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August 23rd, 2018 682 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 19 Blu-ray

Available to order in the UK from

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Released on 19th November 2018 in the UK and December 4th in the USA

BBC Studios announces Peter Davison’s inaugural series as the next installment in the DOCTOR WHO: THE COLLECTION Blu-ray range

Today BBC Studios is pleased to announce Doctor Who Season 19 as the next release in the Doctor Who: The Collection range. Season 19 is Peter Davison’s first series as the Fifth Doctor and this edition follows the success of Tom Baker’s first season on Blu-ray. To be released on the 19th November 2018, this collector’s edition also has a limited run.

The title will be available to pre-order from HMV and Amazon from tomorrow.

Peter Davison joined the long running BBC series in 1982, replacing Tom Baker as the Doctor. His first season bursts with the fresh energy and breathless excitement that would come to define his era. Across seven classic adventures, the Doctor and his companions Tegan, Nyssa and Adric face off against The Master, the terrifying Mara, the Terileptils, the Plasmatons, Monarch and the revamped Cybermen, making a triumphant return to the series in one of the programme’s all-time classics.

The Limited Edition Blu-ray includes brand new ‘Special Features’ exclusive to this set include: Five new ‘Making-Of’ documentaries for Castrovalva, Four To Doomsday, Black Orchid, Earthshock and Time-Flight, surround sound mixes for Kinda and Earthshock, an Extended Version of Black Orchid Part One, rare studio footage from Castrovalva, Four To Doomsday, Earthshock and Time-Flight, updated special effects for Castrovalva, seven more editions of Behind The Sofa and a newly-shot one-hour interview Peter Davison In Conversation with Matthew Sweet, and much more.

The eight-disc box set also includes the Peter Davison/David Tennant mini-episode Time Crash, plus hours of extensive special features previously released on DVD.

All 26 episodes are being remastered from scratch by Peter Crocker and Mark Ayres. With this season’s original 16mm film elements still in existence, the location material can be presented in true HD, with studio material upscaled. Lee Binding is again providing stunning packaging design and Pete McTighe has written extensive booklet notes and is the content consultant for the title. Doctor Who: The Collection is executively produced for BBC Studios by Russell Minton.

DOCTOR WHO: THE COLLECTION – SEASON 19 includes the following stories from 1982:

Castrovalva (Four episodes); Four To Doomsday (Four Episodes); Kinda (Four Episodes); The Visitation (Four Episodes); Black Orchid (Two Episodes); Earthshock (Four Episodes); Time-Flight (Four episodes)

Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD, Featured



  • Anonymous

    August 24th, 2018 - 8:43pm

    Right so here is a weird question

    Will Kinda be in 5.1 with the new effects from the dvd
    Or will that version have a 2.0 mono soundtrack

    • Lee

      August 24th, 2018 - 9:03pm

      Probably have both audio/video options.

    • Rob W

      August 25th, 2018 - 8:48am

      Kinda and Eartshock have optional 5.1 sound mixes.

    • Anonymous

      August 25th, 2018 - 9:12am

      So if I play the new effects version will I get the optional 5.1 mix

    • the4thdoc42

      August 25th, 2018 - 9:45am

      You would have to toggle both separately from the menu as they are independent of each other (can have mono with new effects, 5.1 with original, ect)


    August 24th, 2018 - 8:15pm

    Will the boxsets all keep the 2018 Doctor Who logo, even if a new logo is designed before all the boxsets have been released?

    • Lee

      August 24th, 2018 - 8:42pm

      My guess is they’ll probably keep that logo on all these blu-ray boxset releases now. Otherwise these boxsets would all look weird when placed together.

      Just like they kept the Pertwee era logo the same on all the classic series DVDs.

    • Anonymous

      August 24th, 2018 - 11:09pm

      They should have just used the appropriate logo that was being used on screen at the time of each season.

    • Lee

      August 25th, 2018 - 1:03pm

      I do agree that they should have gone with the logos of the specific eras. They should have also done that with the classic DVDs from day one, but they obviously weren’t thinking that far ahead at the time.

      I did think the new logo looked out of place at first, but I’ve just got used to it now. I’m buying it for the content and just to have them all in season boxsets.

      They’re obviously doing it to appeal to newer fans, which makes sense from a marketing point of view.

  • J45ON96

    August 24th, 2018 - 7:18pm

    Amazon have now dropped it to £39.99, the same as Season 12. Season 12 will be back in stock on Amazon soon, apparently

    • booboo

      August 24th, 2018 - 7:28pm

      season 12 came back on for half an hour then vanished again

    • Lee

      August 24th, 2018 - 8:00pm

      It was up again about 10 mins ago and gone again. So it’s time for people to mash F5!

    • J45ON96

      August 24th, 2018 - 10:00pm

      Yeah, weirdly, I double checked before posting it, and it had gone again. Unless they’re planning on officially announcing it being back in stock, maybe?

  • Grant

    August 24th, 2018 - 6:00pm

    For anyone who missed out, Season 12 is going to be in stock at Amazon on September 4th

    • booboo

      August 24th, 2018 - 6:08pm

      well it was

    • Anonymous

      August 24th, 2018 - 6:21pm

      Really that’s good to hear

    • Grant

      August 24th, 2018 - 6:48pm

      I noticed it was and then wasn’t then came back again. Wonder what’s going on there

    • Lee

      August 24th, 2018 - 6:49pm

      Finally got season 12. Wasn’t going to buy it originally when I heard about the issues, but I caved in! 😀

      Looks like it sold out again within about 15 minutes. I don’t know for sure, but I’m guessing they halted production in the factory to fix the discs when the issues were reported. And this was just what was left over, but with the fixed discs?

