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November 10th, 2020 1,806 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 12

Available to order while stocks last from

The second edition of Doctor Who – The Collection: Season 12 will be released on 2nd March 2020.

Season 12 was first released as a limited edition on Blu-ray in February 2018, and is being re-released by BBC Studios to bring the total number of copies in line with other seasons in the classic collection.

Available to order while stocks last from (sold out)

Also available to order while stocks last from, and (all sold out)

Please see below for a full summary – All content, extras and artwork will remain the same as the 1st edition.

Season 12 features five stories over 20 episodes, including The Ark in Space and Genesis of the Daleks. The Doctor is accompanied by Sarah Jane Smith (Elizabeth Sladen) and Harry Sullivan (Ian Marter) and was first broadcast on the BBC between December 1974 and May 1975.

BBC Studios have confirmed replacement discs will be included with this release.

Sold as Tom Baker Season One in the USA in std packaging and available to order from #ad

Original Press Release:

BBC Worldwide has announced that Doctor Who: The Collection – Season 12 will be released on Blu-Ray on 2nd July 2018.

For fans of Doctor Who and collectors of Classic Who seasons, the Blu-Ray has limited edition packaging with artwork by Lee Binding and has been restored and up-scaled to HD by Peter Crocker and Mark Ayres. The new release also has a wealth of new bonus content.

Russell Minton, Executive Producer at BBC Worldwide says : “We are doing our very best at BBC Worldwide to restore and bring as many Classic Who titles out on Collector’s Edition Blu-ray, and this starts with being able to confirm one of my favourites, Tom Baker’s first season. We will also endeavour to include additional archive material and exciting newly-shot features where possible.”

Season 12, Tom Baker’s first as the Doctor, features five stories over 20 episodes, including The Ark in Space and Genesis of the Daleks. The Doctor is accompanied in this season by Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen) and Harry Sullivan (Ian Marter) and was first broadcast between December 1974 and May 1975.

The new Blu-Ray release includes existing bonus material from the original DVDs as well as the brand new features below:


  • A candid new one-hour interview with the Fourth Doctor.


  • Classic clips from Season 12, viewed by Tom Baker, Philip Hinchcliffe,
  • Louise Jameson, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton and Sadie Miller


  • For The Sontaran Experiment and Revenge Of The Cybermen


  • For The Ark In Space and Genesis Of The Daleks


  • For Revenge Of The Cybermen


  • Unseen since broadcast in 1975


  • The 1991 VHS release, on disc for the first time


  • PDF files from the BBC Archives

Doctor Who: The Collection – Season 12 will be released on Blu-Ray from Monday 11th June 2018.

The American and Australian sets available from #ad and

You can see all DVD, Blu-ray and Steelbook releases in our Interactive collectors lists.

Click Here for The Classic Series List or Here for the New Series List.

Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD



  • Neill Stringer

    November 2nd, 2019 - 2:09am

    Has anyone had issues with the Digi stak sliding off the cardboard?

    My season 23 kept sliding left and right and had to use super glue to keep it in place. Season 19 started sliding and had to do same though I damage the top of image behind discs when I fixed up season 19.

    Its minor, but wondering if others had any issues with the sliding?

    • Flo

      November 3rd, 2019 - 1:33pm

      This has already been reported by many fans but BBC didn’t do anything… Discs are too heavy.

    • Neill Stringer

      November 3rd, 2019 - 7:58pm

      Flo, I had to use super glue to fix them in place , but damaged the interior slightly on Season 19, at least its not noticeable unless you look hard

    • Alfie Froud

      November 18th, 2019 - 12:17pm

      The only way I have found to prevent this is to store them on their back.

    • JonVic

      November 21st, 2019 - 2:51pm

      I don’t store the discs in the box. Have them on a shelf empty for display and all the discs in a dvd wallet making swapping really easy. Far too much faff getting the box out every time.

  • Rikki Krystal

    November 1st, 2019 - 5:42pm

    Wish they would announce the date.
    The suspense is killing me.

