for subsequent releases but I have to say I actually prefer the new style packaging now. I’m hoping Season 12 and Season 19 might one day have a re-release in the same style.

    • Serge8

      June 22nd, 2020 - 8:21am

      Thank you very much Bushboy!

  • David

    June 20th, 2020 - 1:13pm

    Hi All! Just a quick tip, if you have a hmv local to you, always check if they have any in store, as I know I preordered one and i assumes it was cancelled, however turns out it was allocated to my local store even though I did eventually cancel it. There is at least 1 set in HMV Banbury in Oxfordshire, if anyone local to that place wants a set and could get one. This may be the case with a couple of other stores just worth noting.

  • Bobby Fackrell

    June 18th, 2020 - 3:32pm

    ‘How long before we can see the next box set?’
    ‘The next box set Count?’
    ‘I want to see it today!’
    ‘Today Count?’
    ‘Yes today!’

    • James17

      June 19th, 2020 - 9:18pm

      Is this an inside joke or have I missed something
      Are people saying the next boxset announcement soon or did I just not get a joke‍♂️

    • Joe 90

      June 24th, 2020 - 1:04pm

      James 17…I think it’s a spin on a quote from City of Death when the Count is talking to Professor Kerensky about his experiment.

  • RPG74

    June 16th, 2020 - 4:20pm

    For those of you who can’t be bothered to read below, Season 14 is once again available on HMV for pre-order.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      June 16th, 2020 - 6:43pm

      Watch the blood pressure my friend
      You will not stop people complaining, I have already established they will continue to moan even when these box sets are readily available from multiple sources
      With the exception of 14 for obvious reasons has anyone who has preordered any of these sets missed out?
      They are limited editions if you wait till after the release date you risk missing it

    • Philip Shaw

      June 16th, 2020 - 6:55pm

      I always pre order as soon as they are site from Zoom or Amazon and had problems so far…got every one. Didn’t bother getting season 12 re issue as I had the original release.

    • RPG74

      June 16th, 2020 - 7:07pm

      I thank you for your concerns regarding my blood pressure Bobby Fackrell, but I was being tongue in cheek, not aggressive. Although I wouldn’t go so far as to criticise anyone on these boards, I do, however, agree with your last statement. If anyone wanted the set and could not procure it, now’s the time. As of 7.00pm, it is still available via HMV.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      June 16th, 2020 - 10:05pm

      I said I found it

    • RPG74

      June 16th, 2020 - 11:21pm

      I reposted the reply before you read it.

  • Antonio Zambonini

    June 16th, 2020 - 3:57pm

    Hmv got their back up on preorder

    • RPG74

      June 16th, 2020 - 7:03pm

      I thank you for your concerns regarding my blood pressure Bobby Fackrell, but I was being tongue in cheek, not aggressive. Although I wouldn’t go so far as to criticise anyone on these boards, I do, however, agree with your last statement. If anyone wanted the set and could not procure it, now’s the time. As of 7.00pm, it is still available via HMV.

    • RPG74

      June 16th, 2020 - 7:06pm

      Oops. My reply above belongs at the top of this page. Damned tablet.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      June 16th, 2020 - 7:17pm

      You’re okay mate I found it

    • Antonio Zambonini

      June 18th, 2020 - 3:48pm

      Always seems good advice too look round this time as now amazon have got it back up for anyone after it

    • RPG74

      June 18th, 2020 - 5:29pm

      They’re selling on Amazon for £129.99. I don’t think anyone here would be interested in paying a price like that. Though they’re currently gone at retail price on both sites, it wouldn’t surprise me if both HMV and Amazon stagger the pre-orders over the next five weeks. I should expect to see it popping back up again soon, at RRP.

    • Antonio Zambonini

      June 19th, 2020 - 3:14pm

      Yea and was rrp price but sold out quick because it ain’t a easy waiting game on it once it’s gone it’s gone and no way I help others out at that price too buy it

  • Tegan’s distant cousin

    June 16th, 2020 - 3:36am

    Has anybody who received a damaged boxset from Zavvi had any luck getting a refund from them? Despite sending them photographic evidence of the damage, they are refusing to compensate me unless I return the set, which of course I really don’t want to do considering how long I waited for it and the fact that it will be so hard to get my hands on another copy without paying scalper prices on eBay. Zavvi’s customer service, as well as their terrible packaging, leaves a lot to be desired.