    • the ergon

      August 25th, 2018 - 12:29am

      Yeah, that Michael Wiaher is such a very fine actor.

    • the ergon

      August 25th, 2018 - 10:35am

      Poor Michael Wisher as if having the unfortunate spelling of his name on season 12 was undignified enough. Check out these spelling Errors on any of these future Blu-Ray Releases if the powers that be don,t get it Quite Right-:

      Season 7 Blu-ray
      Ambassadors of Death
      John Wakefield
      Michael whisker

      Season 8 Blu-Ray
      Terror of the Autons
      Rex Farrel
      Michael Wispa

      Season 10 Blu-Ray
      Carnival of Monsters
      Michael Wiper

      Season 13 Blu-ray
      Planet of Evil
      Michael Winner

      No more typing Errors please for Michael ‘Wishers’ sake alone

    • Lee

      August 25th, 2018 - 12:30pm

      Michael Winner That would have made for an “interesting” story!

    • Lee

      August 25th, 2018 - 12:37pm

      Just got an email from Amazon saying season 12 is shipping earlier than expected, between 29th-31st of August! 🙂

    • Anonymous

      August 25th, 2018 - 1:15pm

      Lee, how are you gitting this info, I have been trying to find somewhere where I can ‘Get an email when back in stock’ but no result.

    • the ergon

      August 25th, 2018 - 7:25pm

      That should be the late, Great, Michael Wishers Sake.

    • Lee

      August 26th, 2018 - 1:16am

      I’m only getting that email because I placed the order quickly before they sold out again. Originally Amazon said they would ship it between 7th-9th September. But got an order update to say they’re delivering this Friday.

  • Anonymous

    August 24th, 2018 - 12:18am

    Will Season 12 be released in this style packaging again?

    • Gordon

      August 24th, 2018 - 12:32am

      We don’t know yet but my hunch is yes as there seems to be enough demand for another run of the luxury packaging.

    • Anonymous

      August 24th, 2018 - 3:57pm

      BBC have stated this is the final physical release for collectors – all of it is and will be available to stream/download so don’t expect a repackage anytime soon. High demand will likely only result in more copies for future sets. The number of those who actually want it isn’t worth a repress

    • Grant

      August 24th, 2018 - 5:55pm

      Season 12 is actually gonna be back in stock on Amazon on 4th September for £39.99

    • Anonymous

      August 24th, 2018 - 7:27pm

      The BBC should shut up about streaming. Classic DVD collections aren’t complete and more money is made from physical releases. Honestly, all this “digital” talk is scaring me.

    • Anonymous

      August 24th, 2018 - 7:38pm

      Everything that they have is now out on DVD, the collection is complete. Anything else is a bonus.

      They have all their physical releases out there, streaming is a constant source of revenue, physical is a one off with no future potential after that point. Even the Blu Rays are pushing what they are ever going to be capable of.

    • J45ON96

      August 25th, 2018 - 8:50am

      Like it or not, streaming is the future of home media. Just like Spotify and Apple Music have taken over the music platforms in recent years, there will be a point where physical releases are seen as the deluxe thing, and streaming is the standard. Cheaper to maintain, more accessible, cheaper to purchase or subscribe to, and better for the environment, as there’s no physical product produced.

      As for the BBC, they need to make better investments in streaming, before it cripples them, as it’s already suffering due to the immense rise of platforms like Netflix

    • Gordon

      August 25th, 2018 - 10:48am

      The problems with the version of season 12 available to download and stream from iTunes and Amazon video is that it costs a lot more than I pre ordered it it has no commentaries no production subtitles no 5.1 mixes no optional effects and you can only buy it in standard definition You are essentially paying more for a lesser product.

  • The Master

    August 23rd, 2018 - 11:22pm

    As a who fan I’d love to own one of these but don’t have a blu Ray player ! Pity the contest would be great

    • Anonymous

      August 24th, 2018 - 5:10pm

      consoles work, ps4 and xbox 1, ps3 and i think 360

    • Phillip

      August 25th, 2018 - 12:21am

      Blu-ray players can be bought for $20.00… why have you not converted?

  • M JS

    August 23rd, 2018 - 10:58pm

    Castrovalva is my all time favourite story, with some great ideas, a great script and pacing, it’s more like 2 X 2 part stories. The location work is gorgeous and the incidental music still gives me hills now. I cannot wait to have this beauty in my blu ray collection.

    • Gordon

      August 23rd, 2018 - 11:35pm

      Plus the location film for it all exists so will look good scanned in hd

  • Anonymous

    August 23rd, 2018 - 3:30pm

    it’s number one in DVD and blu ray
    beating avengers infinity war currently
    I am surprised

  • Josh Dean

    August 23rd, 2018 - 1:31pm

    Any idea when Austraila will get it?
    We got the Tom Baker one a month ago, To my shock it was the limited edition as well.

    • the4thdoc42

      August 23rd, 2018 - 8:06pm

      I suspect we just got re-carded UK stock – once you take off the card it’s identical to the UK set (even has UK conventions on the labels). Aus and UK are both blu-ray region B so makes sense why we can get the same set.

  • MIKSK89

    August 23rd, 2018 - 1:23pm

    Okay, to be fair you want to stick to the dvds. that’s fine, nothing wrong with that. at no point did i or anyone else say that the BBC are breaking your arm to say you have to buy the blu-ray editions. I had almost all of the classic era complete on dvd a few years ago myself. Then due to the fact i was in a horrible job, i had to take my entire collection in to cex due to needing money for food.

