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February 3rd, 2012 1,452 comments

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Character Building 2012 Pictures / Information

Character Building 2012 Pictures / Information

What was seen..

Character Building Wave 3

Promotional Picture shows..

Gold Dalek
Doctor in coat
Amy with tally marks
Vashta nerada
River Song
Rory with eye patch
Madame Kovarian

Others seen…

Black Dalek
Sontaran with helmet
Judoon with helmet


The Doctor in Berlin set

With Rory and German guard figures

Tardis de-materialising mini set

With The Doctor and Amy

The girl who waited set

double sided playset with handbot figure

Silent time machine set

with silent and River Song

The Dalek space ship set

with 2 drone Daleks (not clear if New series of RTD era gold)

Character Building cyberslime pod

with Doctor figure

This years toy fair had a wealth of new doctor Who Character Building items on show, many of which we know you were hoping for.

Dalek space ship including new bronze Daleks…

Silent Time Machine set…

Three new smaller sets

And wave 3 with many new figures…

With thanks to Character / Evolution PR

Categorised under: News, Retail




    April 1st, 2012 - 1:50pm

    when will this be out !!!!!!!!


      April 1st, 2012 - 2:23pm

      Soon hopefully. Character said to me a while ago that it would be April, but I’ve emailed them again asking for an exact date. I’ll probablly get a reply tomorrow, will post it here if I do 😀


      April 1st, 2012 - 2:27pm

      thanx BOOBOO JR


      April 2nd, 2012 - 9:27am

      have they replied yet BOOBOO JR


      April 2nd, 2012 - 4:42pm

      Yes, look ar the top of this page if you want to see it.

  • doctorwhofan27

    April 1st, 2012 - 1:10pm

    is the cyberslime doctor a variant?

    • booboo

      April 1st, 2012 - 1:11pm

      its wasn’t at the show but it was a mock up so we will have to wait until it actually comes out

    • doctorwhofan27

      April 1st, 2012 - 1:12pm

      oh. thanks booboo.

  • Dalek thay

    April 1st, 2012 - 10:58am

    1st of April character building series should be out soon.

    • jack

      April 1st, 2012 - 12:45pm

      but what date day number of day and then april 2012

  • cyber contoller 2o

    March 31st, 2012 - 9:19am

    my esason 4 dream is
    impiral dalek
    renagate dalek
    mondas cyberman
    dalek impirial gard
    1st doctor
    mondas cyber controller
    cyberman closing time
    dalek supreme the stolin earth\jerneys end

    dalek emperoar,6 daleks,rose,9th doctor
    cyber king,5 cybermen,1 miss hatigen,cybershade
    adipose ship,20 adipose,1 miss foster
    10th doctors tardis,1 10th doctor,1 rose,1 mather,1 donna
    renagate dalek battle pack,5 daleks,
    mondas cyberman battle pack,5 cybermen
    next doctor battle pack,2 cybershdes 1 cyberleader 3 cybermen

    • Liason Ice

      April 1st, 2012 - 2:48am

      I would buy all of that

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      April 1st, 2012 - 7:10am

      I would buy them!

    • cyber contoller 2o

      April 5th, 2012 - 9:15am

      thank you i have made seires 5 aswell

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      April 5th, 2012 - 10:07am

      I saw that!

    • cyber contoller 2o

      April 14th, 2012 - 9:44am

      I also made season 6


    March 26th, 2012 - 6:34pm

    Can’t wait for these to be released. My favourite one is the silent spaceship. Does anyone know when the silent ship will be out

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      April 1st, 2012 - 2:48pm

      When all of the new Character Building comes out (in April).

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      April 2nd, 2012 - 3:28pm

      Update: received an email (look up)from them and it’s June 2012.

  • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

    March 24th, 2012 - 8:00pm

    River can do magic! Gun in the promotional picture… no gun at the Toy Fair!

    • The Stetson of Chaos

      March 25th, 2012 - 5:48am

      I think for some reason Kovarian is holding her gun. 🙂

    • Give me a Dalek any day

      March 25th, 2012 - 7:02pm

      Typical Kovarian 🙂

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      March 25th, 2012 - 7:16pm

      Yeah, typical. She can’t be bothered to buy a gun so she STEALS ONE!? (What a suprise. :wink:)

  • DALEKX 1

    March 23rd, 2012 - 6:21pm

    I’m going to buy the dalek saucer when it’s released later on this year.

