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September 10th, 2011 636 comments

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Character Building Series 2 Super Rare’s – User Pictures

Character Building Series 2 Super Rare’s

Out of millions of figures available, there are just 500 of the Hologram Silent, and River Song, whilst 250 each have been made of Rory Williams as the Last Centurion and Amy Pond in a Pirate Costume. Most elusive of all however will be the Eleventh Doctor unshaven and in a straightjacket with just 100 pieces to be found!

Our own Hologram Silent…

Purchase History (does not include items currently on auction)

Full Set £899 Buy it now 25th March

Straightjacket Doctor £400 Auction 30th September 2011
Straightjacket Doctor £300 Auction 2nd October 2011
Straightjacket Doctor £293 Auction 19th March 2012
Straightjacket Doctor £270 Buy it now 2011
Straightjacket Doctor £206 Auction 15th January 2012
Straightjacket Doctor £193 Auction 19th October 2011
Straightjacket Doctor £193 Auction 1st February 2012

Roman Rory £238 Auction 26th September 2011
Roman Rory £210 Auction 4th October 2011
Roman Rory £205 But it now 7th October 2011
Roman Rory £200 Auction 6th October 2011
Roman Rory £163 Auction 11th October 2011
Roman Rory £142 Auction 25th March 2012
Roman Rory £133 Auction 21st February 2012
Roman Rory £103 Auction 13th December 2011
Roman Rory £103 Auction 7th November 2011
Roman Rory £100 But it now 5th January 2012

Pirate Amy £257 Auction 20th September 2011
Pirate Amy £285 Buy it now 21st September 2011
Pirate Amy £200 Buy it now 28th September 2011
Pirate Amy £170 Buy it now 30th September 2011
Pirate Amy £196 Auction 27th September 2011
Pirate Amy £160 Buy it now 8th October 2011
Pirate Amy £155 Buy it now 3rd October 2011
Pirate Amy £131 Auction 29th September 2011
Pirate Amy £130 Buy it now 7th October 2011
Pirate Amy £128 Auction 2nd October 2011
Pirate Amy £120 Buy it now 3rd October 2011
Pirate Amy £113 Buy it now 5th October 2011
Pirate Amy £102 Buy it now 5th February 2012
Pirate Amy £85 Auction 23rd March 2012
Pirate Amy £82 Auction 23rd December 2011
Pirate Amy £77 Auction 28th November 2011
Pirate Amy £75 Auction 14th December 2011
Pirate Amy £74 Auction 6th January 2012
Pirate Amy £62 Auction 19th December 2011

River Song £193 Auction 18th September 2011
River Song £170 Buy it now 30th September 2011
River Song £170 Buy it now 11th September 2011
River Song £135 Buy it now 1st October 2011
River Song £123 Auction 8th October 2011
River Song £113 Auction 3rd October 2011
River Song £112 Auction 24th March 2012
River Song £100 Buy it now 1st February 2012
River Song £100 Auction 22nd October 2011
River Song £90 Auction 2nd December 2011
River Song £90 Auction 4th February 2012
River Song £90 Auction 23rd October 2011
River Song £85 Buy it now 22nd December 2011
River Song £80 Buy it now 28th January 2012
River Song £73 Auction 26th February 2012
River Song £60 Auction 18th February 2012
River Song £51 Auction 16th December 2011
River Song £50 Auction 20th December 2011
River Song £50 Auction 22nd October 2011

Hologram Silent £200 Buy it now 16th September 2011
Hologram Silent £186 Auction 22rd September 2011
Hologram Silent £183 Auction 23rd September 2011
Hologram Silent £190 Buy it now 19th September 2011
Hologram Silent £175 Auction 24th September 2011
Hologram Silent £175 Buy it now 23rd September 2011
Hologram Silent £170 Auction 8th October 2011
Hologram Silent £142 Auction 24th September 2011
Hologram Silent £140 Buy it now 30th September 2011
Hologram Silent £132 Auction 27th September 2011
Hologram Silent £129 Buy it now 29th September 2011
Hologram Silent £110 Buy it now 2nd October 2011
Hologram Silent £101 Auction 7th October 2011
Hologram Silent £99 Auction 25th March 2012
Hologram Silent £99 Auction 19th February 2012
Hologram Silent £93 Auction 16th October 2011
Hologram Silent £90 Buy it now 23rd December 2011
Hologram Silent £90 Auction 16th October 2011
Hologram Silent £90 Auction 4th February 2012
Hologram Silent £70 Auction 19th November 2011
Hologram Silent £65 Auction 5th February 2012
Hologram Silent £59 Auction 2nd December 2011
Hologram Silent £50 Auction 17th December 2011
Hologram Silent £50 Auction 8th January 2012
Hologram Silent £48 Auction 5th January 2012
Hologram Silent £45 Auction 16th December 2011
Hologram Silent £45 Auction 18th February 2012
Hologram Silent £45 Auction 4th March 2012
As with series one if you have a Super Rare please only post about it if you can back it up with a Picture or your comment will most likely be deleted of suspended. Images can be sent to [email protected] if you wish them to appear on the site

