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February 20th, 2013 133 comments

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Doctor Who Inferno Special Edition (DVD)

dvd-inferno-special-editionDoctor Who Inferno Special Edition (DVD)

Released on May 27, 2013.

With Jon Pertwee, Caroline John, Nicholas Courtney, John Levenea and Olaf Pooley.

An experiment gone awry sends the Doctor (Jon Pertwee) to a parallel universe where his friends and companions are members of a fascist regime in this thrilling and popular episode from the long-running science fiction series Doctor Who.

Inferno is the name of a project designed to drill into the Earth’s core and release a powerful energy source called Stahlman’s Gas; what’s yielded instead is an insidious substance that transforms men into monsters.

The resulting chaos interrupts the Doctor’s travel in the TARDIS and knocks him into an alternate Earth run by a military dictatorship, and where Project Inferno’s progress threatens to bring about an apocalypse.

Categorised under: Doctor Who DVDs, DVD



  • Andrew Shaw

    May 25th, 2013 - 2:09pm

    I’m only getting certain special editions, well at the minute anyway ones with unseen extra footage like I want the Aztecs because of Galaxy 4, but once I have all the Classic orginals I only need Greatest Show in the Galaxy until the next unreleased story is out, but when I have them all I might start as sometimes I just sit and watch the extra’s after a DVD

    • TheClassicsAreAce

      October 9th, 2016 - 3:44pm

      Not in a hurry to get special editions of stories I have the original releases, I have both DVDs of Spearhead (plus the Blu-Ray) and Inferno, I’d like to sell the originals. However I don’t want to replace my original DVDs of The Aztecs and The Ark In Space too soon, I will get the special editions some time but I’m focusing on getting stories I don’t own.

  • matparks08

    May 2nd, 2013 - 1:43pm

    Fabulous trailer for this on The Visitation dvd. Interesting fact, Olaf Pooley who plays Professor Stahlmann will be 100 next year, which, if he makes it, will make him (I think) the only or only other actor to have reached 100 for both Doctor Who and Star Trek. He’s brilliant in Inferno.

    • bradllles

      May 16th, 2013 - 2:17pm

      ive seen the trailer of this film but dont know what to think of it ❓

    • o

      May 16th, 2013 - 4:00pm

      great trailer

  • Joethewhovian

    April 24th, 2013 - 6:40pm

    Love the relationship between greg and petra in both dimensions!

  • Alex Noonan

    April 20th, 2013 - 12:02am

    This is New Series but I was just wondering on people’s opinions of Clara, The Snowmen, The Bells of Saint John, The Rings of Akhaten, Cold War?? Which version of Clara is your favourite??
    And, MORE IMPORTANTLY, does anyone know if we’ll get a Complete Seventh Series boxset? All the way from The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe up to The Name of the Doctor? I’d be devastated if not 🙁

    • Lachie

      April 23rd, 2013 - 11:13am

      why not pst this in Series 7 Part 2? besides that l’m thinking the same thing 😛 l’m hoping we get the 50th Anniversary as well though since the boxset should come out by then but that would mean whole stacks of material being released in the one boxset, it would be interesting and nice to know how they plan on releasing the anniversary special and the series 7 boxset.

    • bradllles

      May 16th, 2013 - 2:21pm

      iam so looking forward to the 50 anniversarry this is going to be eppic hopfuly they will call it the eleven doctors.because lots of people have done this already by doing action figiure advenchers on youtube but i hope theres is going to be better

  • Lachie

    March 15th, 2013 - 11:46am

    Considering what would be left by the end of this year in terms of material comes from the 1st and 2nd Doctor’s and these Special Editions could well be the last dvd’s to be released from Doctors 3, 4 and 5 what are people’s thoughts on what they’ve been able to include on their DVD Releases? are their any of you out there fans like myself who might have wished for another 1970s – 1980s Doctor Who Interview that you wish was on DVD Release? l’m from Australia and there’s a nice Tom Baker interview from Down Under i wish was for release 🙂

    • Lachie

      March 15th, 2013 - 11:49am

      of course Interviews are real gems for release, being able to find material from Pertwee and Baker from years ago like News Items that might no longer exist interesting stuff if i remember correctly The Ark in Space Special Edition included something found only fairly recently and i enjoyed it for DVD.