  • Jonathan

    March 23rd, 2012 - 6:05pm

    Character Building bust updated there Facebook page
    “Character Building Doctor Who series 3 micro figures and sets coming soon! Which ones are you looking forward to?”

    so should be coming soon 🙂

    • booboo

      March 23rd, 2012 - 6:17pm

      dot sure if that sites official, will find out

  • mrsonic

    March 18th, 2012 - 1:16pm

    challenge:make a 4-armed auton with no cape
    i did =D


      March 18th, 2012 - 1:17pm


  • r1

    March 17th, 2012 - 8:33am

    bonjour je suis un fan français de doctor who et je voulais demander quand est qu’ils sortent la serie 3 des micro figure


      March 17th, 2012 - 8:50am

      For those of you who don’t do French at school, this is what the above says:

      “Hello, I’m a French fan of Doctor Who and I wanted to ask when they get out the Series 3 micro figures”

    • booboo

      March 17th, 2012 - 9:06am

      malheureusement, nous n’avons pas une date encore mais peut-être Avril

    • Dalek thay

      March 17th, 2012 - 1:53pm

      Why are we all talking French

    • McGann is the Doctor

      March 19th, 2012 - 9:16am

      All you need is google-translator, 😆

    • r1

      March 19th, 2012 - 12:53pm

      merci beaucoup

    • Dalek thay

      March 20th, 2012 - 7:32am

      Why can’t we just speak English

    • booboo

      March 20th, 2012 - 8:24am

      because they are French, nothing wrong with what they have done

    • tardisiornside

      March 20th, 2012 - 6:07pm

      an awnser to his question i can give its coming out somtime mid april

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      March 21st, 2012 - 5:31pm

      Nous ne savons pas mais nous pensons qu’il est en Avril, après de caractères (au Royaume-Uni) nous dit.

    • Anonymous

      March 24th, 2012 - 8:10am

      ddylwn i ei alw’n handbot er nad oes ganddo ddwylo go iawn yn y aboth llun?

    • D-Tron Wunder

      March 25th, 2012 - 6:52pm

      you speak cymraeg ?!? ac fi hefyd !!!

    • r1

      March 27th, 2012 - 1:41pm

      merci beaucoup (je suis désolé de ne pas parler anglais

    • Dalek thay

      March 28th, 2012 - 2:27pm


    • Booboo Jr Jr

      March 29th, 2012 - 7:08pm

      Est-médecin, bâtiment de caractère qui sort toujours en avril? Est mon bien le français?
      Pas de google traduction utilisé!

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      April 1st, 2012 - 3:37pm

      Booboo Jr Jr,

      This is what you’re saying (I did use Google Translator for this one:

      Doctor is character building that always comes in April? Is my French well?
      Not used google translation!

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      April 1st, 2012 - 3:39pm

      Ce n’est pas votre faute, je ne parle pas français non plus. Google Translate nous aide tous!

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      April 2nd, 2012 - 3:31pm

      J’ai reçu un e-mail d’une compagnie appelée caractère et ils disent qu’il est sorti en Juin. Hope this helps!


    • MadmanWithABox

      April 19th, 2012 - 12:17am

      Dammit now i want to learn french.

  • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

    March 14th, 2012 - 7:16pm

    Favorite sets anyone?


      March 14th, 2012 - 7:17pm

      The Girl Who Waited Set.

    • The 507th Doctor

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:17pm

      My favourites are The Silent Machine thing, The Girl Who Waited set and the Dalek Spaceship! 🙂

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:22pm

      The Girl Who Waited set and the Silent Time Machine set are my favorite. The Girl Who Waited is may favorite episode from Series 6, Part 2 and the Silent Time Machine set because I have 7 Silence! Not too keen on the Dalek Spaceship set because the Dalek Factory Set was missing pieces from mine so think this’ll be repeats. Daleks don’t have a good history! 😉

    • Bow tie of Doom

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:26pm

      The Girl Who Waited set. The two other mini sets are also good. Silent time ship looks ok, but I cannot stand that Dalek Saucer. Mainly because it’s gonna be hyped like crazy! I hate it when anything with the Daleks in is hyped! The end result is never always brilliant!

