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February 15th, 2024 29 comments

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Doctor Who Chronicles: Issue 9: 1971

Available to order from and

The new 116-page bookazine from the makers of Doctor Who Magazine celebrates an unforgettable era in the show’s history. This issue covers all the stories from 1971: Terror of the Autons, The Mind of Evil, The Claws of Axos, Colony in Space and The Dæmons. All-new content includes exclusive features, insightful commentary and rare behind-the-scenes images, including:

• The year’s most significant events in the Doctor Who universe (both on and off screen).
• Stars Roger Delgado, Richard Franklin and Katy Manning.
• Writers Don Houghton, Bob Baker and Dave Martin.
• Doctor Who in the popular press.
• Special effects and production techniques.
• Classic Doctor Who comic strips and merchandise.

Categorised under: Doctor Who Magazine, Magazine



  • Alanoffthefence

    September 23rd, 2024 - 8:18pm

    Does anyone know whats happening with these, it seems a long time between issues, l know some years have gone out of stock rapidly and others not so, l’m still trying to find a 1967 at a fair price, shame they can’t do an extra run of the more popular years.

  • Harold

    February 25th, 2024 - 7:05pm

    Does anyone know where I can find this in the US? Or if a store here in the US would be able to order it for me?

    I picked up the 1963-64 and the 1967 releases last summer in London, and the back cover has £9.99 US$20.00. That suggests to me that it is perhaps possible to get this in the US……maybe.

  • mick

    February 20th, 2024 - 6:19pm

    I ordered 2 copies of this from panini and paid for express delivery. They arrived today both with smashed up corners because the parcel got damaged in transit. Couldn’t find it in a single shop in my area.

  • Andy R

    February 17th, 2024 - 7:58pm

    The 1963 and 1988 ones seem to be hanging around in my area.. dozens of copies so not as scarce a special as used to be 🙂

    • Gareth Pugh

      February 18th, 2024 - 4:46pm

      I’ve read previously that the arrangement Panini have with chains like WHS is for them to commit to keeping the latest 3 mag books on shelf (whilst stocks last) – so right now you’ll see 1971 plus 1963-4 and 1988, and when the next one comes along (likely June as their usual schedule is Feb, June, October with the occasional exception like in 2018 and 2023), then the oldest issue (1988) is retired from the shelf. But if what I hear is true, it’s a deliberate policy that you’re still seeing the previous two on shelves, rather than copies hanging about unsold [although I’m sure after the initial sales flurry to fans when one comes out, the rate of sale must surely drop off quite fast].

  • GuyTheZygon

    February 16th, 2024 - 11:20pm

    For sale at Tesco Hamilton todaY, Yet upon trYing the self-service checkout I was unable to scan the barcode, neither could an assistant, and – outrageouslY – after taking the mag to the Customer Services desk, I was told it was a Head Office issue: until Head Office had input the barcode and addressed the issue the magazine couldn’t be sold to me bY the shop – despite the £11.99 price being visiblY printed on the back and it being out on the shelf… So I searched Head Office’s number, which is only set up for businesses to contact, got given an alternative number which turned out to address online groceries and Click+Collect issues onlY – and finallY was told the branch should never have sent me on a wild goose chase, everY Tesco branch has their ownIn-Store support line and internal dial to Head Office; it is down to the branch to sort out such issues themselves. So of course I was pure miffed, these bookazines are scarce enough to begin with, forget then being forbidden to buY them when You are luckY enough to find them! I returned to the store and insisted on seeing the manager; his deputY arrived some ten minutes later, to whom I explained I was not leaving that store without the magazine; after phoning his boss, he was finallY permitted to scan a different title of similar value (£9.99) and allow me to paY for it that waY – so I ended up getting it for £2 less – imbeciles!!! I would urge any of You faced with similar in-store obstruction like this not to take no for an answer – appalling incompetence on this supermarket’s part – spread the word folks…


      February 17th, 2024 - 1:25am

      The bookazines are not scarce – they turn up everywhere and are online too. Some people on here get very stressed about very little

    • Anon

      February 17th, 2024 - 9:22am

      Try finding the 1983 bookazine without paying the hefty pricetag.

    • Rex F

      February 17th, 2024 - 11:56am

      I’d have just hidden it and gone back another day.

