Warlord Games The Return of Doctor Mysterio
These two beautifully sculpted pewter figures feature the Ghost as portrayed by Justin Chatwin, and Dr Sim…
2 20 Dec 2016Below are all the posts categorised under 38mm Warlord Games
These two beautifully sculpted pewter figures feature the Ghost as portrayed by Justin Chatwin, and Dr Sim…
2 20 Dec 2016Known by the Doctor as Silents, these genetically engineered 7 foot tall mouthless creatures are confessional priests of the Church of the Silence…
15 11 Nov 2016Able to metamorphose into replicas of other living organisms and fire electrical charges from their hands that can stun or disintegrate those it touches…
7 28 Oct 2016Single-minded in their pursuit of the law, these black armoured Rhinoceroid bipeds serve as a mercenary intergalactic police force affiliated to the Shadow Proclamation…
3 28 Oct 2016This box contains the following unpainted pewter miniatures: The Twelfth Doctor, Clara Oswald, Madame Vastra, Jenny Flint, Strax and 5 plastic bases for use…
9 27 Jul 2016Coupling a boyish charm with an, at times, ruthlessly uncompromising darker side, the Tenth Doctor was ably assisted by companions such as Rose Tyler, Martha Jones
15 27 Jul 2016