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October 21st, 2010 98 comments

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Doctor Who Series 5 CD Soundtrack

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2010 is fast becoming a bonanza year for fans of Murray Gold’s great music for Doctor Who. The Series 4 – Specials release has entered the top 50 album chart and is the number one best selling soundtrack in the UK.

Now, just one month later the music for Series 5 is being released. With Matt Smith taking over as the eleventh Doctor this 2 CD set will cover all the great themes across this 13 part series including The Eleventh Hour and Victory Of The Daleks.

This eagerly awaited series 5 soundtrack from Silvascreen is due November 8th 2010. The track list can be seen below Murray Golds thoughts on the album.

The tracklist…


1. Doctor Who XI

2. Down To Earth
3. Little Amy
4. Fish Custard
5. Can I Come With You?
6. Little Amy: The Apple
7. The Sun’s Gone Wibbly
8. Zero
9. I Am The Doctor
10. The Mad Man With A Box
11. Amy In The TARDIS

12. The Beast Below
13. Amy’s Theme
14. A Lonely Decision

15. A Tyrannical Menace
16. Victory Of The Daleks
17. Battle In The Sky

18. River’s Path
19. The Time Of Angels

20. I Offer You My Daughter
21. Chicken Casanova
22. Signora Rosanna Calvierri
23. Cab For Amy Pond
24. The Vampires Of Venice

25. Wedded Bliss
26. The Dream

27. Rio de Cwmtaff
28. The Silurians


1. Paint
2. Vincent
3. Hidden Treasures
4. A Troubled Man
5. With Love, Vincent

6. Adrift In The TARDIS
7. Friends And Neighbours
8. Doctor Gastronomy
9. You Must Like It Here
10. A Useful Striker
11. A Painful Exchange
12. Kiss The Girl
13. Thank You Craig

14. River Runs Through It
15. Away On Horseback
16. Beneath Stonehenge
17. Who Else Is Coming
18. Amy And Rory
19. The Pandorica
20. Words Win Wars
21. The Life And Death Of Amy Pond
22. Amy’s Starless Life
23. Into The Museum
24. This Is Where It Gets Complicated
25. Roman Paradox
26. The Patient Centurion
27. The Same Sonic
28. Honey I’m Home
29. The Perfect Prison
30. A River Of Tears
31. The Sad Man With A Box
32. You And Me, Amy
33. The Big Day
34. I remember You
35. Onwards!

Murry Gold’s thoughts on the soundtrack…

Matt Smith’s Doctor fell out of the sky in Easter 2010: Square jawed, floppy fringed with a new theme, new clothes and a renovated TARDIS. The mood of the opening episode was fairy tale, desolate, orphaned- a lonely swing and a child’s windmill; an apple carved with a smiley face; the remnant of an absent mother; doors that no one had ever noticed and barking men walking yelling dogs.

Steven Moffat’s new vision of Doctor Who was everything anyone who had seen his previous episodes for the series might have hoped it would be. It was meticulously crafted, and introspective, yet somehow on an epic scale. It was romantic and funny, and it introduced some wonderful new characters. It was, of course, scary, sometimes sad but always, as Doctor Who should be, brimming with life. By the season’s finale, The Big Bang, we had been on a ride from the beginning of everything to the end of everything and back again. The music here is presented in episode order and should give a sense of roaming through this gigantic scope. It’s a second consecutive ‘double album’ (as they used to be called). The last one in the same format seemed popular with listeners, so Silva Screen have allowed another to sneak out their factory gates. If it’s too much, we’ll go back to singles.


1. Doctor Who Xl

Steven Moffat wanted a new theme. I wanted it to sound a bit reckless. It got a big brass riff at the front and a sped-up tempo. Should be played loud for best effect.

2-11 The Eleventh Hour

Most of the themes for the season were laid out in Episode One including Amy’s ‘child’ theme, the 7/4 beat rhythm of ‘I Am The Doctor’ and ‘The Mad Man With A Box.’ After reading the script, the most defining musical scenes seemed to be the Doctor selecting his clothes and, shortly after that, repelling the Atraxi. ‘I Am The Doctor’ dominated these moments musically and was never far away in all the ensuing episodes.