    But no makes the comparisons to buying the New series Vanillas over the complete boxsets for the new series. No one complained when they did vanilla releases (with little to no extras I might add) for the revived series only to release the ‘Complete Series/Specials’ Boxsets with added bonus features either later in the year or in the case of the last 4 Tennant specials (though on 2 seperate discs, still count End of Time as 1 adventure) and the 50th anniversary collection, the following year due to needing to pull it all together.

    Plus the US audience have difficulty nowadays as a lot of these stories are rocketing to the equivalent of a few thousand (a copy of Revelation of the Daleks goes for $315.76 (and that was it’s cheapest…) with the dads quickly going out of print.

    If you want to stick to buying dvds or keeping your dvds, that’s fine no one is saying otherwise. But please do not make it seem like people are calling you stupid for wanting to do that, I have tried to get some of the box sets since losing my collection. But sets like Myths and Legends which has always confused me at times when it seems it’s more expensive than Key to Time which had more stories.

    Please respect that what may be good for you guys might not always be good for everyone else. Or we face these comment threads being shut down because people have nothing nice to say to each other.

    Plus ordered mine from zoom which would have cost me the less than buying the whole season seperatly anyway.

    • MIKSK89

      August 23rd, 2018 - 1:37pm

      This was more in response to J45ON96 comment and reply thread not a new post all together

    • J45ON96

      August 23rd, 2018 - 4:09pm

      I think you’re misunderstanding me somewhere down the line. I fully support this release, and have already ordered it from Amazon. There’s other comments on here where I’m explaining the positives of the Blu-ray format for the Classic Series, and why specific Seasons are more than likely going to be coming soon than others, framerate, capacity benefits, etc.

      I’m not sure how that misunderstanding has come around, possibly due to the previous discussion about pricing, and I just want to say one thing on that point, which is my price breakdown was made when the cost of the boxset was still £55 and solely listed on Amazon. Since then, it’s dropped, and there’s only a pound difference in getting them on DVD. That makes this set an insanely good bargain, and I’d reccomend it even more to those that are interested.

      Either way, though, I apologise for any misunderstanding caused in this, it absolutely wasn’t my intention, and I’m at a fairly large loss about how you’ve come to those conclusions about my opinions when I’ve tried my best in previous comments to encourage positive discussions about this release, I love these releases, both for people who want the upgrade or others who haven’t gotten into the Classic Series before. I do understand that personal situations vary, however, and people can miss out on things. This isn’t going to be for everyone, and some will feel justified in sticking with what they have.

      There’s another comment on here that’s being negative towards the release, and negative in general, implying that it’s worthless/a cash grab/a badidea and no one should go for it, and I disagree with comments like that in general that just write off things without explanation, they’re terrible for any sort of meaningful discussion, and a well-meaning and valid conversation should be backed up with proper explanations other than attacking the product in a single word, or the people buying it. There’s enough negativity elsewhere, including within fans, and that’s why I like talking positively about cool new stuff like this with gorgeous packaging and artwork. It’s for fans, and for us to enjoy. Sorry again if you drew any negative feeling from my comments, it’s really not my intent, and I hope you enjoy this just as much as I will. – J

    • booboo

      August 23rd, 2018 - 7:03pm

      I wouldn’t worry, much of the negativity is actually the same people using different user names to make it look much worse that it actually is, its their only way of seeking attention as they know they are in the minority.

      Hazards of having an “open site”, we are one of the very few left.

      someone who has no interest in these sets is using 5 different user names

    • Tim M

      August 23rd, 2018 - 6:40pm

      As I already own these stories on DVD, plus previously bought them on VHS back in the day, I have little to no interest in these season Blu-ray themed boxed sets. I find the DVDs are absolutely fine and feel I don’t really need a further upgrade. I appreciate there are new extra features on these Blu-ray boxed sets previously not released on DVD. But I feel the bulk of the DVD releases are already packed with extra’s. Plus I’ve been collecting ‘The Complete History’ books, and they also give me in depth information on each story. Alongside other books like the ‘About Time’ publications by Tat Wood (which are brilliant) etc. I feel I’m probably stuffed fall of information on the stories. However, if you wish to purchase this collection for an upgrade, or to complete a collection that’s fair enough. I’ve just given MY reasons for not purchasing the Blu-ray season boxed sets.

    • MIKSK89

      August 23rd, 2018 - 7:24pm

      No it’s fine, i should apologize myself, I didnt take into account that alot of the pricing for the dvds was also based on the popularity of the doctors featured (As well Drs. 1-3 always had more of an expensive price due to the rarity of of complete and or full colour (for pertwee) episodes). And it wasnt against what you said, your response was not what I took offence to. It was being told mine was ilogical by someone else that listed themselves without a distinguishing username, adopting to anonymously post.

      Thank you for your understanding and I will be looking forward as I want to support an on going collection for my New House. And I do apologise for it seeming to be be misunderstanding what you meant.

      Kind Regards. – MIKSK89

    • Anonymous

      August 24th, 2018 - 12:38am

      5 user names! Why can’t they just be happy for the people who will want it?

  • Anonymous

    August 23rd, 2018 - 12:37pm

    Can anyone tell me if the Season 12 set will be released in New Zealand? And if so will it be fault free? I really want to get this but not if it’s still going to contain the faulty discs.

    • Rob W

      August 23rd, 2018 - 1:23pm

      $125 with free postage.

      As far as the discs are concerned, I tend to think the problem may still persist.

    • Gordon

      August 23rd, 2018 - 2:30pm

      Honestly if you want a copy and see it at a reasonable price just get it. Getting the boxset is the hard part. Getting replacement discs is easy in comparison. All you need to do is email explain its faulty and leave a proof of purchase and address and you will get replacement discs sent out

    • Rob W

      August 23rd, 2018 - 2:45pm

      Not so sure I agree with regards to getting replacement discs, weren’t some U.S. buyers sent the faulty discs again by mistake?