    • bradllles

      May 16th, 2013 - 2:26pm

      if i had to see what specail eddition is sold out i would hope they bring out the genisis of the daleks but in specail eddition ,the planet of fire specail eddition ,survial s/p and the mark & time of the rani specail edditon

  • celestial toymaker

    March 10th, 2013 - 12:39pm

    looking forward 2 the mind of evil dvd release and the convention in birmingham gonna be great

    • McGann is the Doctor

      March 20th, 2013 - 3:26pm

      Wish I could go 🙁

      Let there be not the slightest hint of taking it forgranted, Mr toymaker

    • celestial toymaker

      March 20th, 2013 - 8:20pm

      It has now been cancelled

  • celestial toymaker

    March 9th, 2013 - 1:01pm

    have the extras been cleared yet

  • The Greater Intelligence

    March 3rd, 2013 - 1:28pm

    I really hope this story is a very good one, because I haven’t seen it yet and I am anticipating it imensly. That happened to me with ‘Tomb Of The Cybermen’ where I was waiting on it and looking forward; when It finally came…brick wall. Same thing with some other stories that I was anticipating, now I hate:

    Pyramids Of Mars
    Revelation Of The Daleks
    Destiny Of The Daleks
    Delta And The Bannermen

    • MasterKasterborous

      March 3rd, 2013 - 11:28pm

      but… but.. It’s Tomb of The Cybermen! That’s Who at it’s best!

    • The Greater Intelligence

      March 4th, 2013 - 12:05am

      I know, it’s an amazing concept and I found the Cybermats ingenious, but it just didn’t come through as it could’ve. The directing and casting were big mistakes and some edits could’ve been made to the script that, I think, could’ve made it better. Though it isn’t like ‘Logopolis’ which was horrible on all accounts; to me ‘Logopolis’ is the worst Who story out of all of them with some close seconds and thirds.

    • Scott the Raptor

      March 4th, 2013 - 12:27am

      Logopolis is my 6th favourite story.

    • The Greater Intelligence

      March 4th, 2013 - 12:33am

      I just do not like it at all, but it’s okay if you like it. I just never liked it and thought unworthy for Tom Baker’s regeneration. I get a lot of arguments about that and same with ‘Pyramids Of Mars’. But if you like them, that is fine.

    • Connor

      March 4th, 2013 - 5:56am

      Tomb of the cybermen is my favorite story of all time! My least favorite story’s are love and monsters and fear her! They were so bad it made me want to not know it was related to doctor who what’s all you’r least favorite story’s!

    • Lachlan

      March 4th, 2013 - 8:50am

      “Love & Monsters” is up there on being one of the worst Doctor Who Episodes for sure so i agree completely, i hate that episode and how its in Series 2 which is the best Series from the New Series in my opinion. But when it comes to Classic Series “Logopolis” brought back the Master, “Tomb of the Cybermen” is well no need to say why its just brilliant. “Pyramids of Mars” l’m watching right now and is one of the most popular Who stories of all time, now honestly where’s the Twin Dilemma in that ‘Hate List’ of yours! 😛

    • The Greater Intelligence

      March 4th, 2013 - 1:19pm

      I am only counting classic series on this and I honestly found nothing wrong with ‘The Twin Dilemma’ except a few minor bumps in plot. It would’vw been better as the premier of Season 22, but other than that, I think it’s fine overall. I just never liked ‘Pyramids Of Mars’; I have watched it 3 times and each time it gets worse, so I’d rather spend an hour-and-a-half watching a story I don’t feel I’m wasting my time on. But, also as I said before, it’s fine to like what you like.

