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July 8th, 2011 53 comments

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Doctor Who – Paradise Towers DVD

Doctor Who DVD – Paradise Towers

According to the sales brochure, Paradise Towers is a utopian blueprint for community living, with its fabulous architecture and state-of-the-art facilities.

The perfect place for Mel to take a leisurely swim, in fact.

But when the TARDIS arrives, the Doctor and his companion discover that the futuristic tower block has fallen into ruin, and a series of unexplained
disappearances have the tenants living in fear.

As gangs of teenage girls run wild in the hallways, a squad of bureaucratic Caretakers struggle to retain control.

To keep the citizens of Paradise Towers safe, the Doctor must confront the resident evil lurking in the basement…

Sylvester McCoy, Bonnie Langford, Richard Briers, Howard Cookel, Clive Merrison, Brenda Bruce, Elizabeth Spriggs, Julie Brennon, Judy Cornwell, Annabel Yuresha, Catherine Cusack & Joseph Youngl Astra Sheridanl Simon Coady

Special features…

*Commentary with cast and crew
*Documentaries and behind the scenes footage
*Photo Gallery
*Digitally re-mastered picture and sound quality

Original VHS cover and information

Paradise Towers starring Sylvester McCoy
by Stephen Wyatt

“A visitor? Well it must be a long time since the Tower saw any of those.”

Built towards the end of the twenty-first century, Paradise Towers is a massive lousing block, stretching up towards the sky.

With its beautiful decor, smart apartments, fantastic facilities and high standards of maintenance, it is hardly surprising that the architect, Kroagnon, won many professional awards.

Mel wants to go swimming and as the TARDIS pool has been jettisoned due to a leak, Paradise Towers seems to fit the bill. However, when she and the Doctor arrive, instead of the bright squares and charming cloisters the brochure promised, they find dark, rat-infested corridors full of uncontrollable cleaning machines, undisciplined street gangs and over-worked and belligerent caretakers, some of whom are disappearing in mysterious circumstances.

What has caused such terrible decay? How could such perfect accommodation have become so run down and dangerous?

And why do the street-wise Kangs, apathetic caretakers, sinister Rezzies and Pex – the self-appointed warrior who puts the world of Paradise Towers to rights -all fear whatever terrible force dwells in the basement? Only the unpredictable Chief Caretaker knows what is down there – and the real secret behind the disappearances…

Paradise Towers refined the Seventh Doctor’s costume. The braces disappeared, a different umbrella was used (although the familiar fed question-mark handle did not appear until Delta and the Bannermen) and a paisley scarf replaced the tartan one from Time and the Rani .

Actress Elizabeth Spriggs, who plays Tabby in Paradise Towers, was originally cast as Chessene, the villain in the 1985 story The Two Doctors, but had to pull out due to other commitments.

The only location recording for this story was for the swimming pool sequences, which took place at Elmswell House in Buckinghamshire.

The story was written before Sylvester McCoy had been cast as the Doctor and so Stephen Wyatt wrote for the character as loosely and generally as he could, allowing McCoy to strengthen his characterisation during production.

Categorised under: Doctor Who DVDs, DVD



  • Colin Baker is NO faker.

    August 5th, 2011 - 11:15am

    This is actually such a great DVD, I could have got it, for £12

    but I’m already planning 2 get Dragonfire and have most episodes from that Season anyway.

    • anthony

      August 16th, 2011 - 9:42pm

      what do u think the face melt was coppied from indiana jones do u think they were trying to make dw more scary and popular

    • McGann The Doctor.

      August 20th, 2011 - 6:45pm

      The face-melt in Dragonfire ? I think so, the Dr Who makers at the time would have been inspired by that iconic moment in Raiders of the lost Ark. 😉

      They wanted to create the same effect on their viewers !

  • anthony

    July 22nd, 2011 - 9:59pm

    what is the scariest sylvester mcoy episode mine are ghost light dragion fire battle filed reminds me my local libary have it i might take it out is it good ?

    • Silence Will Fall

      July 22nd, 2011 - 10:07pm

      My scariest is the curse of fenric.