    • the astronaut of death

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:33pm

      i like the dalek ship and the silent tardis

    • tardisiornside

      March 15th, 2012 - 5:24pm

      i like the in flight tardis the doctor in berlin set because it seems to be the only set so far that has rory in exept the mega control room set, the dalek saucer and thats it

      p.s i hope in wave 4 they have sontaran army builder packs 😀
      p.p.s anyone think they should have cybermen with there bolt balster form doomsday and a few other episodes

    • Dalek Sec

      March 21st, 2012 - 7:13am

      The Dalek Factory Set, even if it does have missing pieces, mine didn’t. BTW my Strategist Dalek didn’t come with Its “Shoulders”, Gun Turret, what ever thats called is missing. Not the whole thing but the part connecting the mid section to the “neck”. 🙁 Daleks really do have a bad history of missing Lego pieces. Probably the Doctor stole them. 🙂

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      March 25th, 2012 - 7:18pm

      Got the Dalek Progenitor room. No missing pieces! Phew!

    • edward

      March 29th, 2012 - 12:06am

      my favorite set is the dalek ship and i cant wait till they bring out the judoon micro figure.But im disapointed that the dalek ship is gold but comes with drones not dalek thays.

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      April 1st, 2012 - 3:43pm

      These are original “mock-ups” of what Character intend to release this year. I remember booboo saying this!

  • The 507th Doctor

    March 14th, 2012 - 7:11pm

    If I’m correct, in the second picture Madame Kovarian and Rory aren’t wearing Eye Drives/Patches??

    PS: I found scripts for all episodes of Series 5 and 6!! 🙂

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:17pm

      The picture was taken from the top, making it look like they don’t have Eye Drives.

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:18pm

      P.S. Can you give us download links?

    • booboo

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:19pm

      download links to what?

    • The 507th Doctor

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:20pm

      Sorry, I wish I could but im on my iPod. I think it was on… Be right back! I’ll go and check!

    • The 507th Doctor

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:21pm

      It’s on the website ! 🙂

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:23pm

      @booboo The download scripts to Series 5 + 6!

      @The 507th Doctor Thanks!

    • The 507th Doctor

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:25pm

      I just read AGMGTW script, will print in a few days!! 🙂 Although there was a mistake in it: When the Doctor brought out the cot it says instead Lorna.

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:28pm

      Reading TGWW script! My favorite ep from Series 6 P2!


      March 14th, 2012 - 7:31pm

      Still cant find it!!! Can we have a direct link please?

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:34pm Choose one from here!


      March 14th, 2012 - 7:41pm

      Cool, thanks!!!

    • Anonymous

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:50pm

      Transcripts, not scripts. Very different things. These are just replicas produced by fans from what was broadcast on screen.

      It even says so on the website, and the “production codes” are incorrect (in both order and numbering).

    • The 507th Doctor

      March 15th, 2012 - 5:07pm

      Doesn’t matter, they are still correctly written! I’ve read NT and AGMGTW. Thinking of reading TIA/DOTM, LKH and TGWW!! 🙂 🙂

    • Anonymous

      March 15th, 2012 - 5:46pm

      What’s TGWW ?

      Don’t you mean The God Complex ?

    • McGann is the Doctor

      March 15th, 2012 - 5:48pm

      Is it not he means the Girl Who Waited ?

    • Anonymous

      March 16th, 2012 - 2:27pm

      No, I mean The Girl Who Waited. 🙂

    • The 507th Doctor

      March 16th, 2012 - 2:28pm

      Sorry that was me above! 🙂

    • edward

      March 29th, 2012 - 12:22am

      thats true do you want to talk tomorrow because its kind of 1 in the morning and im getting tired night.

  • The Silence

    March 14th, 2012 - 7:01pm

    When Is This Out :3


      March 14th, 2012 - 7:02pm

      Some time April.

    • The Silence

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:05pm

      YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My B-day Is In April 25th 😀


      March 14th, 2012 - 7:08pm

      I’m sure it will be out by then, I reckon it will be out about mid-April, though last year it was released at the end of April.

    • The Silence

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:13pm

      Hope So But How Are You Today?

    • The Silence

      March 16th, 2012 - 1:56pm

      BooBoo Do yuo Know when they are comeing ??????

