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February 20th, 2025 1 comment

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Doctor Who Spectral Scream 15th Doctor Audio CD

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Michelle Asante reads this brand new adventure for the Fifteenth Doctor and Belinda.

“A piercing shriek ruptured the silence. The agonised howl of a creature in deep, shattering pain. That haunting, spectral scream.”

When a psychic shriek for help nearly overwhelms the TARDIS, the Doctor and Belinda track the source to a distant planet. There they find a sentient, telepathic bioship named Adama and ragged colonists descended from the original crew. Adama is dying, and their spectral screams are growing strong enough to kill anyone in the vicinity.

When Adama crashed 100 years ago, it was with a great treasure on board, stolen from the ruthless Gangnax Imperium – technology that could either unite worlds or destroy them. If they are to save the bioship, the Doctor and Belinda must survive suspicious colonists, greedy bounty hunters and military forces determined to reclaim what’s theirs – before Adama’s final death throes destroy them all.

Michelle Asante reads Hannah Fergesen’s original novel featuring the Doctor, as played on TV by Ncuti Gatwa, and Belinda Chandra, as played on TV by Varada Sethu.

Categorised under: Audio stories, CD


1 comment

  • granto

    February 24th, 2025 - 12:58pm

    She’s done audio’s before we even seen her ion screen


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