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August 16th, 2023 135 comments

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B&M 2023 The History of the Daleks 13 The Five Doctors

The History of the Daleks Set 13 The 5 Doctors Product Code 402024 In-store price £21.99

This set contains:

  • The first Doctor ( Richard Hurndall )
  • Dalek from the 5 Doctors

Please note B&M no longer sell online. You could also try the main customer service number, 0330 838 9000 and ask to be put through to your local store or try and find out its direct number.

As a last resort you can search for the lowest price at

From the 1983 episode, The Five Doctors, this set includes a detailed figure of the (Richard Hurndall) First Doctor together with the Gallifrey Death Zone Dalek. Setting the scene, the Fifth Doctor is found relaxing with his companions at the Eye of Orion but starts to fade from reality as his former incarnations are pulled from their Time streams.

The Fourth Doctor is trapped and the First, Second and Third Doctors are drawn to the Death Zone. The storyline sees them face some of their deadliest foes, including a lone Dalek. Behind the scenes, the original Dalek prop received some significant visual modifications including large grey disc-style dome lights. Further modifications include a ‘lifted’ neck bin and a new grey and black paint scheme.

These new sets will be available in coming weeks at local B&M Stores and with and SRP of £34.99 for the TARDIS sets and £24.99 for the Dalek Sets. (prices may differ in store)

Categorised under: Doctor Who 5" scale figures, Toys



  • LegoDaleks

    August 24th, 2023 - 5:12pm

    Instead of Richard Hurndall (sans cane), they could have added an exploded version of the Dalek for the 5 Doctors set, or even better: an exploding version. Best set of the three.

    I would have preferred a sixth Doctor with a red cravat.

    A Revelation set without a glass Dalek?

    Why skip the Resurrection set? If they do do a Resurrection set, can it please not include any blue Daleks?

    • Mark

      August 24th, 2023 - 10:32pm

      Blimey nitpicking don’t want much it’s a budget line as been said…

    • Alan

      August 26th, 2023 - 10:22pm

      A show accurate glass dalek isn’t possible with the current tooling and especially not if you want a person inside it.

    • Who is who?

      August 27th, 2023 - 10:09am

      Who’s to say an online exclusive with Davros and Glass Dalek, however I guess it would have limited appeal

  • Neutrobyte

    August 22nd, 2023 - 7:26pm

    I think my biggest concern about the upcoming releases, is regarding B&M’s inability to (a) order enough sets at the start, (b) stop scalpers from buying every set they’ve just put out, (c) not over-order sets, thereby resulting in stores having stock that they can’t get rid of (case-and-point, 2 of our town’s stores have a combined total of over 50 Village Of The Angels sets, priced at £12.99).

    • booboo

      August 22nd, 2023 - 7:37pm

      B&M can’t really stop serial scalpers, they will find away, they do it for a living, also big ask for staff who are subject to enough abuse as it is to police restricted quantities, but ebay could and should stop the worst offenders (or at least deter them), but they choose not to.

    • anon

      August 23rd, 2023 - 7:03am

      ‘Village Of The Angels’ Set? Which set was that?

    • TimelordTim

      August 23rd, 2023 - 8:45am

      Anon, it was the 13th Doc, Yaz and a blue ‘tv transmitted’ Angel.

    • Philip Shaw

      August 23rd, 2023 - 9:51am

      Village is the angels is probably the dark blue coat Dr 13, Yaz and blue hologram weeping angel, though the Dr didn’t have the dark coat version in that story. More of a Flux set.

    • anon

      August 24th, 2023 - 1:30am

      Thanks for the info – That title threw me somewhat?

  • Tim

    August 21st, 2023 - 6:09pm

    Why has the 6th Dr & Tardis post gone? Are they not doing it now?

    • Martino

      August 22nd, 2023 - 12:00pm

      It dematerialised. Alternatively, admin were tidying up the replies.

