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December 10th, 2014 4 comments

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Cubicle 7 The Eighth Doctor Sourcebook

The Doctor Who RPG and associated books are available to order from

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Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, this Sourcebook explores the Eighth Doctor’s adventures on Earth and beyond. With detailed information on all the allies, enemies, aliens and gadgets that he encounters, as well as examining each of his adventures, the book contains a wealth of material for the Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space RPG, and is also a fact-packed resource for fans of the show!

After being shot in a gang war in San Francisco, the Doctor regenerates just in time to stop the Master one more time. His eighth incarnation had much to contend with, not least the Time War, during which he had a fateful encounter with the Sisterhood of Karn once more.

As well as detailing the Eighth Doctor’s adventures, this sourcebook also contains a complete campaign – The Doom of the Daleks – that sees the Doctor’s deadliest foe erasing him from existence, forcing his companions into a race against time itself to save him!


Categorised under: Games, General



  • Drewsko

    December 10th, 2014 - 9:41pm

    Wonder how easy this would be to get outside of hunting down gaming stores. I found their general 50th guidebook at a Books-A-Million a few weeks back, I could have some luck there.

    I’m not a tabletop-RPG player, but these books do seem like they might have interesting info about the stories, and if it’s coming up with original content for the Eighth (and possibly discussing the book/comic/audio companions he had), I’m a little intrigued.

    • Andrew

      December 11th, 2014 - 2:32pm

      Barnes & Noble stock Cubicle 7’s Doctor Who RPG range for sure, so you should be able to find it there. Not sure about the 8th Doc, but I know the earlier books in the range are great reads even if you don’t play the game.

  • Abslom Daak

    December 10th, 2014 - 4:25pm

    It’s a pen and paper role-playing game supplement. A book, basically.

    This is the one I’ve been waiting for. Because so far, each Doctor book has gone through all the episodes and treated them like adventure scenarios. And poor Paul only has one TV adventure. Two, if they’re going to do Night of the Doctor. So how do you fill 160 pages?

    The synopsis hints at it a little–they’re doing at least one new adventure scenario. I’m hoping they stat out characters from the audios, mentioned in NotD. But who knows? WHO KNOWS?

  • thedoctor

    December 10th, 2014 - 4:10pm

    is this a video game?


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