Warlord Games Doctor Who Final Products + 50% off
Do you want to add the Second Doctor and his companion figures to your collection, or maybe you’d prefer the scaly Silurians instead?…
47 14 Dec 2022Below are all the posts categorised under 38mm Warlord Games
Do you want to add the Second Doctor and his companion figures to your collection, or maybe you’d prefer the scaly Silurians instead?…
47 14 Dec 2022Wife of the Doctor, River Song was conceived aboard the Time Lord’s spacecraft from the Doctor’s companions Rory Williams and Amy Pond…
10 1 Nov 2022An intergalactic skull-faced race from the JX82 system, the Sycorax attempted to enslave the human population of earth and plunder…
11 1 Oct 2022Blessed with a toxic skin, vicious claws and an all-but-insatiable hunger for all manner of inorganic matter, the diminutive Pting…
35 1 Aug 2022The Doctor’s home planet, Gallifrey, having allowed itself to be drawn into the Last Great Time War…
1 22 May 2019Cast in a special translucent resin, this limited edition is available exclusively through their website…
6 21 Mar 2019Warlord Games are delighted to announce our latest TARDIS scale model, compatible with our entire Into The Time Vortex range…
2 9 Nov 2018Kahler-Tek, also known as ‘The Gunslinger’ was a Kahler cyborg, one of many humanoids who was experimented on by Kahler-Jex on his home planet…
1 9 Nov 2018This special set features models of the Thirteenth Doctor, as played by Jodie Whittaker, and her brand new TARDIS….
4 26 Oct 2018Gallifrey, the home planet of the Time Lords, stands in the constellation of Kasterborous…
3 12 Oct 2018Box contains 5 miniatures: Fourth Doctor & K9, Harry Sullivan, Romana I, Romana II, and Leela….
5 15 Sep 2018The Emojibots were robots who served as avatar interfaces to the sentient microbots, the Vardy…
4 10 Aug 2018When the Tenth Doctor and Donna arrive in ancient Pompeii, it soon dawns on the travellers that a great tragedy is about to happen…
7 10 Aug 2018This set contains a miniature Tomb as it appeared on screen in the class four part Second Doctor adventure, Tomb of the Cybermen…
12 13 Jul 2018Box contains 3 metal miniatures: Mother Superious Tasha Lem, Madame Kovarian and Colonel Manton….
3 13 Jul 2018The Headless Monks, also known as the Order of the Headless, are deadly religious warriors who follow the Papal Mainframe…
0 13 Jul 2018Auton hands conceal powerful guns capable of killing or vaporising their targets. Autons are virtually indestructible…
3 15 Jun 2018The Mire and their leader ‘Odin’ were outsmarted by the Doctor, Clara and Ashildr in a 9th century Viking village…
1 15 Jun 2018