    • Gordon

      August 23rd, 2018 - 7:19pm

      Yes but they are rectifying that. It’s still only a couple of emails you have to do to get them

    • the4thdoc42

      August 23rd, 2018 - 8:14pm

      Just get it from Jb’s aus website, they have it on sale right now and will ship it to NZ. Doesn’t look like we’ll get it over here, we never got also blu-ray of Power and not even a DVD of Shada. It seems to be import or nothing at this point.

  • Euan Bird

    August 23rd, 2018 - 8:07am

    Will amazon take your money straight away or take it when it releases?

    • booboo

      August 23rd, 2018 - 8:12am

      always on despatch

  • ahunter8056

    August 22nd, 2018 - 8:16pm

    Definitely pre-ordering this straight away! Missed the Season 12 Blu-Ray, not anticipating that it would instantly sell out, so I’m not taking any chances with this.

  • J S

    August 22nd, 2018 - 7:11pm

    So is Zoom a trustworthy site or not? Does anyone know?

    • Grant

      August 22nd, 2018 - 7:24pm

      Yeah it’s fine. Like every other site there will always be people who had a bad experience but it’s as legit as Zavvi and Amazon

    • Rob

      August 22nd, 2018 - 7:27pm

      I got my Shada Steelbook on the Saturday, 2 days before the Monday release date. There are comments further down saying their Season 12 boxset order was cancelled.

    • Ollie

      August 22nd, 2018 - 8:45pm

      I bought my Season 12 boxset from Zoom and I’ve just preordered Season 19. No problems at all but, like you, I was a bit dubious at first, checking Trust Pilot constantly. If you’re really worried, the best option is to order using a credit card because atleast then it’s insured if there are any problems.

    • Gordon

      August 22nd, 2018 - 8:47pm

      I’ve never had an issue

    • Daniel Austin

      August 22nd, 2018 - 8:53pm

      Zoom is run by Universal pictures according to PayPal. The address/paperwork matches a former supplier of a supermarket. It’s the direct supplier for Universal and Sony to retailers in the UK. If I recall correctly they used to also supply one or two of the other major studios home entertainment too


    August 22nd, 2018 - 6:04pm

    I hope 1st doctor and 2nd doctor boxsets aren’t released unless the missing stories are all animated. It would be a shame if the BBC just made the box sets with just telesnaps or nothing at all

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 6:34pm

      Honestly They should just make a complete first doctor volume 1 and 2 and second doctor one and two

    • Gordon

      August 22nd, 2018 - 10:50pm

      That would muck up the numbering

    • Anonymous

      August 23rd, 2018 - 5:14pm

      actually just release
      Season 1 and 2 first
      Then release season 3 and season 4 part one together and then release season 4 part two and 5 together

    • Joseph Roberts

      August 23rd, 2018 - 7:28pm

      That depends on whether the BBC got the funding to reconstruct the missing episodes or whether possibly that missing episodes could have been found, so it is unlikely for the First and Second Doctor to have their turns for their Blu-ray collection until when their seasons are completed.

  • When The Doctor Was Me

    August 22nd, 2018 - 5:41pm

    I must admit, i did sneak to the toulet at work just to preorder this! Looking forward to it a lot

  • Rick

    August 22nd, 2018 - 4:37pm

    I’ve just pre-ordered mine with Zoom. I have bought several DVDs from their eBay store before and they arrived in a sturdy cardboard box and were fine. Zoom are owned by Universal I think.

  • Scores on the TARDIS doors!

    August 22nd, 2018 - 3:18pm

    Castrovalva : Boring, a total non event 2/10
    Four to Doomsday : Awful & Boring 1/10
    Kinda : Strong story spoilt by terrible production values 6/10
    The Visitation : The book is much better, the direction of this is terrible 5/10
    Black Orchid : Terrible & Boring 1/10
    Earthshock : Best 80s Cyberman story 9/10
    Time-Flight : Dire!, one of the worst story’s ever 0/10

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 3:32pm

      I have to diasgree with Black Orchid! The writer tries to produce a fun, light-hearted murder mystery and I think it is very intriguing. I also think it is nice to see the 5th doctors character come out a bit more.

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 3:35pm

      Just because you don’t like these stories doesn’t mean everyone has to dislike them! I love doomsday, yes it’s rubbish, but I still like it. I personally never got away with the Colin baker stories, I love Colin as the doctor, he was great, and a couple of stories are enjoyable, but I found myself not enjoying most of his stories, however whenever friends kids ask about Colin baker for recommended stories I always say try them all and don’t listen to fan opinion as you might enjoy them.

    • Rob

      August 22nd, 2018 - 3:42pm

      Castrovalva has new CGI effects mate

    • philip shaw

      August 22nd, 2018 - 5:32pm

      Every Doctor Who season has one or two duff stories, usually when money is tight, this season it has to be 4 to Doomsday & timeflight.

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 11:30pm

      Phil is right, and of course, one person’s duff story is another’s favourite!

    • philip shaw

      August 23rd, 2018 - 9:09am

      The new series has it’s fair share of clunkers, I would rather watch ‘The Twin Dilemma’ than, ‘Love & Monsters’… I love Colin’s first season and there was only ‘Timelash’ which was especially poor.

    • Anonymous

      August 23rd, 2018 - 1:11pm

      And that’s my point Phil, you like them, I’m not keen and it doesn’t matter that we have different views on the same stories. The impression I get from some posts here is that because some people don’t like Davison’s first season, or for that matter Davison’s doctor in general then that means this set shouldn’t be released! Which rather dismisses the rather large proportion of who fans for whom Davison is “their” doctor. If you want this or any other season/special edition/animated edition/new series release then buy it. If you don’t want it, don’t complain – just don’t buy it!