    • McGann The Doctor.

      August 20th, 2011 - 6:46pm

      Survival is creepy, the creept black cat ! (shudders) and the Cheetah Virus Master attackign the Doctor.

    • I love the android invasion

      December 31st, 2014 - 6:12pm

      Curse of fenric used to give me nightmares

  • Ryan

    July 22nd, 2011 - 9:54pm

    Most people hate it, but I love this story, glad to see a release.

    • anthony

      July 22nd, 2011 - 10:02pm

      yeh it is a good episode seeen it on youtbe i have seen all the sylvester mcoy eps there all good some are not as good because off graphics back in there day but still there all good

    • McGann is the Doctor.

      July 24th, 2011 - 11:44pm

      I , frankly, Cant GET ENOUGH of Slvester Mccoy as Dr Who . He’s jsut sensational, I LOVE to watch his performance as the 7th Doctor, he always brings a smile, or a laugh to my face. A

      And this episode is no exception. 😀

  • Biggest Doctor Who Fan Ever!

    July 18th, 2011 - 4:37pm

    I have only 7 Doctor who classic DVDs but i am planning to eventualy get all of them, like this guy:

  • Biggest Doctor Who Fan Ever!

    July 17th, 2011 - 6:00pm

    1) The Sensorites
    2) The Reign of Terror (Missing Eps Animated)
    3) Planet of Giants
    4) Tomb of the Cybermen (Special Edition)
    5) The Krotons
    6) The Ambassadors of Death (delayed)
    7) The Three Doctors ( Special Edition)
    8) Invasion of the Dinosaurs
    9) Death of the Daleks
    10) Terror of the Zygons
    11) The Android Invasion
    12) The Face of Evil
    13) The Robots of Death
    14) Vengance on Varos
    15) ACE tales:
    15A) Dragonfire
    15B) The Happiness Control
    16) The Greatest show in the Galaxy

    Thats all for now!

  • McGann is The Doctor.

    July 15th, 2011 - 6:04pm

    They have ALOT of work to do on the Pertwee years. Comparatively alot. 😛

    🙂 Man I want that story Colony in Space and the Daemons. For Jon Pertwee’s era, I want to have the Auton story, I dont want the mind of Evil or The Three Doctor/ Invasion of the Dinosaurs/Death to the Daleks (for personal reasons).

    • McGann is The Doctor.

      July 15th, 2011 - 6:06pm

      They’ve released Planet of the Spiders, his last story, at rather an odd time, considerring his first story was re-released at about hte same time with the Auton set. 😯

    • McGann is The Doctor.

      July 16th, 2011 - 2:49pm

      OMG, my birthday is the 18th, great news indeed 😀 I have to have that story on my DVD shelf ! 🙂

  • Biggest Doctor Who Fan Ever!

    July 14th, 2011 - 7:39am

    1) The Sensorites
    2) The Reign of Terror (Missing Eps Animated)
    3) Planet of Giants
    4) Tomb of the Cybermen (Special Edition)
    5) The Krotons
    6) The Ambassadors of Death (delayed)
    7) The Three Doctors ( Special Edition)
    8) Death of the Daleks
    9) Terror of the Zygons
    10) The Android Invasion
    11) The Face of Evil
    12) The Robots of Death
    13) Vengance on Varos
    14) ACE tales:
    14A) Dragonfire
    14B) The Happiness Control
    15) The Greatest show in the Galaxy

    Thats all for

    • gordon

      July 14th, 2011 - 12:40pm

      That only leaves 7 stories we dont know about the year of release .

      10th planet which im expecting to be 2013 and animated episode 4

      Ice Warriors which im also expecting to be 2013 and animated episodes 2 and 3

      Mind of evil which im expecting 2013 due to the extreme restoration and recolourisation problems (it maybe only released in b&w due to problems)

      Colony in space is ready for release and is rumoured for october

      Daemons is rumoured for no later than april 2012

    • gordon

      July 14th, 2011 - 12:58pm


      Invasion of the dinosaurs episode 1 has apparently been recoloured and we may get it 2012 as extras have been done and production subtitles being worked on

      Shada wasnt finished but a dvd for it is in production and ian levine who owns the rights to it is animating the gaps to make it complete and animation is still on going but i wouldnt expect a dvd release till 2nd half of 2012 at the earliest.