    • Rikki Krystal

      November 1st, 2019 - 6:32pm

      Don’t know why this went on twice,

  • Rikki Krystal

    November 1st, 2019 - 5:37pm

    Wish they would announce the date.
    The suspense is killing me.

  • Sam Robinson

    November 1st, 2019 - 12:49am

    I think the BBC underestimated how popular this collection would be which is why the first few sets are so rare already, but why they’re taking so long to print more copies is something I’m not clear on. Suffice to say, I’ll be preordering them from now on…

  • dazzleshell

    October 30th, 2019 - 12:12pm

    I can see the re-release being exactly the same as original. Same packaging, same images.

    They will just make enough so it hits the number they made for Season 19 and above.

    I just wish this decision was made within the first 6 months of the original release so I didn’t have to pay over the odds.

    Does anyone know if a recording of the lee binding panel exists. Would love to watch it?

    • Jon

      October 30th, 2019 - 1:51pm

      I agree. The more I think about it the more it makes sense that they will just re-print and have it exactly the same. Just create a number that matches the previous production runs of other sets – job done.

    • Jude

      October 31st, 2019 - 6:56pm

      There must be a danger that people will buy multiple copies making them so hard to get hold of again. Who wouldn’t buy a load at £40 each and sell them for £100 in a few months, it just makes so much sense to non fans to make a killing.

    • Jon

      November 1st, 2019 - 9:56am

      I certainly see this being an issue.

    • Scott Post

      November 1st, 2019 - 11:53pm

      Me too. Getting one of these might be a stressful experience, especially if there is no pre-order. I think they should release them one per household to stop this being a bloodbath.

  • ChrisP

    October 29th, 2019 - 9:48pm

    Good to hear that the people who missed out have an opportunity to get one.
    It is a great set!

  • Anonymous

    October 29th, 2019 - 9:24pm

    My only hope is that it’s not too different from the original or I may feel I need both copies.
    Something subtle on the back like “second edition” would be alright in my eyes

  • AndyDingdangdoo

    October 28th, 2019 - 6:19pm

    I am sick of hearing people whinging if the re release is the same.we need something with a spine to match so a single disc case will not do.we are all who fans and people should be fine about us getting a copy we couldn’t first time around.All this boils down to in the end is “How much is my copy worth” and that is all.surely we have a right to get a re release for the collection to look right. A minor change in a picture would be ok by me.Although I would like it the same.Just change the outer cardboard box rear from purple to a different colour.Would that please everyone.So everyone would have the same box but the rear is just different enough.

    • Darren

      October 28th, 2019 - 6:59pm

      I think it all boils down to those complaining are those hoping to make £500 selling the original release.

    • TARDIS Traveller

      October 28th, 2019 - 7:09pm

      Agreed. Or swap a dalek for davros something small and subtle but enough to make the two copies distinctly different. Whatever the difference is I’ll be buying (hope it’s in the same style packaging!)

    • Martin Sparrow

      October 28th, 2019 - 7:58pm

      Who are all the people whinging? I haven’t read one person whinge on this site.

    • booboo

      October 28th, 2019 - 8:08pm

      couple of observations about the “limited edition” status but no whinging that i can see.

    • philip shaw

      October 29th, 2019 - 8:16am

      Fortunately I managed to get an original copy but some friends didn’t, I’m glad they can get one. They love the new designs, as do I, and it’s not whinging to want one to match the further releases they already have… I’m hoping for exactly the same perhaps with a tiny 2nd edition somewhere on the back…If it has to be on at all!

    • philip shaw

      October 29th, 2019 - 8:17am

      perhaps they could argue that it was a ‘too limited’ edition and release the other 9000 to match the outage of the further sets!

    • philip shaw

      October 29th, 2019 - 7:11pm

      please god don’t have a different cover but be exactly the same otherwise cos I’ll have to buy it again !!!