12-14 The Beast Below

This haunting episode had moments of real fun and also debuted ‘Amy’s Theme’. In the same way that in 2005 Rose’s theme didn’t evolve until she had travelled (and been changed) by The Doctor, so too Amy’s music speaks about leaving home and experiencing the wonders and magic of the universe with The Doctor by her side. 15-17 Victory Of The Daleks The first more or less completely orchestral episode of the run saw the Daleks in full multi-coloured throttle with a marvellous Churchill, dogfights, androids and an incensed Doctor. 18-19 The Time Of Angels / Flesh And Stone Surely the most terrifying of Steven Moffat’s most recent creations, those deadly Angels featured in a two-part story this time around. And this time they didn’t just dump their victims into the past. River was back, and Amy spent some memorable alone time with her new stony friends.

20-24 The Vampires of Venice

Constantly transfixing and beguiling, the Vampires quickened heartbeats up and down the country when they first appeared. And could the Doctor have looked any happier in their unreflecting presence. The main theme appeared in both the Doctor Who Prom at the Royal Albert Hall in 2010 and the Doctor Who Live tour later in the year.

25-26 Amy’s Choice

Just when you get the hang of writing the music for an epic adventure once a week, a bright spark comes and gives you two adventures in one episode as the Doctor, Rory and Amy faced an unenviable lose-lose between frothing pensioners and freezing suns. 27-28 The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood A classic Doctor Who story in every way, from the terrifying cliffhanger to the evocation of an underground reptilian junta, Chris Chibnall’s story had a very deliberate tone that grew out of the inflexible and contrary character of the Silurians. The musical phrase that represents them twists and turns quite stridently through both episodes.


1-5 Vincent And The Doctor
One of my favourite ever episodes of Doctor Who, Vincent was a little meditation on art and depression, disguised as a boisterous knockabout yarn. The music was mostly soulful and quirky, with swings between its ups and downs. The Doctor has tried to reassure doubtful artists of their lasting legacies before, but never to such devastating effect.

6-13 The Lodger

The lighter episodes are often the most difficult to score. They tend to move more quickly through their moods and scenes and offer greater variety. Gareth Roberts’ episode had jokes, suspense, a football match and a will-they won’t-they romantic plot. It was the only episode of the season to be recorded at Abbey Road.

14-35 The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang

No apologies for including so much music from the final two episodes of the season. They were simply the most ingenious and audacious of all Steven’s stories, as if he’d made a bet to write himself into the most impossible corner and then think his way out of it in the most entertaining way possible. Toby Haynes paced the action with a deft touch, suggesting that the music maintain a light, often wry distance and comic spirit, simultaneously steering through the shocking cliffhanger of Pandorica and, of course, epic speeches, battles, a wedding and a rousing reunion or two. Or possibly three. Always interesting, constantly surprising, these last episodes were a pleasure to write for, and perhaps that comes through in the music.

Once again, thank you for supporting the show and the music of the show. See you again in 2011.

Murray Gold, London 2010

Categorised under: CD, Music soundtracks



  • GallifreyRules

    September 28th, 2010 - 8:22pm

    the new doctor’s theme is called “i am the doctor”

  • dalek eternal

    September 28th, 2010 - 8:08am

    i dont know whether to buy this or not how much is it?

  • who crazy!

    September 28th, 2010 - 7:21am

    Hmmm yes you could but the longer you wait it might run out of stock. Thats what lots of people told me when i said i was gonna get the tardis playset for christmas.

  • callum precious

    September 27th, 2010 - 11:21pm

    can i buy one until 1st december
    this year. fans

  • callum precious

    September 27th, 2010 - 11:20pm

    i can buy one until 1st december
    this year

  • The No.1 Doctor

    September 27th, 2010 - 10:00pm


  • m j who

    September 27th, 2010 - 8:47pm

    great i love the series 5 song s how much is it


    September 27th, 2010 - 7:06pm

    It will be out ready for christmas!