      And thats all the remaining stories unless they decide to animate competly lost stories which i doubt

    • Biggest Doctor Who Fan Ever!

      July 14th, 2011 - 8:34pm

      I got these off of Wikapedia.

    • McGann is The Doctor.

      July 15th, 2011 - 5:52pm

      MAN, its gna B ages before we get teh complete Jon Pertwee adventure seasons. I’ve got all I want from the first season. (I dnt have Ambassadors of death).

      I wanted all of his next season, bar Claws of Axos/the Three Doctors and the Sea Devils. 🙁 Lks like I’ll have a long time before that. 😯

  • Biggest Doctor Who Fan Ever!

    July 13th, 2011 - 8:35pm

    1) The Sensorites
    2) The Reign of Terror (Missing Eps Animated)
    3) Planet of Giants
    4) Tomb of the Cybermen (Special Edition)
    5) The Krotons
    6) The Ambassadors of Death (delayed)
    7) The Three Doctors ( Special Edition)
    8) Death of the Daleks
    9) Terror of the Zygons
    10) The Android Invasion
    11) The Face of Evil
    12) The Robots of Death
    13) Vengance on Varos
    14) ACE tales:
    14A) Dragonfire
    14B) The Happiness Control
    15) The Greatest show in the Galaxy

    Thats all for

    • jordan

      July 13th, 2011 - 9:05pm

      cool more Doctor Who to buy in 2012

    • anthony

      July 13th, 2011 - 9:40pm

      im alright with syl hes my favrote classic doctor and i like alll his stories i seen them all dis like cos of the horrific face melt in dragion fire im 12 but i seen it about what say 10 wanst scared but every time i watch hes tributes that is a massive shock and err gets me rembering it what do u think and have u seen it booboo what do u see horror best doctor in the classics or funny jolly anoying this is im asking what do u think about dragion fire is it scary to mild for young mc oy fans read the lable like when it says mild or somethin

    • booboo

      July 13th, 2011 - 9:46pm

      worst scene ever for horror – the doll from terror of the Autons

    • anthony

      July 13th, 2011 - 9:52pm

      orr i was watchin that the other day in it realy scary and i always have nightmares how would u say face melt in dragion fire and what else is the most face sometihing to scare u and do u think those dolls in series 6 are baced off that absolute horror doll a troll doll i watched it and seen it when i was 6 i was watching that movie then the somethin anaversary and boy i still have nightmares u ever have that feelin when ur in the dark or asleep its waiting i do and i have trouble my mate jack said the face melt was scary what about u

    • anthony

      July 13th, 2011 - 9:54pm

      am i alright to speack abot the old and the frights and scares of doctorwho was u born then and did u watch many of theme and what is the scareist monster from new who silence dolls pupets troll doll angels or vampires

    • booboo

      July 13th, 2011 - 9:56pm

      I have watched all episodes, new and classic,,scariest new who was the empty child and in classic who the doll

    • anthony

      July 13th, 2011 - 10:02pm

      i mean new series 6 those dolls and pupets did it get moved two episode 8 from 4 because its to frighting and is it true that kanes face melt was consided to boo the scareist one out apart from the doll i would hate it if charecter realsed a set i wouldnt sleep do u ever have night mares in do name urs gfrom as many as u can think of can i speack alot on hear or am i wasteing space sorry

    • dalek galt

      August 16th, 2011 - 9:49pm

      they are doing the krotons yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • gordon

    July 9th, 2011 - 10:57am

    Not long to go till the release date of 18 july. Really looking forward to hearing the rejected David Snell score. It will be like watching an alternative version.