    • philip shaw

      August 23rd, 2018 - 7:19pm

      Exactly Anonymous, I think if you like Dr Who you must like the central character, all Drs are equal…but some are more equal than others! Personally I think they are all great, Pat Troughton still my fave though.

    • Joe96

      August 23rd, 2018 - 7:30pm

      Interesting rating on Season 19 stories. Though, I have to say that I enjoyed them all despite the budget, the cheap special effects and all the costumes. But the storylines are very good, especially The Visitation and Earthshock.

    • Anonymous

      August 24th, 2018 - 12:56am

      I agree about the doctor’s being equal Phil, I have no trouble watching a hartnell story and then watching Matt Smith, going back to pertwee then capaldi, it’s all just doctor who to me. (I do love a troughton though…) It’s why I have no problem with Jodie, every era differs in style, production values and pacing. You compare a hartnell to say a Tom baker and the pace is much quicker, it’s just a natural development in tv. Films are the same the pace of an action film or sci-fi now is meteoric compared to even 20 years ago. As the great terence dicks remarks, the doctor’s central character nevers changes. Jodie will be the doctor just as much as any other actor has been and for a generation of who fans she will be their doctor. I love this show even the dodgy ones! I recommend stories that some fans would dismiss, purely because i know that my opinion isn’t definitive.

  • Fred

    August 22nd, 2018 - 2:25pm

    I don’t have any of these so it’s a great thing, but an odd choice of season. Not exactly the most popular I wouldn’t have thought.

    • J45ON96

      August 22nd, 2018 - 2:34pm

      The current reasoning is there’s a lot of location/model work for Season 19 extant in the archives, which was shot on 16mm film. This means it’s far more condusive to being ported at full HD for blu-ray release!

      It’s mainly just to maximise the stories that can be released at high quality first. I would imagine as a result, that the First to Third Doctors will have their seasons released much further down the line, as they have either lower quality source material in the archives, or missing episodes!

  • Anonymous

    August 22nd, 2018 - 12:56pm

    Why is there such negativity in releases these just glad they are releasing the classic series on Blu ray and there is the possibility of a good collection in nice collectors packaging.I know the price will go down on Amazon but if not I Think it’s a fair price for such well made box sets.

    • booboo

      August 22nd, 2018 - 1:03pm

      Partly because many collectors already bought the VHS, then the DVD, then the special edition so they don’t see the need for more or who just don’t like the season for sale, but they forget that each year there are also new collectors, those that never bought all or any of the previous releases for that season and those who want to keep up with latest thing.

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 1:13pm

      Yea that’s a fair point.i sold all my dvds as soon as i heard these were being released.i personally loved the first set as you could see the work that had gone in to it and for me these are the ultimate editions so I hope they continue.

    • J45ON96

      August 22nd, 2018 - 2:29pm

      Because being negative towards other people that love the same thing you do is apparently the easier thing, nowadays. It’s starting to slowly permeate all corners of the space fans occupy, and it’s quite sad.

      I really wish people would just hold their tongue and let others enjoy something, and be critical constructively, instead of relying on half-baked excuses to deflate other’s excitement.

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 2:54pm

      I see both sides, for me, I have the dvds including special editions, so I’m not going to buy these sets. But i don’t think therefore they shouldn’t release them. There will be newer fans who might not have all of the dvds yet, there will be fans happy to buy these who already have them and thats great. If you collect who then yes you probably feel you have to buy this, but at the end of the day, if you think it’s a ripoff or something then just don’t buy it! I now am only interested in new series releases and the 1st and 2nd doctor animated releases (if any!) But that’s just me. Many fans will love this release and I’m happy for them.

  • Paul Armstrong

    August 22nd, 2018 - 12:38pm

    Almost £20 dearer on Amazon than elsewhere. Definitely worth shopping around.

    • booboo

      August 22nd, 2018 - 12:41pm

      Amazon really need to think about the way they Trade as its clear people still don’t understand how they work, baring discount codes Amazon will most likely end up the same or lower than everyone else. Its always been that way.

      Even comments in their own review section show people think that’s the price and that’s it.

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 2:12pm

      already dropped the price by £10 on amazon. those with codes getting £3 off a zoom order can enjoy it. I would rather secure my order with a company I know can deliver their demand- and ye I am talking from experience.

  • Lee

    August 22nd, 2018 - 11:48am

    Why is it that the US can get these in regular readily available releases and yet the UK only gets limited releases. I would personally like to get these in the slimmer cases to take up less room. I’m really not interested in a fancy box, just the full season releases. Can’t the BBC release these in a normal package aswell for the UK? US and AU aren’t limited releases.

    • booboo

      August 22nd, 2018 - 12:12pm

      The UK gets the “posh” release because of the fan base here, there is actually very little interest in the States for the Classic series so they just get a bog standard release that will know doubt hang around for a while.

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 2:16pm

      USA has had numerous blu rays and DVD’s with exclusive content (both as special features and physical extras like tardis and screwdrivers) far more then UK which is a very big frustration.

      UK TV license is funding the show so arguably I would expect extra when I have to buy something that essentially we can get for free on iplayer and streaming services

    • the4thdoc42

      August 22nd, 2018 - 8:07pm

      The AU set is quite limited as well, they weren’t displayed so had to ask the store if they had them, and they got one from out back (this was two weeks after release)

      It’s the same packaging as the UK (right down to the UK rating labels on the discs) with a different removable cardboard backing. Only the US have also standard version

    • Lee

      August 24th, 2018 - 6:52pm

      Sorry, my mistake! For some reason I thought the AU version was the same as the NA version.

