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January 24th, 2023 460 comments

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Doctor Who 5.5″ 13th Doctor Regeneration Set

Stocks are now being sent out in batches over several days. Some people have already received their orders but pick up and postal delays may mean a further wait for some.

Despatch emails are now being sent and order status updated although many have already had the set prior to this.

Available to order while stocks last from

Character Options reveals its next Online Exclusive, The Doctor Who Thirteenth Doctor Regeneration set

This fabulous collector’s set, Doctor Who Day, for delivery in January 2023

Character Options has revealed details of its latest exclusive Doctor Who collectors set titled ‘The Regeneration Set.’ The set takes its inspiration from the fantastic finale of ‘The Power of the Doctor’ featuring the Thirteenth Doctor’s final story. The episode debuted on Sunday 23rd October 2022 and stunned fans and news wires alike as the face of the Fourteenth Doctor was revealed after the Thirteenth Doctor’s epic, and final battle.

This new set is a fabulous and hugely distinctive set unlike anything produced previously and will hopefully firstly surprise fans and collectors alike and then delight them with its details and uniqueness.

The figures represent a one of a kind treat for collectors, as the set contains not one but two brand new Doctor Who action figures in the 5.5 inch scale available exclusively in this set and nowhere else.

First up is the Thirteenth Doctor in the ‘taunting’ multi-Doctor outfit, inspired by her past incarnations after a forced regeneration into the Master. This figure of the Thirteenth Doctor has been modified to be correct to the detailed look of the Doctor’s outfit in this story with details from the Second, Fourth, Fifth, Seventh and Tenth Doctors’ iconic outfits replicated in detail.

The second figure in the set introduces a brand new figure of the Fourteenth Doctor which features his brand new look including the head sculpt with unique hair style, as well as his outfit which features, the textured dark blue calf length coat, rumpled plaid waistcoat and trousers, heavy weave silver tie, and warm grey plimsoles. This figure also includes ball jointed shoulders for added articulation.

The packaging alone is exceptional featuring a brand new ‘Fifth panel window box’ format with a unique graphic look, which feels very unlike any collector pack to date, and has a physical format which would not look out of place on shelf or in a display cabinet. The pack graphics have been designed to look bold and fresh and feature a bright white matt card finish with a high gloss UV overprint that picks out key details including the new Doctor Who logo. The flip open front panel has a cut-out lozenge shape which reveals the set name and then leads us into the pack proper. Opening the front panel we find on the reverse side, a brief bio of the characters, and a short story synopsis, and on the right is a window displaying both figures against a swirling Vortex themed background.

Al Dewar Creative Director for Character Options commented: “We all felt it was a genuine delight to see the Thirteenth Doctor’s era end on such a powerful note and as hard as it must have been to follow that, the genuine surprise reveal of her next incarnation in the form of the Fourteenth Doctor was mind blowing!

“Obviously we had a huge help from BBC Studios and Bad Wolf Studios in creating this new item and everyone has been massively invested in bringing a set to fans that really stands out as a celebration of this iconic part of Doctor Who history. We therefore cannot thank Russell T Davies, the brand team and BBC Studios enough for their huge help. It’s a real testament to everyone involved that this particular set has turned out to be such an amazing item and presented in this frankly shockingly fabulous packaging. The results speak for themselves and this is a real unique opportunity to add something truly special to your Doctor Who Collection.”

Set contents are as follows:

  • Thirteenth Doctor Action Figure with Sonic Screwdriver accessory
  • Fourteenth Doctor Action Figure

The Regeneration Set is a true one off and limited in supply, making it yet again a true exclusive and demand for this two pack is likely to be high. The set will be available to pre-order today at a retail cost of £29.99 which includes post and packing. The sets are due to be in stock to our warehouse in very late December and will be dispatched shortly after Christmas to avoid any delays in the mail system which might affect our customers. Updates will be issued if anything happens that affects these dates.

Categorised under: Doctor Who 5" scale figures, Featured, Toys



  • Independently Cross

    January 24th, 2023 - 11:14pm

    Got the set today. Absolutely love it. Outstandingly precise paint application, lovely textures, great sculpting, superb value. Really pleased and appreciative. A triumph.
    More, please!

  • Sime

    January 24th, 2023 - 9:41pm

    Mine arrived today. Such a great set. Very pleased with it!

  • davidhhh

    January 24th, 2023 - 7:48pm

    Great to hear that many people have gotten theirs. Still no email for me, and the site still says that it hasn’t been dispatched. And I still have the long wait for shipping to the US.

    For those who have gotten their email, did it include a tracking number?