  • drwhomad6500

    September 27th, 2010 - 5:26pm

    I am sooo getting this! I think Murray Gold has done the best soundtracks ever on Series 5! 😀

  • C@A

    September 27th, 2010 - 5:17pm

    Very nice cover

  • Silence will fall

    September 27th, 2010 - 4:41pm

    For Christmas I will ask for this and the Specials CD

  • Trial Timelord

    September 27th, 2010 - 4:36pm

    I sooooooooo want this!!! Cause it is £12 i am asuming it 2 disc. :Grin:

  • Calum Smith

    September 27th, 2010 - 4:26pm

    I would get this, if only it weren’t £12. The cover looks good though!

  • who crazy!

    September 27th, 2010 - 4:07pm

    I do like the cover.

  • kiebo03

    September 27th, 2010 - 4:02pm gettin it.

  • who’s your nan!

    September 27th, 2010 - 3:49pm

    i cant wait to get this.i will get it for my birthday or christmas

  • who crazy!

    September 27th, 2010 - 3:43pm

    I will get it for my birthday.

  • Fartey Pants

    September 27th, 2010 - 3:38pm

    I am so getting this when it comes out on the 8th of November 2010!!

  • who crazy!

    September 27th, 2010 - 3:24pm

    I hope it has the song “I am the doctor”.

  • the master

    September 27th, 2010 - 2:46pm

    Fantastic, really looking forward to getting both these cds, love the music.

  • Geronimo12!!!!!

    September 3rd, 2010 - 4:22pm

    I Already Have Download Of Theme From A Website But Would love CD Not Had Soundtrack Before But XMas Is Soon So….

    P.S If U Want All The Doctor Who Themes Search On Web For Dr Who Theme Download Free And You Will Hopefully Find Won Sorry Can’t Give Web Name (Can’t Remember It)

  • alfie

    August 18th, 2010 - 9:29pm

    Great I cant wait to get this, I’m gonna get it at Xmas, Im not sure what Im gonna do about the specials one yet, I definitely will get it, but im not sure how, pocket money , xmas maybe? I still havent got the Torchwood soundtracks though, hey I just thought Im doing a boot sale soon, selling off all my old toys I bought when I was younger so I’ll use the money to get these 2 soundtracks and series 1 of sja (i have series 2, and series 3 isnt out yet) Im getting the Series 5 boxset this Xmas

  • CardClashersHub

    August 12th, 2010 - 2:04pm

    great! i might get this!

  • Chris666eden

    August 11th, 2010 - 7:52pm

    Seems Abit Of A rush to get these out =D SilvaScreen Have never Been This Quick To Release The Soundtracks. Normally They Release A Soundtrack Then Wait Until Halfway Through the year Before Releasing The Next. so it seems a bit ood (lol) That there releasing the latest soundtracks so close to each other. I Know its Confirmed By Silva Screen But It Seems To True. But Its GREAT NEWS. Lots Of New Music To Look Forward Too.

  • The Great One

    August 11th, 2010 - 6:42pm

    There is some great music in series 5 i love the the Doctor’s theme and we will get the new version of the theme tune

  • docandk9

    August 11th, 2010 - 6:29pm

    YES! Here are my guesses to what will be on it…
    – The Doctor’s Theme
    – Amy’s Theme
    – Spitfires in Space
    – The New Daleks
    – The Pandorica Suite
    – Full Theme Tune
    Can’t think of any more…

  • Sonic screwdriver

    August 11th, 2010 - 6:26pm

    Yes Yes Yes. Really looking forward to this ( and the specials one )

  • badwolf456

    August 11th, 2010 - 6:17pm

    Boy oh boy, Specials CD, Series 5 DVD & BluRay Boxsets, now this! Bumper christmas this year people!

  • The Master

    August 11th, 2010 - 6:06pm

    Wow, first the specials now this. Brilliant stuff :mrgreen:

  • Peter

    August 11th, 2010 - 6:00pm

    Great news 🙂


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