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  • The Flying Shark

    June 21st, 2017 - 7:07pm

    Got this today from a charity shop for 50p!

  • Anonymous

    May 6th, 2013 - 7:34am

    I’m a subscriber, and I still haven’t got my issue yet?

    I have never got my issue on time!

    • McGann is the Doctor

      May 10th, 2013 - 11:20am

      I prefer to buy them individually so I can choose which cover to get and check for production faults, though they are extremely rare.

      And there’s no toy if you subscribe, you just save money 😡

  • Tardispals

    May 5th, 2013 - 7:42pm

    OMG just read the name of the doctor episode pre review spoiler: not everyone will make it out the episode alive… Moffat better not kill off jenny, vastra or strax neither river if this does ocour i will flip… Off a roof!

    • Tardispals

      May 5th, 2013 - 7:42pm

      Are you with me on this whovians??

    • videogamemad00

      May 5th, 2013 - 7:45pm

      i don’t know what it is about Vastra but I find her really annoying. If anyone dies I hope it’s her.

    • Tardispals

      May 5th, 2013 - 7:50pm

      No no no why just no Vastra is amazing!!!!!

    • Doctor 2011

      May 8th, 2013 - 9:08pm

      Rivers already dead so it can’t be can it !???? Hmmmm

    • MattyB

      May 17th, 2013 - 10:31am

      No Doctor 11, If you read the preview in the magazine, Steven says the events of this episode are set after Forest of the Dead for River’s prospective. But how does she survive?

  • pug in a kilt

    May 3rd, 2013 - 3:35pm

    i got it yesterday is great!!! the comic is awsome luv to see great dr who moments also luv the clifhanger. Name of the doctor sounds great! and whic cyberman is the best.
    I like ‘the invasion one and the 80s one.

    • drjakeyoung

      May 3rd, 2013 - 3:53pm

      i voted for the tomb/moonbase cyberman

  • drjakeyoung

    May 2nd, 2013 - 9:09pm

    Got this yesterday and entered all the competitions. Just wandering, because i posted them, was i supposed to put my email address on the back, as i only put my phone number. (should i email them and let them know my email?)

  • the astronaut of death

    May 2nd, 2013 - 8:51pm

    got this today brilliant night mare in silver images and brilliant comic strip

  • The Flying Shark

    May 2nd, 2013 - 7:15pm

    I got this today, it’s such a great issue! Especially the comic strip!


    May 2nd, 2013 - 3:20pm

    Boy oh boy, what a fantastic part 5 of Hunters of the burning Stone, absolutely loving this current comic-strip, and just to see the Doctor standing infront of the Tardis in the Junkyard and being inside her original console room. . . . BLISS !!!!!! 😀

    What might not happen on screen, does tend to happen in the comic-strips, and I had hoped that maybe we could see the 11th Doctor in the original 1963 Console room, and now we have, even if not on screen which would make it even more unbelievably epic !!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

  • trenzalore

    May 1st, 2013 - 7:02pm

    That trailer that was shown in 2010 with the doctor and amy and the ground explodes to show the time vortex well amy asked ‘who are you?’ and the doctor repliys ‘the doctor’. What i’m saying is they were in a field and the question was asked (doctor who). wierd…

    • McGann is the Doctor

      May 2nd, 2013 - 4:38pm

      Don’t forget, almos everyone asks him that.

  • Esterath

    May 1st, 2013 - 6:25pm

    Got this today.


    May 1st, 2013 - 5:37pm

    eww MasterKasterborous likes sprouts


      May 1st, 2013 - 6:59pm

      What’s wrong with sprouts ?. I enjoy them on occasion, especially at Christmas time.

    • im still not here

      May 2nd, 2013 - 8:55pm

      sprouts? *gag*

  • d

    April 23rd, 2013 - 8:41pm

    What if the doctor was at tresilore and then he said to the all the silence well then, I guess this is it the whole universere is in ballence because of my name well then I guess there is only one thing to do then. My name all of this for one name

    • d

      April 23rd, 2013 - 8:45pm

      My name my name! Then.we here the 10 doc TARDIS. Sound 11 laght and sais Geronimo!

    • McGann is the Doctor

      April 29th, 2013 - 2:18pm

      What if his name WAS geronimo ? After all, Dorium did say it was hidden in plain sight ?


      May 1st, 2013 - 9:17am

      Hidden in plain sight refereed to the question ‘Doctor Who ?’.

      “The first question, the question that must never be answered, hidden in plain sight, the question you’ve been running from all you life . . Doctor Who ? . . Doctor Who ? . . DOC-TOR-WHO ? !!!!”.