    Or am I being unreasonable and should just put up with the fact that if I want to own this box set I should just be happy to have a damaged copy that I paid full price for?

    • Rob W

      June 16th, 2020 - 7:24am

      I’d politely ask if they’d consider a goodwill gesture and offer a credit for a future any purchase but that they improve the packaging so any future purchases arrive undamaged.

    • Bicky

      June 16th, 2020 - 8:28am

      I have had a complete nightmare with Zavvi. Trying to get a refund for a damaged Set is still ongoing. Customer service, like their packaging, is rubbish.

    • Pol

      June 16th, 2020 - 11:46am

      Zavvi do not care. I have had it out with them several times about the thin envelopes they use. Even Amazon have used plastic envelopes but mostly they use cardboard. Zoom seem to pack better but the best place to buy is Argos and collect it but no good until they start selling them again. Zavvi offered me 10% discount or a refund, they can’t offer a replacement because they always sell out of them. If the stupid idiots at Zavvi only packed them properly in the first place we would all be happy.

    • MJS

      June 16th, 2020 - 11:57am

      You’re in the catch 22 position. The company have offered to refund you, but you have to return the box set. They’re basically saying if you’re happy to keep the set, you don’t want a refund. I’d try to get another from the new reissue and once youve got it, send the damaged one back for your refund, as they’ve already agreed to it.

    • Rob W

      June 16th, 2020 - 3:31pm

      Yes MJS that’s great advice, but you might only have 30 days to do so.

    • RPG74

      June 16th, 2020 - 3:57pm

      Zaavi’s packaging policy is a problem, but their solution to customer complaints is not entirely unreasonable. They’re not sentimental like us. As far as they’re concerned, the product is the discs, not the packaging; therefore if you want a full refund then you have to return them. You can’t expect to keep eight intact, perfectly functioning discs AND get back the forty quid you paid for them. That’s crazy. I’m not defending them-given the complaints on these boards, i’ll be sure never to purchase from them-but I can see that point of view.
      As for anyone wanting a reissue set now, the situation appears bleak, but on the other hand who knows?. They don’t seem to be selling on Amazon at the moment, but that could be a temporary situation given how the sets don’t release until the end of July. I’d keep checking there, daily, on the off-chance they reappear, right up to the July date. It’s unlikely, but at least possible. And perhaps people here could check out their local hmvs, on release date. Just because they appear to be sold out online, doesn’t mean they won’t have one or two sets in store, on the day. Again, that is extremely unlikely, but given how the lockdown has turned everything back to front, it’s at least possible.

    • RPG74

      June 16th, 2020 - 4:08pm

      Ah, whaddya know? No sooner have I finished writing the above, that I see Season 14, BACK on HMV, ready for preorder again. I could have saved myself-and you-that whole second paragraph!
      Hope that those who want it, including you Tegan’s distant cousin, ORDER IT RIGHT NOW.

    • Tegan’s distant cousin

      June 17th, 2020 - 1:35am

      Thanks for all the thoughts about my situation, and I can see both sides. I should have also mentioned that I’m in Australia and to the best of my knowledge Zavvi and Hive – whom I’ll try next time – are the only UK retailers who will deliver stuff to Australia and they have both sold out. So unfortunately getting it from Amazon UK, Zoom, Argos, HMV etc is not an option for me – I’ve tried!

      In the past I’ve been able to get the sets for a reasonable price from eBay, but I really don’t want to this time as it’s insanely expensive (the best price I can find is twice the original price) and I don’t want to encourage the scalpers anyway. There is the upcoming Australian release, but the local distributor changed the style of the packaging after sets 12 and 20, and I’m sure most of you can appreciate how frustrating that might be as a collector!

