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September 10th, 2011 636 comments

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Character Building Series 2 Super Rare’s – User Pictures

Character Building Series 2 Super Rare’s

Out of millions of figures available, there are just 500 of the Hologram Silent, and River Song, whilst 250 each have been made of Rory Williams as the Last Centurion and Amy Pond in a Pirate Costume. Most elusive of all however will be the Eleventh Doctor unshaven and in a straightjacket with just 100 pieces to be found!

Our own Hologram Silent…

Purchase History (does not include items currently on auction)

Full Set £899 Buy it now 25th March

Straightjacket Doctor £400 Auction 30th September 2011
Straightjacket Doctor £300 Auction 2nd October 2011
Straightjacket Doctor £293 Auction 19th March 2012
Straightjacket Doctor £270 Buy it now 2011
Straightjacket Doctor £206 Auction 15th January 2012
Straightjacket Doctor £193 Auction 19th October 2011
Straightjacket Doctor £193 Auction 1st February 2012

Roman Rory £238 Auction 26th September 2011
Roman Rory £210 Auction 4th October 2011
Roman Rory £205 But it now 7th October 2011
Roman Rory £200 Auction 6th October 2011
Roman Rory £163 Auction 11th October 2011
Roman Rory £142 Auction 25th March 2012
Roman Rory £133 Auction 21st February 2012
Roman Rory £103 Auction 13th December 2011
Roman Rory £103 Auction 7th November 2011
Roman Rory £100 But it now 5th January 2012

Pirate Amy £257 Auction 20th September 2011
Pirate Amy £285 Buy it now 21st September 2011
Pirate Amy £200 Buy it now 28th September 2011
Pirate Amy £170 Buy it now 30th September 2011
Pirate Amy £196 Auction 27th September 2011
Pirate Amy £160 Buy it now 8th October 2011
Pirate Amy £155 Buy it now 3rd October 2011
Pirate Amy £131 Auction 29th September 2011
Pirate Amy £130 Buy it now 7th October 2011
Pirate Amy £128 Auction 2nd October 2011
Pirate Amy £120 Buy it now 3rd October 2011
Pirate Amy £113 Buy it now 5th October 2011
Pirate Amy £102 Buy it now 5th February 2012
Pirate Amy £85 Auction 23rd March 2012
Pirate Amy £82 Auction 23rd December 2011
Pirate Amy £77 Auction 28th November 2011
Pirate Amy £75 Auction 14th December 2011
Pirate Amy £74 Auction 6th January 2012
Pirate Amy £62 Auction 19th December 2011

River Song £193 Auction 18th September 2011
River Song £170 Buy it now 30th September 2011
River Song £170 Buy it now 11th September 2011
River Song £135 Buy it now 1st October 2011
River Song £123 Auction 8th October 2011
River Song £113 Auction 3rd October 2011
River Song £112 Auction 24th March 2012
River Song £100 Buy it now 1st February 2012
River Song £100 Auction 22nd October 2011
River Song £90 Auction 2nd December 2011
River Song £90 Auction 4th February 2012
River Song £90 Auction 23rd October 2011
River Song £85 Buy it now 22nd December 2011
River Song £80 Buy it now 28th January 2012
River Song £73 Auction 26th February 2012
River Song £60 Auction 18th February 2012
River Song £51 Auction 16th December 2011
River Song £50 Auction 20th December 2011
River Song £50 Auction 22nd October 2011

Hologram Silent £200 Buy it now 16th September 2011
Hologram Silent £186 Auction 22rd September 2011
Hologram Silent £183 Auction 23rd September 2011
Hologram Silent £190 Buy it now 19th September 2011
Hologram Silent £175 Auction 24th September 2011
Hologram Silent £175 Buy it now 23rd September 2011
Hologram Silent £170 Auction 8th October 2011
Hologram Silent £142 Auction 24th September 2011
Hologram Silent £140 Buy it now 30th September 2011
Hologram Silent £132 Auction 27th September 2011
Hologram Silent £129 Buy it now 29th September 2011
Hologram Silent £110 Buy it now 2nd October 2011
Hologram Silent £101 Auction 7th October 2011
Hologram Silent £99 Auction 25th March 2012
Hologram Silent £99 Auction 19th February 2012
Hologram Silent £93 Auction 16th October 2011
Hologram Silent £90 Buy it now 23rd December 2011
Hologram Silent £90 Auction 16th October 2011
Hologram Silent £90 Auction 4th February 2012
Hologram Silent £70 Auction 19th November 2011
Hologram Silent £65 Auction 5th February 2012
Hologram Silent £59 Auction 2nd December 2011
Hologram Silent £50 Auction 17th December 2011
Hologram Silent £50 Auction 8th January 2012
Hologram Silent £48 Auction 5th January 2012
Hologram Silent £45 Auction 16th December 2011
Hologram Silent £45 Auction 18th February 2012
Hologram Silent £45 Auction 4th March 2012
As with series one if you have a Super Rare please only post about it if you can back it up with a Picture or your comment will most likely be deleted of suspended. Images can be sent to [email protected] if you wish them to appear on the site