  • Doctor Who Crazy Ross

    April 22nd, 2013 - 11:35pm

    I would like it if this episode was a lead up to the doctor revealing his name,but right at the end, before he says it, the show ends. And then the fiftieth anniversary episode is the aftermath of what happened. but in the end, everyone but the Doctor’s and River Song should forget. I don’t know who commented that, but I like the idea of it 🙂

    • Tardispals

      April 27th, 2013 - 9:07pm

      That sounds so cool however it would be so annoying that it took them 50yrs to release the doctors name and the only companion is clara who knows the doctors name -.-

  • DoctorWhoFan101

    April 22nd, 2013 - 7:16pm

    Wouldn’t it be annoying if the Doctor said…
    ‘My name is…’ Then the screen says.
    ‘Come Back Later While We Try And Fix The Program.’ I would cry… 🙁

    • trenzalore

      April 22nd, 2013 - 7:27pm

      it wouldn’t be annoying it would be the worst thing since they (evil scientists) invented sprouts. 😆

    • MasterKasterborous

      April 22nd, 2013 - 11:00pm

      Hmmm Sprouts

      (may be it’s just me them…)

  • Doctor Rules

    April 22nd, 2013 - 6:17pm

    is the 50th anniversary going to be like a few hours long? Or just the normal 45 minutes?

    • eddy

      April 22nd, 2013 - 6:30pm

      think it would be 1 hour or so

    • trenzalore

      April 22nd, 2013 - 6:41pm

      it’s 50 minuts long but we also have ‘an adventure in time and space’ by mark gatiss which has david bradley playing the first doctor. personally i think it should be way more than 50 mins but they might have just told us that

    • That Snowman over there

      April 22nd, 2013 - 6:41pm

      It’s not 50 minutes. The length has not been confirmed yet, and won’t be for a while.


      April 22nd, 2013 - 6:45pm

      There are some interesting things coming up during the 50th Anniversary –

      50th Anniversary Special featuring Matt Smith, Jenna-Louise Coleman, David Tennant, Billie Piper and John ‘Chestburster’ Hurt as the 11th Doctor, Clara, 10th Doctor, Rose and whoever John is playing we don’t yet know.

      Mark Gatiss’s ‘An Adventure in Space and Time’ as Trenzalore mentioned, even thou he got the last 3 words of the title the wrong way around, but he still got the title right.

    • trenzalore

      April 22nd, 2013 - 6:46pm

      i meant 60 minuts and i heard it was confirmed at the london toy fair (but i might be wrong)


      April 22nd, 2013 - 6:47pm

      [CONTINUED] and also BBC Worldwide are planning a 3 day event Doctor Who’s 50th Birthday weekend in November at the Excel Centre in London where the London MCM Expo is usually held during the last weekend of May and October every year.

    • trenzalore

      April 22nd, 2013 - 6:47pm

      but i’m not sure that was an official announcment

    • MasterKasterborous

      April 22nd, 2013 - 11:03pm

      I’m thinking it’s got to be longer than an hour as it’s going to be shown in cinemas in 3D and no film is that long. 90 minutes may be?

      An Adventure in Space and Time looks absolutely brilliant and will be for me one of the true highlights of the celebration!

    • trenzalore

      April 23rd, 2013 - 7:53am

      yeah, i’m sure it will be realy intresting and from pictures of david bradley playing the first doctor it looks brilliant and mark gatiss writing it i’m sure he will be great

  • trenzalore

    April 22nd, 2013 - 5:39pm

    i want to start buying these and i’m just thinking can i ask my local newsagents to start getting these? if not where can i get these? (i want to start getting these instead of doctor who adventures)

    • eddy

      April 22nd, 2013 - 6:05pm

      they are quite expensive for what they are, not worth the money personally, and you do get updates from here for free anyway


      April 22nd, 2013 - 6:12pm

      Trenzalore – You can subscribe to DWM. If you subscribe now, you get 13 issues for £52 or 13 issues plus 3 specials for £70.

      There are 4 ways to subscribe –

      Call – 0844 543 0058
      E-Mail – [email protected]
      Subscribe online – [reqular issues only] [regular issues and specials]

    • Kroton

      April 22nd, 2013 - 6:33pm

      They are nice reads and collector items, and all supermarkets sell them. They don’t have many adverts and are cheaper than DWARF

      DWA = around £2.50 x 4 (1 a week)
      DWM = around £4.50 a month

    • trenzalore

      April 22nd, 2013 - 6:43pm

      yeah, i like collection doctor who magazine covers like radio times also no supermarket near me sell this, do you think i should ask my neswagets to get them?

