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Doctor Who Magazine Issue 442
Doctor Who Magazine Issue 441
You can keep up to date with Doctor Who magazine, see larger images of this and other covers on their Facebook Page Here Or you can now follow them on twitter.
Out Thursday 15 December 2011.
I wear a fez now
December 20th, 2011 - 8:15pmI love the cover, it almost looks Radio-Timesy
McGann is the Doctor.
January 12th, 2012 - 9:37amIt doesn’t “almost look” it’s SUPPOSED TO LOOK radio timesy. It IS based on the radio times artwork.
I don’t really like it, the Doctor looks terrible in this picture. π And his bowtie is the wrong colour aswell ! π The magazine itself is awesome to read though π
Admiral Icktheus
December 15th, 2011 - 6:38pmBooboo aren’t you going to do a feature on The Eleventh Doctor Volume Four. Even though DWM said it was out next Thursday I found it in Whsmith today.
December 15th, 2011 - 6:40pmThis one here – http://www.doctorwhonews.net/2011/12/dwn141211125508-dwm-companion-eleventh.html
McGann is the Actor.
December 16th, 2011 - 12:14pmI saw it in Eason’s yesterday !! I’ll say this; It’s AMAZING !! π
It’s got Dr Who at the awards ceremony, the making of. That should prove interesting π
Admiral Icktheus
December 17th, 2011 - 10:42amYeah looks good to read. A huge step up from volume three. Volume five will most likely cover: The God Complex, Closing Time, The Wedding Of River Song, The Naked Truth (CIN special 2011) and The Doctor, The Widow And The Wardrobe
McGann is the Doctor.
January 12th, 2012 - 9:38amIt’s called the Naked truth ? OMG ! it’s an actual episode now ! π
Callum Eales
December 14th, 2011 - 7:36pmboo boo in this their an avert 4 whoshop.com with pic of 6th doc regenration fig but not on their site do u know where i can find one
December 14th, 2011 - 7:41pmdo you mean this one http://merchandise.thedoctorwhosite.co.uk/sixth-doctor-regeneration-figure/ it was another FP exclusive, one or 2 of there stores may still have one
Callum Eales
December 14th, 2011 - 7:44pmyep that one
Admiral Icktheus
December 14th, 2011 - 4:49pmJust got it from Tesco and also got Uncle figure from Toys R Us. Haven’t opened them yet though! Also booboo isn’t the Doctor Who Insider issue 9 out yet?
December 14th, 2011 - 6:24pmIt’s not out until tomorrow π
December 14th, 2011 - 7:21pmBut a lot of stores get the the evening of the day before the release date, so they can be out and ready for the next day, saves time rushing arounf in the morning putting it out, I hve my copy aswell, I always get it the day before
December 13th, 2011 - 8:51pmoff topic but who has read the doctor who files?
December 13th, 2011 - 9:39pmThe book range? I got a few but they were not really that good.
December 11th, 2011 - 9:28pmThis cover looks amazing! Amy and Rory look cross-eyed but never the less a fantastic cover! Will certainly be buying this.
Life, Doctor Who & Combom.
McGann is the Doctor.
December 12th, 2011 - 1:33pmOnly one cross-eyed is Amy. So they will be in the episode for a brief time then ? Nice, shame, it would have been a oppurtunity for some new Titles in the Title sequence I thought they would be gone until the 7th Series but clearly that would be too far off !! π
December 11th, 2011 - 5:16pmThere’s an interesting story going around.
SFX have revelaed that episode two of The Underwater Menace and episode three of Galaxy 4 have been found!
doctor 2011
December 11th, 2011 - 6:26pmits true and are relesed next year its on dr who tv
Admiral Icktheus
December 11th, 2011 - 6:34pmit’s also on the Doctor Who facebook page
December 12th, 2011 - 10:28pmit’s on the news portion of this site.
December 11th, 2011 - 4:23pmbooboo, i know it’s not to do with doctor who magazine but what are the doctor who DVD files going up to i know that they’re definitely doing up to 80 – finishing series 5 but i read somewhere that they would go up to 100 with some more classic stories and children in need specials and i read somewhere else that they would also carry on to include series 6 and maybe even series 7 in the collection. do you still collect these and do you how many issues there will be?
