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CD Category

Below are all the posts categorised under CD

Doctor Who: Day of the Cockroach Audio CD

The TARDIS arrives in an nuclear war bunker in England, 1982. A band of refugees have taken cover from the horrors above ground – but they are all menaced…

45 27 Mar 2012

Doctor Who: The Sensorites Audio CD

The TARDIS travellers discover that the crew of an Earth spaceship have been hijacked by the Sensorites, and they in turn are transported to the alien’s planet…

7 14 Mar 2012

Doctor Who Paradise Towers Audio CD

Built towards the end of the twenty-first century, Paradise Towers is a massive housing block, stretching up towards the sky. With its beautiful decor…

13 2 Mar 2012

Doctor Who: The Sensorites Audio CD

The TARDIS travellers discover that the crew of an Earth spaceship have been hijacked by the Sensorites, and they in turn are transported to the alien’s planet….

12 28 Feb 2012

Torchwood: Fallout Audio CD Read by Tom Price

When Yasmin finds a jewelled egg in her grandfather’s shed, her first thought is to sell it. Unfortunately, the object is no valuable Faberge antique, but a dangerous…

14 28 Feb 2012

Doctor Who: Shada (Classic Novel) Audiobook

Thirty-three years ago, the BBC started filming Douglas Adams’ six-part Doctor Who serial, Shada. But industrial action halted recording and the story was left unfinished…

10 20 Feb 2012

Doctor Who: Darkstar Academy Audio CD

When the TARDIS is buffeted by ‘time slippage’, the Doctor experiences a terrible vision of the end of everything. Tracking the source of the disruption he takes Rory…

28 20 Feb 2012

The Companion Chronicles 6.09

Usually the Brigadier would call in the Doctor – but on this occasion the Time Lord is being kept out of the loop. Instead, it’s up to Elizabeth Shaw…

0 4 Feb 2012

Big Finish 158 Doctor Who: Wirrn Isle

Far beyond the sterile safety of sanitised Nerva City, transmat scientist Roger Buchman has brought his family to an island surrounded by what …

4 1 Feb 2012

Torchwood: Army of One BBC Audio CD

The city has been hit by a spate of very unusual serial killings. The victims are different ages and genders and the locations vary, but each body…

10 30 Jan 2012

The Companion Chronicles 6.08

The Doctor doesn’t normally need money, but when the TARDIS is immobilised and a fine has to be paid, a loan from a bank in the sky seems the solution…

0 4 Jan 2012

