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Below are all the posts categorised under CD

Big Finish Torchwood Soho: Parasite

Gangsters are vanishing from the streets of Soho, there’s a deadly Nazi secret on the loose, and something’s moving in the smog….

0 10 Apr 2020

Big Finish Torchwood 39 Dinner and a Show

Gareth David-Lloyd and Naoko Mori reprise their roles as Torchwood agents Ianto Jones and Toshiko Sato, in a brand new full-cast audio drama due for release in June 2020…

2 28 Mar 2020

Big Finish Torchwood 38 Iceberg

Dr Owen Harper’s called to the hospital. There’s a ward full of remarkable coma patients and more are coming in…

0 6 Mar 2020

Big Finish 263 Cry of the Vultriss

En route to Bletchley Park, 1944, the Doctor inadvertently gatecrashes an alien Parliament, and interrupts a queen who is awaiting some very special…

3 28 Feb 2020

Big Finish 262 Subterfuge

London, 1945. Winston Churchill campaigns for re-election. His new strategic adviser assures him that Britain has a bright future under his continued leadership…

4 28 Feb 2020

Big Finish Doctor Who Stranded 1

Tom Baker will reprise the role of the mysterious Curator. Considered by many –but never confirmed on screen –to be a future incarnation of the Doctor…

46 14 Feb 2020

