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December 1st, 2022 487 comments

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B&M 2022 The First Doctor and Electronic Tardis Set

The five new Doctor Who classic lines will be available in November 2022 at B&M stores nationwide.

We think fans will be both delighted and surprised with this rather unique set. This action figure set includes:

  • The First Doctor as portrayed by David Bradley
  • Electronic TARDIS

As fans know, in the first ever episode of the TV show we encounter the TARDIS and its owner and pilot, an alien traveller known only as The Doctor. It’s the start of a great number of adventures over many years.

Since that first show the First Doctor has been played both on screen, and in audio format, by several actors but David Bradley in both the dramatization of the early years of Doctor Who ‘An Adventure in Space & Time’ and in the twelfth Doctor Story ‘Twice Upon A Christmas’ as well as many Big Finish audio adventures, giving a very unique and powerful portrayal which really captured the essence of William Hartnell’s First Doctor.

Speaking of this wave of releases Al Dewar, Creative Director at Character Options, said: “This range has some real gems in it, including some not so easy to spot ones. The three figure sets are very cool and there’s at least one standout figure in each set, including a new Ninth Doctor with new components and an updated Rose V1. We also have a brand-new Angel variant as well as a physically new version of Yaz. Collectors will delight in looking for both variants of the Angel figure.

“With the Dalek sets – this time we have two absolute standout pieces with ‘Genesis of the Daleks’ and my personal favourite Dalek story ‘Destiny of the Daleks’. For me it has everything and I love the look of the battered war worn Daleks. Following that and much to my own delight, is a new First Doctor figure in the form of David Bradley’s Doctor paired with a very unique looking TARDIS based more on the TARDIS look in the BBC 2013 anniversary drama story which covered the creation of the TV series.

“Lastly to go hand in hand with the Dalek sets is a great special release featuring Davros and a very special Dalek … all I can say is fans will not want to miss out on that one!”

Categorised under: Doctor Who 5" scale figures, Toys



  • Greg

    December 1st, 2022 - 7:11pm

    Finally got one at 6pm tonight!

  • Joe

    December 1st, 2022 - 6:52pm

    Has anyone else received theirs from ordering it when they restocked on the 23rd? Mine is with Evri and its “delayed” so I don’t have any hope of getting it…

    • Ken

      December 2nd, 2022 - 1:05am

      Yes got mine yesterday and first being flagged as delayed

    • Daniel Simmonds

      December 2nd, 2022 - 1:10am

      sadly i am having the same experience my order was shipped on the 24th and since the
      25th it is delayed with Evri. I contacted B&M today and they have emailed Evri dispatch department and informed them to ship it within 24hrs but after all this time i am not holding out a hope i will get it delivered soon.

  • Steve65

    December 1st, 2022 - 5:30pm

    Tardis back on B&M website as of 5.30pm

  • Andrew

    December 1st, 2022 - 4:29pm

    Ordered a Tardis online ok.
    Just need to find some Daleks now.

  • pupbenny

    December 1st, 2022 - 2:54pm

    Oh wow, they’re back!?!? Awesome!! 😀

  • Terry

    December 1st, 2022 - 1:44pm

    If only B & M shipped to the US, sigh 🙁

    • Ty

      December 1st, 2022 - 2:11pm

      Could you not use a mail forwarding service? I’ve sold a few items to people who had “addresses” here in the UK but were actually sent to other countries via a forwarder

    • Anonymous

      December 1st, 2022 - 2:34pm


      Hmmmmmm, never even thought of that, will have to look into it, thanks!

    • R I Curry

      December 1st, 2022 - 5:31pm

      They don’t even ship to all of the UK!

  • Peter C

    December 1st, 2022 - 12:12pm

    This is typical! After days of just missing out or checking b and m website only for it to say ‘temporarily out of stock’ and ‘alert me’ and reading on here that there were none left available online, I checked my local b & m who didn’t have it, so reluctantly ordered one from eBay last night only as I had a discount voucher. Then this happens less than 24 hrs later! Sod’s Law!! Good luck to all who managed to get one cost price, but I am a bit gutted now, especially as I held off from eBay as long as I could. Only went on as thought they were all gone elsewhere!

