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Big Finish Category

Below are all the posts categorised under Big Finish

Doctor Who The Lost Stories 3.05

It’s been many years since Victoria Waterfield travelled through time and space fighting monsters and dictators. Now she’s back on Earth fighting for the future…

2 29 Apr 2012

Big Finish Spin-off: Counter-Measures

After the mysterious events at Coal Hill School, the British government has created the Counter-Measures group, a specialist team that investigates strange phenomena…

14 26 Apr 2012

Doctor Who The Lost Stories 3.04

The TARDIS materialises on Serenity, the last surviving world of the Traken Union. Peri expects a good place for a holiday – not tomb raiders, a labyrinth…

9 25 Apr 2012

Big Finish 163 Doctor Who: Black and White

The TARDIS arrives in the land of the Danes, where a young warrior seeks to rid the kingdom of Hrothgar from a cruel and terrifying demon. The brave young warrior…

5 25 Apr 2012

The Companion Chronicles 6.09

Usually the Brigadier would call in the Doctor – but on this occasion the Time Lord is being kept out of the loop. Instead, it’s up to Elizabeth Shaw…

0 4 Feb 2012

Big Finish 158 Doctor Who: Wirrn Isle

Far beyond the sterile safety of sanitised Nerva City, transmat scientist Roger Buchman has brought his family to an island surrounded by what …

4 1 Feb 2012

The Companion Chronicles 6.08

The Doctor doesn’t normally need money, but when the TARDIS is immobilised and a fine has to be paid, a loan from a bank in the sky seems the solution…

0 4 Jan 2012

Doctor Who The Lost Stories 3.03

During one of Nyssa’s experiments, the TARDIS’s temporal scanner picks up a message: ‘Idra’. Just one word, but enough to draw the Doctor to the…

0 22 Dec 2011

Big Finish – The Five Companion

Eddie Robson’s script is an exciting and rather tender reunion, in which the Fifth Doctor meets up with his distant past – the schoolteacher who settled down…

0 6 Dec 2011

The Companion Chronicles 6.07

An experimental timeship smashes into the TARDIS, and the crews of both ships wake up on a desert island. Has the TARDIS been destroyed? And why doesn’t…

0 4 Dec 2011