  • gordon

    June 7th, 2011 - 12:13am

    Region 2 cover

  • the doctor and bradley

    April 16th, 2011 - 10:16am

    how do u no gorden

    • Gordon

      April 16th, 2011 - 11:06am

      Ace tales boxset was announced weeks ago on the classic dw twitter page plus there is an article on it on page 8 of the current issue of dwm. Greatest show got announced for 2012 on classic dw twitter page on monday

  • gordon

    April 16th, 2011 - 8:57am

    Mcoy dvds will be finished next year as Ace tales featuring dragonfire and happiness patrol is coming out at some point next year. Plus greatest show in the galaxy is coming out latter half of 2012

  • gordon

    March 31st, 2011 - 9:46am

    Reigion 1 cover

    • lewis

      April 3rd, 2011 - 8:47am

      what date in July doctor who paradise towers dvds

    • Gordon

      April 7th, 2011 - 12:45am

      It will be out 18th 25 july 1st or 8th of august. I know the US release date is 9th of august so it will be out before that date. But no official date has been set

    • Gordon

      April 8th, 2011 - 12:40pm

      its coming out 18th of july

    • Paddy

      April 8th, 2011 - 2:04pm

      Thats my birthday!

  • gary

    March 15th, 2011 - 5:47pm

    This is an appallingly bad story

    lots of people think this but i watched it the other day and i didnt think it was that bad… 😮
    youprobably all want to lynch me now!!!!

    • booboo

      March 15th, 2011 - 6:18pm

      youprobably all want to lynch me now!!!!

      I didn’t think it was that bad either but i can see why some people wont like it

  • gordon

    March 12th, 2011 - 12:52am

    Wouldnt suprise me if it comes out on 11 july as it will be a 3 week gap from earth story. Im thinking that as there is at the moment a 2 to 3 week inbetween releases and its the next story listed on doctor who magazine dvd feature a few issues ago..

  • Anthony was the Master.

    February 27th, 2011 - 4:17pm

    I believe you’ll find the later stories of Mccoys tenure were of a much greater kind, and more well-made, something. The stories of Season 26 reached a new level of Doctor Who television, even though the viewership rating was extremely and appaulingly scarce. So dont be ranking those stories, Survival and Ghostlight, dont know about Battlefield, at the bottom of any list that has Remembrance of The Daleks near the top!
    Its a flashy tale yes, and a farely favourited one, but its no WhoSpectacular, just because theres Daleks warfare, you see?

  • gordon

    January 30th, 2011 - 12:21pm

    Wikepidia has a june release date for this.

  • Callum Metcalfe

    January 19th, 2011 - 9:03pm

    I know not many people do, but I really like McCoy stories:

    once I’ve seen from best to worst

    Ghost Light

    Rememberance of the daleks

    Delta and The Bannermen

    Silver Nemesis



    Curse of Fenric (I know everybody loves it)

    • booboo

      January 19th, 2011 - 9:07pm

      once I’ve seen from best to worst

      for me its

      Rememberance of the daleks

      Delta and The Bannermen


      Silver Nemesis

    • Anonymous

      May 8th, 2013 - 2:14pm

      What do you think of this story booboo?

    • The Greater Intelligence

      May 8th, 2013 - 2:57pm

      I have seen everyone of his and here are my favorite, least to greatest:

      Delta And The Bannermen
      Paradise Towers
      Time And The Rani
      Silver Nemesis
      Ghost Light
      The Curse Of Fenric
      The Greatest Show In The Galaxy
      The Happiness Patrol
      Remembrance Of The Daleks

  • gordon

    January 14th, 2011 - 12:59pm

    List of extras (from dwm) (more maybe annouced later)

    Horror on the high rise making of documentary
    Girls girls girls: the 80’s
    All 4 episodes with original rejected score by David Snell

    • anthony

      July 22nd, 2011 - 10:00pm

      do u mean the horro film and is it linked with the curse of fenric

  • DoctorWho4Eva

    January 13th, 2011 - 6:44pm

    wow, luv Sylvester Mccoy, he is my third best doctor, and i am collecting his dvds

  • TARDISman1000

    January 13th, 2011 - 1:35pm



    January 13th, 2011 - 1:23pm

    This is an appallingly bad story though McCoy is excellant in it, regardless of what it’s like I’ll still be buying it as I haven’t seen it since it was first broadcast


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