Doctor Who Year 2 Titan Comics 12th Doctor issue #4
The shadowy puppetmasters behind the darkness at Ravenscaur are revealed, as the bodycount climbs and the shocking revelations add up!…
3 10 Dec 2015Below are all the posts categorised under Graphic novels and comics
The shadowy puppetmasters behind the darkness at Ravenscaur are revealed, as the bodycount climbs and the shocking revelations add up!…
3 10 Dec 2015As the Doctor investigates reports of a Tunguska-style event that shook the heavens decades previous, Clara unravels an establishment conspiracy that…
0 10 Dec 2015Get swept into a winter wonderland with the Twelfth Doctor in Relative Dimensions. When the Doctor receives an impossible Christmas card, delivered…
23 10 Dec 2015Second volume of the ongoing Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor comics series. The Tenth Doctor is an incarnation of the Doctor, the protagonist of the BBC science…
0 2 Dec 2015Doctor Who 2015 Four Doctors (Forbidden Planet Exclusive Signed Edition). Signed by Neil Edwards / Paul Cornell. It’s the greatest Doctor Who comics…
11 11 Nov 2015The gothic, sprawling Ravenscaur is the top private school in the UK, educator of the children of royalty, politicians and celebrities, and epicentre…
4 3 Nov 2015The TARDIS team needs to break into a remote prison to get the tech that will allow them to pull off an incredible heist… Sounds like they’ll need some expert help!…
2 3 Nov 2015The Doctor and Gabby are still caught between two factions as modern humanity is born. Neanderthals and Cro Magnons clash, and their actions will shape…
3 3 Nov 20151932. Briarwood House. As a jazz party preoccupies the English upper-crust, the Doctor and Josie discover a terrifying secret below stairs – the servants are…
2 3 Nov 2015The Doctor and his companions encounter mystery, musicians, and mayhem in three fantastic comic adventures. In this issue: the astounding Four Doctors special…
10 30 Oct 2015This brand-new issue features strip from the ‘Doctor Who: Four Doctors’ crossover event series – featuring the first ever meeting of the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors!…
16 16 Oct 2015Writer Robbie Morrison is back with a year-long extravaganza that kicks off with an excellent jumping-on point for new readers – while Rachael Stott…
4 13 Oct 2015Edinburgh, 1850. The Doctor and Josie Day visit a mysterious magic show, one which is replacing audience members with ‘Silvered’ duplicates, mirror…
4 13 Oct 2015The TARDIS team needs to break into a remote prison to get the tech that will allow them to pull off an incredible heist… Sounds like they’ll need some…
0 13 Oct 2015Neanderthals and Cro Magnons clash, and their actions will shape the direction taken by humankind in the millennia to come! Plus: Cindy discovers an…
0 13 Oct 2015Alice is getting visions of the Time War – which should be impossible. The Squire’s very existence – should be impossible. The Doctor does ten impossible things..
0 13 Oct 2015When a mysterious Christmas card materializes on the TARDIS console, Clara and the Doctor are pulled into an interdimensional adventure of astoundingly…
0 13 Oct 2015Prisoners of Time celebrates the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who. Prisoners of Time pays tribute to one of the greatest pop-culture heroes of all time with…
7 1 Oct 2015