    • booboo

      August 22nd, 2023 - 12:03pm

      lot more to it than that, that was just a few mins.

      Barcodes are not working (which they did) so might be updating the system for immanent arrival

      Had updated the posts (all of them) with all the info / barcodes product codes etc then had to take them off to remove it all again as couldn’t do it there and then so left them in draft mode until until i could.

      Apart from the fact i cant sit here 24 hours a day getting everything right there is no conspiracy here as some would like to suggest.

  • Doctor dolby

    August 21st, 2023 - 9:19am

    When will the product numbers come out

    • booboo

      August 21st, 2023 - 9:32am

      Five doctors 402024
      Revelation 402025
      Tardis 402026 (still listed as ultimate adventure set on the system)

    • Doctor dolby

      August 21st, 2023 - 12:51pm

      Thank you booboo

  • Ian

    August 20th, 2023 - 9:23pm

    Numbering has gone out the window. Currently History set 15 is Remberance & 16 Nu Who…

  • Barry

    August 19th, 2023 - 4:33pm

    Live the Al comment “if you think you’re not getting a good deal here then the answer is don’t buy them. As a consumer the choice is yours.” Well if we don’t buy them then what will happen to the line eh? That told us!

    • Dalek Eye Stalk

      August 19th, 2023 - 10:11pm

      Hmmm. Strange thing to say to potential buyers?
      Al probably could have worded it better surely.

    • Carol

      August 20th, 2023 - 12:53pm

      Same yeah think that could have been worded better especially to the collectors that have parted with a great deal of their money over the years to support this line! If the paint app costs too much I would rather have had a decent 6th doctor and Tardis as an exclusive and paid a bit more not from some stage show that most won’t know remember or seen just so we got a 6th dr and Tardis just seems a bit strange! anyway moan over just think he could have worded it better instead basically tough luck if you don’t like it go elsewhere kind of attitude

    • Martino

      August 20th, 2023 - 1:34pm

      Now look at this from his perspective. Imagine if your hard work and creativity, all your corporate behind the scenes struggles and negotiations with stakeholders, all your blood sweat and tears you have to go through to get your final product on the shelves, only for it to be nit-picked, talked down to, criticised by ‘fans’ over your creative choice etc – how would you make you feel? I mean, someone saying something like ‘would you care to elaborate on …’ is somewhat overfamiliar and, yes, rude. Al’s message was quite restrained IMO. And absolutely correct.

    • The Quark

      August 20th, 2023 - 5:59pm

      I think the last thing the company needs if consumers are dissatisfied with the continual ‘regurgitation’ of items is simply the adulation he seems to want. If people just stopped buying – if that’s what he suggested – he may find his company going the same way as eaglemoss or big chief. He ought to try listening if customers are voicing their feelings about the range.Put more of the money that the companys making back into brand new items like the Silurians and Sensorites which really were worth raving about.

    • Snowman

      August 20th, 2023 - 10:50pm

      Yeah, Not the way to treat customers at all. With what happened to Eaglemoss and Big Chief and the Current Financial Climate you would think he could be more tactful.

    • Andy R

      August 21st, 2023 - 4:03pm

      Hmmm would you have preferred an indepth response about all the economical choices made, cost vs benefit on the decisions made when moulding the toys. They have the licence, they make the choices – for better or worse. If you don’t like the choices made then little they can do about it. The cost of changing minor details for the benefit of a handful of fans would make the figures expensive or produce more moans if they re-issue them again with minor differences (i’m sure you’d all be saying ‘yay, more of the same ones again’).

      Character have more than just the Who licence.. i’m sure the Peppa pig fans are not as picky and they will still have a good revenue source.

    • daz

      August 21st, 2023 - 4:58pm

      Nothing wrong with Al’s comment. It is true. If you don’t like anything or a certain set, simply don’t buy it.

      For everyone who loves a set there’ll be someone out there who thinks it is rubbish.