December 11th, 2011 - 4:28pmHe doesn’t collect them, the official word from the team was 90 issues. Some people claim it goes up to 97 with the Eleventh Doctor’s second series, but their lisence only goes up to A Good Man Goes to War so that is unlikely.
Wait and see is the only thing we can do at the moment but judging by the magazine itself, 90 is the most likely.
December 11th, 2011 - 4:32pmthanks
December 11th, 2011 - 4:36pmon wikipedia it said 80 but i hope it carries on at least until the 50th anniversary.
December 11th, 2011 - 4:54pmIt was updated by the editor to 90, then vandalised by someone saying it was up to 97, then it was cleaned up and taken back to 80 but at the moment the official word is 90 issues.
December 11th, 2011 - 4:59pmoh rite ok thanks (again)
December 11th, 2011 - 7:01pmhave they done any series 5 yet
December 11th, 2011 - 7:21pmTomb of the CYbermen has ben released so Series 5 has been done.
Don’t worry, I know what you mean, they are part of the way through Smith’s first series at the moment.
December 12th, 2011 - 6:24pmgoing by what wikipedia says , I know that they are going to to at least issue 80, as when the editor last edited the page that was the number she stopped at.
December 12th, 2011 - 6:28pmgoing by what wikipedia says,I know that they are going to to at least issue 80, as when the editor last edited the page that was the number she stopped at. Not sure if the editor was the one who claimed 90 issues.
Anyway since the mag is covering series 6 (in the the doctor section and series 6 stuff related stuff in other single fact file sections) it seems likely they will be covering 6 once they get the license and a time frame when they can start including series 6. It would seem odd to only include series 6 in the doctor section
December 12th, 2011 - 9:40pmIt was issue 90 the editor took it up to. However, their lisence only covers the first half of the 2011 series, if you look carefully there are no mentions of anything from the Autumn run, for example The Wedding of River Song is missing from The Silence page’s episode guide.
It could go up to 80 but it would be a tight squeeze to get everything in.
December 13th, 2011 - 12:49pmOk cool thanks for that, I have yet to see those issues, so diid not know that. I am sure they will try and get the licence for the rest of series 6 as it would seem silly not to include the dvds for only half of series 6.
December 13th, 2011 - 5:11pmThe thing I read on the web said that they would do Series 5 from 74-80 as they are doing now and then from there they would do (numbers in brackets are the Doctor numbers):
81 – Warriors of the Deep (5)
82 – The Leisure Hive (4)
83 – The Seeds of Death (2)
84 – The Ark in Space (4)
85 – Time and the Rani (7)
86 – Arc of Infinity (5)
87 – Attack of the Cybermen (6)
88 – The Invasion of Time (4)
89 – Terror of the Autons (3)
90 – Black Orchid (5)
91 – Silver Nemesis (7)
92 – The Aztecs (1)
93 – The Twin Dilemma (6)
94 – Planet of the Spiders (3)
December 13th, 2011 - 5:12pmcont.
95 – Terminus (5)
96 – The Ribos Operation (4)
97 – Timelash (6)
98 – The Armageddon Factor (4)
99 – The Monster of Peladon (3)
100 – Doctor Who: Children in Need (Regeneration Scene)/Time Crash/Music of the Spheres/Space/Time
From then on it said they would include Series 6 which would mean:
101 – The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
102 – The Curse of the Black Spot/The Doctor’s Wife
103 – The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
104 – A Good Man Goes to War/Let’s Kill Hitler
105 – Night Terrors/The Girl Who Waited
106 – The God Complex/Closing Time
107 – The Wedding of River Song/The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe
December 13th, 2011 - 5:58pmwhere did you get this information from?
December 13th, 2011 - 6:30pmi think i might have got it on this sight but it was ages ago such i’m not 100% sure plus i’m not sure if it’s accurate but if dvd files go over 80 this is what i’m going to go by.
December 13th, 2011 - 9:13pm81 – Planet of the Daleks
82 – Attack of the CYbermen
83 – Warriors of the Deep
84 – The Mind Robber
85 – Full Circle
86 – State of Decay
87 – Warriors’ Gate
88 – The Invasion
89 – The Ark in Space
90 – The Daleks
The list you just gave was the vandalsed list that made the team reveal what issues 81-90 actually were in the first place.
December 13th, 2011 - 9:19pmThe editor of the magazine (Claire Lister) put those ten issues up on the 26th of May 2011 as a result of somebody putting “the list to 107” on wikipedia, which according to her was a lie.
