Dr Who Figurine Collection Rare Dalek #15 (17) Vault Dalek
Looking back thorough Doctor Who history by concentrating on many of the characters from the various incarnations of the show…
28 6 Mar 2020Below are all the posts categorised under Busts, statues, dolls and figurines
Looking back thorough Doctor Who history by concentrating on many of the characters from the various incarnations of the show…
28 6 Mar 2020The Red-Eyed Ood Figurine features the Ood as seen in the episode “The Impossible Planet” (2006). The figurine…
3 6 Mar 2020The Sontaran Commander Stor Figurine captures the alien as seen in the Fourth Doctor adventure “The Invasion of Time”…
2 6 Mar 2020This Special Werewolf Figurine is a traditional representation of a Werewolf. It has a wolf head, long claws on this hands…
0 6 Mar 2020The T’zim-Sha Figurine features the alien as seen in the episode “The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos”…
2 6 Mar 2020The Damaged Cyberman (Closing Time) Figurine captures the shabby Cybermen with scars and holes on his body….
1 6 Mar 2020The TARDIS is dragged down to the surface of the planet Frontios and apparently destroyed during a meteorite bombardment…
7 27 Feb 2020Explore the universe with Doctor Who Bear! This intrepid teddy bear looks just like the Tenth Doctor with its bear-sized costume…
10 18 Feb 2020Buckle up for an amazing ride with Doctor Who Bear! Armed with Doctor Who paw pads and special hearts stitched on its chest…
8 18 Feb 2020The Tardis Console Model comes complete with a magazine detailing this console’s place in history, its functionality and use in the adventures….
2 1 Feb 2020Robert Harrop Sycorax From The Christmas Invasion…
20 31 Jan 2020Celebrate over half a century of the BBC’s hit series Doctor Who with a brand new magazine and figurine series that covers every year…
65 10 Jan 2020The Magnus Greel Figurine captures the likeness of the character as seen in the episode “The Talons of Weng-Chiang”…
7 10 Jan 2020The Lin-Dalek Figurine captures the likeness of actress Charlotte Ritchie with squid-like Dalek on her back….
13 10 Jan 2020The New Paradigm Eternal Dalek Figurine captures the most mysterious Dalek as seen in the Victory of Daleks…
12 10 Jan 2020We are excited to reveal the first of our Definitive Series of Sixth Scale Character Replica Figures – the Fourth Doctor…
41 6 Dec 2019Introducing The Master from ‘The Deadly Assassin’ as the Eighth in our exclusive range of solid English Pewter figurines…
8 29 Nov 2019This new four-figurine set brings together the Thirteenth Doctor and her friends Ryan, Yaz and Graham in our Doctor Who Figurine Collection!…
0 26 Nov 2019