D-Tron Wunder’s Silent hologram…

7 year old Ben’s Super rare River Song…

James, age 9 from Northumberland
with his Hologram Silent found 15.10.11…

Wizzee’s Amy Pond Pirate super rare…

Pirate Amy found by Who-Ray…

A Hologram Silent belonging to MiS…

Daniel’s River Song Super Rare…

Hi there
I was lucky enough to get two super rare figs, the straight jacketed doctor and Rory the Roman. What were the chances of that?
The back print on the back of the Doctor was a nice surprise too, as this is missing from the publicity shots.

I had ordered 6 boxes of figures from Character Options to identify and resell, which isn’t a great deal. Much as I’d love to keep them in my collection, I wouldn’t dare. My two kids would have their body parts swapped round with Lego figs in a trice. And baby is very partial to minifig heads. Yummy. But before listing, I couldn’t resist taking a few pics of them around a Lego Tardis console I built.
Well, they’re both on Ebay now (my seller id is giftswithguts). To the future owner, take good care of them both.

Jane’s Amy Pond Pirate…

Kal El’s Roman Rory…

Steve’s River Song…

Chris’s Hologram Silent

Gary’s Hologram Silent and other super rare’s…

Robert’s River Song found in Toys R Us in Edinburgh…

Original image can be found at

Original image can be found at

Gallifrey Base Forum Member reeeeecey (images used with their permission) has been lucky enough to come across one of the series 2 Character Building Super Rare’s.

Categorised under: News, Retail




    September 4th, 2011 - 11:28am

    There were no Character Building Series 2 FIGS yet in my local Smythes Toy Store Walsall.

    • B

      September 4th, 2011 - 11:31am

      try the sci fi shop Walsall
      i got river the silence and dalek

  • king of whoniverse

    September 4th, 2011 - 11:09am

    booboo can we have some more cb cartoons?

    • tardistik

      September 4th, 2011 - 11:10am

      yeh they’re quite cool

    • booboo

      September 4th, 2011 - 11:17am

      i will see what we can do, to be honest because Character dont do “straight on” promo images and its impossible for us to get hold of every one because of the the Rares etc to do our own pictures that section is much more work than anticipated , we have to drawer every single one and its a lot of work so we are not sure what to do really.

  • no one

    September 4th, 2011 - 10:36am

    why cant the non rare river song have a gun

  • WhoEleven

    September 4th, 2011 - 9:43am

    So do these come with a silver base or was it just a custom base for the rare?

    • King of the weevils

      September 4th, 2011 - 9:47am

      They come with a gold base 🙂

    • anthony

      September 4th, 2011 - 9:51am

      blue brick tardis gotta super rare can i still get series 1

    • King of the weevils

      September 4th, 2011 - 9:54am

      Yes you can still get series 1

    • Scarywood

      September 4th, 2011 - 5:20pm

      I’m BlueBrickTARDIS (Scarywood/HenryLaDalek) and I did not get a super rare? Where did you get that from? :S

    • anthony

      September 4th, 2011 - 8:01pm

      ow sorry i thoght u had the silent ooooooooooooo is there two ? and good collection scary wood this may be out date but i rember last year did u make a custom 11th doctor figure and tardis and 7th d figure i injoyed them and have they been deleted cos to say they are brilliant and please keep up the good vidos


    September 4th, 2011 - 9:43am

    Have you got any rares yet

  • tardistik

    September 4th, 2011 - 9:35am

    i’ve been on holiday since monday and i’ve had no internet access so are the cb series 2 figures out yet?

    • booboo

      September 4th, 2011 - 9:35am

      they are in some places but it seems bit hit ans miss

    • tardistik

      September 4th, 2011 - 9:40am

      ok thanks booboo

    • tardistik

      September 4th, 2011 - 9:41am

      oh btw i forgot to say i got my monster invasion card binder through the post some time last week – not sure when because i was on holiday


    September 4th, 2011 - 9:33am

    Does anyone know if the Doctor Who Experience has the Series 2 figures, I’m going today?

    • booboo

      September 4th, 2011 - 9:34am

      dont know on that one, let us now how you get on

    • digitaljej

      September 4th, 2011 - 10:47am

      There where NO CB Series 2 micro figures at the DW Experience when I went on the 2nd Sept!

      But there where still plenty of Amelia Pond Exclusives 🙂

    • Anonymous

      September 4th, 2011 - 10:32pm

      I went today to! It was great, no CB S2 Figures but FP had them but I got none (£2.26!)

