Doctor Who The Lost Stories 3.03
During one of Nyssa’s experiments, the TARDIS’s temporal scanner picks up a message: ‘Idra’. Just one word, but enough to draw the Doctor to the…
0 22 Dec 2011Below are all the posts categorised under CD
During one of Nyssa’s experiments, the TARDIS’s temporal scanner picks up a message: ‘Idra’. Just one word, but enough to draw the Doctor to the…
0 22 Dec 2011The Oseidon Adventure – A brand new adventure with the Fourth Doctor and Leela. Starring Tom Baker and Louise Jameson with Geoffrey Beevers…
9 16 Dec 2011Doctor Who: EarthShock Audio CD. The Doctor confronts an old enemy in this exciting reading of a Doctor Who novelisation, first published by Target Books in 1983….
11 7 Dec 2011Eddie Robson’s script is an exciting and rather tender reunion, in which the Fifth Doctor meets up with his distant past – the schoolteacher who settled down…
0 6 Dec 2011An experimental timeship smashes into the TARDIS, and the crews of both ships wake up on a desert island. Has the TARDIS been destroyed? And why doesn’t…
0 4 Dec 2011The process of regeneration has not gone well, with the Time Lord’s normal good humour being replaced with a disturbed and unsettled persona…
14 29 Nov 2011Gallery was built as a viewing point for the Paradox, a ‘transdimensional wrinkle’ in space. On their visit, the Doctor, Amy and Rory fall through cracks…
34 28 Nov 2011Doctor Who Series 6 2 CD Set Soundtrack: 2 CD set original soundtrack for Silva Screen featuring music from series 6 of Doctor Who…
130 24 Nov 2011When a newspaper reporter goes missing, the Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa uncover a case of alien abduction. The trail leads them to the planet Luparis…
0 22 Nov 2011The Doctor offers Tegan and Nyssa a trip to the paradise world of Florana, but instead the TARDIS takes them to a domed city on a planet scarred by warfare…
0 17 Nov 2011The Grange is haunted, so they say. This stately home in the depths of Devon has been the site of many an apparition. And now people are turning up dead…
9 16 Nov 2011A facsimile reissue of the original 1970s BBC LP, featuring sound effects from the original much-loved BBCTV series.This Vintage Beeb edition features the original…
8 9 Nov 2011The Lost TV Episodes Collection 4: The Faceless Ones’, Evil of the Daleks’, The Abominable Snowmen and ‘The Ice Warriors’ all starring Patrick Troughton as the second Doctor…
2 8 Nov 2011The Doctor, Crystal and Jason have survived monsters, Madame Delilah and Mrs T, but then their former enemy Karl calls them back to the Bar Galactica…
0 4 Nov 2011Sarah Jane Smith always finds herself on the trail of trouble. As an old friend of the Doctor, she’s used to encountering aliens, battling monsters….
66 28 Oct 2011Sarah Jane is thrilled when she successfully bids for a Victorian brass head in an antiques auction. On taking the metal model home, Mr Smith informs her…
14 28 Oct 2011The Veritas are an ancient force for justice. For centuries they have pursued criminals across the universe, showing them no mercy. Now they have come to Earth…
9 28 Oct 2011Elisabeth Sladen: The Autobiography Audio CD. Read by Caroline John (Liz Shaw) with a forward by David Tennant and postscript by Brian and Sadie Miller…
15 19 Oct 2011