    • Derek

      January 24th, 2023 - 7:56pm

      I finally pulled the trigger on this last night, shipping to the US as well. I hoping to see it by mid/late Feb. Any sooner would be welcomed, but not expected.

  • Anon

    January 24th, 2023 - 6:13pm

    I pre-ordered my set a couple of days after the announcement in November. I’ll wait for a couple more days for my set to arrive, but if not, I’ll email Character. Hoping mines arrived this week!

  • Timelord63

    January 24th, 2023 - 5:44pm

    Got my dispatch email today so hopefully will turn up this week

  • MJS

    January 24th, 2023 - 5:06pm

    Mine arrived today and it’s GORGEOUS. No email to say it was coming, though

    • MJS

      January 24th, 2023 - 5:29pm

      Ha! I just got my email saying it shipped. AFTER I posted this!

  • Doctorbendisco

    January 24th, 2023 - 4:36pm

    Just had an email from character saying mine has been shipped.

  • Loobop

    January 24th, 2023 - 4:26pm

    i got my despatch email 4 hours after i received the item lol

  • David Goldberg

    January 24th, 2023 - 3:58pm

    Just has my confirmation email from CO to say that mine has been shipped.

  • TomBakersDozen

    January 24th, 2023 - 3:49pm

    Just after getting confirmation that my order has been shipped. Looking forward to seeing it now, as reaction on here seems to be positive.

  • Nath

    January 24th, 2023 - 3:28pm

    Still nothing and on top of that it’s been 2 weeks since I bought 3rd doctor who magazine so expecting them to come together but don’t believe I’ll actually get them at this rate just have to wait in the dark

  • Frank Band

    January 24th, 2023 - 2:33pm

    CO website still says my order has not shipped – but it’s just arrived! Beautiful in hand, very pleased with it.

  • bryan

    January 24th, 2023 - 2:04pm

    Beautiful. FROM packaging, design of packaging, figures, accuracy of figures , gorgeous,and all for £29 ( Inc £3 postage and packing )

    I adore the 13th Doctor figure , it captures Jodie the best of the 2, but 14 /Tennant is fantastic attention to detai with textures in clothing.

    I hope for more LTD edition figures from CO.

  • Judooning

    January 24th, 2023 - 1:54pm

    Really great figures in hand. I think the side profile of the Tennant head sculpt is spot on.
    Although, does anyone else’s 13th Dr head pop off really easily? More so than the previous releases. I thought I’d snapped it when I first picked her up!


    January 24th, 2023 - 1:02pm

    My set arrived today as well…a thing of beauty! Then went for a quick walk to my nearby B&Ms here in Port Talbot, and they had the Planet/Death Daleks history sets on the shelf, which they never seemed to have had previously, so…not a bad day!

  • Jamie

    January 24th, 2023 - 12:56pm

    Well mine arrived from a certain point of view. They didn’t knock and just left a card so I have to go pick it up tomorrow. 🙁

  • booboo

    January 24th, 2023 - 12:47pm

    Just arrived, seems like they are arriving “on mass” today

  • Loobop

    January 24th, 2023 - 12:30pm

    I just got mine the sonic screwdriver compartment is out of sight but it’s sellotaped in for anyone worried.I hope they make a coatless version of 14th and even more so a 12” figure (*coughs* doll)

  • Andrew

    January 24th, 2023 - 12:25pm

    Mine has arrived posted on Friday.sonic is in bottom right hand corner, you carnt see it till you take it out of the box. A lovely set.

  • Mark @ Terraqueous

    January 24th, 2023 - 11:57am

    My two sets have arrived (one to keep mint in box).

    The figures look so much better in hand.

  • Simon

    January 24th, 2023 - 11:26am

    One of the two that I ordered has just arrived! Hopefully most people who haven’t yet got theirs should be receiving them this week. 🙂

  • mick

    January 24th, 2023 - 10:25am

    mine has just arrived

    • booboo

      January 24th, 2023 - 10:27am

      does it have sonic?

      Some are saying its missing?

    • mick

      January 24th, 2023 - 10:57am

      yes its in the bottom right hand corner. you can only see it if you take it out of the box

    • booboo

      January 24th, 2023 - 11:00am

      OK thanks, i dont have mine yet

    • Alan Silvester

      January 24th, 2023 - 11:03am

      My set has just arrived. Don’t really want to open it, but the sonic screwdriver is not immediately obvious. Someone has said it is in the bottom right of the plastic packing – if it is, it is very well hidden! Is there any way of getting clarification from CO?

    • booboo

      January 24th, 2023 - 11:07am

      you could ask them, but several have now said that’s where it is and not obvious unless you open it.