    • digitaljej

      September 8th, 2011 - 12:40pm

      I went to the Experience on 2nd Sept and they did not have the S2 figures.

      Picked up my first 3 figures from FP yesterday and got Amy in the Policewoman outfit 🙂

    • bob

      October 18th, 2011 - 6:32am

      they are at the experience now

  • Alex Brooker

    September 4th, 2011 - 9:29am

    At least this time you can feel for the sword or gun! But i still agree with everyone-Super rares super suck!

    • Mels

      September 4th, 2011 - 9:43am

      “Super rares super suck”. I think you’re comment sums it up Alex! 😀

    • King of the weevils

      September 4th, 2011 - 9:59am

      I don’t really bother finding super rares! If I find one I’ll be happy but a lot of other people will never get the figure(s) which is a downside to getting them! I will stay with CB and keep collecting but the super rares will always let me(and a lot of others) down.

    • Alex Brooker

      September 4th, 2011 - 10:03am

      Well i’ve decided to go to the extreme now, having a set of ultra sensitive scales, i’m going to weigh each figure i have in a packet and note down the different weights and then any anomalies that occur must be super rares (or at least rory, amy and river with the additional weight of there items)! Fortunatly i’m freinds with the people who own the local shop that stock them and i’m sure they’ll understand 😆

    • King of the weevils

      September 4th, 2011 - 10:34am

      Well my friend is trying to see whether the codes are different

    • Dalekrules200

      September 19th, 2011 - 7:13am

      Tell us if there is different codes please. It could help us.

  • wouldyoulikeajellybaby

    September 4th, 2011 - 9:25am

    does anyone know what shops the series 2 micro figures are in?

    • King of the weevils

      September 4th, 2011 - 9:49am

      It seems toymaster sell them but I live nowhere near a toymaster and I’ve never ever been so I wanna go now. FP get them tuesday.

    • wouldyoulikeajellybaby

      September 4th, 2011 - 12:34pm

      ok thanks on toymaster’s website they are avalible to buy so i will go to my local toymaster on monday or tuesday

  • wouldyoulikealellybaby?

    September 4th, 2011 - 9:24am

    these look brilliant just hope i actually get one this time

    • lett

      September 4th, 2011 - 9:32am

      same with me

  • Liason Ice

    September 4th, 2011 - 9:22am

    I think the 1st series of super rares had a silver base

    • rabid frog

      September 4th, 2011 - 4:42pm

      that was with the toys’r’us comp


    September 4th, 2011 - 9:20am

    Ohhh why the super rares!

  • gary

    September 4th, 2011 - 9:10am

    I hate super rares because there is no chance I’ll ever get one.

    And you could make your own roman rory – Roman body and rory head…

    • nharty

      September 13th, 2011 - 5:55pm

      Why do you say that!? You might. I did with only ever buying 6 packs. Be Positive! 🙂

  • The vampire of hull

    September 4th, 2011 - 8:27am

    I hate it ihate it

  • dalekdrone

    September 4th, 2011 - 8:20am

    I love Roman Rory hes awesome. Like me. 😀 😎

  • Cyberdevil

    September 4th, 2011 - 8:17am

    I hate these super rare figures. Please don’t do anymore

    • Mels

      September 4th, 2011 - 8:27am

      I know. I don’t mean to go on about it… but what really bugs me is all the best figures are in the super-rare range, which puts a dampener on buying the regular figures.

      Also, if you just talk about Series 1 and 2 of these… there have been 20 regular figures, and 10 super-rares.

      That means out of 30 available figures for Series 1 and 2, 10 are super-rares!

      Over 33% of the range are super rares, and a *maximum* of 100 people worldwide could ever own the whole set.

      And then there’s the 11 Doctors set…

      The mind boggles.

    • Doctor

      September 4th, 2011 - 11:46am

      Comment suspended until pictures sent

    • booboo

      September 4th, 2011 - 11:49am

      you need to send in pictures

  • Finlay

    September 4th, 2011 - 8:16am

    What is the point of these? No one’s going to get them! I hope I will!

  • Liason Ice

    September 4th, 2011 - 7:59am

    Why is there always a super rare hologram, projected angel, hologram silence.
    And has any body bothered to just put the Rory head on the Roman body.
    Up for anyone who hates the super rares. (because they are so hard to get, or cause they aren’t good figures.
    Enough angry rambles from me, on to the positive comment.
    These look like cool figures.

    • King of the weevils

      September 4th, 2011 - 8:13am

      The roman figure doesn’t have the same armour as rory had in the episodes but i’d still put it on and perhaps paint the roman a bit! I hate the super rares SOOOO much though. It took me ages to remember what bit the hologram silent was from though. Really it did!!!