      Never mind – I’ll continue to check eBay and I’ll continue to hassle Zavvi. In the past I have had success from retailers who have refunded in full for damaged items without expecting the items to be returned, so maybe I’ll get lucky.

    • daz

      June 17th, 2020 - 10:31am

      Tegan’s Distant Cousin.

      Do you have any relatives or contacts in UK who could pre-order the sets for you then post them out with extra safe packaging?

      Not sure what postage would be of course/packaging costs.

      Although I’m in the UK I think we all have the worry of the box arriving damaged or dinted. Knowing that we can’t get replacements. And must be even more stressful being thousands of miles away.

    • Robert W

      June 17th, 2020 - 6:36pm

      they’ve been known to refund between 5-15%, go for as much as you can. they send stuff is jiffy bags and it always gets damaged

    • Tegan’s distant cousin

      June 18th, 2020 - 1:11am

      It looks like I’ll be getting 20% back from them – persistence pays off! They must figure that the money they save on poor packaging is more than what they have to refund to people for receiving damaged items, because the process of getting a refund is tiresome and I’m guessing a lot of people don’t bother. So I hope that everybody who does get stuff from them in unacceptable condition does hold them to account as maybe one day they will improve things. In the meantime, hopefully I won’t have to use them again, but it is tricky getting these sets in Australia so who knows.

  • Danny

    June 14th, 2020 - 11:51am

    It is now sold out on HMV… I think the system of one-per-customer should be applied to any future releases… if people want more than one they should order from more than one retailer i.e. Amazon and HMV… but with scalpers where there’s a will there’s a way.

    I wonder if the eBay prices will slump in light of the re-release?

    • Danny

      June 14th, 2020 - 11:56am

      One seller on eBay has 20 listed for £90 each plus P+P… Suppose if you can order these sets in bulk the results are clear. If there are any future Baker releases i.e. Season 13 they need to keep an eye on demand… I think season 20 will also be popular as well seeing as it will include the 5 doctors…

    • Anonymous

      June 14th, 2020 - 7:02pm

      I imagine seasons 7 and 13 will be a nightmare

    • Bobby Fackrell

      June 14th, 2020 - 9:11pm

      But it’s still on sale on Amazon why all the fuss?

      I got mine first time around but this has now been on sale or several days and we had two days warning it was coming I don’t understand what the fuss is about? If you want it, order it. Why do people wait days or weeks for a limited edition to sell out and then complain it has sold out?

    • Bobby Fackrell

      June 14th, 2020 - 9:27pm

      All of these box sets will sell out and end up on ebay even series 24!

      Also how do you know that series 20 will include The Five Doctors? It’s highly likely but you cannot really say it will until it has been confirmed by the team.

      We don’t even know series 20 is next anymore as recently rumours suggest it has been delayed

    • daz

      June 14th, 2020 - 10:26pm


      Coz The Five Doctors is the 20th Anniversary story. So it has to appear on the Season 20 box set. Season 20 and Five (although 8 months later) were broadcast in 1983.

      Season 21 was broadcast in 1984, yes a mere 6 weeks after Five but just wouldn’t make sense.

      Both Seasons have 7 stories too if it is done this way so no doubt will be 8 disc sets.

      As for what is coming next it is unclear. I just hope we get at least 2 more sets this year. But 1 is more likely unfortunately due to the pandemic.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      June 14th, 2020 - 10:45pm

      Yes I understand the logic and it almost certainly will be part of the 20 box set but my point was you cannot confirm what will be on a future box set only speculate and I also believe that the people who are bulk buying to sell on ebay probably don’t know limited edition series 20 of Doctor Who from limited edition Eastenders Greatest Weddings and Deaths box set.

      My overall point is none of these box sets sell out on the day they are released it’s usually weeks or months later. Series 14 was the exception because of Covid-19 and give them their credit they re- released it and it is still on sale on Amazon right now for the proper price and people are still complaining that is what I cannot get my head around!