    • booboo

      December 1st, 2022 - 12:16pm

      it went to “in-store” only, so many assumed that was it on-line but obviously not.

      Just wondering as B&M may have seen the light with online sales that what was heading for the south will be less now.

    • Darren

      December 1st, 2022 - 4:06pm

      Cancel the eBay order? If its not been sent yet the seller is unlikely to say no.

    • Peter C

      December 1st, 2022 - 8:29pm

      I can’t. It had already been sent when I saw this was back online.

  • pupbenny

    November 30th, 2022 - 9:27pm

    Just got my ‘Dispatched’ email, thank goodness.

  • James

    November 30th, 2022 - 8:11pm

    I do think I was pretty lucky to have managed to order this online..and to have it arrive in pretty good condition! It’s a lovely thing..though, like many others, I’m not a fan of the open packaging. But it’s a wonderful piece and I’m glad to have it as I’m not that confident it will reach stores down here in Kent. These bloody B&M releases are definitely hard-won!

  • HS

    November 30th, 2022 - 2:32pm

    SO glad I managed to get one online yesterday before they ran out!

  • pupbenny

    November 30th, 2022 - 1:17pm

    I hope everyone that wanted one online got one because looks like they aren’t selling this set on their store anymore sadly. It no longer says ‘Temporarily out of stock’ and ‘Alert Me’ and now says ‘In-Store Only’ (The Davros set changed to this too, yesterday).

    Man, judging by the comments, some of us really got this by skin of our teeth….

  • Rex Farrel

    November 30th, 2022 - 7:08am

    Just wondering: is the appeal of this set for most people the cheap electronic 60s Tardis model, or the new David Bradley Doctor figure (with impressive likeness)?

    • Nicholas Saunders

      November 30th, 2022 - 9:35am

      Both – the figure more so than the TARDIS. Also, that terrible sickness known as completism!

  • toptimelord

    November 30th, 2022 - 5:15am

    Blue-box-tastic News! We Got One! I checked late last night again at 1am and was so lucky to get mine ordered! B&M have been a real hassle with the random TARDIS set drops and none appearing in my local shops either. In and out of stock super fast so keep checking on there at 1am. Don’t give up, never surrender!

  • Reece

    November 29th, 2022 - 2:18pm

    Yay! Got one! Up yours ebay scalpers!

  • Sime

    November 29th, 2022 - 2:00pm

    Just came on here to check the B&M website and before I even clicked on it, saw the headline that it was in stock again. So went straight to the site and ordered one. Very happy to have the Twice Upon A Time 1st Doctor and Tardis. I only wanted this and the Davros set, (which arrived well boxed) on Sunday. Very happy to have them both. Time to wait patiently for the next wave announcement
    now (other than the Regeneration set which I have on pre-order). Very happy Who fan

  • James Croft

    November 29th, 2022 - 1:32pm

    Utterly stunned but extremely chuffed.
    Only by chance I checked. Don’t think I’ve ever tapped my card details in so fast in my life (I’ve possibly damaged my keyboard).
    Good luck to everyone who has missed out so far, hope you snag one this time.
    Boy, I need a drink now!

    • pupbenny

      November 29th, 2022 - 1:42pm

      I feel extremely lucky to have just happened to check this page and seen the comment below saying it was back in stock. Was freaked out in checkout when I saw B&M hadn’t saved my details (even though I’m pretty sure I told it to last time) and had to type out all my details again as fast as I could lol. My heart was pounding haha.

    • Paulie

      November 29th, 2022 - 1:55pm

      I actually got an email from B&M saying it was in stock at 12:52 nd still in stock now… wowsers!

    • spacewarp

      November 29th, 2022 - 3:09pm

      I was sitting on the Mersey ferry when the email came through. Desperately trying to navigate the web page on my mobile phone with freeezing fingers, and somehow managed to get one ordered at last!

