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Below are all the posts categorised under CD

New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield

On the planet of Arviem 2, Bernice Summerfield has a lot of problems. Pursued by robots, maniacs and miracles, she has another issue to contend with…

10 3 May 2014

Big Finish 4th Doctor 3.08 Zygon Hunt

On the jungle planet Garros, Earth Forces Knight Commander-in-Chief Greg Saraton and his team are hunting gigantic beasts, for sport. When the Doctor…

7 30 Apr 2014

Big Finish Special The Worlds of Doctor Who

This year, Big Finish will have been making Doctor Who audio adventures for 15 years. To celebrate this landmark we are releasing a special story in November…

7 27 Apr 2014

Doctor Who The Lost Stories 4.04

When an assassination follows the first demonstration of a deadly new weapon, it appears that an alien race has fired the opening salvo in a new war…

0 25 Apr 2014

Doctor Who The Lost Stories 4.03

The TARDIS crew land on Mars, home of the Ice Warriors, far back in its history. The Doctor is convinced it’s much too early for them to meet their…

0 24 Apr 2014

Doctor Who The Lost Stories 4.02

A god-like immortal, living in a realm of clocks. The hours tick slowly by as she plots and plans. She is readying her trap. A trap for a very special…

0 23 Apr 2014

Big Finish 187 Masquerade

France, the year 1770: by special invitation, the famous ‘Doctor’, friend of Voltaire, arrives at the lonely estate of the lovely Marquise de Rimdelle…

0 22 Apr 2014

Big Finish 4th Doctor 3.04 The Evil One

The TARDIS lands in the cargo hold of luxury space cruiser the Moray Rose. The crew and passengers are missing. The agents of Inter-Galaxy Insurance…

0 21 Apr 2014

Big Finish 186 Tomb Ship

The TARDIS brings the Doctor and Nyssa to a vast pyramid, floating in space. A tomb ship – the last resting-place of the God-King of the Arrit…

5 21 Apr 2014

