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February 20th, 2011 150 comments

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Doctor Who Experience Preview Merchandise

Doctor Who Experience Preview Merchandise

Thursday 17th February saw the first of three Doctor Who experience preview days before the official launch which took place on the 20th February. Part of the ticket price included various items of merchandise including limited edition prints and souvenirs.

The Souvenir brochure: Like the Doctor Who live equivalent this is a very high quality brochure with an introduction by “The Doctor”. Includes articles on the restoration of props, the Doctors Costumes and a brief history of the Doctors themselves.


The extras: A card holder, credit card sized ” i was one of the first” ticket and neck lanyard


The Cybermen Print: High quality print with certificate ( shown covering the image). Limited to 3500.


The Seal: Each of the main items has an embossed or printed special seal. The one below is embossed onto the Cyberman Print.


The Carrier Bag: The compulsory carrier bag, but this actually plays an important part in the Experience itself!


Exclusive Merchandise: A range of Exclusive Doctor Who experience merchandise will be available shortly.


The Shop:
A few views of the merchandise shop at The Experience showing just a small selection of the items on offer. Most of the series 5 figures had sold out even on the first day. I’m sure fresh stocks will be on sale shortly. The exclusive merchandise has yet to arrive.


dwexpmechextardis3 The Breif: The brief from BBC Worldwide was to create a retail extension of the Doctor Who brand experience.

The Doctor Who Experience promises to be a spectacular event, featuring an exhilarating walk-through adventure, where visitors can step into a full recreation of the Eleventh Doctor’s TARDIS, and an ‘out of this world’ exhibition featuring iconic Doctor Who props and costumes from its 47 year history.

This is the first ever fully immersive Doctor Who attraction – an unprecedented opportunity for fans to step through a crack in time and take part in their own Doctor Who adventure in the role of the Doctor’s companion. Their challenge will be to reunite the Doctor with the TARDIS whilst facing some of the best-loved and most-feared monsters from the hit series, including a Dalek spaceship and Weeping Angels.

Left: Tardis shaped display unit to promote the Character console playset. It had a made up set on display in the top of the unit.


The Wifi: The advertised Wifi works successfully giving you a whole load of extra information relating to the monsters and aliens at the Doctor Who Experience and discounts in the shop.

Doctor Who Experience smartphones Wi-fi

The gallery: Our pictures from the Exhibition, there are no “experience” spoilers in the images but if you want to go unspoilt for the exhibits then dont look!


Categorised under: News, Retail



  • Mr Byzantium

    March 19th, 2011 - 8:41pm

    Booboo do you have all the Doctor Who merchandise since 2005?
    By the way, you havent got a merchandise article for the Doctor Who diary 2011!

    • booboo

      March 19th, 2011 - 8:54pm

      Booboo do you have all the Doctor Who merchandise since 2005?
      By the way, you havent got a merchandise article for the Doctor Who diary 2011!

      Most of it and i never bought the diary to put on the site.

  • biggest who fan,12th DOCTOR

    March 19th, 2011 - 8:25pm


  • Bow Tie

    March 4th, 2011 - 9:27am

    It will be likely that when the experience closes the exclusive merchandise will be on sale on the official experience site like with the doctor who live merchandise

    • booboo

      March 4th, 2011 - 10:52am

      It will be likely that when the experience closes the exclusive merchandise will be on sale on the official experience site

      we were hoping it would go on-sale before that

  • doctor who mania 321

    February 27th, 2011 - 12:43pm

    hi guys! long time no see. if u wanna see a DW experiance PIC there is one here: [img][/img]

  • pupbenny

    February 26th, 2011 - 4:27pm

    Booboo, What did you think of The Doctor Who Experience?

    • booboo

      February 26th, 2011 - 4:31pm

      What did you think of The Doctor Who Experience?

      We thought it was really good, like may others we though the Angel part was a bit rushed and it didn’t seem to do a lot and it was disappointing there was no exclusive merchandise in the shop but overall it was well worth it.

  • pupbenny

    February 26th, 2011 - 2:38pm

    …another comment.

    But anyway I still did really really really really really really enjoy The Doctor Who Experience! 😀 😀 😀 😀

  • pupbenny

    February 26th, 2011 - 2:37pm

    Carrying on from my previous comment

    If you don’t want spoilers for The Doctor Who Experience then don’t read the rest of this comment!

    For example with the Weeping Angel bit it was basically a hallway where there were weeping angels. So not only was that quick to walk/run (what would you do if there were weeping angels all around you? 😯 ) through the corridor but it was really dark really. So I could hardly see anything. I hardly saw any weeping angels. And also the TARDIS bit I felt was very short as well.

    I’ll continue in…

    • videogamemad00

      August 13th, 2011 - 10:11pm

      I didn’t see anything in that bit. I knew it was weeping angels though coz all the don’t blink stuff.

  • pupbenny

    February 26th, 2011 - 2:25pm

    I went to The Doctor Who Experience yesterdaty with my mum. We got the Gold tickets. The Experience itself wasn’t as I expected but I still really enjoyed it! 😀 We spent around 3 hours in there. Looking at all the exhibits and stuff.

    If you don’t want spoilers if your going or not to The Doctor Who Experience then I’d suggest not looking at the rest of this comment!