Besides, the team do not have the lisence for the Autumn run yet, however I have a feeling the lisence has been extended for other reasons, artist Tom Connell posts pictures of the Flashback artwork on Facebook, and has now changed the issue numbering to a three digit system implying at least 100 issues.
December 14th, 2011 - 11:53amI remember all the information, but thanks for reminding me. It seems at least up to 90 is confirmed.
Just checked and the numbering system has not chnaged.
Also what is your thoery/feeling regarding the license.
It is now back to 107 on wikipedia which I believe is the old fake list?
December 14th, 2011 - 11:58amthey set up a twitter account, facebook page and website archive and abandoned all of them, its easy to keep people up to date if you want to but they dont seem to be bothered. i could never get a reply from them about featuring each mag on the site so we dont bother now.
December 14th, 2011 - 1:18pmBut they haven’t needed to update it, when they updated it in May it brought it right into the middle of 2012, people constantly vandalise the list on Wikipedia. 90 is the current amount so if they don’t have anything to announce yet then they are not able to update.
December 14th, 2011 - 1:38pmthat’s my view of the franchise,They couldn’t even have the courtesy to reply to emails. they set up these things then abandon them, they could keep facebook up to date with the latest covers etc to keep people interested.
Personally i have no time for them and they lost me as a customer ages ago
December 15th, 2011 - 4:55pmi saw them and i just thought doctor who DVDs! so i started collecting them and got up to 28 and thought now what and then i got introduced to classic stories i had none of them so i collect them now just so i’ve got a lot of doctor who DVDs both 21C and classic so it was just convenience to me to collect them all in one go instead of searching for them in dvd shops and things and then i found out that they were doing series 5 so i thought well i’ve collected them this far, i may aswell carry on collecting and not buy the boxsets seperately
December 15th, 2011 - 5:12pmThe list has been updated on Wikipedia by the way.
December 16th, 2011 - 5:28pmand it seems like they have the license for the second half of series 6 judging by the handbots mention in the magazine and another thing which I can’t remember.
December 16th, 2011 - 8:42pmWhere are the Handbots mentioned? The problem is, I have not seen anything from that series, it does not appear to be anything definite.
Also, that list is just the vandalised version with issues 81-90 corrected based on the editor’s list so unless this person managed to guess what was coming out perfectly except from the first 10, then it won’t be correct.
December 18th, 2011 - 12:46pmJust looked through the edit history on the Wikipedia page, it was not the DVD Files team that removed them from the list as the IP is different from the one that added issues 81-90 back i nMay, we shall see what actually happens next month but until then it appears it will still be 90.
December 20th, 2011 - 12:42pmthe list is back to issue 80 again. I have tried to get answers about this from the publishers/customer service people but alas no response.
As for the handbots they were featured in issue 77 and on the heavenly host enemies page.
December 20th, 2011 - 8:25pmSo that means they just got the lisence for the Autumn run, and it was sometime after they supposedly finished the range off for good, seems a bit odd to do something like that if there was no future for it.
Certainly the list was edited back by someone, but it wasn’t the IP address used before by the team, and they haven’t said anything yet, so I’d still say 90 is a safe bet. That and the DVD covers would look a bit odd cutting off there, but it clearly wasn’t planned to work out like that if they have had to get rid of ten issues last minute
December 20th, 2011 - 8:34pmWe shall find out in 27 days time (16th of January), the payment shall be taken for issue 80, if it’s Β£5.99 then it’s one issue, Β£11.98 then it’s two.
PLus it would say issue 81 was being sent as well.
December 22nd, 2011 - 7:01pmI predict more then 90 issues as 10 issues is not enough to cover the rest of series 5 and the whole of series 6 not to mention the huge amount of classic stuff e.g krynoids, vervoids etc.
December 22nd, 2011 - 7:45pmDefinetly, but I’d be thankful for even just 90 at the moment.
December 24th, 2011 - 5:27pmApparently it has been extended to 110. Now it’s just a case of finding out what’s between 91 and 110.
December 28th, 2011 - 1:35pmHow do you know? as I found out from their facebook page.
But will 110 issues be enough to cover everything (new and classic who) especially since they are covering all minor stuff in episodes (e.g characters) ?
December 28th, 2011 - 3:53pmYou can request letters from the team about news on the magazine.