    • Liason Ice

      September 4th, 2011 - 9:21am

      Yeah I did notice that it was slightly different, but hey that’s what paints for

  • whofan4ever

    September 4th, 2011 - 7:58am

    i like the look of these but the straight jacket doctor is a waste and why with a sonic???

    the river would be good as a 5inch one and the pirate amy too

    roman rory looks cool but the silent is a con

  • dalekmaster17

    September 4th, 2011 - 7:11am

    why couldnt of they relsed cb normal river with gun and cb normal romnsoldier with a sowrd

    • Dalekrules200

      October 8th, 2011 - 8:41am

      They are making it easier for us. So that we feel for guns and swords.

    • bob

      October 18th, 2011 - 6:40am

      more like there annoying us

  • Mumble5557

    September 4th, 2011 - 6:16am

    Ok Character are taking the MICK now. I am mad

    • Mumble5557

      September 4th, 2011 - 6:19am

      I meen my custom dr bearded is better!

    • Mumble5557

      September 4th, 2011 - 6:22am

      Ok. Why HAS character given us two rorys and not a 5 inch one they seriously are TAKING the MICK. Hope Character read this!

    • King of the weevils

      September 4th, 2011 - 8:15am

      A 1 year olds custom would be better as well. CO are really annoying me lately!!!!

    • Mumble5557

      September 4th, 2011 - 8:31am

      I hate super rares, I hate super rares, I hate super rares Get a 5 inch figure of Rory. Make IT NOW CO.

    • videogamemad00

      September 4th, 2011 - 6:05pm

      do you have a pic of your custom? I like customs

  • Mels

    September 4th, 2011 - 3:35am

    Not impressed really. That makes 15 super-rares now if I have the count right (including the ones in the 11th Doctor set).

    This may sound like a grumble (well, it probably is!) but when the CB range was first announced, I got so excited about it, since I thought there was finally a DW line that I could completely collect (given the the figures and playsets don’t take up much space, and are relatively cheap). The super-rares killed that idea. 🙁

    Especially annoying since the super-rares are some of the best figures in the line. *Sigh*

  • mr.t

    September 4th, 2011 - 1:43am

    I dnt see the point in these cud I dnt like different variants becausthere reely easy to paint

  • Scarywood

    September 4th, 2011 - 1:16am

    They look awesome, but I am so angry that they made the figure I want the most (Roman Rory) so limited. The chances of me ever getting one are slim… But I will try my very hardest.

    • King of the weevils

      September 4th, 2011 - 1:25am

      Good luck! I hope you find it as I hope I find it too! CO have really taken the muck with figures this year though.

    • King of the weevils

      September 4th, 2011 - 1:25am


    • Scarywood

      September 4th, 2011 - 1:40am

      I know, good luck to you too! At least the numbers are a little larger this time, but I can’t see how it’ll help that much. *Sigh*

    • King of the weevils

      September 4th, 2011 - 1:46am

      If they has held series 2 back a bit they could have made some of the dolls instead (mainly amy).
      “Tick tock goes the clock,till we get a Rory”

    • Scarywood

      September 4th, 2011 - 3:39am

      Yeah that would have been cool.

      And LOL yeah, “I have a message and a question. A message from the Doctor and a question from me; Where. Is. My. Action figure?!”

    • Mels

      September 4th, 2011 - 4:25am

      Heehee, that made me laugh Scarywood. 😀

    • King of the weevils

      September 4th, 2011 - 8:05am

      Also rory never got turned into a doll. I bet character were behind that one!

    • Dalekrules200

      September 19th, 2011 - 7:54am

      I was disappointed when I found out that pirate Amy does not come with a pirate hat. Oh well, I will never get one anyway. I really want the cyberleader from series 2. Yes I know it’s a normal one but it just looks awesome. Can’t wait till wave 3, 4 and 5. If they do it that is.

  • King of the weevils

    September 4th, 2011 - 1:15am

    So CO make figures of directors now? Because that straightjacket doctor looks nothing like matt smith and more like toby haynes who directed the pandorica opens/the big bang, a Christmas carol and the impossible astronaut/day of the moon.

    • Wyatt

      September 4th, 2011 - 1:19am

      Yeah it does

  • Wyatt

    September 4th, 2011 - 1:01am

    Really some of these are lame Amy should have had a hat like in the episode and finally weapons

  • Martycc

    September 4th, 2011 - 12:59am

    They really are great, just gutted I’ll never have one.

  • FlameLord

    September 4th, 2011 - 12:09am

    they look awesome(well the holographic silent is meh they could have just done a simple vairiant with open mouth)
    but they’ll be hard to find although there are more of each than the series 1 super rares and better ratios too(not as many doctors!)

  • TARDISKitten

    September 4th, 2011 - 12:06am

    Oh my god, these are amazing..

  • BoltOf3

    September 3rd, 2011 - 11:51pm

    Saw these earlier…look great


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