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February 7th, 2011 228 comments

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Resurrection Of The Daleks figure set

Action Figure Collectors Set: Resurrection Of The Daleks

Out now priced at £34.99

Can be ordered from



The TARDIS, with the Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough on board, becomes caught in a time corridor. Once freed it materialises in London in 1984 near the exit of the corridor. Upon investigating warehouses nearby, the travellers stumble upon a trap set for them by the Daleks!

Meanwhile, in the future at the other end of the time corridor, a Dalek battle cruiser attacks an obsolete Earth prison station in deep space to free Davros, their creator. Held in suspended animation aboard the station for over ninety years, the Daleks aim is to get his help in finding an antidote to a virus deadly only to Daleks. The virus was created by a race of humanoid robots called Movellans who have been at war with the Daleks for centuries.


Upon revival Davros learns the Daleks have almost been wiped out, and are now being systematically hunted down and destroyed by the Movellans.

To counter the offensive and in an attempt to save themselves, the Daleks used their time technology to infiltrate key positions of authority on Earth with android duplicates. Having now also lured and trapped the Doctor to copy his brain pattern, they now intend to send duplicates of the Doctor and his companions to Gallifrey. On arrival the duplicates would kill the High Council and gain mastery over time wiping out all their past defeats.

Ultimately, their plans are thwarted when the Movellan virus is deliberately released on board the station by Davros as his Daleks led by the Supreme Dalek turn against him yet again. Back on Earth the Doctor also releases the virus destroying the Daleks there, and Davros flees the station in an escape pod.

Set contains : Davros, Black Supreme Dalek, Grey Dalek from the ‘Resurrection episodes plus The Fifth Doctor



The 5th doctor is another variant (right), similar to the one released in the Time Crash set but with an additional red band on the Pullover amongst other variations. The trousers have different bands from the figures in the 11 Doctors set (left), SDCC exclusive with hat and classic wave one releases.


All the 5th Doctors in similar outfits – Starting on the left with the original release then the Time Crash set, 11Docros set, SDCC 2010 with master set and finally the resurrection set.


Categorised under: Doctor Who 5" scale figures, Toys



  • Cyber-Pandorica-Guard-VS-Amy Pond

    January 9th, 2011 - 10:00am

    I wonder what figures we will see i hope to see a Rory from cold blood or Even the pandorica opens with removable helmet

  • LiasonIce

    January 8th, 2011 - 11:41am

    There is a serious amount of 5 inch daleks around now, it would be so damn awesome to collect them all. i really want this but i don’t think forbidden planet sell to aus

  • ross campbell

    January 4th, 2011 - 10:25pm

    Wots the point in releasing MORE daleks from the classic series when we already have like 50 released already!!?

    • ross campbell

      October 30th, 2011 - 11:40am

      now to the present day i can now c y i posted this comment.

  • McGann is the Doctor.

    January 2nd, 2011 - 5:41pm

    -more detail and paint added onto them. (Davros fingers)

    So heres what Ill be needing for my Dr-Who Classic 80s Series figure section on my cabinet of DOCTOR WHO. The standard 5th Doctor from the 11 Doctors set(tell me about the Toys R us version, is it real ?) the original 6th Doctor figure is the first thing I need, next time I get the chance to visit Forbidden Planet, might take two months but I can wait, then I want to order off Forbidden Planet online, atleast 4 Earthshock Cybermen, that will probably be the first thing I do. 😯

  • McGann is the Doctor.

    January 2nd, 2011 - 5:21pm

    I cant tell you how muc hIm loving this set, even though I do dislike that episode, the Daleks in the story Resurrection of the Daleks are my absolute favourite because the voices are great, almost witch-like in how evil they sound and theyre totally the antagonists for the episode even if Davros is back aswell. 😮

    Davros and the Daleks BOTH dont even trust eachother in that story, and Davros is way too suspicious and irrational when he secretly programmes two of the Daleks to be 100% obediant to him. On the real thing, the fingers need-

  • doctor 24/7

    January 1st, 2011 - 6:33pm

    booboo do you know what is on the line of classic action figures for 2011

    if so what?

    • booboo

      January 1st, 2011 - 7:47pm

      do you know what is on the line of classic action figures for 2011

      if so what?

      Unfortunately not we get sent the info only when it officially announced, we have no idea what’s coming up

  • The Pandorica

    January 1st, 2011 - 2:01pm

    On the promotional image, the Supreme Dalek loooks a little too small.

  • tc

    January 1st, 2011 - 12:11pm

    happy new year to all!

  • currancom

    December 29th, 2010 - 9:59pm

    the base of the grunt dalek is inacurate 🙄

  • who crazy!

