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Novelty Category

Below are all the posts categorised under Novelty

Doctor Who TARDIS Shower Curtain

If you’ve always wanted to step inside the TARDIS, here’s your chance. This 72″ square shower curtain will let you get away from the craziness of the real world, if just…

10 11 Feb 2014

Doctor Who TARDIS Shower Rack (USA)

Free up some of the limited space in your bathroom by adding your own TARDIS to the mix. This Doctor Who Shower Caddy is designed to wrangle the stuff that normally…

13 9 Jan 2014

Doctor Who Adipose Putty Stress Toy (USA)

Create your own Adipose using the three Adipose figures supplied and it will seem as solid as a statue. When you look away the Adipose will slowly melt into a puddle!…

9 5 Dec 2013

Doctor Who Weeping Angel Stress Toy (USA)

All that stress making your cry uncontrollably into your hands? Fret no more, as this Weeping Angel Stress Toy will fix all (or none) of your problems! Squeeze…

9 5 Dec 2013

M&S Doctor Who Gift Bazaar Dalek Keyring

Celebrate the Doctor’s most famous enemy with this die-cast metal Dalek keyring. The keyring is beautifully crafted with fine metal detailing, right down to the…

1 5 Dec 2013

Doctor Who Sonic Scewdriver Draught Blocker

Keep cold air and Daleks out of your bedroom with this Doctor Who Draught Blocker! Resembling an oversized sonic screwdriver, it will fit most doors and keep cold air at bay!…

13 1 Dec 2013

Doctor Who – Weeping Angel Bobble Head

If you’re a fan of the new series of Doctor Who then this Weeping Angel Bobble Head is for you. Featuring one of the scariest Doctor Who villains ever created…

8 25 Nov 2013

