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Story books Category

Below are all the posts categorised under Story books

Class – The Stone House

One of three thrilling tie-in novels for Class, the new BBC Three series created and written by bestselling author Patrick Ness.

6 5 Sep 2016

Class – Joyride

One of three thrilling tie-in novels for Class, the new BBC Three series created and written by bestselling author Patrick Ness…

16 3 Sep 2016

Lethbridge-Stewart The HAVOC Files 2

Candy Jar Books is pleased to announce the release of the second volume of The HAVOC Files, collecting the short stories released during the first half in 2016

2 17 Aug 2016

Doctor Who and the Zarbi Hardcover

The Zarbi, huge ant-like creatures with metallic bodies and pincer claws, are waiting for Tardis when it’s police-box shape materialises on the cold and craggy

0 20 Jul 2016

Doctor Who and the Daleks Hardcover

A thick fog and a girl in distress are just the things that Ian Chesterton needs to escape from a life of dull routine. He has no idea that this is merely a prelude

3 20 Jul 2016

Doctor Who and the Crusaders Hardcover

From unknown Space, the Tardis returns to Earth, but not to the world Ian and Barbara know. The little blue telephone box has wheeled sharply in the cosmos…

2 20 Jul 2016

Lethbridge-Stewart The Showstoppers

Candy Jar Books has released further information about the second Lethbridge-Stewart release of 2106, The Showstoppers by Jonathan Cooper…

1 11 Jun 2016

Lethbridge-Stewart The Band of Evil

The Band of Evil will be given free to every person who pre-orders The Showstoppers by Jonathan Cooper, which is due out at the end of June…

0 6 Jun 2016

Doctor Who Extra Time

In Extra Time, the Eleventh Doctor and his friends head to the 1966 World Cup final. While the Doctor and Amy discover that the Time Lord isn’t the only alien…

1 19 Apr 2016

Doctor Who Terminal of Despair

In Terminal of Despair, the TARDIS crew is quarantined in Terminal 4000, where the hideous Desponds have destroyed the hopes of all awaiting passengers…

0 19 Apr 2016

