Big Finish 4th Doctor 4.01 The Exxilons
Planet E9874 supports a developing civilisation known as the Tarl. The peaceful, technologically advanced Locoyuns are helping the Tarl develop rudimentary technology…
0 10 Nov 2014Below are all the posts categorised under Big Finish
Planet E9874 supports a developing civilisation known as the Tarl. The peaceful, technologically advanced Locoyuns are helping the Tarl develop rudimentary technology…
0 10 Nov 2014As London descends into an apocalyptic nightmare, the Doctor must uncover the truth about the residents of the Quadrant and a desperate bargain made one dark…
0 10 Nov 2014The year is 1987 and there’s a deadly new narcotic on the streets of London. As part of their investigations the Doctor and his companions Chris and Roz move into…
0 31 Oct 2014Laid claim to by disputing factions of humans and Chelonians, the planet Barclow has become the catalyst for an unusual war. In two hundred years of hostilities not…
0 18 Oct 2014The year is 2163. Ten years since the Daleks invaded the Earth. One year until the Doctor, in his first incarnation, will help bring the occupation to an end…
0 17 Oct 2014Eventually, a King rescued the maiden, and made her his bride, which many wise old women might tell you is just another way of capturing fair maidens…
0 19 Sep 2014This is a five-disc limited Special Edition in deluxe premium packaging, which includes a behind the scenes interview disc, a cover exclusive to this release…
7 18 Sep 2014The end of the world is nigh. That’s what everybody is seeing in their nightmares. That’s why they are congregating in Liverpool for the party to end all…
0 18 Sep 2014Athens, 421 BC. An ancient civilisation of philosophers and poets and the birthplace of theatre. The Doctor has decided to show Ace and Hector how it all began…
0 17 Sep 2014The Doctor thought he had defeated the microscopic Nucleus of the Swarm in his fourth incarnation. He was wrong. It survived within the TARDIS, and now it has brought…
0 17 Sep 2014The Doctor, Romana and K9 arrive in 1930s London to return some overdue library books. They plan to take a rest after their recent adventures, but Romana…
0 18 Aug 2014From time to time, everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has things from their past they’d like to undo, but nobody gets a second chance…
0 10 Jun 2014Once, Jo Grant travelled in Space and Time with the Doctor. Now, she is travelling with trans-temporal adventuress Iris Wildthyme…
1 9 Jun 2014On March 19th, Tom sat down with Nicholas Briggs to look back over his 80 amazing years – his youth, his early acting career, his great success with Doctor Who…
12 29 May 2014Early Adventures 1.4 An Ordinary Life. Peter Purves, Jean Marsh, Ram John Holder, Damian Lynch, Sara Powell, Stephen Crichlow December 2014…
1 8 May 2014Early Adventures 1.3 The Bounty of Ceres starring Maureen O’Brien, Peter Purves, Richard Hope, Julia Hills, Peter Forbes. November 2014…
10 5 May 2014On the planet of Arviem 2, Bernice Summerfield has a lot of problems. Pursued by robots, maniacs and miracles, she has another issue to contend with…
10 3 May 2014On the jungle planet Garros, Earth Forces Knight Commander-in-Chief Greg Saraton and his team are hunting gigantic beasts, for sport. When the Doctor…
7 30 Apr 2014