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Doctor Who Tenth Doctor Crystal Tardis
Available to order in the UK and USA from www.doctorwhocrystals.com
David Tennant 2005 – 2010
10th Doctor (David Tennant) Crystal TARDIS is the latest collectible creation from the Crystal Carvings Collection. Crystal Carvings begins by masterfully carving only the highest quality Crystal to create the unique shape of the TARDIS, known and loved by Whovians the world over. Using proprietary technology, Crystal Carvings uses five different crystal layers to crafts multiple accent pieces to give the TARDIS a rich centerpiece look!
The most captivating feature of this crystal TARDIS is the 3D laser-engraved image of the 10th Doctor (David Tennant) in the center, which captures him in a classic pose. Crystal Carvings carefully engraves the crystals exterior for a highly detailed and authentic look. The Crystal TARDIS comes with and sits on top of a beautiful custom blue LED display stand that makes every inch of the TARDIS glow.
Waking on Christmas Day in his new form, the Doctor fought the Sycorax high above London, where he lost a hand but grew a new one with remnant regenerative power.Travelling with Rose and Mickey he battled Cybermen, werewolves and possibly, the Devil itself. Losing Rose in a parallel universe – but later leaving her with a half-human clone of himself – the Doctor travelled on.
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