  • Mark Allen

    October 28th, 2019 - 9:37am

    Don’t get too excited yet. BBC will have to follow legal protocol in issuing a re-release. Imagine Bloomsbury re-issuing the first HP book as a first edition. There should be no detriment to those who paid £200 – £400 to secure a copy (I believe anyone with the original release would have grounds to sue the BBC if an identical copy is released as their copy will lose its value). These originals should be known as the first edition and these would always be sought after by collectors. The packaging will have to differ on the re-release editions, re-release must be clear as the first release were sold as limited edition. Those who buy and hold to sell high later may still win, by re-releasing Season 12 it will bring in new buyers of the series and they will be eager to get their hands on all the other sold out seasons.

    • Rob W

      October 28th, 2019 - 9:56am

      It will probably be released in a standard blue Amary case as the original was in Limited Edition packaging but we’ll find out for sure befire Christmas.

    • Jon

      October 28th, 2019 - 9:58am

      As long as the box looks pretty much the same and the spines match that’s fine by me. I’m not interested in having rare releases of multiple boxes with minor differences. I just want a nice set of Who that matches on the shelf.

    • Ollie

      October 28th, 2019 - 10:30am

      I’d happily buy a set with a different design on the cover if that mean a complete set at the end of the day I’m sure Lee Binding could come up with something for an alternative season 12 design.

    • OllieOz

      October 28th, 2019 - 11:16am

      Nah I disagree. I think it should be exactly the same as the first release but with corrected discs from the get go. It’s one of the best seasons for newcomers to start on, and has ‘Genesis’ one of the most popular classic stories. Makes more sense to rerelease it exactly as it was with at least enough units to bring it in line with the other releases.

    • Jon

      October 28th, 2019 - 11:22am

      If it comes in a standard case I will not be buying. It will have to be pretty much the same as the original release.

    • The Ergon

      October 28th, 2019 - 2:00pm

      If they were to include only the most minor alteration it wouldn,t make any difference to those who want this. It would beat paying hundreds of pounds. They released ‘The key to Time’ as limited Edition but due to an outcry of fans not being able to get a copy, it was rereleased and i don,t think there were any changes there. People wanted a copy and got one. They seem to include Limited Edition on a lot of stuff now just to grab sales to see how they sell and this being the first release as well but from a legal standpoint i understand where youre coming from. Its hasty to include ‘Limited Edition’ on the packaging if it isn,t honoured.

    • Jon

      October 28th, 2019 - 4:52pm

      Remember that Season 12 was produced in much lower numbers than subsequent box sets and they all carry the ‘limited edition’ label. Therefore if they make numbers of Season 12 to match current production levels I see no issue with it being exactly the same. As far as people taking legal action because they either paid over the odds on ebay or feel their set is ‘devalued’ I think it would get laughed out of court. This is a few hundred quid on a Blu-ray set, hardly a pressing or important issue!

    • MJS

      October 28th, 2019 - 6:48pm

      Wow, no! It should be exactly the same. Nowhere on the packaging does it say limited edition, or numbered.
      I bought mine when it came out and fully support the range, I have no quibbles with anyone wanting to join and happy to see the scalpers stuffed. I don’t care what time’s worth. I bought it to enjoy, not to gloat or revel in the value

    • Darren

      October 28th, 2019 - 6:57pm

      The original release was limited, not numbered, so it can be re-released in the same packaging.

    • The Ergon

      October 28th, 2019 - 6:58pm

      Jon, the poor bloke is aggrieved.I was trying to be polite without wanting to be ironic and yes they seemed to be testing the water with sales with this being the first Bluray limited Edition release. In hindsight they needn,t have worried. These added sales will make up that difference.

    • Bobby Davros

      October 29th, 2019 - 7:09am

      Good luck mounting litigation that costs less than the cost of an expensive bluray set.

    • Simon

      November 13th, 2019 - 3:12am

      I don’t think that’s going to apply because the retail price was £40 to begin with. The BBC are not responsible for the resale value of the 1st issue of the set only the original price through retailers. I have the original Key to Time DVD which was a Limited Edition Numbered set and the only thing that changed on the reissue was that the plastic slip that had the limited number on a sticker was no longer present on the outer box. It was otherwise identical. I expect much the same of the Season 12 re-issue Blu Ray.

  • The Ergon

    October 28th, 2019 - 8:56am

    Also Please correct Michael Wishers name on the end credits as well please.