    • Gordon

      June 15th, 2020 - 1:18am

      HMV is still showing available for preorder

    • Liam

      June 15th, 2020 - 4:57pm

      With regards season 20, JNT in his memoirs pointed out that from a financial point of view the Five Drs was the start of production for season 21 (despite the filming dates being closer to the end of season 20). However he acknowledged that fans viewed it as the end of season 20. From what most people would expect, it probably should be released with season 20 as that was the actual anniversary season and the five Doctors Is the anniversary special to close the celebrations and All shown in 1983. Also that balances the sets as both seasons 20 and 21 would work out as being the same as 26 episode runs. So yes i think the five Drs should be season 20.

    • RPG74

      June 15th, 2020 - 8:45pm

      All gone on Amazon.

  • ChrisP

    June 13th, 2020 - 8:09pm

    Great to see a reissue so that people who missed out first time round can enjoy this fantastic set.

    • The Monitor

      June 14th, 2020 - 9:11am

      I think the majority must have missed out. It is the first BBC release ever that I have not managed to get since 1985. It makes no sense for Amazon pre-orders not to be fore filled and for Argos to barely get any. I can understand if something sells out after a week or two

      It makes no commercial sense whatsoever for the BBC to go to all the effort of behind these releases and have the only version so limited. Understandable to do three versions of Faceless, and each series and make the steel-book limited.

      Personally, I hope this isn’t given the second edition treatment, because now people will be buying this version again for a slightly different spine picture. Some people will have two versions and some none and that’s before all the eBay traders buy it for the wrong reasons.

      Let alone the profiteering on genuine fans, the other issue eBay traders and Amazon traders cause is a demand profile that is difficult for retailers to understand and plan production volumes. This is very evident with B&M stuff. A massive surge then the trading continues from non B&M sources for a while, then a bit of both. Its no wonder us fans end up with insufficient copies or surplus availability.

    • Rob W

      June 14th, 2020 - 4:23pm

      Amazon were prioritising orders so unfortunatly many missed out. My opnion is that some of the stock got ‘lost’, my boxset was delivered to the local Post Office Depot and I couldn’t collect it so I received a refund and goodwill credit courtessy of Amazon..

      It will be released as a second edition but perhaps any of those ‘lost’ first editions might yet turn up as HMV and no doubt Argos are soon to re-open.

      My advice is don’t pay other the odds for anything, but it’s your money folks.

  • Mark

    June 13th, 2020 - 12:10pm

    I wouldn’t trust the BBC as far as I could throw them, they re-release these for financial benefit only, they are disingenuous when they cite the fans as the reason. I think 14 was in short supply because Argos was closed and didn’t have them for home delivery. Anyone know why Zavvi took two months longer than anyone else to delivery 12? Who else gets hacked off at these items being sent in flimsy bags making it a lottery whether your precious collectors’ item is dented. The whole distribution of these box sets is a sham and a constant worry for us.

    • Bicky

      June 13th, 2020 - 12:27pm

      Zavvi are the worst offenders for sending them in flimsy envelopes. Trying to get a refund/replacement is near impossible. Trust me-bad experience

    • Rob W

      June 13th, 2020 - 1:06pm

      If the BBC are releasing these sets to boost their finances I have no problem with that. The COVID-19 situation has unfortunatly meant delays to many ‘non-priority’ items, as far as I’m concerned limiting orders to 1 to 3 boxsets ought to mean more fans get these boxsets.

    • Dave C

      June 13th, 2020 - 1:48pm

      They should stop marketing them as “limited edition packaging” they know that was a mistake when they decided to reprint 12. If I buy an art work that says 23 of 500 I do not expect it ever to be produced again, how can this be any different.

    • Gerry

      June 13th, 2020 - 2:07pm

      Well if it’s selling well then why not? If these releases are a success then they will continue to do more. The BBC don’t owe it to anyone to spend a fortune on these and then sell them for peanuts. I just bought the long awaited blu-ray for V, and The Final Battle. Arguably one the best sci-fi series of the 1980’s. No new bonus features and the with laziest sleeve art you could produce for it, absolutely devoid of effort. I’m pretty grateful to the Beeb for the quality of content in these vintage releases, there’s not many organisations that would put in this much thought.

