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March 30th, 2011 54 comments

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Doctor Who – Mannequin Mania Box Set

Doctor Who – Mannequin Mania Box Set Terror of The Autons/Spearhead from Space (special edition)

Features two classic stories, Spearhead From Space and Terror of the Autons.
Due 9th May 2011

Spearhead from Space

* Down to Earth – Cast and crew look back at the making of this story and how a strike at the BBC studios inadvertently created the only classic series story to be made entirely on film. With actor Jon Pertwee, producers Derrick Sherwin and Barry Letts, script editor Terrance Dicks, costume designer Christine Rawlins and assistant script editor (and inadvertent Auton actor) Robin Squire. Narrated by Carl Kennedy.

* Two Commentaries: One with actors Caroline John and Nicholas Courtney and another with producer Derrick Sherwin and script editor Terrance Dicks.
* Regenerations – From Black and White to Colour – ‘Spearhead from Space’ marked not only the arrival of a new Doctor but also the transition from black and white to colour. This documentary looks at the challenges faced by programme makers during this period.
* UNIT Recruitment Film (dur. 4’ 48”) – a spoof army recruitment film put together for BBC transmission during Doctor Who’s 30th anniversary celebrations in 1993.
* Trailers – two trailers for the 1999 BBC2 transmission of the story and for ‘Doctor Who Night’from the same year.
* Photo Gallery
* Coming Soon trailers.
* Radio Times Listings
in Adobe PDF format.

Terror of the Autons

* Commentary – With actors Katy Manning and Nicolas Courtney, producer Barry Letts.
* Life on Earth – In this documentary, cast and crew look back at the making of the story and the differences in the way Doctor Who was made in the seventies compared to now.
* The Doctor’s Moriarty– with the introduction of the Master, the Doctor now had his very own Moriarty, who would be the dark figure behind every story in season eight, and many more beyond that. This featurette discusses the enduring appeal of the character.
* Plastic Fantastic – how did the writers of Doctor Who and other programmes take something as everyday as plastic and turn it against us?
* Photo Gallery
* Coming Soon trailer.

* Radio Times Listings and promotional material in Adobe PDF format.

Spearhead-for-space-VHSOriginal VHS covers and information

Spearhead from Space starring Jon Pertwee
by Robert Holmes

Forbidden to continue his travels through time and space by his fellow Time Lords, the newly regenerated Doctor begins his exile on Earth and finds himself hurled into one of his most exciting and terrifying adventures…

But the Doctor is not the only alien intelligence arriving on the planet.

A shower of mysterious meteorites signals the coming of the Nestene Consciousness – an evil, cosmic, collective being with just one goal – total conquest of Earth.

The Nestenes possess a special ability to control plastic and are making hoards of Autons – indestructible, armed, plastic manikins, only awaiting the Nestene command to start their killer rampage.

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, scientist Liz Shaw and U.N.I.T enlist the Doctor’s help to defeat the relentless Auton invasion, but the Doctor has problems of his own…

terror-of-the-autons-vhsTerror of the Autons starring Jon Pertwee
by Robert Holmes

“I have come to destroy you Doctor, once and for all…”

The Earth is in terrible danger! The Master is back with an evil scheme to destroy humanity and silence the Doctor forever. His plan? To awaken the awesome power of the Nestene – a ruthlessly aggressive alien life form. Once mixed with plastic, they will form into faceless automatons, a willing army of destruction easily controlled by the evil Time Lord himself. This is the terrible threat now facing the Earth – the terror of the Autons.

Aided by the Brigadier and his enthusiastic new assistant Jo Grant, only the Doctor can combat their evil power, but first he must defeat the Master…

Originally transmitted in colour 2 – 23 January 1971, this four part adventure starring Jon Pertwee was lost in its original form. Only a black and white version and an edited colour American NTSC standard version remained until now when technology worthy of the Doctor himself has reconciled the two, synchronising them into one full colour version.

Categorised under: Doctor Who DVDs, DVD



  • Bill Harrison

    August 11th, 2013 - 9:11pm

    I want to get the Blu-ray of Spearhead From Space, but I need to buy this boxset in order to get Terror Of The Autons, which will leave me with 2 versions of Spearhead. Oh what to do!

    • Dalekdestroyer101

      August 24th, 2014 - 4:40pm


  • The doctor

    July 13th, 2012 - 9:06pm

    I might be getting this today or tommorow along with revisitations 3 and Death to the Daleks

  • sci-fi guy1154

    December 30th, 2011 - 5:40pm

    would you recomend this to me and planet of the spiders

  • jordan

    July 8th, 2011 - 1:11pm

    i love the new Doctor Who dvd terror of the autons is best dvd and planet of siders best one i got this year

  • JoGGer

    May 9th, 2011 - 10:26am

    Is the photogallery on the new spearhead dvd the same one they used first time round or have they included new pics or arranged the gallery differently. ??

    • gordon

      May 9th, 2011 - 12:58pm

      The original pics are there plus new ones.It runs automaticly like a video instead ofhaving to click on the next photo which was on the original dvd.

    • JoGGer

      May 9th, 2011 - 6:00pm

      Thanks Gordon…

    • McGann is The Doctor.

      May 27th, 2011 - 6:38pm

      That’s a great improvement!! Can hardly wait for the Daemons to be released on DVD, then Day of the Daleks, after which, I can buy the re-release of Carnival of Monsters. (SWEET0)

      2011 HAS got to be the most Jon-Pertwee Dr Who year so far, commercially I mean. 😉 And I DO still want Colony in Space on DVD.

    • Gordon

      May 28th, 2011 - 12:32am

      After day of the daleks on september 12 it is rumoured that the next pertwee release will be colony in space as classic doctor who twitter page mentioned that a coming soon trailer for it has been done but it probably wont be out till january next year at the earliest. Daemons should be the next pertwee after that but probably wont till at least mid 2012 at the earliest due to the difficult restoration work required.

    • McGann is the Doctor.

      July 7th, 2011 - 7:58pm

      -MAN THATS GONNA TAKE AGES !! I will get the Mannequin Mania set WAY later then. No point in getting it now, if I cant follow it up with more Pertwee-era stories. 🙁

    • gordon

      July 9th, 2011 - 10:32am

      The way i see it Its not that far away. Ive waited nearly 6 years for deamons on dvd another year is not that much longer

  • gordon

    May 9th, 2011 - 10:16am

    Been watching this since it arrived early on friday. Great set well worth getting. Spearhead looks and sounds much improved over the original dvd release

  • who crazy!

    April 30th, 2011 - 8:39am

    Want this set for terror of the autons.


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