It likely won’t be enough though, as they extended it before The Doctor, the widow and the Wardrobe broadcasted so those twenty unconfirmed issues will ikely be all classics.
It doesn’t really matter though, they still have the potential to go on for over 100 issues without the help of the new series from classics alone.
December 28th, 2011 - 3:56pmAlso, issue 81 is lsited in the subscription page althoug that doesn’t confirm the 110 statement, it would seem unlikely that this is made up as two people have the letter, besides we know all the contents up to 90, I’m more interested to find out what stories are coming out between issues 91 and 110.
January 2nd, 2012 - 4:09pmHow do you request letters from the team? (as i would like this letter) when i asked on twitter about my missing letter for the first extension they replied saying they would and clair lister emailed to me from her email address.
80-103 is likely to be classics and 103-110 classics as it takes 7 issues to do a series and xmas special.
January 2nd, 2012 - 4:14pmand that is very true, as they are still doing pre matt smith new who so still have a long way to go. Seems strange some issues have two alien worlds (almost as if they need to do this to fit them in) and 2 enemies pages most issues while only one ally pages.
I suspect that due to the amount of info, they have said 110 issues as that is the amount they know they can fill for the magazine, and will reassess again once near the end, if want/need to extend.
What I hope they do, is finish once they have covered all classic and new who in the
January 2nd, 2012 - 4:16pmin the magazine, rather then keeping going just so they can include the next series in dvd’s. I would not want them to cover a new series i.e series 7 in the mag and not in dvds so stopping at series 6 would be best otherwise it would be a logistical nightmare.
January 2nd, 2012 - 5:35pmMight be why they haven’t got issues 91-110 confirmed yet, they can’t get the lisence for The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe until it comes out on DVD.
I’d try contacting the team again, I don’t get one either so you never know, they might be able to get one to you, or phone them up.
As for Alien Worlds, that section has very few pages compared to the others so it is easier to make new pages for it as they have a far wider selection.
January 6th, 2012 - 11:55amFull list to 110 has now been confirmed.
Hopefully there shouldn’t be any more bother until 2013.
January 6th, 2012 - 6:34pmhow do you know?
January 6th, 2012 - 6:37pmJust seen i on facebbok. Looks like we are going past 110 issues as there is no mention of series 6 dvd’s and would seem a bit odd to include series 6 in the mag but not dvd’s.
January 9th, 2012 - 7:37pmWell they can’t release anything that’s not out of DVD yet so The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe couldn’t be announced at this point as being in the schedule.
December 11th, 2011 - 8:24amThis is based on the 1924 Christmas double issue of Radio Times (although the image was also used in 1994, it doesn’t have ‘the christmas number’ or anything on it. Google Images should find you a picture!
December 11th, 2011 - 10:46amhttp://www.google.co.uk/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1214&bih=488&q=1924+radio+times+christmas&gbv=2&oq=1924+radio+times+christmas&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=1388l7925l0l8190l26l25l0l19l19l0l328l1607l2-4.2l6l0
December 11th, 2011 - 10:48amThat’s the link for the 2924 edition.And if anyone didn’t know the monster(s) in the speial are the wooden king and the wooden queen.
Commander Strax
December 13th, 2011 - 5:35pm:O
McGann is The Doctor.
December 10th, 2011 - 6:03pmWoah, I was not expecting this.
Wierdest cover, EVER !!! β
So Amy and Rory are going to be in the Christmas sepcial, right.
I thought they wouldn’t becoming back until the 2012 Series, but I don’t mind that much, htey’re great characters and I’m sure them being there will make the special alot better. π
Commander Strax
December 13th, 2011 - 5:36pmwell, the story is set in WW2,so its propley how they did art in that time
December 10th, 2011 - 1:23pmoh dwm is cool
December 10th, 2011 - 1:22pmnice cover but a bit werid and i like that they have put a fez in it and i will be buying it
December 10th, 2011 - 8:24amWhat Are The Art Cards This Issue?
December 10th, 2011 - 9:36amthe doctor and idris, amy from the front cover for the AGMGTW issue in white gown and the last issuse cover! π
December 11th, 2011 - 4:31pmyep it’s the covers of 434, 435 and 441
December 10th, 2011 - 6:23amrory gets a cool hat . do you think he will wear it in the camea
December 9th, 2011 - 10:16pmBooboo look whats avaliable on fp.com – http://forbiddenplanet.com/81736-doctor-who-badge-the-doctor-here-to-help-forbidden-planet-exclusive/
McGann is The Doctor.