    • The Silence

      March 16th, 2012 - 5:49pm

      Ummm Boo boo Can I have some answer plz

    • booboo

      March 16th, 2012 - 5:51pm

      we only know when an official email arrives, until then i have no ides

    • Owen

      March 17th, 2012 - 5:36pm

      I need ( From S1 ) The Rare Doctor and Rare Angel
      S2 Police Amy and Vampire girl )

    • Owen

      March 17th, 2012 - 5:37pm

      Oh And I need Roman 🙂 ( Sets Needed Dalek Factory ) And Cyberconversion chamber and the temporal blast set 🙂

    • Owen

      March 17th, 2012 - 5:38pm

      and 11 doctors set 😀

    • edward

      March 29th, 2012 - 12:09am

      I think its out in aprill im not to shore if you keep in touch with me on this web site i will find out and tell you

    • cyber contoller

      May 26th, 2012 - 1:18am

      cb is makeing us suffer

  • The Spaceman

    March 11th, 2012 - 7:42pm

    Are these replacing normal figures?

    • booboo

      March 11th, 2012 - 8:13pm

      we dont think so


      March 11th, 2012 - 8:32pm

      I hope not, there’s still so many figures we need from S6.

    • The Spaceman

      March 12th, 2012 - 9:00pm

      I’m not really a fan of these types of figures but I love the other ones. Just wish they would hurry up and announce something!

    • edward

      March 29th, 2012 - 12:14am

      no i dont think so

  • timelord22

    March 8th, 2012 - 4:36pm

    After looking at this, I think Series 3 is by far the best yet. A much better variation than Series 2…

    • tardisiornside

      March 8th, 2012 - 6:41pm

      i agree with you timelord22 im really hoping to get the dalek spaceship and the in flight tardis you know the one thats see through

    • Doctor forever

      March 8th, 2012 - 7:30pm

      The best mini set is the girl who waited. The best mega set is the dalek saucer but why does it say gold daleks and show drones?

    • Doctor forever

      March 8th, 2012 - 7:31pm

      Oh and the yarrow in flight (mini set)

    • Doctor forever

      March 8th, 2012 - 7:36pm

      Sorry typing on an iPod is rubbish, meant to say tardis not farrow p.s something old something new something stolen and something BLUE


      April 18th, 2012 - 7:07pm

      i know it is hard im doing it now

  • doctor who rules 364

    March 8th, 2012 - 11:47am

    Wow well done your models are amazing if character building release the emperor dalek as a set it won’t be as good as yours. 😆

    • LegoAvon

      March 11th, 2012 - 7:17pm to my LEGO New Paradigm Daleks

      I hope you like them


    • The Silence

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:11pm


    • The Silence

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:11pm

      want insturtions plz

    • Dalek Sec

      March 21st, 2012 - 8:31am

      I wanted to make an Lego Emperor, but i didn’t have any Lego. So for more ideas, if you ever make an Lego Atraxi can you post it on this comment.

  • doctor who rules 364

    March 8th, 2012 - 11:41am

    Wow can’t wait for series 3 micro figures the best series ever. 😛

  • LegoAvon

    March 6th, 2012 - 9:53pm

    I’ve built in Lego a Emperor Dalek (9th Doctor) to go with the 2012 Gold Dalek and btw the Gold Daleks look great from your pics

    can’t wait for the 3rd wave/series3 figs


    • Dalek thay

      March 7th, 2012 - 7:34am

      That Emperor dalek is awesome how much did it cost to make altogether

    • Jonathan

      March 7th, 2012 - 5:14pm

      WOW!!!! your models are fantastic

    • The 507th Doctor (Previously King of the Tenza)

      March 7th, 2012 - 5:42pm

      That’s just awesome! How long did it take to build? Was it hard?

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      March 7th, 2012 - 5:44pm

      Is that the holo 9th Doctor? I’m not sure…

      Amazing by the way!

    • LegoAvon

      March 7th, 2012 - 9:59pm to my Lego Emperor Dalek

      @Dalek thay – I’ve been collecting “dark orange” lego for years for a large lego model of the space ship “Scorpio” from scifi TV show “Blake’s7” – so not sure of the cost of my Emperor Dalek, If i had to buy all the parts again maybe £300 to £500 at todays prices.