D-Tron Wunder’s Silent hologram…

7 year old Ben’s Super rare River Song…

James, age 9 from Northumberland
with his Hologram Silent found 15.10.11…

Wizzee’s Amy Pond Pirate super rare…

Pirate Amy found by Who-Ray…

A Hologram Silent belonging to MiS…

Daniel’s River Song Super Rare…

Hi there
I was lucky enough to get two super rare figs, the straight jacketed doctor and Rory the Roman. What were the chances of that?
The back print on the back of the Doctor was a nice surprise too, as this is missing from the publicity shots.

I had ordered 6 boxes of figures from Character Options to identify and resell, which isn’t a great deal. Much as I’d love to keep them in my collection, I wouldn’t dare. My two kids would have their body parts swapped round with Lego figs in a trice. And baby is very partial to minifig heads. Yummy. But before listing, I couldn’t resist taking a few pics of them around a Lego Tardis console I built.
Well, they’re both on Ebay now (my seller id is giftswithguts). To the future owner, take good care of them both.

Jane’s Amy Pond Pirate…

Kal El’s Roman Rory…

Steve’s River Song…

Chris’s Hologram Silent

Gary’s Hologram Silent and other super rare’s…

Robert’s River Song found in Toys R Us in Edinburgh…

Original image can be found at

Original image can be found at

Gallifrey Base Forum Member reeeeecey (images used with their permission) has been lucky enough to come across one of the series 2 Character Building Super Rare’s.

Categorised under: News, Retail



  • ultimate character building fan 0001

    November 29th, 2011 - 6:04pm

    booboo there is a super rare rory on ebay with complete series 2 and two missing on series 1!!!

    • aarondrwhofan64

      November 29th, 2011 - 6:12pm

      i seen one like that with sr rory,series 1 and 2 dr,dalek drone,strategist and supreme and a lot more micro-figures.on ebay buy it now for £3.50(i think!)! 😆

    • booboo

      November 29th, 2011 - 6:18pm

      They selling it separately for £399 or offers

    • The Doctor

      November 29th, 2011 - 6:33pm

      what £399 for a super rare! 😯

  • ultimate character building fan 00001

    November 25th, 2011 - 7:07pm

    booboo just found out you know the 16th septemcer one in the aution it was me 😀

    • ultimate character building fan 00001

      November 25th, 2011 - 7:08pm

      well for x mas

  • matt smith

    November 23rd, 2011 - 5:20pm

    booboo i have a silent ultra rare figure do you think i sould sell it or not
    please reply 😀

  • Anonymous

    November 19th, 2011 - 10:59pm

    Do you just find them in normal packets?

    • booboo

      November 19th, 2011 - 11:03pm


    • Anonymous

      November 23rd, 2011 - 9:12am

      geez, booboo, thanks!

  • charlie bowden

    November 16th, 2011 - 8:22pm

    for series 3 i want:

    amy (the doctors wife)
    rare amy: amy (the rebel flesh)
    river (time of angels)
    dalek scientist
    eldane silurian
    doctor (red shirt)
    doctor in long coat

    super rares:
    madame kovarian
    old amy
    doctor in wedding suit
    stone dalek
    maze of the dead weeping angel (cumbled)
    river (time of angels dress)
    rory bot
    amy peg doll
    winston churchill
    lady val

    emperor dalek set
    crucible set
    pandorica set
    closing time shop set
    amy’s garden set
    burning 10th doctors tardis set

    • Anonymous

      November 23rd, 2011 - 8:35am

      what about bracewell

  • Torchy

    November 14th, 2011 - 2:44pm

    My five year old son got an rare Amy in Tescos in Warwick on Saturday. He picked out two and did the old Dad thing of “You can only have one” and we were amazed when we opened it. I didn’t even realise there was such as thing as rare figures. We’ve been buying them for him for a while.