    • Alan Silvester

      January 24th, 2023 - 11:31am

      Thanks, booboo, and everyone else who has confirmed the sonic is there – that’s reassuring to know. I will order a second one now – just didn’t want to if the sonic was missing!

    • Judooning

      January 24th, 2023 - 11:46am

      Mine have arrived!

  • John Thwaites

    January 24th, 2023 - 10:21am

    I’ve just received my regeneration set this morning and it doesn’t seem to have 13th sonic screwdriver included as stated in the box description? Anyone find this to be the case?

    • Peter

      January 24th, 2023 - 10:37am

      Slide the figures out of the box and the Sonic is in the bottom right of the plastic packaging.


    January 24th, 2023 - 10:17am

    According to an email
    The first 3000 orders have been shipped

  • MoarCrossovers

    January 24th, 2023 - 10:06am

    I can’t see my order details on the CO website. Should I be concerned?

    • booboo

      January 24th, 2023 - 10:11am

      do you have an account or did you buy as a guest?

      Do you have the email with order number?

  • TK

    January 24th, 2023 - 9:59am

    Heads up to all you worriers out there, I ordered mine on announcement day and it’s just arrived!

    • Doctorbendisco

      January 24th, 2023 - 10:38am

      I ordered mine on the same day as it came out on 23rd November and still had nothing.

  • Neutrobyte

    January 23rd, 2023 - 7:14pm

    For those following when certain order numbers are being shipped, I received an email reply today from CO (for context, I ordered 2 sets but only had the receipt for the first order), and it included the following information:

    Order 28905 has been collected by Royal Mail this morning, There was a delay with Royal Mail unfortunately.

    Order 30255 will be despatched in a few days’ time.

    I’m personally not fussed about waiting…now. I do however, second booboo and others’ disappointment about the original 16th January shipping date having been confirmed twice (the second time on January 6th), only to then be abandoned without giving an official statement. The RM strikes were known about going into December, and the pre-order window went live on November 23rd, so why couldn’t CO have given an official update or made other arrangements about getting the stock to the warehouse(s)?

  • Jamie

    January 23rd, 2023 - 2:22pm

    I have noticed that a lot of people who collect Doctor Who figures only seem to collect Doctor Who figures and don’t seem to have much idea of the reality of collecting or buying online. People get very worked up over minor things. Dates being pushed back a few weeks is totally normal. The truth is that CO probably isnt that bothered abut this delay as its totally normal and barley a delay at all. The entire mail system is in a bit of a mess right now anyway. People put so much focus on CO and B&M and act like every little thing is the end of the world, because they don’t know anything outside of that. There will always be people selling things for triple the price on eBay, you don’t have to keep checking and getting worked up about it. Just be calm, you will get your sets. CO is not ripping you off and you dont need to buy from eBay instead.

    • mick

      January 23rd, 2023 - 3:12pm

      i dont think it helped matters the mixed information character was telling people. like saying the first batch was going out friday when people had already received them wednesday and thursday. it doesnt take much these days to get people worrying that something has gone wrong. people have lost faith in royal mail and certain couriers.

    • Jamie

      January 23rd, 2023 - 3:49pm

      See this is what I mean about people being unaware of any context outside of Doctor Who action figures. Contacting customer support is not a direct line to god. They only know what they are told and sometimes the info may not be totally up to date. If you are reading and analysing every tweet, forum and Facebook post then of course you are going to think something has “gone wrong”. I don’t blame people for having doubts about Royal Mail and couriers (Certainly Evri…) but we will get our sets.

    • booboo

      January 23rd, 2023 - 4:10pm

      I think anyone has a right to ask whats happening about an item they have paid for days after it was due to be sent considering the (official) information available to them.

      Not everyone does social media, its the very reason this site exists in the way it does.

      Communication is key.

    • dave

      January 23rd, 2023 - 4:22pm

      your missing a huge point, a LOT of peopleare on the spectrum, and when something is given a time of release, they count down to that date then expect it.
      dr who merchandise has thrived on the ocd collectors needing to collect every version of everything.
      its so ingrained now, years ago when I first started getting diagnosed, the first question the specialist asked me was “are you obsessed with any tv shows, like Doctor Who”
      the prob with CO is they have a group of people “the chosen ones” who they send stuff to first , weather they deserve it or not, half of which turn around and flog straight away on ebay as we have all seen. and the minute one hits ebay everybody worries “oh no they out im not going to get mine as it would have been here by now aswell”.

    • Jamie

      January 23rd, 2023 - 4:25pm

      I do agree the communication could be better. If these online exclusive are going to become more regular then CO really should revamp the website and add a proper pre order system. Whether they would want to go to so much trouble just for Doctor Who is another thing. I noticed they have added Star Wars to the top bar of the site but not Doctor Who.