    December 28th, 2010 - 10:10am

    Ive got enough money for it so im gonna get it when it comes out.

  • g-banger

    December 28th, 2010 - 3:50am

    this looks cool

  • McGann is the Doctor.

    December 27th, 2010 - 10:58pm

    The S21 Doctor-Fiugre does, really, look fabulously wonderful. Im gonna have to wait though, get the 11 Doctors set first. The Fifth Doc from that set, I think, looks most resembling to jis appearance inteh Two-Part story the Kings Demons. 💡

    So I really should wait to get this Doctor LATER. But by darn, I could sure use some of those wubbley-lovable 80s Daleks, my very favourite Daleks ever. And the figures seen here REALLY do resemble them terrificly, far more than those from the Rememberance set, just for contrast.

  • GallifreyRules

    December 26th, 2010 - 9:34pm

    i know that peter’s hair was darker in his last stories, but no way the darkness in theese promotional images, so will the hair on the figure be a bit lighter than in these pictures?

  • AlphaOmega

    December 23rd, 2010 - 10:34pm

    I always think Davison’s later jumper looked better

  • doctor who 24/7

    December 23rd, 2010 - 7:06pm

    booboo do you know if davros and peter will be released on there own

  • GRB2011

    December 23rd, 2010 - 4:41pm

    5th doctor might come with that gun he was going to kill davros with in that episode, hope he hasn’t got a screwdriver AGAIN

  • sec

    December 22nd, 2010 - 6:32pm

    doctor who is coooooooool


    December 21st, 2010 - 9:00pm

    dont think there is a sonic because it got destroyed in his 5th or 6th episode, i think.

  • special wepons dalek

    December 21st, 2010 - 6:34pm

    it was a shock when i found this item it is a winer DOCTOR WHO


    December 21st, 2010 - 9:41am

    I want to know does he come with a hat whats
    removeble and a sonic screwdriver

  • who crazy!

    December 21st, 2010 - 7:30am

    Booboo will this 5th doctor come with his sonic or a new accesory or nothing at all?


    December 20th, 2010 - 9:28pm


  • Juddon Master

    December 20th, 2010 - 5:57pm

    I hope we see Sarah Jane or Tegan soon as I’ve heard were getting sets for both Tom Baker’s stories and Colin Baker’s

  • ross campbell

    December 20th, 2010 - 5:56pm

    McGann is the doctor I no that they r doing classic companions it is just that we need more classic companions that just docs and villians and that is y i even rote the damn comment 2 ask y they not inculding any classic companions not 4 U 2 think its ok 2 use my comments in any of yours

  • roloboy97

    December 20th, 2010 - 2:38pm

    booboo did the 5th doctor and more clothes or are there only the clothes in this set and the 1 in the 11 doctors set

  • doctor 24/7

    December 20th, 2010 - 10:01am

    can i ask ? if you read doctor who adventures the week the said about making action figures in the back ground there was a packed proto tipe of a 4th doctors sonic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is that what they intened?

    • booboo

      December 20th, 2010 - 10:03am

      a 4th doctors sonic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is that what they intened?

      It looks like its been deliberately placed there to me, i expect we will see one soon!

  • McGann is the Doctor.

    December 19th, 2010 - 4:23pm

    Posted by ross campbell on December 16th, 2010

    Character are now doing a Companion line, which consists of two figures-per set. A Dalek-figures set and a Companion-release are two very different things. Besides, we also get a Season 21 5th Doctor which is more than welcome in my book. And you cant complain that its the Sixth Doctor regenerated clean. Thats diffrent, that was just a repaint of the 5th Doctor with the 6th Docs head stuck in, to resemble that episode. Facts 😮

  • McGann is the Doctor.

    December 19th, 2010 - 4:14pm

    I dont know how, but I have WAY TOO MANY reasons to get this set. Weve only recently had a Dalek figure set and now another, its asthough CO are only interested in amking these figures if theres a 100% guarantee they will sell well, so they have to have something to do with Daleks in them.

    Anyhow, the Daleks seen here are atleast four times the ones from the Remembrance set, those were actually pretty inaccurate, apaprt from the SW Dalek. The grey Dalek isnt just a repainted Imperial Dalek, it actually has the steel mesh around it. 😀

  • pupbenny

    December 19th, 2010 - 3:18pm

    I don’t know but I really want to get this set I think. :confused:

    P.S. I’m suprised at how little amount of comments this has got. :confused:

  • derek

    December 19th, 2010 - 12:29pm

    the movellans must have been involved because of the movellan virus.


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