      I’m so glad I’m not a box collector or completionist. I haven’t bought any of the B&M sets for a while now even though some have looked great. I simply don’t need another variation of Dalek or multiple Doctors or Yaz .

      I’m hoping the next CO online one is as good as the last though as that was pretty unique.

    • pupbenny

      August 21st, 2023 - 5:48pm

      Agreed daz, I really don’t see anything wrong with what Al said, it’s simply the truth as far as I can tell.

      And it’s easy for people to say ‘I would rather pay more for a properly painted exclusive’ but that doesn’t mean most people will, unfortunately. CO take all the risk with the exclusives and two out of three of the last ones (despite being generally praised from what I remember) have arguably not been so successful (The Regeneration Set is still available, as is the Silurian set that came out a year and a half ago).

      Honestly, if it wasn’t for the Sonic selling out like crazy I wouldn’t have been surprised if we never got another exclusive.

    • Martino

      August 22nd, 2023 - 2:10pm

      Quark, Al isn’t saying that at all. He is merely pointing out if you don’t like a figure, you needn’t feel compelled to buy it. The relentless negative comments I’m seeing here reminds me of the negativity Murray Gold used to face on certain forums, and it’s getting ugly.

      I don’t see much ‘regurgitation’ either. The B&M chapter of Character Options has given us new companions (a Chesterton, FOUR Romana’s), classic monsters no one ever expected (Sensorites?!), new Doctors (Zygon variant, Five Doctors), a superb range of classic TARDIS models (War Games!), the much wanted Raston Warrior Robot, better paint jobs (Planet of the Daleks, with flip top head!). Glass half full, guys!

    • booboo

      August 22nd, 2023 - 2:15pm

      Please dont single this site out for negative comments, its everywhere not just here, just look at the replies on CO own twitter feed.

      Doctor Who fandom is toxic, if something is brilliant to one person to the next person its rubbish.

      The nay sayers are always the more vocal

    • Martino

      August 22nd, 2023 - 2:59pm

      Sorry booboo

    • booboo

      August 22nd, 2023 - 3:03pm

      no need to be sorry, its pretty sad after 10 years some people still dont get what these sets are all about.

      They seem to forget in the early days there were straight re-releases (or slight tweaks) and nothing else.

      What CO are putting together here on B&M budgets is remarkable really.

  • The Zoo Boy

    August 19th, 2023 - 5:52am

    Love seeing Richard Hurndall in figure form! Can’t believe we’re finally getting him! That Sixth Doctor is a nice touch as well!

    I’m hoping we can eventually get a “Companions of the Fifth Doctor” set with Nyssa and Tegan. Those two, plus Jamie, Barbara, and Susan, and I’d be ecstatic! Maybe one day.

  • The Quark

    August 18th, 2023 - 3:46pm

    If its possible to obtain one as well painted as the figure at the top of the page it would be worth having. This one has captured the look of the neglected Richard Hurndall very well. About time there was a Michael Jayston figure though. The Valeyard WAS and IS the Doctor as much as John Hurt and certain others who’ve appeared more recently.

    • Bunter

      August 19th, 2023 - 10:18am

      Valeyard and Fugitive Doctor to complete the line-up.

    • Bundy

      August 20th, 2023 - 11:14pm

      Valeyard and Fugitive Doctor and Watcher to complete the line-up.

  • Slitheen71

    August 18th, 2023 - 3:44pm

    First of all I want to say thank you to Al and the buyers at B&M for their love and devotion to this figure line.
    I was all ready to criticise about the hunt and the selection for this wave but recently rearanged my collection to show them off better and realised what we have got from B&M. Character and B&M have given us some of the best most obscure figures in the most imaginative way. Figures from big finish and now the stage shows.
    In a shop that sells rice crispies, razors & radios they commissioned a raston warrior robot.
    Fantastic! This figure is from a programme that aired 38 years ago in the year it was sold. I can now feel the love again . Well done you guys.