  • Thomas

    August 22nd, 2018 - 11:30am

    I don’t see the point of these releases. If you already have them on DVD, no point of buying the sets.

    Also, they are just a cash grab. I rather stick with DVD than Blu-Ray, I don’t see/hear the difference really.

    Blu-Ray is expensive.

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 1:12pm

      I think these releases are mainly for those who haven’t got them already. For example, I’m getting into the classic series and its nice to have a easier, and probably cheaper, way of buying these stories.

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 2:19pm

      As a owner of all the DVD’s I disagree with both these points. The new extras alone make this a double dip and this will be the last physical release as streaming will be the norm for the next wave of media. Collectors and lovers of the show will always multi buy.

    • J45ON96

      August 22nd, 2018 - 2:26pm

      I imagine the first DVD box sets weren’t exactly cheap when first released almost 20 years ago, either, but the price has dropped. Similarly, Blu-ray is at it’s lowest ever cost nowadays, on average a 20% price increase compared to DVD, compared to the 200%+ it was a decade ago. In fact, if anything is expensive, it’s 4K Blu-rays.

      Compared to DVD, BR offers an order of magnitude higher capacity for extra bits and pieces, which we know they add, and uncompressed audio and video, which can be absolutely awful, especially on earlier DVD releases. The format also allows for an incredibly smooth 50hz (or 60hz in the US) framerate on BR, which does wonders to the visual representation. All 16mm film inserts, of which a considerable amount exist between 1970 and 1985, can be scanned in at 2K to allow for proper HD material, a la 2013’s Spearhead From Space BR. None of this is guff, it’s a fact that the quality is higher on a Blu-ray compared to DVD, granted, it’s not as much of a huge picture quality jump, like from between VHS and DVD, but considering the age and format of the material, the difference in quality is absolutely real, and the other differences in framerate, audio quality, 16mm scanning and capacity make up for it.

      If you don’t see/hear the difference, fair enough, don’t buy it. I made the calculations below, it’s an extra tenner over buying them all on DVD (roughly) per season. If the extra stuff, the aforementioned real quality increase, and the deluxe packaging and artwork aren’t your jam, then also, fair enough.

      But please, if you’re going to write something off and dissuade other people’s interest, at least try and explain it better than “just a cash grab”, especially when it’s really not, try harder to explain something instead of just being dismissive.

    • booboo

      August 22nd, 2018 - 2:59pm

      people are very lucky these days in the value they get, i’m sure there are few round here that bought all the VHS’s for £10.99 each with no extras whatsoever and then your VHS player chewed the tape up after just a couple of viewings.

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 2:26pm

      No point if you already have them on DVD. . .except for the gorgeous packaging (in Region 2), space saving, higher quality image and sound, and hours of bonus features. Not to mention that *not* everybody will have them on DVD, so this is a good way to get people who missed them on DVD and might have been daunted by individual stories to buy Classic Who (or, in Region 1’s case, to actually afford buying them since most of the DVDs are out of print).

      If you don’t want it, don’t buy it. There are plenty of other people who adore these kinds of sets, so what’s wrong with them being happy?

      Also, if expensive is the word you want to use for it, but it’s currently listed on as £44.99 and, by my calculations, the cheapest you could buy Season 19 individually on DVD, also from, is £44.04. So sure, it’s a pound more expensive than the DVDs. But I think an extra pound is worth the packaging, space saving, higher quality image and sound, and hours of new bonus features (and that’s assuming the price doesn’t go down before release!).

    • Gordon

      August 22nd, 2018 - 4:59pm

      5 out 7 stories in season 19 have film ellements that can be scanned in hd. Worth doing this set just for that alone.

  • Anonymous

    August 22nd, 2018 - 10:51am

    jon pertwee should be next. all the doctors are good but i think two, three, and four are the more popular.

    • J45ON96

      August 23rd, 2018 - 7:05am

      Unfortunately, I think Troughton will be lower down on the list. Troughton only has season 6 in a state of reasonable completion, and the vast majority of those are lower quality 16mm telerecordings, with some higher quality 35mm ones thrown into the mix.

      As for Pertwee, we’re probably more likely to see Season 10 or 11 being released first for Pertwee, as they contain more original Videotape masters of superior quality compared to other Seasons, for which mainly have colour restorations of a lower quality source.

  • TheDoctor99

    August 22nd, 2018 - 10:33am

    Just pre-ordered mine from zoom

  • Jack

    August 22nd, 2018 - 10:25am

    Will the price on amazon come down? And should i pre order now if i want one or will i still be able to pre order one for a while without them selling out?

    • Gordon

      August 22nd, 2018 - 10:27am

      Just get it from zoom

      £39.99 plus SIGNUP10 gets it down to £35.99

    • Jack

      August 22nd, 2018 - 10:56am

      Is Zoom reliable? Never ordered from there

    • Rob

      August 22nd, 2018 - 11:06am

      Ordered from Zoom and got the release on the Saturday, 2 days before the release day. Packaging was the same cardboard type Amazon use Jack…

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 11:08am

      it will drop – amazon always put a place holder. Expect to pay £39.99 based on season 12 release.

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 11:09am

      pre order now or face paying £450 as the season 12 is currently listed. it will be £40, amazon will drop the price soon.

    • Rob

      August 22nd, 2018 - 11:22am

      £450 for a second hand set and the discs are still faulty you mean…

    • dwdvdmad

      August 22nd, 2018 - 11:44am

      I preordered the season 12 set from Zoom the day it went up for pre order and then 4 days before release they emailed me to say they had to cancel my order but wouldn’t give me a reason. I knew there was nothing wrong with my payment method as I had purchased a few DVDs 2 days before.