  • James Croft

    November 29th, 2022 - 1:24pm

    IT’S BACK IN STOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Callum Eales

    November 29th, 2022 - 1:21pm

    Just grabbed one. Happy to finally get one without the search.

  • Sons of Skaro

    November 29th, 2022 - 1:15pm

    Ordered. At last!

  • BaileyBlue

    November 29th, 2022 - 12:58pm

    They’ve just restocked!!!

    • pupbenny

      November 29th, 2022 - 1:10pm


    • booboo

      November 29th, 2022 - 1:16pm

      All good things…

    • pupbenny

      November 29th, 2022 - 1:17pm

      lol. Knowing my luck I’m just expecting them to cancel my order.

  • toptimelord

    November 29th, 2022 - 1:17am

    Every night at around 1am I’ve tried to order a First Doctor and TARDIS set from the B&M website but keep missing him. None of my nearest stores have him either. But I will never give up!

    • pupbenny

      November 29th, 2022 - 12:26pm

      Same. Every night I’ve stayed up they haven’t restocked and every night I don’t they restock…. it’s amazing. I think they expect us to use some kind of telepathy to know when they’re restocking haha.

    • toptimelord

      November 30th, 2022 - 5:14am

      Blue-box-tastic News! We Got One! I checked late last night again at 1am and was so lucky to get mine ordered! B&M have been a real hassle with the random TARDIS set drops and none appearing in my local shops either. In and out of stock super fast so keep checking on there at 1am. Wishing you lots of luck finding a TARDIS set too. Don’t give up, never surrender!

    • Spacewarp

      November 30th, 2022 - 7:04pm

      Has anyone even seen these in store? I haven’t, and I’ve checked six locals

  • Exterminator

    November 28th, 2022 - 7:49pm

    My Tardis has just been delivered. The box it was delivered in was completely ripped open with nothing protecting the product inside.

    I was expecting the worst but it was actually ok thankfully as I like to keep things boxed.

    Now that I have it in my hand it’s a lovely set but such a shame they’ve done away with the clear plastic viewing window in the packaging, I don’t like that you can touch the Doctor figure inside. The clear plastic keeps the dust out of the box for a start and lets you enjoy the product if like me you choose to display it unopened.

    • Daniel Simmonds

      November 30th, 2022 - 8:49am

      I have now been waiting since last Thursday for my Tardis set to be delivered, it is stuck at Evri and will be delivered the next working day??? Working day when next year?? Not impressed at all I have now come to the conclusion I may never receive it.

    • Rex Farrel

      November 30th, 2022 - 10:55am

      I think it might be Evri that has some delays because of increased deliveries (time of year and extra parcels to avoid Royal Mail strikes). You could still be ok.

  • Pupbenny

    November 28th, 2022 - 11:49am

    Wait THEY RESTOCKED!? What did I say!? As soon as I stop staying up and checking at 1am THAT’S when they’ll go back to restocking them. Literally ridiculous.

    I even checked my phone at 1:06 while trying to get to sleep and they were out of stock by then…. are they still limiting it to 1 per person or what!?

    Ridiculous company.

    • Ty

      November 28th, 2022 - 1:02pm

      I’m so sorry!! Still limited to one per customer, think it was 00:59 it went on sale and OOS by 1am. I didn’t think it was real after momentarily seeing the add to basket hundreds of times but it went through okay. Really hoping tonight is the night for you, that is if you haven’t lost the will cause I certainly have!

    • pupbenny

      November 28th, 2022 - 1:22pm

      Yeah I seem to be timing it really poorly lol. And thank you! Hopefully they won’t run out permanently before I manage to get one…. haha.

    • Anonymous

      November 28th, 2022 - 4:28pm

      Hi There I know how you feel it took me at least 4 attempts to get a Tardis Set online from the B&M Stores. No disrespect to B and M but I think Character Options would be better suited for organisation, distribution and delivery arrangements of any future released Dr Who Electronic Tardis Sets . I think it would be easier for all Whovians if Character Options handled this at the end of the day but the ultimate decision rests with Character Options as we all know.