  • Al Dewar

    August 18th, 2023 - 11:39am

    The numbering is correct. We moved away from the exact set numbering as it just added confusion when we did it before. Nothing sinister in it. I was directed that this was the way we’d do it going forwards.

    The Dalek shuttle is a hand built model. It was simply there to add some background interest. Don’t read too much into it.

    The prices now reflect the current cost of manufacturing and the fact these set’s, and especially the Sixth Doctor and TARDIS set require a lot of spray operations … it’s very costly.

    These figures cost about a tenner for a figure and 12.50 for a Dalek. The latest Black series six inch figures vary between 25 and 35 pounds each … if you think you’re not getting a good deal here then the answer is don’t buy them. As a consumer the choice is yours.

    B&M figures have only very rarely included accessories such as a Cybergun.

    • Martino

      August 18th, 2023 - 11:47am

      Thank you very much for these excellent & exciting additions to the range!

    • daz

      August 18th, 2023 - 12:56pm

      Appreciate your response Al.

      I really want that shuttlecraft -it looks spectacular.

    • Anonymous

      August 18th, 2023 - 1:49pm

      Thanks for answering Al, now would you mind elaborating some more about not including ‘Resurrection’ in the HOTD set line up this year please? It’s too late now to fix the numbering, I begrudgingly accept that, but surely you can’t just skip over an important Dalek story in the ‘History of the Daleks’ line? Will it be coming later out of order, or have you no intention of making it? It would be a terrible shame if that were the case. These sets were doing so well being made in chronological order, that it’s quite disappointing that there’s now a story that won’t be covered, especially since there are two unique Dalek variants from that story that people (myself included) would like to own.

    • Mrbadwolf

      August 18th, 2023 - 2:11pm

      Some people are just never satisfied! Credits to you Al, once again. Some wonderful sets here.

    • Anonymous

      August 18th, 2023 - 2:41pm

      @Mrbadwolf – Hey, I didn’t say I wasn’t satisfied with what we’ve been given, I’m glad for the sets that will be coming out. Love the Death Zone Dalek and glad that we’re finally getting a Hurndall figure after all these years. Necros Daleks look amazing and is probably the closest these figures will come to resemble the actual props and the Sixth Doctor figure and Tardis are both fantastic, I will be buying all these sets and I thank Al and CO’s continuation of the Doctor Who Action figure line.

      I was just curious to know what the exact reasons are for why we’re missing out an important story in this line. It was a perfectly innocent inquiry, I just wanted some clarification if we’ll be getting these figures or not, thank you.

    • Daniel williams

      August 18th, 2023 - 4:04pm

      Well, if they are so expensive, why release them as a b&m range? Also with b&m, it’s very difficult to get hold of them as the nearest stores to me either don’t stock them or have been scalped before I’ve gotten to them. Also my nearest b&m store is 15 miles away.

      If b&m is a good place to stock them could you at least stock them on character online so we actually have a chance of buying them, which will also deter the scalpers.

    • Stephen

      August 18th, 2023 - 6:31pm

      Second the request if in future can bring out ressurection daleks , official only them two (unless include the revelation ones as ressurection) as they were ones really looking forward to in history sets ,there best colours I think ,please can go back at some point

    • Sophie

      August 18th, 2023 - 10:08pm

      He comes across as quite arrogant actually.

    • Rex F

      August 20th, 2023 - 1:20am

      I’m reading Al’s comment above as the sets now being numbered by release date order – meaning Resurrection is now a good possibility in future if the line keeps continuing. They have more freedom this way, and they can even jump backwards.