    • JR

      June 13th, 2020 - 2:39pm

      Mark – if you hate the BBC so much then you must stop buying these blu-rays immediately. Anything else is sheer hypocrisy. I do envy you, though, as I have much more in my life to “constantly worry” about than these box sets.

    • Gordon

      June 13th, 2020 - 9:22pm

      These are produced by the business arm of the bbc. It’s essentially their job to make money out of it. If you don’t like it don’t buy it

    • Jess

      June 13th, 2020 - 10:06pm

      Wow Mark you managed to hit JR’s raw nerve. I too worry whether I will get the whole collection. Had a two month delay for Zavvi to deliver season 12 and then as you rightly say it came in a thin envelope. I think we can worry about these box sets and worry about more important things as well.

    • [email protected]

      June 13th, 2020 - 10:16pm

      Also has it occured to anyone that it could have been underproduced to what standards numbers were expected for release due to Covid-19. After All it was due out late April before being pushed back 2 weeks at the offset of the Pandemic.

      They stated that was the same reason for why Season 12 (another popular Tom Baker season as well as his first), is it beyond the realms of rational thought that an accidental low amount produced would see the BBC re-release Season 14 too.

    • Anonymous

      June 14th, 2020 - 7:49am

      I don’t think you can blame the BBC for the way your boxset is packaged when it is posted to you…

    • MJS

      June 14th, 2020 - 10:48am

      Gerry, off topic but I didn’t know V was on blu ray. It is region free?

    • Robert W

      June 14th, 2020 - 12:34pm

      It was all due to Covid19, they produced as many as they could, unfortunately lots of preorders got cancelled

    • RPG74

      June 14th, 2020 - 6:52pm

      Ah V…. Those were the days. And therefore, quite a tempting purchase. But I think, given the relatively high price of the blu rays (including import fees, for those of us in Blighty) i’ll stick to my Standard Def Amazon Video versions for now. I’d love to see a UK HD release, though.
      On the topic of Who season 14, I agree with the majority on these boards who favour the re-release. Pandemic, anyone? Have to say, i’m astonished that anyone would object.

    • Gerry

      June 14th, 2020 - 11:10pm

      Yes, the Blu-ray is region free. The mini series and the Final Battle are sold as separate sets. Picture and audio are excellent, well worth the upgrade from the DVD. Sadly no new extras, but highly enjoyable all the same. I think buying these Dr Who sets sets a level of expectation that just isn’t matched when it comes to bonus content.

    • MJS

      June 15th, 2020 - 6:31pm

      Thanks Gerry that’s great news (for me!). Agreed Dr Who fans are spoilt for extras, and overall product. Theres not many old cult TV shows that get the level of work and love that Dr Who releases get

  • Lia

    June 12th, 2020 - 8:56pm

    Is it just me, or does the ordering system on the HMV site not work? When I add the Blu Ray to my basket it shows as being in the basket, but when I click to pay it shows as my basket being empty. I’ve tried three different devices so far and it’s the same on all of them.

    • Rob W

      June 13th, 2020 - 11:36am

      Maybe try on Monday when they are opening 90 odd of their stores buddy.

    • Pol

      June 13th, 2020 - 12:20pm

      HMV is working, I used paypal – I wouldn’t wait too long.

  • skaroman

    June 12th, 2020 - 3:02pm

    Do you think they’ll announce the next set near July 27th then?

    • daz

      June 12th, 2020 - 4:31pm

      I think so with an end of September or October release.

      Although there’s still more of a chance of the Series 6 steelbook announcement at this stage.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      June 14th, 2020 - 9:44pm

      No I don’t

  • Gordon

    June 12th, 2020 - 10:20am

    Limited to 1 per customer on hmv and 3 on amazon

    • Rob W

      June 12th, 2020 - 10:27am

      At last a sensible solution.

  • Anonymous

    June 12th, 2020 - 9:16am

    So great this is coming back!

  • Anonymous

    June 12th, 2020 - 8:59am

    Just woke up—meant to lie a bit longer. Just grabbed mine from Amazon!


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