    • Gordon

      October 28th, 2019 - 9:50am

      Already done on the replacement discs

    • The Ergon

      October 28th, 2019 - 2:08pm

      Oh i hadn,t heard anything through comments.I,m glad about that though as it was another little abberation on their part that swayed me away from buying in the first place.

  • Anonymous

    October 28th, 2019 - 8:42am

    Does anyone have any idea how many copies will be released?

    • Gordon

      October 28th, 2019 - 9:16am

      Enough to bring them in line with the current releases

  • Jon

    October 28th, 2019 - 8:31am

    This is really great news. I have purchased every other set and it has always annoyed me I would never complete it. On a couple of occasions I considered not collecting these anymore due to the simply ludicrous prices on ebay and the money I would spend to have an incomplete set. I have emailed the BBC directly and spoke to their DVD team regarding this issue and it is good to hear that the response finally is that they will re-print these.

    I hope there are enough to take account of the many individuals that will buy lots of these thinking they can make a quick buck on ebay. It would be rather upsetting to have a shortage of these as well!

    Hopefully this version will be the better of the two anyway with the correct discs. The farce of the first release is why i failed to pull the trigger on buying it in the first week of release.

  • Anonymous

    October 28th, 2019 - 7:42am

    I really hope they put pre orders up for this rather than just releasing them with no warning like the big finish sets.

  • Type 40

    October 28th, 2019 - 2:25am

    I’d become resigned to never owning this and having one season forever on DVD. Now the news of its re-release has been announced that resignation has gone – completely. I can’t wait for this to be available again.

  • Flo

    October 27th, 2019 - 9:35pm

    This will be out again instead of an other series ? So some of us will have to wait 6 months for a new release or packaging won’t be the same ( same as the US ).

    Can we have a re-release for series 9 in Steelbook ? 🙂

    • Gordon

      October 27th, 2019 - 9:56pm

      No it’s in addition to the quarterly releases

    • dazzleshell

      October 27th, 2019 - 10:17pm

      That’s good to know Gordon as I didn’t want this to be in place of a new release.

      I bought my copy of Season 12 from Ebay after the BBC told me it wouldn’t get a re-release. So although I’m annoyed it is good for fans.

      Sods law.

    • Flo

      October 27th, 2019 - 11:04pm

      Thanks Gordon. It’s an excellent news for those who missed it. Series 12 is so good

  • Moodbeam

    October 27th, 2019 - 8:41pm

    This is fantastic news! Hopefully those of us that want this can now get it for a reasonable price.

  • Anonymous

    October 27th, 2019 - 8:29pm

    Will there be any changes between the originals and the new one.

  • Anonymous

    October 27th, 2019 - 8:28pm

    Any idea when it will get re released?

  • prototype dalek

    October 27th, 2019 - 7:50pm

    I don’t get these myself but I knew there was a huge demand for these sets, so good to hear the fans have been listened to and that they are re-releasing it.

    • Anonymous

      October 27th, 2019 - 8:26pm

      Oh those people selling these for £349.99 are screwed

    • The Ergon

      October 27th, 2019 - 8:50pm

      They had their chance expect those prices to plummet. Now If all those previous problems have been rectified, I may u turn and get a copy this time around.

    • The Ergon

      October 28th, 2019 - 12:24am

      Saying that, i reckon some will play the waiting game and even scavenge a few more before they really are gone.

  • Luna

    October 27th, 2019 - 7:30pm

    I already have one but I’ve seen a lot wanting this, these are gonna go fast, good luck everyone

  • Sauvix

    October 27th, 2019 - 7:26pm

    I may have missed something but are these sets just blu-ray or DVD as well?

    • Mark Belsom

      October 27th, 2019 - 7:30pm

      Blu-ray only,but grab one while you can.

  • OllieOz

    October 27th, 2019 - 5:26pm

    So with the re-release confirmed do you think they’ll fix that one remaining error on ‘Revenge of the Cybermen’ that got through to the replacement disc? In Part 2 one of the old model shots of the sky striker missile shows up right after an updated one with the New FX option.