    • Mark

      August 20th, 2023 - 9:57am

      Hi how’s you can’t wait to get these sets but all so will there be another davros figure

    • Nathan

      August 20th, 2023 - 9:57am

      Not expecting a reply obviously but… If character are planning an actual figure wave for the 60th and 15th Doctor wave then I don’t mind too much. It is disappointing the 1st doesn’t come with his cane as that was nothing really in terms of plastic and I think it’s the fact they are selling them in b&m at these prices, B&M is meant to be a bargain store not a real toy store so the prices seem a bit high. The electronics cost a little bit surely could of been added. If all these cuts and prices hikes mean we can have a wave or the companions we want then fair enough I just don’t want to cave in thinking I’m helping the range if it’s just lining the pockets of character

    • V

      August 20th, 2023 - 3:21pm

      Any chance of us getting these B&M sets or any other future products in the US? I understand how messy it’s been internationally but I’d love to get these without paying three times the retail price or at least if that added cost actually went to CO and not a random third party.

      In the meantime looking forward to more stuff on the CO website.

    • Al Dewar

      August 20th, 2023 - 8:04pm

      I wasnt meaning to be rude just pointing out the astounding value these figures are versus any other action figure line out there. Most trade deco for bare plastic to be cheaper .. Oh and the ‘dont buy them’ reply is my standard reply to folk and aways has been, and is again genuinely meant. if somthing is no longer apealling or you think its too costly then really, done buy them. id say the same thing to myself. i wouldn’t want anyone to feel compeled to buy somthing they have an issue with.

    • Rex F

      August 21st, 2023 - 1:01am

      Al: Can anyone commission a figure, a la B&M? Just asking for a friend…

    • Peter C

      August 22nd, 2023 - 9:55am

      Thanks Al for your comments and the figures produced in this range over the years. Some very obscure ones too that I never thought I’d see! Looking forward to picking up this wave and appreciate the videos accompanying them and your time taken on forums like this one.

  • Dwho

    August 17th, 2023 - 4:11pm

    Does anyone know if any of the 3 sets will be available online or are they all in store exclusives ?


    • booboo

      August 17th, 2023 - 4:14pm

      B&M no longer sell online, their “experiment” clearly didn’t work – in-store only now i’m afraid

    • Pupbenny

      August 20th, 2023 - 4:08pm

      Why did their experiment fail? I assume there’s way more to it than just the doctor who stuff, so I’m guessing that’s why. But, just curious if you have any specific theories about why.

    • booboo

      August 20th, 2023 - 4:11pm

      think there were lots of damages / returns etc

      Cost of running a mail order department may have proved just to high V extra business.

  • toptimelord

    August 17th, 2023 - 11:33am

    This is a wonderful figure of Richard Hurndall as the First Doctor and one I will most definitely be buying! But I wish they would stop making so many Daleks.

    • Martino

      August 17th, 2023 - 2:36pm

      Well, lucky for you we’re almost at the end of the Classic Dalek sets, but bear in mind B&M are probably backing the range purely because of the appeal of the Daleks. No Sensorites, Harry Sullivan, Romana’s, fur-coated Doctors, Voord etc. without these big sellers alongside them …

    • beef

      August 18th, 2023 - 10:31am

      the daleks are epic tho

    • pupbenny

      August 18th, 2023 - 1:29pm

      Agreed, beef, I love the Daleks! Especially this one is fantastic! I’m glad they’re doing them, personally.

    • Aber

      August 20th, 2023 - 12:04pm

      The Daleks are great. So many that had only been available through limited runs/exclusives.

    • Philip Shaw

      August 21st, 2023 - 8:07am

      The Dalek History sets and the Dr’s and Tardis sets are the main reason I started collecting this range.

  • Kdogstudios

    August 17th, 2023 - 10:11am

    When will these sets be released?

  • PaulW

    August 17th, 2023 - 8:11am

    Sorry but I know the cost of things have gone up but £85 for the three I can no longer afford to collect these that’s two weeks food money for me shame as they look good.

    • john grundy

      August 17th, 2023 - 12:07pm

      The Rememebance Dalek shuttle craft will cost about that!