December 10th, 2011 - 6:00pmOh yes, I just saw thAt ! π
Mr. Dalek
December 9th, 2011 - 7:09pmTHE FEZ RETURNS!!! π
Commander Strax
December 13th, 2011 - 5:37pmWA-HOO
Jason doctorwhoone
December 9th, 2011 - 6:58pmLooks like the cover of a 1960’s or 1970’s Annual.
Commander Strax
December 9th, 2011 - 6:26pmBooboo who one the cards?
December 9th, 2011 - 7:10pmI was wondering that.
December 9th, 2011 - 7:26pmthey haven’t replied yet
December 9th, 2011 - 7:31pmIt isn’t me then!
December 9th, 2011 - 7:55pmDWM tweeted it earlier in the week it’s the one of The Doctor and Idris, the one of Amy and Madamde Korvarian (Birthshock) and the one from last issue of the Doctor and the Christmas tree.
December 10th, 2011 - 4:21pmIssues 434, 435 and 441.
Commander Strax
December 9th, 2011 - 5:41pmnew fez!
Commander Strax
December 13th, 2011 - 5:38pmπΏ
December 9th, 2011 - 5:06pmI didn’t know where to post this
Here To Help Badge
December 9th, 2011 - 5:15pmThat’s pretty cool actually, I might get one!
Commander Strax
December 9th, 2011 - 5:37pmCOOL
I am the Doctor
December 18th, 2011 - 9:03pmI think I am going to have to get this
The Silence
December 9th, 2011 - 5:04pmIsn’t the new special edition meant to come out next week?
Admiral Icktheus
December 9th, 2011 - 5:32pmThat will most likely come out 29th December
December 9th, 2011 - 4:21pmThis sort of confirms Amy and Rory will be making a comeback.
Commander Strax
December 9th, 2011 - 5:39pmi think at the end, the family invites the doctor to xmas dinner, then the dr invites amy and rory.
December 9th, 2011 - 8:01pmNo Amy & Rory will not be making an appearance. Steven Moffat said, and I quote, ‘I can say that Rory an Amy won’t be in this year’s Christmas special -it’ll just be the Doctor, with guest characters – which takes us out of that ongoing, quite-complex soap opera.’
December 9th, 2011 - 8:15pmum sorry to busrst your bubble their masterkasterborous but they have been seen filming on set. RULE 1: MOOFFAT LIES.
December 10th, 2011 - 12:20amThanks for bursting my bubble because I didn’t want it to be true. If Amy is in ‘The Doctor, The Widow & The Wardrobe’ then she will be the longest running continuous character of the new series. (And yes technically she wasn’t in ‘Day of the Moon’, ‘The Curse of the Black Spot’, ‘The Doctor’s Wife’ and ‘The Rebel’s Flesh’ and she actually only appeared for a matter of seconds in ‘Closing Time’ and was actually a guest character in ‘Te Wedding Of River Song’, but never mind)
December 14th, 2011 - 1:30pmShe was the longest serving character already, and it’s possible she soon could be the longest serving companion of all time.
December 14th, 2011 - 10:42pmI think you’re forgetting Rose. Also she has a long way off for longest serving companion of all time. Jamie and Sarah Jane are examples of companions serving a lot longer runs.
December 9th, 2011 - 4:20pmThe good thing is, Amy and Rory are on the front because they are in the episode for about 5-10 minutes. An extensive cameo appearance, but not that short.
December 9th, 2011 - 4:14pmnice cover i think, people think amy and rory are not in who anymore, they are!! they return next season about halfway through i heard
December 9th, 2011 - 4:02pmwhy are amy and rory on it they only make a cameo appereance?
December 9th, 2011 - 4:16pmProbably just because it makes it easier to recognise the magazine in the shop and because I think we’d all rather see an image of the Doctor with his friends at Christmas rather than with anyone else! π
Looks good!!
December 9th, 2011 - 8:03pmI don’t believe Amy and Rory are making an appearance at all.
December 13th, 2011 - 11:21amThey might just be hallucinations.
December 13th, 2011 - 11:22amIn the christmas special appearance I mean.