    Kinda have a soft spot for ‘Revenge’ so if that’s getting fixed might be tempted to double dip and sell on my old one XD

  • Andrew Townsend

    October 27th, 2019 - 2:25pm

    Well a season 12 re release is happening.well done to all those who that is a big blow for those who are charging over £400 for them on eBay. buying and selling for huge huge huge profits. Well done BBC.

  • Robert Sienicki

    October 27th, 2019 - 12:11pm

    Good news, guys.

    “Just announced at London Comic-Con! Range producer, Russell Minton confirms there will be a reissue of #DoctorWho The Collection: Season 12 ”

    So, those who didn’t get it, now can complete their collection!

    • Simon

      October 27th, 2019 - 12:35pm

      I saw Lee posting about this too. Can not wait! Did they mention a time frame?

  • Duncan Parsons

    August 12th, 2019 - 10:22am

    I’ve seen people asking around £1000 for this on Ebay.

    • Anonymous

      August 12th, 2019 - 1:52pm

      I got it for £80

    • Anonymous

      August 12th, 2019 - 3:13pm

      I got it for 15.76 inc postage from a seller off Amazon. UK version still sealed.

    • Flo

      August 15th, 2019 - 1:51pm

      Got this 39£99 from Amazon. I do understand people who didn’t buy it and want a new edition … They’ll have the complete collection WITHOUT the best series

      You. An buy the US version ( poor packaging) or the Australia edition ( mixed us and uk edition) for less than 70$ I guess.

  • Andrew Townsend

    July 12th, 2019 - 3:26pm

    I sent this to the BBC about the chances of a re release of this as demand is so high. Below is the email i sent and below that is the reply I got back from them. You never know…..maybe…just maybe.
    Will the above be re released after the demand was so high and not a lot was made.surely it would benefit the BBC hugely as there is still a great demand for its re release. They are regularly selling for upto £300 on eBay.A re-release would be a good move for the BBC.


    Thank you for your e-mail Andrew and suggestion which we will forward immediately to our Sales teams for further consideration.

    Kind regards

    DVD Enquiry Line

    • Flo

      August 15th, 2019 - 1:53pm

      It won’t be re-released. Not until they complete the whole collection. They’ll probably do a boxset for each doctor ( unlimited) after the collection.

  • Flashjacket348

    July 11th, 2019 - 8:38am

    I found a site selling the UK edition season 12 boxset for £40. I’m not sure if it’s legit so could someone help me out?


    • booboo

      July 11th, 2019 - 8:47am

      no contact details, no trading address, no nothing, that’s about as un-legit as things can get

    • Chris Howarth

      July 11th, 2019 - 9:15am

      If this Grant Williams (AKA Dr Who Store) has somehow sourced some stock, why isn’t he selling them on ebay for hundreds of pounds each? Selling at RRP or lower doesn’t seem like good business to me.

    • booboo

      July 11th, 2019 - 9:19am

      there have been several sites like this set up of the last year or two, also if you try paypal it doesn’t work

      its a scam site

    • Flashjacket348

      July 11th, 2019 - 9:37am

      Thanks for responding guys 🙂

  • Billy

    July 3rd, 2019 - 2:10am

    Still makes me sad to see this missing from my shelf.

  • James

    June 17th, 2019 - 9:48am

    Or couldn’t they take orders in a time period then do a re-run. As it will be a year since it’s release next month, they could have July for people to request orders. Then come then end of the month count them up and print a re-run. Stores/retailers could also order stock on a firm sale basis. Then there wouldn’t be any lost money.

    • booboo

      June 17th, 2019 - 10:03am

      The amount of orders might not cover the cost of a re-run though.

      I don’t know what the minimum would be but is suspect it would be quite a large number.

      Hopefully they can work some number out and make it happen but would have though they would have done it by now

  • Duncan Parsons

    June 16th, 2019 - 8:02pm

    They might re-release it later on down the line but thats maybe unlikely. There are a few bargains out there if you keep looking and be on at the right time. I was very very lucky and got mine dirt cheap.

    • Duncan Parsons

      June 16th, 2019 - 8:07pm

      Sorry, that was supposed to be a reply to James

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