    I always cut the top of the packet with scissors to open and unforunately I sliced the certificate in three pieces. I have stuck it on eBay – as he’d rather have a 3DS for Xmas at a competitive price here on eBay:

    Item No: 140641438677

  • grimreaperguy

    November 13th, 2011 - 11:48am

    what a ridiculous amount of money for something which will probobly end up lost or in the bin anyway! 😯 i think i’ll stick to what i’ve already got until CO release Rory! 😐

  • Antonio Zambonini

    November 13th, 2011 - 11:22am

    I got pirate amy and it didnt take me long to find i got mine from toymaster

  • aarondrwhofan64

    November 12th, 2011 - 2:26pm

    I GOT RIVER SONG SUPER RARE LAST NIGHT FROM ASDA GLASGOW PARKHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a spare night terrors amy

    • aarondrwhofan64

      November 12th, 2011 - 2:29pm

      and christmas with the simpsons on dvd and a lego pusdey bear 🙂

    • grimreaperguy

      November 13th, 2011 - 11:39am

      A lego pudsy bear?

    • aarondrwhofan64

      November 13th, 2011 - 3:01pm

      well Yeah its CHILDREN IN NEED ON FRIDAY!!

  • Anonymous

    November 9th, 2011 - 7:53pm

    cant wait for xmas, i get my sr silent on xmas 😀 cant WAIT!!!!!

    • aarondrwhofan64

      November 12th, 2011 - 2:30pm

      cool :)))

    • the doctor and bradley

      November 13th, 2011 - 3:29pm


  • weneedaroryfigurenow!

    November 8th, 2011 - 10:04pm

    you guys are super lucky i hope to get one soon

    • aarondrwhofan64

      November 12th, 2011 - 2:41pm

      i only need amy police,roman auton and cyberleader:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    • aarondrwhofan64

      November 27th, 2011 - 2:05pm

      got cyberleader on friday 🙂

  • toochwood

    November 6th, 2011 - 6:00pm

    booboo on christmas im going to send a picture of my sr (i cant open it till then) with my collection is that ok?

    • MadmanWithABox

      November 6th, 2011 - 9:16pm

      what sr is it

    • toochwood

      November 9th, 2011 - 7:54pm

      sr silent

    • aarondrwhofan64

      November 12th, 2011 - 5:46pm

      can booboo put on a picture of my river super rare?

    • booboo

      November 12th, 2011 - 5:47pm

      if you email it to [email protected]

  • MadmanWithABox

    November 3rd, 2011 - 10:29pm

    booboo i check this site every day, to see whether anything new is on here, so everyday i have gone on to this page, waiting for you to upload the pic of your hologram silent but it has not happened, im getting really annoyed.

    • Anonymous

      November 3rd, 2011 - 11:27pm

      well hes running this site and its not easy so give it some time we ask booboo to do so much booboo must have some time of the site and when ppl say that it cause stress

  • TheGirlWhoWaited

    October 30th, 2011 - 12:34pm

    please upload the pictures of your hologram silent booboo

  • Dr Gary who

    October 29th, 2011 - 3:33pm

    got my rory super rare on its way only straight jacket to complete the series 2 YYYYEEEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!

    • aarondrwhofan64

      November 12th, 2011 - 5:48pm

      OMG! you only need one sr when ive only got river!?!?…faint…

  • toochwood

    October 29th, 2011 - 11:31am

    congrads on your sr silent. im getting one for xmas

  • Stormaggedon, Dark Lord of All!!!

    October 29th, 2011 - 5:25am

    I wish they would make 5″ figures of some of the characters they do for Character Building (e.g. Pirate Amy, Rory etc.)!!!!

  • BOB

    October 29th, 2011 - 1:51am

    on this look at the pics and some of the things are different like the tardis and rorys hair

    • toochwood

      October 29th, 2011 - 11:30am

      why on earth did the changed most of the dalek factory. put them together and it would be great

    • aarondrwhofan64

      November 12th, 2011 - 5:59pm

      Rorys hair looks weird lol

  • MadmanWithABox

    October 28th, 2011 - 5:31pm

    booboo not to be impatient or anything but can u upload your hologram silent figure pics please

  • deakinproductions

    October 27th, 2011 - 11:23am

    I do have them you will see when I send the images to booboo next week

    • booboo

      October 27th, 2011 - 11:41am

      yes i see them you do have them

    • deakinproductions

      October 27th, 2011 - 5:27pm

      Thank for making it clear booboo there’s a better quality video of them now ,go on my channel or search super rares better quality 🙂 and place a link if you wish to

  • MadmanWithABox

    October 26th, 2011 - 9:07pm

    booboo can you do a picture of your hologram silent that i saw you posted about somwhere else

    • booboo

      October 26th, 2011 - 9:08pm

      yes i will do one tomorrow now

    • MadmanWithABox

      October 27th, 2011 - 9:06am

      ok thank you, could you maybe do a back and front view of it,and congratulations on getting ANOTHER super rare.