    • Ricky

      February 17th, 2024 - 6:09pm

      I think you’ll find most folk don’t see Dr magazines as important as you clearly do, some perspective might help you get a little less stressed about it, I’m sure the staff are really looking forward to you visiting again.

    • David

      February 17th, 2024 - 8:52pm

      You put CASH on the counter and walk out with it.
      What can they do?
      It was on the shelf for sale and you have PAID.

    • David Goldberg

      February 17th, 2024 - 10:58pm

      I don’t understand why people don’t order these directly from Panini – takes the hassle out of buying them and you’re guaranteed a copy.

      Also, What’s with the capital ‘Y’ in Guy The Zygons post!

    • Bobby Davros

      February 18th, 2024 - 12:12am

      If GuY calls the hard-pressed workers imbeciles while they give him a £2 discount heaven knows how his temper would cope with having to pay the added postage to get it from panini. Every penny counts towards a new keyboard I assume.

    • Ricky

      February 18th, 2024 - 12:16am

      Agreed David, when these are announced I get my order in with panini, your paying for postage on top but I’ve always had these delivered in perfect condition and there’s no wondering if the usual shops will have them in.

    • Daniel Seymour

      February 18th, 2024 - 7:42am

      Yes agreed order direct from Panini, search the auction site where new copies are sold on or around release date OR get a copy on Pocketmags where this and all previous bookazines are available for a little under physical price. Sometimes they have 99p sales, usually around Uk Bank holidays so worth keeping an eye on.

    • GallifreyStands

      February 18th, 2024 - 8:03am


      Maybe not on Mondas but here on earth they are scarce in the north for the last few issues.

      And for various reason some people cant buy on line.

    • David Goldberg

      February 18th, 2024 - 3:09pm

      @GallifreyStands – These certainly aren’t scarce in central Scotland. Lots of copies of the last few issues are all available in some WH Smiths shops.

    • rich

      February 21st, 2024 - 7:29am

      Sometimes it works to be a karen

  • Lukas

    February 16th, 2024 - 10:05pm

    Just got mine from tesco. Had issues with the scanning again- which meant the staff using another code and giving me a discount! Also tried x2 Whsmiths and no copies which is unusual for ‘smiths.

  • Mr Fish

    February 16th, 2024 - 2:02pm

    Got mine in Sainsbury’s this morning. No issues with scanning

  • Richard

    February 16th, 2024 - 12:45pm

    Got one today in Tesco in Lichfield! They had one left on the shelf this morning.
    Odd thing was when I tried to pay it would not scan? Apparently it was not on the system. The lady scanned me a copy of another magazine and charged me £9.99 instead. I guess it might be a countrywide issue if you have a Tesco near you….might get it a bit cheaper

  • bryan

    February 15th, 2024 - 9:16pm

    1971 is a real beauty . As we have got used to, fabulous aray of images, plus stunning articles (I cheat and read it in my order.

    Cosmic Dancer is One of paul Kirkley’s best pieces,they are all good but this one zings.
    Breaking news
    On the Box
    Katy Manning. in lieu of a Biography, this is the biography of an Actor ,very engaging article.

    when you think you have read it all before, this Series from panini show you can still learn and enjoy our fave programme

  • mick

    February 15th, 2024 - 2:40pm

    anyone found this in any shops yet?

    • NoWhere

      February 16th, 2024 - 12:42pm

      Nope – looks like even though the Distribution Hub is 10minutes from my location they still cant be bothered to deliver to stores in the North.

      Its as if someone hates Panini

  • Bill Silver

    February 15th, 2024 - 2:25pm

    Just seen these today on sale in Salisbury’s. I thought, “Oh great!” Tried to buy one but got “Item not found” instead! A clear case of “computer says no”.

    • Luke Butler

      February 15th, 2024 - 4:27pm

      Had the same thing- they couldn’t sell it to me! Then tried a whsmith but hadn’t received stock yet 🙁

  • Bill Silver

    February 15th, 2024 - 12:50pm

    These Chronicles are what I look forward to most. Next, 1966 please.

  • rich

    February 15th, 2024 - 12:02pm

    I hope this is edited by the previous editor not the new one – I don’t want to see him photoshopped with Pertwee.

    • rich69

      February 16th, 2024 - 4:40am

      He does have a mania for self promotion, doesn’t he? This one edited by Marcus, thankfully

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