    • booboo

      January 23rd, 2023 - 4:38pm

      From our point a view we were sent an official and very definite press release (that’s the way we see it anyway) asking us to tell people it would be sent from the 16th (which we have since removed), at the same time people who had ordered had emails saying the same thing.

      So a week later and days after social media and ebay starts filling up with images of sets and no despatch info people and collectors will, on an individual basis, be naturally worried if something has gone wrong with their order. That’s how it is.

    • Rory

      January 23rd, 2023 - 5:10pm

      “People put so much focus on CO and B&M and act like every little thing is the end of the world”

      Thor: Is it though?

    • mick

      January 23rd, 2023 - 5:34pm

      well said booboo

    • Uncle Davros

      January 23rd, 2023 - 11:02pm

      100% agree with Booboo. Communication is key. I remember about a decade ago, back when FP were doing Doctor Who exclusive figures. If there were delays (I remember the War Docor figure got delayed about 3 times), you would get an email from FP apologising about the fact there was a delay and they would state when the relase date had been pushed back to.

      All CO had to do to was the same as FP… just send out a blanket email apologising for the delay and stating the revised shipping date. Because they didn’t do that, people get edgy and hence, some cancel their orders and buy off ebay instead (even at the inflated prices).

    • Rex Farrel

      January 23rd, 2023 - 11:36pm

      Dave: Good point, I’d not thought of it manifesting quite like that. I’ve certainly learnt something today, on a subject I’d thought I knew a reasonable amount about. (I still wouldn’t want to be involved in releasing any Who merchandise though.)

    • Rex Farrel

      January 23rd, 2023 - 11:41pm

      Jamie: “Contacting customer support is not a direct line to god.” – is that your own line? It’s brilliant if it is.

    • John

      January 25th, 2023 - 10:06am

      ‘tell people it would be sent from the 16th’ exactly – FROM not on!
      FP is better as they are a specific collector shop not a toy manufacturer.

  • simonhanlon77

    January 23rd, 2023 - 1:59pm

    i pre-ordered mine in dec (last year)….i have only got an email to confirm payment. i did contact CO on tue last week and they have not even bothered to reply back!!! it seems they are able to take customers money straight away…but i seem to get the impression that they are not really bothered about this delay…or even their customers getting the box set. i am very disappointed and feel they just don’t care. (this was posted on 23-1-23)

    • daz

      January 23rd, 2023 - 2:10pm

      My order number is one thousand higher than others still waiting who ordered on announcement day and I ordered mine on the 2/12.

      Don’t expect yours til next week at the earliest.

      They have made people aware of the delay as stock didn’t arrive until Wednesday which people have reported here.

      Just got to wait. You will get it.

    • Rex Farrel

      January 23rd, 2023 - 2:19pm

      I don’t see what the issue is. The “delay” is tiny, just a few days. People are acting as if we’re talking Big Chief, waiting years without updates. It’s no wonder licencees don’t want to bother with Who anymore.

  • Ex Royal Mail Christmas Casual Worker

    January 22nd, 2023 - 8:42pm


    Although Royal Mail denies this officially.

    Since October due to the strikes RM have been prioritising Tracked and Special Delivery mail as the first point of processing. This is what Managers are bonused on internally.

    So even if RM are collecting batches of parcels from CO they will not be dispatched as quick as they used to be as they aren’t tracked. So they will go down the pecking order at each individual RM sorting centre.

    That and the fact they have at least 2000 orders to get through they will take a good few days to arrive if shipping only started on Wednesday.

    (Not sure if CO staff work weekends either)

    We’ll get them eventually.

    Hoping mine comes in a few days.

    • Anonymous

      January 23rd, 2023 - 10:49am

      My mate who work’s for Royal Mail can also confirm this! They have (& still are) prioritising Tracked & Special Delivery first, then parcels & then letters. Royal Mail have consistently lied to the public since the Postal Strikes started.

    • Tracked

      January 23rd, 2023 - 1:59pm

      Are not character stuff sent via 48 hour tracked service ‍♀️

    • Ex RM CCW

      January 23rd, 2023 - 4:41pm

      When I was working there we were not scanning 48 hours tracked. Probably so you couldn’t see which site it was stuck at.

      So order is…

      Special Delivery
      Tracked 24

      Tracked 48
      1st Class Parcel

      1st Class Letter
      2nd Class Parcel

      2nd Class Letter

    • Anthony Fagn

      January 24th, 2023 - 9:32am

      My order came by courier.

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