      @Jonathan – thank you

      @The 507th Doctor (Previously King of the Tenza)
      – I started it Sunday afternoon just past and finished tuesday morning. – I did stop to eat, sleep and some TV.

    • Leelafan101

      April 5th, 2012 - 9:36am

      All I can say is – WOW! That is amazing!!!!! 😯

    • dr who fan 4 ever

      April 5th, 2012 - 9:46am

      that is awsome

  • Dalek thay

    March 6th, 2012 - 7:50am

    I suppose that doctor who coming back in auteam means the CB can catch up on the series so far but I really want an Easter special

    • McGann is the Doctor.

      March 6th, 2012 - 10:46am

      There won’t be an Easter Special but you do have the DVD’s of past stories to keep you entertained until autumn. Also, do you like other stuff aswell ? I enjoy Family Guy, some movies, and videogames when there’s no Dr Who around, though I’m never short of stories to watch on Big finish or classic Series seasons.

      But with an easter special, there could be a scene where at the end the Doctor comes back from easter and it’s over and he has all these easter eggs, wierdly, and says “I know it’s not easter, but I need a snack ! nomnom” ❓

    • The Silence

      March 14th, 2012 - 7:15pm

      @mcgannisthedoctor LOL

    • cyber contoller 2o

      April 5th, 2012 - 9:30am

      i agree

  • Dalek thay

    March 6th, 2012 - 7:48am

    Thank you boohoo JR I have been trying to find out the release date for ages now

    • edward

      March 29th, 2012 - 12:15am

      i just read the message from boobo when is the stuff coming out


    March 5th, 2012 - 4:24pm

    Good news everybody!!! Looks like this stuff will be released pretty soon:

    Dear Booboo Jr,

    I write in response to your recent e mail requesting information on our Character Building Dr Who Figures and Playsets.

    I can confirm that we expect the release of these products in April.

    I hope the above fully answers your query and many thanks for your interest in our range of products.


    Tracy Jump
    Customer Service Supervisor
    [email protected]

    • booboo

      March 5th, 2012 - 4:42pm

      that better than June which is what they said last time.


      March 5th, 2012 - 4:44pm

      Yes, I’m looking forward too it 😀

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      March 5th, 2012 - 4:49pm

      Cool! April! Woo! New minfigs! Woo! Any Super Rares?


      March 5th, 2012 - 4:50pm

      Don’t know yet, but I’m sure there will be. I doubt I’ll ever get one 🙁

    • Anonymous

      March 5th, 2012 - 4:58pm

      Hopefully the fact there are more figures this time round means there won’t be super rares.

    • King of the Tenza

      March 5th, 2012 - 5:25pm

      I would like to collect these, but by the time wave 3 is out, I don’t think that wave 1 will still be available in shops. 🙁

      Plus, a mini-figure is too expensive for £1.99! 🙁 🙁

    • Doctor forever

      March 5th, 2012 - 6:53pm

      Doctor long coat looks ausome

    • Doctor forever

      March 5th, 2012 - 6:57pm

      The best wave 3 figures are dalek sec, doctor long coat,dalek bronze, river, Vashtan nerada and judoon

    • dw2005

      March 5th, 2012 - 7:29pm

      I think that the best wave 3 figures are sontaran with helmet on, vasta Nerada, Madame Kovarian, Handbot, Doctor in Long coat, Dalek Sec and the Ood.

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      March 5th, 2012 - 7:46pm

      King Of The Tenza, you know the Lego Minifigures? They still sell those so I think that they’ll be available still.

      Plus just wanted to say, ones I’m looking forward to is Doctor, Kovarian, Handbot (110%) , Ood, Sontaran and Judoon (both) and Rory, River and Amy. Virtually all of them.


      March 5th, 2012 - 7:50pm

      Same, I think all of the Mini-Figures from this Series are great!!! Can’t wait for these 😀

    • Bow tie of Doom (Mood fit woo eb)

      March 5th, 2012 - 8:04pm

      Certainly looking forward to The Girl Who Waited set. It’s even better than the two mega sets (especially the Dalek Saucer. I’ve gone off that one). No it’s better than every set so far!


      March 5th, 2012 - 8:12pm

      I’m looking forward to everything to be honest, I feel sorry for my wallet 😀

    • Boodleoo

      March 5th, 2012 - 8:15pm

      Can’t wait for this series best either the daleks or ood but if the sontaran comes with a gun it’s really close. in fact it was a hard decision anyway I think there all amazing especially the handbots.