    • The Greater Intelligence

      March 4th, 2013 - 1:21pm

      Also, if we’re talking about stories from the new series, my least favorite are: The Long Game, Love and Monsters, 42, Midnight, Amy’s Choice, The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood, and The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People.

    • Blake

      March 5th, 2013 - 7:38am

      Same, pyramids of mars is one that keeps going down everytime I watch it

    • josh smith

      March 5th, 2013 - 7:44am

      no i think asylum of the daleks or Vincent and the doctor are the worst.

      the worst classics seris is either the web planet or the gunfighters or castrovalva or time and the rani


      March 5th, 2013 - 6:18pm

      I love THE WEB PLANET! and William Russell`s audio reading is even better!

    • josh smith

      March 5th, 2013 - 7:25pm

      yh but it drags and its boring and the costumes are awful. But i love the zarbi the ittle cute ant things

    • Lachlan

      March 7th, 2013 - 12:27pm

      ok, Midnight and Vincent and the Doctor are up there on my list as being awesome but to me the whole River Song arc and as a result basically the whole of Season 6 of the new series is a no go for me. And new series Silurian’s are also one of those things i just think they didn’t do well for it compared with the Classic Series so i side with most of those New Series Episodes being the worst also Castrovalva is another one i agree with.

    • josh smith

      March 7th, 2013 - 4:48pm

      vincent and the doctor was absolutly awful

    • Anonymous

      March 10th, 2013 - 12:44pm

      The problem with Tomb isn’t with the story itself (it is quite a brilliant story), the problem is the fans love it so much they over hype it and so if you have experienced that hype before watching it you can end up being a bit disapointed as you’ll have an idea in your head what it will look like.

      The ultimate sign of this was the fact that once upon a time it was considered the greatest Doctor Who story of all time, then they rediscovered the episodes and it went down quite a bit (not too badly, but still noticeable to this day).

    • Lachie

      March 11th, 2013 - 6:16am

      Vincent and the Doctor brought out a more emotional side to Doctor Who, not the new Romantic side of Doctor Who from the New Series but a look into Depression, Sadness and Loneliness as well as being fundamentally what the show is about with Monsters and running around. And i agree Tomb is over rated at times as the best Cybermen Story now i do believe that it is but i do think just because its basically the sole surviving complete story from Patrick Troughton till Season 6 it isn’t perfect.

    • McGann is the Doctor

      March 20th, 2013 - 3:33pm

      I don’t like TOTC either but for what it is, it’s good. People who watch it after hearing about how great it is are sure not to enjoy it. The Cybercontroller’s voice was lame and his eyes were crudely drawn on with a permanent marker, and I dislike Patrick Troughton’s Doctor.

      I have seen most of Pyramids of Mars, and man, is it a bore. Can’t say I enjoy a story where the Doctor gets tortured by an alien god and robot mummys squish people with their chests. Twin Dilemma is fun, it has some strengths and is an unusual story, but can be enjoyed.

    • The Fourth Doctor

      April 23rd, 2013 - 9:07am

      I thought the same thing as you when I got the Aztecs, and Death to the Daleks, and Mindwarp, too.

  • Lachlan

    February 28th, 2013 - 6:33am

    For what we know now about animated releases is the The Tenth Planet is confirmed to be animated and released this year with animation to be complete within the next couple months if not that. Now i think it’s confirmed for The Ice Warriors to be released this year but with no information as of yet as to how Episodes 2 & 3 will be released. The same goes for the Underwater Menace which was scheduled for release this year and is now l’m not entirely sure is delayed…

    • Lachlan

      February 28th, 2013 - 6:37am

      is it safe to say that if they wanted to they could just release The Underwater Menace Episode 2 with The Ice Warriors depending on how Sales went for The Reign of Terror, because as of now i wouldn’t object to anything like that as long as it fits in well. I would like to see The Ice Warriors to be animated, however for The Underwater Menace since Episode 3 is on Lost in Time i don’t mind how it is released as long as it gets released sometime this year 🙂 i mean it’d be pretty cool to have all surviving material out for the 50th 😀