    • Anon

      August 23rd, 2018 - 3:42am

      Only cost 37.47 pound on Amazon UK, take it through to the payment screen and you will see. I just order for 41.07 pound including shipping to New Zealand

    • Anonymous

      August 24th, 2018 - 3:59pm

      £39.99 on amazon now – exactly the same steps as the season 12. haters gotta hate…

  • arthurian2

    August 22nd, 2018 - 9:25am

    Another limited, only one chance to have item…..why bother producing things that people obviously want….the 4th Dr set sold out in days……in such limited numbers? It makes no financial sense and just irritates fans…. and let’s not mention the B & M scramble! I would rather collect things that I can actually get hold of without having to sit glued to forums and twitter accounts to find out products and release dates. Wasn’t it great when you could walk in a shop and just buy something?

    • booboo

      August 22nd, 2018 - 9:38am


      The 4th Doctor set was up for pre-order for 4 months at multiple retailers, all shops got stocks as well and it didn’t sell out on-line until after its was released.

      There was plenty of time to get one.

    • Gordon

      August 22nd, 2018 - 9:52am

      season 12 sold out instantly because it did better than anybody predicted. No-one could have predicted that it would have been the 2nd highest release of the week and even outsold the greatest showman. They will be producing more of season 12. There is just no point currently doing another print run until the replacement discs are made. It’s the packaging that is limited not the discs. If you want this set pre-order is advisable. You have 3 months to do so. At least then you won’t be disappointed if it sells out again

    • Lets do knitting

      August 22nd, 2018 - 9:59am

      You don’t need to stay glued to forums and twitter, just take a quick glance at the merchandise front page on this site every so often and you need never miss out on anything

    • Doctor Mysterio

      August 22nd, 2018 - 10:14am

      That is true, Lets do knitting. And thanks again for all your efforts Booboo, and to everyone else involved in keeping this site up to date. It helps so many people.

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 11:14am

      if you still have a high street retailer then good for you but the 95% of consumers that want rare blu rays only get online. The product was advertised as strictly limited edition and “when its gone its gone”. BBC delayed the product to print more due to demand and it didn’t sell out in days at all. at the end of the day I would wager everyone buying owns all of them on DVD already so they are going to print volumes for the masses. This is a lesson to those who see “limited edition” and think its a gimmick

    • arthurian2

      August 22nd, 2018 - 3:27pm

      And isn’t it easier just to stick ‘limited edition’ on stuff just to get to people to purchase it? Yes I agree that this was a genuine limited edition but when do you have to have a second sense to work out which are genuine and which are simply a sales gimmick. It still comes down the fact if a product is successful why not manufacture enough to go round, everyone wins…..not just a few smug buyers who said you should have ordered it 12 months in advance….Bill Potts figure anyone!

    • booboo

      August 22nd, 2018 - 3:35pm

      Bill Potts is not a limited edition and has nothing to do with DVD/Blu-ray sales its not even in the same ball park and very different marketing.

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 3:51pm

      arthurian2, the BBC are not going to mass produce this as frankly there isn’t enough interest, sorry that’s a fact. The season has been released in a streaming form for the large amount of people who don’t buy physical media anymore-that’s where the real money is. This is actually a very respectful thing the BBC is doing in giving those loyal fans a chance to own one more version before it all becomes digital- that isn’t cheap. There are 26 potential sets and the more profit they can get, the more they will reinvest in other sets. Seasons 1-11 will not be cheap to clean up so its is sensible thinking to reduce physical media (big finish has done EXACTLY the same with their CD’s) and give the rest of the casual viewers a cheap streaming option and maximise profit……. or they can print 75,000 of it, sell 20,000, make a loss and then cancel the other 24 seasons.

    • Rob

      August 22nd, 2018 - 6:12pm

      It’s the packaging that make these sets limited, Season 12 has yet to be re-released as 2 of the discs are (still?) to be repressed. My guess is the individual adventures might be released too. It makes sense to maximise the money from physical sales whilst their is still the interest.

    • arthurian2

      August 23rd, 2018 - 1:25pm

      With regard to the shops, I was referring to days before Ebay, Amazon and Twitter, when you could saddle up, ride into town and purchase that new Target novel from a bookshop, a latest Video release from a record store and that Denys Fisher Dr Who figure from a toy shop. Many of these shops actually used to exist, in even the smallest of towns. As for the BBC providing these products for the fans, it’s purely a commercial decision and a way to make money. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge fan of the BBC and it’s programmes, and I’m all for the money raised going back into it’s shows. Those of you that have that real collector bug,(and I’m one of them), will know how it feels when you see that word ‘limited’ linked to item and I’m sure many of you hit that preorder button in fear of missing out. I appreciate that a market for a product is limited but still that word can make your heart sink, and let’s face it, not all of us can afford these products at the exact time of their release and these DVD’s do carry some nice extras.

    • Jon

      August 23rd, 2018 - 8:17pm

      I’m trying to get my head around all of this. If there is a re-release of the Tom Baker Bluray then will it be in the same limited edition packaging or not? I missed getting the Season 12 set and i’m at the point where I want to collect these but I already feel I have ‘missed the boat’. Not worth starting to collect these to be unable to find the Tom Baker set at anything other than a crazy price!

    • Gordon

      August 23rd, 2018 - 8:37pm

      It’s unclear at this time whether or not the next print run will be the limited packaging or just standard. All depends on whether or not the demand for the ltd edition packaging will be high enough to warrant another print run of the limited packaging.

    • Jon

      August 23rd, 2018 - 10:19pm

      Thanks for your reply Gordon. I find it crazy that there is no information!