    • Boodleoo

      March 5th, 2012 - 8:16pm

      off topic but the poster in doctor who adventures from the girl who waited was astonishing!

    • booboo

      March 5th, 2012 - 8:20pm

      i agree with that, infact the posters have been excellent recently

    • Boodleoo

      March 5th, 2012 - 8:21pm

      Definitely they’ve really got stylish with there designs.

    • Bow tie of Doom (Causing Doom since 2010)

      March 5th, 2012 - 8:33pm

      I feel sorry for everyone’s wallet! They’re spoiling us this year with all the merchandise. Just think how it’s gonna be next year.


      March 5th, 2012 - 8:35pm

      Good point, at least we’ll get some great merchandise next year 😀


      March 5th, 2012 - 8:37pm

      By the way, like the new addition to your name 😀

    • Bow tie of Doom (Causing Doom since 2010)

      March 5th, 2012 - 8:38pm

      We’ve already got a 50th Anniversary Monoploy on the way so the future looks quite good so far!
      Does anyone else keep imagining Doctor ’50’ Who instead of Doctor ‘DW’ Who or is it just me?

    • Mels

      March 6th, 2012 - 9:05am

      If they go ahead with the increase in S3 figures (12 now?) it would mean less of some figures per box (unless they increase the case size) which would make some of the figures a little more collectable/fun as you hopefully won’t end up with the same figure over and over…

      No idea on the super-rares… I sadly suspect there will be some.

      And yes, I think the 50th Anniversary will be massive for merchandise.

    • LegoAvon

      March 7th, 2012 - 1:19am

      great news, the waiting is killing me

    • Doctor forever

      March 8th, 2012 - 7:39pm

      BOOBOO what’s your favourite set and how much will the dalek saucer be?

    • Bow tie of Doom (Causing Doom since 2010)

      March 10th, 2012 - 7:06am

      I’m not booboo but the Dalek Saucer will probably cost £19.99 or £29.99. Making the price higher would just be silly. 🙂

    • edward

      March 29th, 2012 - 12:13am

      will th judoon figures be in one of you no the packets.

  • Joe

    March 4th, 2012 - 6:20pm

    On the box of the doctor in berlin set, the picture looks nothing like the thing on display!
    I hope the real thing looks better than the prototype….

    • edward

      March 29th, 2012 - 12:10am

      same here by the way my names Edward

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      April 12th, 2012 - 3:54pm

      I was thinking that… it looked like the building that River entered to get some clothes…


    March 3rd, 2012 - 9:58pm

    I managed to get hold of the Character Building “Custom” 20 Figure Set today, does anyone know any DW Customs you can make from parts of it? I already have the Astronaut, football Doctor, Roman Rory and Unit Soldiers. If anyone could add anything else it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

    • booboo

      March 3rd, 2012 - 10:00pm

      10th Doctor on the orange space suit sort of works

    • Bow tie of Doom (Mood fit woo eb)

      March 3rd, 2012 - 10:03pm

      If you could remind me of some of the figures I’m the set I could think of some for you to make. Would absoloutely love to get that set as well! Looks amazing! 😀

    • booboo

      March 3rd, 2012 - 10:04pm

      its only £7.50 now


      March 3rd, 2012 - 10:05pm

      Good idea Booboo, will give it a try. Any other ideas you / anyone else has please do let me know 😀


      March 3rd, 2012 - 10:07pm

      Bow Tie of Doom, use this to remind you of the figures –

    • Bow tie of Doom (Mood fit woo eb)

      March 3rd, 2012 - 10:07pm

      Sorry I was meant to write in the set not I’m the set. iPod spellcheck can be very annoying sometimes! 🙂


      March 3rd, 2012 - 10:08pm

      Typing on an iPod myself, know what you mean


      March 3rd, 2012 - 10:12pm

      The figures in the set are zombies, ninjas, construction workers, footballers, racing drivers, knights, army people and astronauts. Find the page on the site if you want to see them

    • The Wooden Prince (Previously Admiral Icktheus)

      March 4th, 2012 - 8:34am

      You could make some Gelth zombies out of the zombies.