    • celestial toymaker

      February 28th, 2013 - 10:31am

      very cool indeed

    • Lachlan

      March 1st, 2013 - 7:09am

      well as a sort of update i guess, Ice Warriors to be animated very cool! was hoping for that rather than the reconstruction. Still no news on Underwater Menace Episode 2 but l’m glad we have a great number of releases to come this year so far. I would expect with Ice Warriors and the Tenth Planet going on right now that animation for the Underwater Menace if it were to be animated would have to be sometime late 2013 and could be released if it were possible in November or December.

    • gordon

      March 1st, 2013 - 7:54am

      Considering how far in advance it needs to get delivered I’d be suprised if we get an animated underwater menace this year. Dan said at galifrey 1 convention there are no firm plans at the moment regarding menace 2. Even if animation is started now I can’t see it being ready in time for about early august at the very latest when taking into account how long animation takes and quiros and theta are still finishing off ice warriors and tenth planet. They could use another company but that’s unlikely imop

    • Lachlan

      March 1st, 2013 - 9:14am

      thanks Gordon for that info l’m sure Underwater Menace Episode 2 will be released sometime, if not this year then i guess that’s ok it would have been awesome to have all surviving material released for the 50th but anyway, l think Underwater Menace Episode 2 is the last surviving material to be released correct me if i’m wrong. Apart from that have all clips been released? because i remember on the Genesis of the Daleks they released recently discovered Power of the Daleks footage since Lost in Time.

    • MasterKasterborous

      March 3rd, 2013 - 11:31pm

      Well apart from that copy of Mission To The Unknown in my sock drawer…

  • Ben Roberts

    February 26th, 2013 - 8:29pm

    I wonder if The Scream of Shalka will have Curse of Fatal Death as a special feature?

    • celestial toymaker

      February 27th, 2013 - 3:07pm

      it might

  • pathdw98

    February 24th, 2013 - 10:18pm

    done the math series 7 part 2 will be out on dvd/bluray 2 days after last episode of series 7 on tv

  • A. Walters

    February 24th, 2013 - 9:58pm

    I think I am the only one that prefers Clayton Hickman’s DVD covers. I thought they were fantastic and well thought out. The new ones seem to be much more simplified to me. Almost harking back to the old VHS painted covers, which were fine but now we have such good editing software it seems a shame not to utilise it to the full extent, rather than going back to old methods. Just my opinion of course (:

    • Scott the Raptor

      February 24th, 2013 - 10:05pm

      Nope you’re not the only one. I much preferred Clayton Hickmans covers. They were much more adventurous and exciting. This cover is a good example of ‘ don’t judge a book by its cover’!

    • A. Walters

      February 25th, 2013 - 8:05am

      Oh I’m glad haha. Yeah I agree the Inferno story is fantastic. The original cover which I think was by Clayton was superb. It actually looked like one of the scariest covers. Quite zombie apocalypse like. But the new one seems too pink and friendly, almost camp. The brigadier doesn’t look right either. It’s a shame.

    • josh smith

      February 26th, 2013 - 7:46am

      no this new one is much better i think

    • Ben Roberts

      February 26th, 2013 - 8:23pm

      I prefer Lee Binding’s – his have a much more arty-artistic-painting feel which i like. I found some of Clayton Hickman’s a bit hard to make out because it was so washed with color (IE Genesis of the Daleks)but that is just my opinion.

    • Scott the Raptor

      March 1st, 2013 - 8:04am

      No no no! I hate this cover! There is nothing on the cover that reminds me of Inferno other than the characters. Pink and red do not remind me of Liz Shaw leaving. And a cover is not supposed to tell you about the story. It is supposed to intrigue the buyer into watching it which I think is something this cover is lacking.

  • drjakeyoung

    February 23rd, 2013 - 5:08pm

    i wonder if i pre ordered it now it would get to me a few weeks early…


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