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Doctor Who Magazine Issue 613
Inside this issue
- RUSSELL T DAVIES on the writers joining him for the Fifteenth Doctor’s second season.
- With Jon Pertwee’s debut season coming to Blu-ray, we speak to team behind the release about the remastered episodes and the Special Features included on the set.
- The Fugitive Doctor is back! JO MARTIN talks about stepping out from the shadow of the Thirteenth Doctor as she embarks on a series of her own adventures on audio.
- Script to Screen – exec producer JOEL COLLINS, production designer PHIL SIMMS, visual effects supervisor SEB BARKER and others explain how they built the Time Hotel.
- MICKEY LEWIS shares his experiences of playing some of the Doctor’s most terrifying adversaries.
- We take a look at the history of lost First Doctor adventure The Savages – soon to be released as an animation…
- Actor John Lord speaks about taking on the role of a Yeti – among his other roles.
- A tribute to the Doctor Who work of designer Ken Ledsham.
- Join us as we play mobile game Lost in Time – including the crossover with Star Trek: Lower Decks.
- A fond look at the peculiarities of fan favourite Genesis of the Daleks.
- Gary Gillatt considers how dinosaurs have had a colossal impact on Doctor Who…
- Back to 1977… how script editor Robert Holmes was targeted by the tabloids!
- The Fact of Fiction looks at the concluding episodes of 1968’s The Dominators.
- The continuing adventures of the Doctor and Ruby in the comic strip!
Regular features
- Gallifrey Guardian – our news round-up including casting on the new series.
- Shelf Life – featuring reviews of the latest audio releases.
- Other Worlds – the essential guide to new stories in Doctor Who’s expanded universe.
- Prizes to be won including Blu-rays of Joy to the World and The Collection – Season 9!
Doctor Who Magazine Issue 613 is on sale Thursday 30 January 2025 from panini.co.uk and WH Smith priced £7.99 (UK).
Also available as a digital edition from pocketmags.com priced £6.99.
February 3rd, 2025 - 2:03pmSnowman..
They dont own the shops. Shops are leased out from town/shopping centres or retail parks.
They are selling the remaining stores which have leases still and the High Street Brand. There is over 200 million pounds in stock that will come with rhe sale. I used to work with whs and have someone who keeps me informed.
If HMV sale goes through there is a fair chance stores will have mini sites within stores like the current Toys R Us and Post Office model.
If Hobbycraft sale goes through they could have more magazines and small book dept inside HC stores and larger craft sections in whs stores.
The sites, stock, brand and staff come with the sale.
What the high street needs atm is investment and updating stores.
Its what happened when Argos was brought by Sainsburys. Tesco brought paperchase and the entertainer. They were incorporated into stores.
February 5th, 2025 - 2:33pm@James, I hope WHSmiths Stays open on the High Street. I personally Like WHSmiths, I Frequented their Shops Since I was a Child, I’m approaching 60 Now. I’m Just not very Optimistic that’s All.
February 6th, 2025 - 3:45pmNot missing much with this issue. A real water treader.
February 3rd, 2025 - 12:21pmits the 3rd today and i still have not found dwm anywhere like last month i had to get it off ebay its like the days of covid again
February 3rd, 2025 - 2:12pmebay? Just buy it direct from panini.
February 3rd, 2025 - 6:18pmDalekoddjob i prefer the text on the cover it is the only reason i don’t get a subscription if they had the option i would
February 5th, 2025 - 9:22amNo local newsagents you could ask to order?
February 5th, 2025 - 11:37amjames ….. no the people in the shops around here are not the most helpful
January 30th, 2025 - 2:58pmthe doctor who chronicles is back on the 13th of Feb and its doing my favourite year of WHO 1970
Prof Horner
January 30th, 2025 - 10:37amJust picked up my copy in WH Smiths here in leeds. I look forward to reading it . I am interested to see the next Doctor Who Chroniclesis is 1970, to tie in with season 7 release no doubt. But wasn’t the last Chronicles 1971?
time lord
January 30th, 2025 - 11:52pmbut the was a year ago when that come out i am glad they are mixing thing up a bit with the specials but i do wish they do something with doctor who instead of about doctor who like a reprint of something from the 1960s or 70s
Bobby Davros
January 31st, 2025 - 3:47pmWow,another Pertwee. They are going to finish his era before we get a second Tom issue. Bizarre.
February 4th, 2025 - 9:23pmIt’s funny I noticed a correlation between the collections and chronicles ans said to a mate I bet the next one will be 1970. 88 felt like it was announced near season 25s announcement. I wonder if it’s to do with stuff coming out the archive and research being done together. Probably get 79 or 84 next depending on if we get season 16 or 21 first
January 29th, 2025 - 9:01pmThis may be a daft question, but does the current W H Smith situation have any bearing on the distribution of subscriber copies (mine not received yet – if not obvious from my question!)?