    I was also expecting the exprerience to be a bit longer but I still really enjoyed it! 😀 Some bits however I found too quick.

    -I’ll need to carry on in a different…

  • m

    February 26th, 2011 - 1:26pm

    @ jaketor who

    doctor in fez picture?:s

  • Jaketor Who

    February 25th, 2011 - 8:16pm

    i went today, and the shop was full. other than posters they had sold out completly and are waiting for a delivery. the exclusive merch is now there and its really just tshirts and little odds and bobs. i found the prices to be quite cheap compared to dr who live etc. i got.
    a t-shirt
    a dalek pen
    the doctor in fez figure
    500 piece puzzle
    the carrier bag
    the only good dalek comic book
    silver package gifts

  • DJ Doctor

    February 25th, 2011 - 5:46pm

    Is there any figures from Series 5 except Pandorica and Paradigm waves booboo

    • booboo

      February 25th, 2011 - 5:48pm

      Is there any figures from Series 5 except Pandorica and Paradigm waves

      The wasn’t when we went but that was last week so they may have now.

  • doctor pond 393

    February 24th, 2011 - 7:59pm

    can somebody tell me what figures are on the back of the stone daleks card

  • DoctorWho4eva

    February 24th, 2011 - 2:47pm

    Will there be any Doctor Who Battles In Time there.
    And how much are the classic DVD’s (william Hartnell-Sylvester Mccoy)
    I Might be going for my birthday on 5th April. 😀

  • TennantsBabe 38

    February 24th, 2011 - 12:43am

    My son and I visited on Monday and had a super time, Many thanks for the interactive section, Matt Smith was awesome and extremely funny trying to direct us through it, My son loved looking at the different Doctors costumes and we didn’t blink when faced with the Weeping Angels. Really enjoyed the whole experience and might even go again in the summer. A brilliant start to the half-term holidays.

  • melina

    February 23rd, 2011 - 10:53pm

    Just thought i’d add: DVD boxsets are £71 ish (i.e. series 1-5) a bit much:S

  • Jaketor Who

    February 23rd, 2011 - 7:51pm

    ok thanks booboo

  • Jaketor Who

    February 23rd, 2011 - 7:42pm

    any news on the exclusive merch booboo????? 🙂

    • booboo

      February 23rd, 2011 - 7:45pm

      any news on the exclusive merch

      not yet, we were waiting to hear back form someone but no joy. As soon as we have anything we will put a feature up

  • geronimodannyboy97

    February 23rd, 2011 - 11:30am

    why you are always asking if merchandise will come to australia like we are retailers? try to get them from forbidden planet.they ship worldwide

  • Dalek caan

    February 23rd, 2011 - 10:48am

    thank u very much booboo!!i wander will Australia if Australia will get the 11th doctor in blue and the dalek progen gaurd (sigh)!!! ??????

  • Dalek caan

    February 23rd, 2011 - 10:41am

    thanks very much for yr help~!

  • Dalek caan

    February 23rd, 2011 - 10:40am

    thanks and no the tardis play set is not electronic ps booboo do u no if DW live will come to Australia or is it only for the uk? can u get the 5th doctor costum in Australia?

    • booboo

      February 23rd, 2011 - 10:44am

      do u no if DW live will come to Australia or is it only for the uk? can u get the 5th doctor costum in Australia?

      I dont think it will come to Australia but you never know, i cant see any Australia site listing the costumes yet but that may change.

  • who’s your nan!

    February 23rd, 2011 - 10:34am

    what date does it end?

    • booboo

      February 23rd, 2011 - 10:36am

      what date does it end?

      It will be in London until at least September then move permanently to Cardiff net year

  • who’s your nan!

    February 23rd, 2011 - 10:32am

    i wish i wos allowed 2 go

  • booboo

    February 23rd, 2011 - 10:28am

    how much are the figures?

    the pandorica figures were £9.99 but when we left there were hardly any there

  • ozzysupreme

    February 23rd, 2011 - 10:07am

    how much are the figures?

  • Olly

    February 23rd, 2011 - 8:39am

    Is there any news on the Exclusives? 😀

    • booboo

      February 23rd, 2011 - 9:21am

      Is there any news on the Exclusives?

      I have heard some T shirts were on sale but nothing else yet

  • Dalek caan

    February 22nd, 2011 - 11:57pm

    ps if not can u order over on a uk website and how much thanks?!

  • Dalek caan

    February 22nd, 2011 - 11:56pm

    booboo before u go does the 5th doctor costum does the accsecery pack do u byr sepertly or 2 paks in 1 and is it in Australia????? please anwser!!!!

    • booboo

      February 23rd, 2011 - 9:23am

      before u go does the 5th doctor costum does the accsecery pack do u byr sepertly or 2 paks

      The main costume is the jacket and trousers and celery , the accessory pack is the hat jumper and shirt

  • Dalek caan

    February 22nd, 2011 - 11:47pm

    booboo is the matt smith tardisplayset electronic or still not!!!!! and will these DW live things and all that come to australia or not!!!!?? thanks

    • booboo

      February 23rd, 2011 - 9:21am

      is the matt smith tardisplayset electronic or still not!!!!!

      no its the same one, dont know about Australia

  • doctor pond 393

    February 22nd, 2011 - 9:39pm

    do they basically have every dvd ever made?


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