  • 14horselvr

    October 23rd, 2011 - 7:25am

    i HAVE to tell my bro about these even tough he doesnt collect them:) i know hiell want one:) where can you buy theses in norwcih?? the tv and movie store?? toys r us?? anywhere??

    • toochwood (lionman)

      October 23rd, 2011 - 3:54pm

      you can by these on ebay for 200 pounds but if you want to buy them for 2 pounds then you most likley to spend more than 200 pounds searching through the packs

  • toochwood (lionman)

    October 21st, 2011 - 10:14pm

    has anyone heard anything about series 3?

    • 14horselvr

      October 23rd, 2011 - 7:27am

      i’ll ask my bro coz he knows almost everything bout docotr who:) whilst i know almost everything about horses:) lol:) doctor who and horses- wat a match !!

    • Doctor’s Little Companion (Was Madboy With a Box)

      October 23rd, 2011 - 7:46am

      um i dont think they match at all

    • MadmanWithABox

      October 23rd, 2011 - 2:24pm

      yeh no they dont match at all, thats like saying hitler was a pretty nice guy.

    • Artypants

      October 25th, 2011 - 10:53am

      What about the girl in the fireplace? That had an awesome horse!

  • luke kelly

    October 20th, 2011 - 6:37pm

    hi booboo

    can i post some links for quite a few super rares that have left ebay recently

  • The Last Centurion

    October 20th, 2011 - 7:54am

    Who Blackpool have found a river song

  • Dr Gary who

    October 18th, 2011 - 4:19pm

    Just added rare river to the collection thats raggedy, pirate pond, silent, projected angel and river i love these things

    • doctorwhofan27

      October 22nd, 2011 - 11:52pm

      you lucky!

    • Anonymous

      October 31st, 2011 - 12:33am

      jeppers i would love to have as much super rares as you got

  • arbitor

    October 17th, 2011 - 6:38pm

    i want to swap some won for a cyberman with brain showing for yellow dalek so enione wanna swap?:)

    • 14horselvr

      October 23rd, 2011 - 7:28am

      wish i could but i cant. should i post this comment elsewhere on this webby?? so that more people read it??

  • [email protected]

    October 16th, 2011 - 9:58pm is for my projected angel i ahve relisted for a Buy It Now price instead of bids, anyone want to buy it go right ahead, or make a best offer.

    • Innes

      October 16th, 2011 - 10:00pm

      I won the other auction, but you had put a reserve on, I would have loved it, but oh well

  • Dalekrules200

    October 10th, 2011 - 7:28pm

    In series 3 wishlist:
    Doctor in fez
    Ironside dalek
    Cleopatra river song
    Madame vastra
    Madame kovarian
    Doctor in eye patch
    Nephew ood
    Peg doll soldier
    Peg doll Amy
    And for super rares that have been limited to 1000 each.
    Doctor in stetson
    Angry siren
    Happy smiler
    Destroyed cyberman from closing time.
    What do you want to be in series 3? Please say!

    • lion man (toochwood)

      October 10th, 2011 - 8:26pm

      doctor with beard
      eye patch lady (cant remember her name)
      rory eye patch uniform
      river in uniform
      river from the end of rivers weeding
      doctor from the begining of rivers weeding
      doctor with hat
      amy from closing time
      peg doll
      cyberman with gun
      super rare
      river from when the doctor would touch her
      amy with eye patch
      eye patch lady without an eye patch
      doctor with long coat
      rory with eyepatch
      source (for fun)
      what can i say im good with animals

    • 1234marc1234

      October 13th, 2011 - 11:10am


    • Liason Ice

      October 22nd, 2011 - 8:32am

      I believe that Character should give you the option on their website to build your own character and then pay for them to sent it to you, like LEGO did.

    • toochwood (lionman)

      October 22nd, 2011 - 6:50pm

      they should but it would cost millions

    • toochwood (lionman)

      October 22nd, 2011 - 6:52pm

      plus ppl could have the orange dalek without bying the set, and then it wouldn’t be an exc toy

    • 14horselvr

      October 23rd, 2011 - 7:29am

      my bro wants everything !! to bad… we’re not that rich !! :)lol:)

    • Artypants

      October 25th, 2011 - 10:55am

      I’ve got a spare orange dalek… And don’t even think about it torchwood!

  • Dalekrules200

    October 9th, 2011 - 9:12pm

    Got 2 series 1 packs and a series 2 pack. No luck with super rares got river song, dalek strategist and a swap for restak.


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