      It seems to me that the BBC is shooting itself in the foot here. Until I know if I can get the first release at anything approaching a reasonable cost i’m not going to buy any of these future Blurays. So now I am holding on to my money because I missed this one by a few weeks – how does that situation make financial sense? Surely i’m not the only one who will be doing that?

      These Blurays should be widely available to everyone months and months after being first released. I hate this limited edition business. At least have a standard and limited edition at the same time. Does the BBC want to make money?

    • Gordon

      August 23rd, 2018 - 11:06pm

      Season 12 sold far better than anybody expected and wasn’t expected to have outsold such blockbusters like greatest showman and reach number 2 on the blu ray chart. It sold out within days of it being released. think part of the reason they haven’t done another print run yet is that they need to be certain there is no further errors in the fixed discs. No point doing that until then. They just got round to sending out replacement discs for the sontaran and revenge and even then they accidentally resent the fault version of revenge by mistake. They are rectifying that but the replacement for the replacement disc isn’t due for another 2 weeks. Probably won’t be another repress until they are sure everything is ok

    • Jon

      August 24th, 2018 - 1:40pm

      Goodness, what a cock-up! Well, it’s good news that it sold so well. I just wish there was more information on these limited editions. Why can’t they share their plans for what future releases will be like? As they sold well you would imagine that the limited edition packaging will get a second run, but that’s only my view. I will certainly be waiting on that before starting a collection I can’t be sure I can complete!

      Surely they won’t continue to release these Bluray’s over the next few years with such limited numbers. We need something everyone can buy or be able to at least be confident they can pick-up if they don’t order it within a relatively tiny window of time.

    • Gareth Pugh

      August 25th, 2018 - 5:18pm

      It’s interesting. It varies depending on the product and market but I’ve noticed the general move away from having (or manufacturers aiming to have) a product that’s going to be available for years to come, and more towards a ‘sell it once, sell it out, job done’. There’s an increasing wariness of being stuck with leftover stock for which a lot of companies have to pay (in effect) storage costs (rent, really) to have sitting around until amazon, Zavvi etc. order further chunks of that. As such, a lot of posh music and film/TV box sets go out of print on pre-order alone, and many record and DVD labels are quite happy with that. Take the money in one window, but not have an ‘after job’ of managing stock levels etc. for months and years to come whilst storage facility fees gnaw at the profits you’re ever going to make of that surplus stock gets a ‘call-down’ (order) by a retailer. I sort-of can’t blame them for this ‘get in, make the hit, get out of the market again’ quick-model, really, these days.

  • Gordon

    August 22nd, 2018 - 8:53am


    SIGNUP10 takes it down to £35.99

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 2:22pm

      unreliable company that have cancelled orders due to have more pre orders then stock. if you want to save £3 fine but I wouldn’t take the risk and would rather pay a little extra to 100% guarantee my copy (and I am talking from experience)

    • Gordon

      August 22nd, 2018 - 8:04pm

      I’ve ordered a few times. Never had a problem

  • J45ON96

    August 22nd, 2018 - 8:37am

    Just making the point again, now, since people still can’t get how Amazon pre-orders work, the price will possibly drop closer to release, and pre-ordering will guarantee you pay that price and not miss out.

    Just for comparison, it’s £55, and with 8 discs that makes it £6.88 per Blu-ray, Season 12 was £40, 6 discs at £6.66 per disc. Still makes it cheaper than an individual story at release nowadays, which is, going from the Enemy Of The World Special Edition, about £12.00. We’re also getting new documentaries, remastered picture, uncompressed sound, 5.1 mixes, new effects, deluxe packaging, a fantastic cover by Lee Binding, all in a single piece.

    So yeah. It’s £55 currently, but breaking it down, it’s hardly a terrible deal.

    • J45ON96

      August 22nd, 2018 - 8:41am

      Just as an addendum, if you really wanted to, by my calculations, you could buy the whole Season for about £45 on DVD. If the extra bits and pieces, lovely packaging, and frankly gorgeous artwork aren’t worth the extra tenner you’d pay for it all in one deluxe package, than fair enough. Just some food for thought.

    • MIKSK89

      August 22nd, 2018 - 11:11am

      That is a fairly good point however some episodes like season 12’s ‘Revenge of the Cybermen’, and Season 19’s ‘Castrovalva’, ‘Kinda’ and ‘Time-Flight’ are only available as part of Multi-Story box sets, that would mean in some cases paying out double (sometimes triple) what you’d pay for these as well.

      Personally I’d pay the extra £10 myself as it’s nice to have Complete Season releases, rather than just story by story. Plus the possibility is that these releases will make enough to not only do sterling work on the Black and White Pertwee episodes, but animated reconstructions of all Hartnell and Troughton missing episodes (please no-more tele-snap recons, as they make wonderful stories like ‘The Web of Fear’ drag) and I love the layouts.

    • Anonymous

      August 22nd, 2018 - 11:23am

      MIKSK89 – your logic is flawed, the DVD box sets you are referencing that fans such as my self paid anything from £30-£50+ are now £18 on amazon, just a couple of quid over a single release, individual releases are now £6 each. its safe to say that the first collection has proved the finance benefit of doing the rest.

    • J45ON96

      August 22nd, 2018 - 12:13pm

      MIKSK89 Just as an FYI, I know they’re part of box sets, I broke down the current pricing, dividing them up by the number of stories there are in the DVD box sets, and then added that to the Season total.

      E.G. Mara Tales is £11.99, so Kinda is £6.00, Snakedance is £6.00 (rounding up, of course.).

  • jim

    August 22nd, 2018 - 8:30am

    will I ge charged by amazon now or when the item is despatched?

    • booboo

      August 22nd, 2018 - 8:34am

      always on despatch

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