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Novelty Category

Below are all the posts categorised under Novelty

Doctor Who Bobblehead: Tardis (With Sound)

With this extraordinary Tardis Bobble Head based on the Classic Series, the entire TARDIS bobbles… and it includes the signature materialise and dematerialise sounds!…

6 12 May 2011

T-Shirts Daleks / Cybermen / Telos

Dalek Hammersmith Bridge Look out if you live in West London – there is a Dalek on the prowl! Classic Cybermen St.Pauls – London is under threat plus more…

7 27 Apr 2011

Half Moon Bay Series 6 Episode 1-2 Mugs

Half Moon Bay, manufactures of the popular classic range of mugs, bags and collectables have expanded their range with new series 6 merchandise…

11 23 Apr 2011

Qwertee Bad Wolf Corporation T-Shirt

This cleverly designed T-shirt represents The Bad Wolf Corporation using the new style Doctor Who Logo – use the code to get a 40p/50c discount…

11 22 Apr 2011

T-Shirts: Davros Obey/ Cyberman Kaboom!

Want a cool tee with a mad scientist from the planet Skaro on it? Well we have just the very thing!, See that Dalek destroyed good ‘n proper…

20 13 Apr 2011

Forbidden Planet 6th / 7th Doctor T Shirts

Enjoy fashionably tasteful time travel with this fantastic Forbidden Planet Exclusive T-Shirt designed to commemorate the Colin Baker’s iconic outfit!…

25 21 Mar 2011

Wesco Retro Clock USB Hub & Torch

New items from Wesco including a USB hub based on the new Tardis exterior, a Doctor Who Retro alarm Clock featuring and a projection torch with 3 covers…

21 21 Feb 2011

Doctor Who Dress-up Costumes

Doctor Who Dress-up Costumes: Follow in the footsteps of fashion icon Tom Baker and the Fourth Doctor, Tegan, Leela and the Fifth Doctor…

62 8 Feb 2011

Doctor Who Bikes and Accessories

MV Sports Doctor Who Bikes, Scooters, Skateboards and Accessories including scooter with monster identifier activated by a sonic screwdriver…

19 3 Feb 2011

WoW Stuff Doctor Who Tardis Safe

This TARDIS Safe can also only be opened with the enclosed key. Place your most secret possessions inside in the knowledge that only you can open it…

26 3 Feb 2011

Classic Themed Merchandise – New Items

New classic themed merchandise has been added to the already large range by Half Moon bay including additional mugs, keyrings, bags, fleeces and more…

11 28 Jan 2011

