Royal Mail Doctor Stamp Strips /Books
A delightful gift or collectible, the Stamp Book includes the William Hartnell and Matt Smith stamps, plus four First Class Tardis stamps…
6 7 Mar 2013Below are all the posts categorised under Coins and Stamps
A delightful gift or collectible, the Stamp Book includes the William Hartnell and Matt Smith stamps, plus four First Class Tardis stamps…
6 7 Mar 2013With stamps featuring the three most recent Doctors affixed, this collectible cover is cancelled with a Cardiff postmark, chosen as it is the home..
7 7 Mar 2013With his trademark tweed jacket and bow tie, Matt Smith was the youngest actor appointed to play the role. Regenerating from David Tennant in the 2010
3 7 Mar 2013The perfect addition to any wall, this striking item features all 11 Doctor Who Special Stamps, individually mounted within a black ash effect frame…
2 7 Mar 2013ScifiCollectors’ Art prints and stamp covers feature artwork and images from the Victory of the Daleks. Signed at their event on 24th May 2012 by Ian McNeice…
5 30 Jun 2012Featuring The Doctor, Amy Pond, or the chilling Daleks, some medals will be exclusive to the collection such as the Cybermen, Silurians and Davros…
24 27 Jan 2011By signing up to the Eleventh Doctor Medal you are guaranteeing your right to build the whole collection of medals. A new medal will be sent to you…
13 27 Jan 2011Following the great success of the Eleventh Doctor’s 13-part series he’s back on a new Doctor Who Collectable medals from the Royal Mint…
14 15 Jan 2011BBC Worldwide and the Royal Mint, two of Britain’s best known institutions, have come together to create a a stunning collectors gold Proof medal…
7 15 Jan 2011Royal Mint Amy Pond Medal – Ideal for all Doctor Who fans and children the medal features Amy Pond on one side and the TARDIS design on the other….
19 6 Dec 2010The Royal Mint has announced a new range of 2010 Doctor Who series 5 collectable Medals including images of Daleks, smilers and weeping angels…
23 25 Jun 2010limited edition medals Featuring The Doctor, K-9,The Tardis and the Daleks…
2 28 Feb 2010Royal Mint Doctor Who The Tenth Doctor Silver Medal…
0 7 Jan 2010Royal Mint Doctor Who The Tenth Doctor Limited Edition Gold Medal…
1 7 Jan 2010Royal Mint Doctor Who The Tenth Doctor BU Medal…
0 7 Jan 2010Royal Mint Doctor Who K-9 BU Medal…
0 6 Jan 2010Royal Mint Doctor Who Dalek Silver Medal…
0 6 Jan 2010Royal mint Doctor Who Dalek Limited Edition Gold Medal…
2 6 Jan 2010