    • Kroton

      April 22nd, 2013 - 6:52pm

      Strange having no supermarkets selling it. You could try and ask, but I’m not sure if they will for just one customer, if your going to buy each issue, you could subscribe, they deliver to you and it works out cheaper than buying in shops.

    • trenzalore

      April 22nd, 2013 - 6:54pm

      the shops near me are morrisons and sainsburys but i guess i could subscibe, thanks 🙂

    • Tardispals

      April 27th, 2013 - 9:10pm

      Morrisons dont stock them at my local store but WH Smiths are really gd! 4.75 or so is a reasonable price as the magazine is stuffed with interviews, reviews, upcoming episode info, exclusive behind the scenes pictures and so much more!! And they are also collectible!!!


    April 22nd, 2013 - 4:30pm

    Really hope DWM gives away a new free poster of the Doctor and Clara, cos seeing as they are the new Tardis duo, and Clara’s been the companion properly now for 4 episodes so far, it would be nice for us fan’s to have a poster of her with the Doctor to put on our Bedroom doors or wall’s or where ever a lot of fan’s like to put posters up at home.

    Once ‘The Angels Take Manhatten’ was broadcast I just took down any poster of mine featuring Amy and Rory, cos since their gone I just didn’t see any point keeping them on the wall’s in my room.

    • Kroton

      April 22nd, 2013 - 5:12pm

      Agree with the first point about wanting a new poster, but I’ve left all my old posters up, even tenth doctors ones!

  • McGann is the Doctor

    April 22nd, 2013 - 11:05am

    Because nobody has said this joke yet, I just wanted to get it out there:

    What if….get this….what if the Doctor’s name….turned out to be……. 😆 ……Doctor Who !


    • trenzalore

      April 22nd, 2013 - 5:46pm

      :mrgreen: 😆 😀 🙂 😐 🙁 🙄 sorry i’m just doing that thing people do when they hear a knock knock joke, or when they see the doctors dress sense.

  • McGann is the Doctor

    April 22nd, 2013 - 11:05am

    Because nobody has said this joke yet, I just wanted to get it out there:

    What if….get this….what if the Doctor’s name….turned out to be….:lol:…Doctor Who !


    • eddy

      April 22nd, 2013 - 6:03pm

      just said that below… hilarious… hahaha

    • eddy

      April 22nd, 2013 - 6:03pm


  • trenzalore

    April 21st, 2013 - 5:15pm

    i think the doctors name is davros…what does everyone else think his name is?

    • eddy

      April 21st, 2013 - 5:29pm

      to me , i think it is just a big hyped up thing, i honestly think its going to be … the doctor, same when we all thought he was going to be killed by the astronaught, but he didn’t in the end

    • trenzalore

      April 21st, 2013 - 5:34pm

      i think the only people that knows the doctors real name are the creators of the show

    • eddy

      April 21st, 2013 - 5:52pm

      i dont think so, because like i said its going to be the doctor for the name, so why do the creators need to know, they dont because there is no name

    • trenzalore

      April 21st, 2013 - 5:58pm

      i agree, but when the creaters first thaught about this new programme called doctor WHO, they must have had one chat or meeting about what the doctors name could be

    • Kroton

      April 22nd, 2013 - 5:13pm

      Like with TWORS, we all thought river was getting married, but she didn’t (or did she?)

  • matparks08

    April 21st, 2013 - 11:39am

    The name of the Doctor? You mean after all these years it’s not ‘Jehosophat’? Oh no, that’s the Master isn’t it! 😉 (Not being serious, don’t worry)


      April 21st, 2013 - 5:09pm

      His name is actually Kochei according to Doctor Who Wiki.

    • McGann is the Doctor

      April 22nd, 2013 - 11:03am

      His real name is Kal Faraq Gatri.

      Pretty lame, I’ll take Theta Sigma any day.

  • matt9982

    April 21st, 2013 - 8:27am

    When is this out?

    • Anonymous

      April 21st, 2013 - 9:06am

      2nd of May

    • matt9982

      April 21st, 2013 - 9:34am

      Ok thanks

  • matt9982

    April 20th, 2013 - 8:49pm

    I think it would be cool if just as hes about to say his name 10s tardis apears right where they are standing and 10 saves him. Then it would lead onto the 50th 🙂

    • McGann is The Doctor

      April 21st, 2013 - 1:31am

      Come to think of it, he could answer the question (he has to answer) but he could only whisper it so nobody would hear.

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