  • Ty

    November 28th, 2022 - 1:06am

    I think… I got one?! Hope people still trying on here got one!

  • Spacewarp

    November 27th, 2022 - 11:13pm

    My local stores (Ilkeston, Spondon, Meteor Centre, Allenton, and two in Nottingham) have seen none of these. Not even an empty space on the shelves with a label. Which is unusual. Oh sure, Daleks and Davros galore, and 13th Doctor set, but no Tardis. And they’ve got stacks of those horrible mini Invasion sets and the vinyl Daleks. I’m going to Liverpool for three days tomorrow. What’s the betting every shop in Nottingham and Derby get them! Hmmm…where’s the nearest Home store in Liverpool?

    • Spacewarp

      November 28th, 2022 - 5:08pm

      Visited two massive stores on the way into Liverpool. No sign that these have even been on the shelves. Looks like I missed the boat this time. 🙁

  • pupbenny

    November 26th, 2022 - 7:38pm

    Is there a reason they’d keep changing the restock times? My guess is it’s just whenever they happen to receive stock?

    I’m assuming they’re not TRYING to be annoying lol. But it’s incredibly frustrating how inconsistent and unreliable they’ve been. I’ve completely missed every mark. Been refreshing the page all day today just so I don’t miss out, what’s the betting they don’t bother restocking now?

    • pupbenny

      November 27th, 2022 - 1:11am

      -_- Well, that’s another early night missed for nothing.

      Not even gonna bother tomorrow. I’m literally trying to give them money and they’re just playing games (I know, unintentionally).

    • Anonymouse

      November 27th, 2022 - 12:05pm

      Mate, I feel for you. I stayed up four nights in a row after the initial overnight restock. Checked again on Wednesday morning at six. Then seven. Then eight. Then nine. I’d already seen a couple of less extortionate eBay listings, so I put in an offer on one of them… and THEN the bloody website restocks, after three days of zero activity, at the extremely random time of 9:36 – 40 A.M.

      So because of the additional price I paid, I now can’t buy one of the other sets they’ve put online, at least not until mid – December, at which point it’s not exactly going to be a priority, so these ludicrous restocking procedures have cost them at least two online sales now.

      Once again, the phrases “B&M retail practice’s” and “rhyme and reason” seem mutually incompatible.

  • Ty

    November 26th, 2022 - 6:04pm

    Who’s taking bets on the time stocks are updated today? Wasn’t 1am, or 4:55 this time…

  • DoctorPond393

    November 25th, 2022 - 9:02pm

    Mine arrived today! Very happy with it!

  • Peter C

    November 25th, 2022 - 6:59pm

    Received an email finally, but went in to buy a set and still showing as all sold out and ‘alert me’. Honestly, what is the point? Amateur company. I give up with collecting these now. My local B & M doesn’t get them, the ones I want online are never available and sick of getting fleeced on eBay by scalpers so stopped that a long time ago. Either they sell them in store only or online too, but sell them properly online like any normal company, not solely at 1am or have reminders that actually work!!!

    I am totally frustrated this time around.

    • Ty

      November 26th, 2022 - 12:36am

      Hear hear!

  • Ty

    November 25th, 2022 - 6:30pm

    You are joking… the one time I need to be away and they go on sale…

    • pupbenny

      November 25th, 2022 - 7:58pm

      I’ve missed it too. Incredibly frustrating. Even now, if I do get one, I’m going to have to pay £3.95 extra delivery for another order when I could’ve combined with the Davros set had they restocked at the same time instead of separating them a few hours apart! What the heck B&M!!

    • Ty

      November 26th, 2022 - 12:37am

      I’m completely with you, I’ve made my peace with paying repeat postage if it means not having to deal with scalpers but it is just too elaborate to continue… I had an easier time getting Glastonbury tickets!

    • pupbenny

      November 26th, 2022 - 7:35pm

      Yeah that’s a good point I hadn’t considered tbf.

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