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Doctor Who Magazine issue 426
He’s the man who provides the voices for the Doctor’s greatest enemies, the Daleks and the Cybermen – and at long last, DWM has caught up with him for an in-depth interview!
NICHOLAS BRIGGS tells all about his time as a Dalek, his life-long love of Doctor Who and just what he can do with his ring voice modulator…
“It’s great for people to be able to hear the voice on set,” he explains. “The way I say my lines does change depending on how David, Chris, or Matt say their lines to me. The Daleks actually being there makes such a difference.
Much of the time, the cast is acting against silver balls on sticks, in front of a green screen, but Daleks move around, flash their lights, speak like they want to kill you, like a voice from hell…”
He’s one of the best-loved and most respected authors in the world – and now he’s written a Doctor Who book! MICHAEL MOORCOCK talks exclusively to DWM about his new novel THE COMING OF THE TERRAPHILES – plus there’s also an exclusive extract!
TOBY HAYNES, director of the sensational series finale THE PANDORICA OPENS/THE BIG BANG, concludes his exclusive Director’s Diary and tells DWM how Doctor Who changed his life…
Tokyo’s children are turning into Axons – and the Doctor, Amy and UNIT are involved in a breathtaking fight for their lives! Don’t miss the second part of the DWM comic strip THE GOLDEN ONES, by Jonathan Morris with art by Martin Geraghty!
What do the Eleventh Doctor, Jo Grant and K9 have in common? They’re all in the fourth fantastic series of THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES, which is back on TV in October! DWM previews all twelve new episodes and talks exclusively to all the writers – RUSSELL T DAVIES, PHIL FORD, JOSEPH LIDSTER, RUPERT LAIGHT, GARETH ROBERTS and CLAYTON HICKMAN!
The Doctor and his companions appreciate the gravity of the situation as they leap around on the Moon and encounter the sinister Cybermen! THE FACT OF FICTION scrutinizes the 1967 adventure THE MOONBASE and extracts a wealth of information from this classic Second Doctor tale. Clever, clever, clever!
DWM proudly presents the ultimate guide to the men of steel – the Cybermen! Discover how they’ve evolved over the decades, as the Watcher reveals everything you need to know – and some surprising secrets! – about one of the Doctor’s most persistent foes!
He’s back! Former UNIT Captain Mike Yates has returned to action alongside the Fourth Doctor in the new audio series Demon Quest. DWM catches up with the man who plays him, actor RICHARD FRANKLIN, and finds out what he thinks about Yates’ comeback – and his opinion of Doctor Who today…
Doctor Who’s showrunner STEVEN MOFFAT provides some exciting clues as to what adventures lie in store for the Doctor, Amy and Rory – and has the last word on what the next season should be called – in PRODUCTION NOTES!
PLUS! All the latest official news, previews, reviews and competitions and much, much more!
DWM 426 is out now priced £4.20. Buy it now before it gets deleted
You can keep up to date with Doctor Who Magazine, see larger images of this and other covers on their Facebook Page Here
OMG the flaw games has been upgraded
September 22nd, 2010 - 4:14pmyou belong to us obey us or be destroyed buy this magazine or you will die
WHO DA MAN!? AKA Jimbub123
September 22nd, 2010 - 4:02pmgetting it friday
September 20th, 2010 - 9:58pmcant wait till wednesday!!!!!!
Robert Casey
September 20th, 2010 - 7:30pmGreat cover, can’t wait to get it!
stone dalek
September 19th, 2010 - 8:00pmcybermen rule you will be deleted
dalek drone
September 19th, 2010 - 7:46pmyes and in the middle there is the cyber controller
who crazy!
September 19th, 2010 - 7:38pmOn the cover i think one the leader of every sort of cyberman should be on the front then it would be cool in my opinion.
September 19th, 2010 - 7:35pmThey should have a choice of different cyberman covers. The earthshock one would look good on the front. I also think a cyberman poster with all the different versions on it would be “excellent”
McGann is the Doctor.
September 19th, 2010 - 2:36pmOh no, its my worst revelation for their cover. I hate those tombofthecybermencybermen! Why couldnt it be some awesome Cybermen, or a more appropriate cover, who made that one?!!! I was expecting like, all blank and sortof not brightly coloured, and white, silver, shine, and some Awesome appearances of the Cybers on the cover, something awesome, please!! WHY couldnt we have something awesome?!! NOhhoooo hoh hohh!!
September 17th, 2010 - 7:57pmGreat front cover! Cybermen are the scariest and best villains. Although the Dalek stories are better. Daleks just rant all the time and don`t do anything. Cybermen are cold, calculating and menacing.
Tim M
September 17th, 2010 - 7:16pmThis issue of Doctor Who Magazine is released the 23rd of September.
Question: When are the Time Team coming back and reviewing 21st century Doctor Who starting with Rose?
King Ninja
September 17th, 2010 - 11:01amCybermen are the greatest,
Cybermen are the best,
They really are the scariest,
More scary than the rest!!!!….
September 17th, 2010 - 10:05amWhen does this come out?
Thomas Amor
September 16th, 2010 - 10:04pmInfo and never-seen-before pictures from the fourth series of the SJA?! Yay!!! Who’s with me ?
King Ninja
September 16th, 2010 - 6:55pmThat is the best cover of all time.
Calum Smith
September 16th, 2010 - 4:30pmThis has to be the best cover of the year! What a great cover and I hope that there is lots of news about the Xmas special, SJAS4 and the Dr Who Season 32 Split.
who crazy has been upgraded
September 15th, 2010 - 8:10pmEveryone who doesnt buy this magazine will become like us!
stone dalek was deleted
September 15th, 2010 - 7:48pmbye this mag or be deleted
September 15th, 2010 - 7:32pmOh, a cybermen of the front cover and info about SJA Series 4 and infomation on the spilt series next year? I’m buying this soon.
September 15th, 2010 - 7:27pmGreat cover. WOW!
September 15th, 2010 - 6:25pmawsome cover best this year!
September 15th, 2010 - 6:00pmi really want to get this since it has news and pictures of the sarah jane adventures series 4.
who crazy has been upgraded
September 15th, 2010 - 5:09pmBuy this mag or all of you will be deleted!!!
September 15th, 2010 - 5:02pmI’m buying this. The Cybermen will delete me if I don’t.
stone dalek
September 15th, 2010 - 4:23pmall of you will be upgraded unless you dont buy this issue of Doctor Who Magazine or you will be upgraded
GeronimoDoctorWho collection
September 15th, 2010 - 4:20pmCool not the best
September 15th, 2010 - 3:43pmGreat cover! Now let’s hope fitboy Luke gets a cover in October’s issue!!!
who crazy has been upgraded
September 15th, 2010 - 3:32pmI will delete everone on this site!
who crazy!
September 15th, 2010 - 3:32pmI dont want to become a cyberman Im running away! ARRRRRRGH! CYBERMAN! Upgrade!
Jaketor Who
September 15th, 2010 - 12:21pmthough this would be a sarah jane adventures cover to be honest. but still a nice cover.