      March 4th, 2012 - 8:49am

      Yeah I could, if anyone has more ideas please add to this conversation, thanks. By the way, Bow Tie of Doom, did you mean to turn your name back to the Wooden Prince?

    • Bow tie of Doom (Mood fit woo eb)

      March 4th, 2012 - 8:53am

      No. I’m on my laptop and I hadn’t changed it to Bow tie of Doom. 🙂


      March 4th, 2012 - 8:58am

      Oh, thought it was something like that

    • Bow tie of Doom (Mood fit woo eb)

      March 4th, 2012 - 9:04am

      I had a look at some of the pictures of the set and I haven’t thought of anything you could make yet I’m afraid. I’ll keep thinking though. 🙂


      March 4th, 2012 - 9:22am

      Ok, thanks 😀

    • King of the Tenza

      March 5th, 2012 - 5:28pm

      Seems like many people are typing on an iPod. So am I, and I prefer it to writing on laptops. And the custom set sounds really good!! 🙂

  • the astronaut of death

    March 3rd, 2012 - 11:38am

    booboo do you know when we will see a rory figure


      March 3rd, 2012 - 6:46pm

      do you mean 5 inch
      they say they will bring it out soon
      im expecting something ig as why would they keep a rory figure held back

  • Liason Ice

    March 3rd, 2012 - 6:47am

    The Cyberleader is the same one from the Argos Exclusive Set, I thought exclusives couldn’t be re-released like with the Eternal Dalek


      March 3rd, 2012 - 8:11am

      no the chest is different(verry missleading)

  • D-Tron Wunder

    March 1st, 2012 - 8:15pm

    i hope the sontarans get blasters


      March 1st, 2012 - 8:58pm

      yea cos the acsererios are not put on the figures

    • dw2005

      March 1st, 2012 - 9:30pm

      Yeah and hopefully the cyberleader will get a gun as well.


      March 3rd, 2012 - 8:14am

      in the poster
      rivers holding a gun
      doctor holding a sonic
      sontaron holding something
      cnt see if cyberman or judoon is holding anything
      and you could count he ood holding a ball

    • dan23

      March 3rd, 2012 - 10:07am

      Well if you look very closely at the figures in the display case the judoon is holding a sontaran blaster presumably by mistake. Oh and in the poster the judoon is holding the gun it should be.

    • dan23

      March 3rd, 2012 - 10:12am

      Aswell Rory is holding a gun in the display case image.

    • Boodleoo

      March 3rd, 2012 - 11:19am

      Kovarian is holding a gun in the display case.


      March 3rd, 2012 - 2:46pm

      i rekon in the desplay case rivers gun is held by kavorian

      plus withh every one saying there will be 10 figures in series 3 and the rest will be from playsets…………………………..
      well its not true
      as on the promo poster it has 12 and says (SERIES 3)
      the sets will just be classed as “sets” like other sets.
      but……………….what do you think????????????

  • BiggerOnTheInside

    February 29th, 2012 - 8:23pm

    I hope they make a companion set with Donna, Martha and Rose or bring out character building series from David Tennant’s era


      March 1st, 2012 - 8:59pm

      i think they should make earas set
      1st doctor eara


    February 28th, 2012 - 4:55pm

    i declare this the best wave of character building! (and my favourite!) hope that kovarion, river, handbot, bronze dalek and ood and judoon aren’t super rare! keep checking the character building website! here is a link, no news on s3 yet, but here it is anyway.

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      March 3rd, 2012 - 1:38pm

      Agree all the way!

    • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

      March 10th, 2012 - 7:24am

      P.S. River won’t be super rare because she’s in the Silent Time Machine set. Phew!

  • HandyBot 22

    February 28th, 2012 - 4:38pm

    I am just crazy about series 3 cb
    i like the older monsters being turned into cb figers

    • Owen

      March 1st, 2012 - 12:49pm


  • Bow tie of Doom (Mood fit woo eb)

    February 25th, 2012 - 11:20am

    I got the flesh goo pod the other day! It’s better than I thought it would be but really weird! Good fun for younger fans though!
    Not too sure about the cyberslime pod though. It’d be better if we had something like Slitheen slime though. Or what about alien bogies???!??? Lol!

    Now if you’ll excuse me I’m just gonna go grab me some flesh! Ohhh yes!! 😉


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