January 30th, 2025 - 12:13amWHSmith are stores that sell items. SmithsNews is the main magazine/newspaper distributor for the UK. Menzies for Scotland.
January 30th, 2025 - 10:21amPlus if you’ve subscribed your magazine will come from thr publisher direct and via a coruier like royal mail. Not from a store
bob hellier
January 29th, 2025 - 6:33pmlooking forward to getting my copy tomorrow
bob hellier
January 29th, 2025 - 6:47pmbbb you could get a subscription from Panini doctor who magazine if you wanted to to save going in to an helpful newsagent.
January 29th, 2025 - 2:35pmIs there a bluray disc breakdown for season 7 bluray in this issue or is it just a preview.
January 30th, 2025 - 2:23amYes. 8 pages dedicated to season 7
Yartek. Leader of the Alien Voord
January 29th, 2025 - 1:10pmMy local Newsagent is brilliant. I get my copy every month. Walkdens in Harwood, Bolton.
The DR.
February 4th, 2025 - 12:47pmGreat Name.
January 29th, 2025 - 11:44amA local newsagent might have them in. You can ask them to keep one away for you every 4 weeks.
January 29th, 2025 - 12:55pmi tried my local newsagent is run by not the most helpful people in the world i suppose i will have to rely on ebay for the time being
January 29th, 2025 - 11:12ami do hope it is easier to get hold of it this month the wh smiths near me closed and the supermarket may have one month and not have it for the next 2 i know i should get a subscription from panini but i prefer the text on the covers
January 29th, 2025 - 12:35pmYou can ask a local newsagent to get you a copy every month. I did years ago and never had a problem.
January 29th, 2025 - 6:01pmThe trouble with that is that WH Smith handles all periodical distribution in the UK. With them in flux at present things are a mess. They also currently owe credit for all returns (magazines are sale or return, as are newspapers) dating back to November.
Things are not looking good for the industry. Even Diamond are having trouble at present. I bet US fans will struggle to find stuff like DWM for a while.
January 29th, 2025 - 6:19pmYeah, Yesterday I was watching the News on TV and it mentioned WHSmiths were Closing all there Standard Stores. The only ones staying open are in Airports, Train Stations etc which they said makes most of there Money?
Gareth Pugh
January 29th, 2025 - 9:20pmHi. They are not necessarily closing all their standard stores but they *have* put the whole portfolio of 500 up for sale and are inviting talks with interested bidders – so they are all certainly at risk if a new owner decides they just want the premises and not to keep them on as news-and -stationery stores – so they might eventually all end up closed. Sad times but I’m not entirely surprised.
January 29th, 2025 - 9:37pmDiamond filed for bankruptcy on January 14th this year.
January 30th, 2025 - 12:25amClarification
WHSmith are not closing all the High Street stores. What is in the news is the selling of that part of the business. They will then be Travel concentrated as thats where most profit comes from. Travel doesnt just mean UK hospice, train stations, motorway services, ans airports. They also include the world stores owned. Including InMotion in the US.
Some stores are closing but this is separate and is due to leases running out and landlords not lowering rent and agreeing new leases at lower rates.
WHSmith is NOT a distributor of newspapers/magazines. SmithsNews is the main distributor in the UK followed by Menzies. This isnt owned by WHS anymore as it was sold off in the early 2000s.
Magazine and newspaper are SOR (sale or return) and any credit due would be with the supplier which is SmithsNews. (Menzies for Scotland).
You can always ask your local WHS store to set up a MOS account for you (Magazine Ordering Service). You pay a deposit which can hold typically 3 issues at a time and you oay for them when you collect them. The deposit is then refunded if you cancel your order.
If you do not have a local WHS you could as your local newsagent or supermarket if they can stock it or if they do ask to increase their supply.
January 30th, 2025 - 2:12pmIt said on the News WHSmiths are trying to sell all there 500+ High Street Stores? Then whoever buys them are not forced to keep the WHSmith Branding or even keep the Shops as News agents.
There only interested in keeping the Travel side of WHSmiths. (Airports, Train Stations, Hospital Foyers etc) which is a Whopping 85% Of there Profit, alsoThese stores are all over the World not just in the UK. So I don’t know how you can say they are not closing all there High Street Stores when there are trying to sell them all off?
Gareth Pugh
February 4th, 2025 - 8:16pmWell you are right Snowman in that if the ultimate buyer(s) want to do something else with the premises, that could be the end of WHSmith on the high street- and it is unlikely WHSmith would make it a condition on the new owners of their lease ‘book’ that they keep the name or the business type – they are unlikely to let that get in the way if there’s a good offer on the table but the buyer was, say, Paddy Power and wanted to turn the premises into new betting shops. Then again, strange things can happen in business divestments and acquisitions where you can end up with two separate companies agreeing to sharing the same name or similar – Forbidden Planet and Forbidden Planet International being a good example of that. So, they *might* not close as ‘WHS’ branches – but while the portfolio of stores are up for sale, they certainly are now at much greater risk of going.