    • Rex F

      August 17th, 2023 - 2:43pm

      John: If they could sell a ship for £85 then I really think they would do it (just not via B&M). But look how much a Star Wars ship costs… Star Wars has the Hasbro Lab to do things via crowdfunding though, and I wish Character would/could do the same – minimal risk for them and we could get some new figures too. Since Big Chief (yes, I know…) was effectively crowdfunding I don’t see there being a BBC ban on it.

    • Pam

      August 17th, 2023 - 9:12pm

      That’s not even being released or is it? I wouldn’t pay that for it I know that they think us collectors will pay for anything but I draw the line these are costing too much and not even a new classic figure like Jamie or Zoe!

    • Anonymous

      August 18th, 2023 - 10:25am

      Pam – £85 would be dirt cheap. the Playmobil enterprise is £500!
      Rex – Look where Big Chief ended up, no way will anyone touch that model for Who stuff now.

    • Aber

      August 18th, 2023 - 5:05pm

      Yeah the Big Chief debacle has burnt an awful lot of fingers. I’d love to see a formal crowdfunder with the usual guarantees however.

  • Tom

    August 17th, 2023 - 4:27am

    Anyone have a link to Al’s reason for not doing a History of the Daleks for Resurrection of the Daleks?

    • booboo

      August 17th, 2023 - 6:51am

      Closed forum.

    • Philip Shaw

      August 17th, 2023 - 7:19am

      People are saying it’s being kept till maybe next year, but they have made a mess of the numbering if this is true. Presumably Remembrance set or sets between as well. Don’t know if they are including the new series Daleks in the numbering.

    • Jack

      August 17th, 2023 - 9:32am

      Resurrection has only had two releases in the past, the 2011 Collector’s set and 2013 Toys R Us Fifth Doctor/Dalek twin pack. Compare that with Revelation which has had four releases and Genesis which has had six, both of those stories being covered by B&M! Just feels wrong of them to decide to skip an important Dalek story that should be covered over for ‘The Five Doctors’ (which I am still glad for) when really it isn’t a proper Dalek story, but a Dalek cameo and one of the figures isn’t a Dalek figure! Like surely a Resurrection set would sell extremely well, just for the re-release of the Black Supreme which was only released once!

      I would hope there’ll be future plans for a Davros line where he’ll be paired with a Dalek figure from each of his stories.

      Destiny – Gooderson Davros and Bomber Dalek
      Resurrection – Molloy Davros and Black Supreme
      Revelation – Molloy Davros with blown off hand and a Grey Skaro Dalek (These are the same props from Reurrection.)
      Remembrance – Emperor Davros and Imperial or Destroyed or Special Weapons Dalek.

      With CO finding the moulds for the Emperor Davros figure and Al saying that they intend on re-releasing that figure at some point in the future, I hope they do seriously consider making a new line of Davros figures with respective Daleks.

    • Martino

      August 17th, 2023 - 9:38am

      The History range has released sets out of number order before, if sets are too similar, or for surprises like the Coal Hill School set. I wouldn’t read anything too sinister into it.

    • Aber

      August 17th, 2023 - 12:52pm

      Surprised to see Al indicating Resurrection is being skipped altogether – citing multiple releases in the past. For the drone, it’s only the FP set and the TRU two pack – far fewer compared to the Genesis/Revelation Daleks. And that’s before you get to the Supreme…

    • pupbenny

      August 17th, 2023 - 2:16pm

      It is bizarre that the Hurdnall set is part of the History Of The Daleks range. I remember being annoyed when I was a child and watched The Five Doctors for the first time that there was only one Dalek in the story for such a brief time, even though it featured on the DVD (Or might’ve been VHS) cover that we’d rented from the library.

    • Rex F

      August 17th, 2023 - 2:51pm

      I think they cocked up the numbering, realised too late, and are now bluffing their way through. (Didn’t adjust for the insertion of Five Docs into the line perhaps?)

    • prototype dalek

      August 17th, 2023 - 4:11pm

      Compared to remembrance, we have had:

      7th doctor and imperial dalek
      Remembrance 4 pack
      7th Doctor and renegade dalek
      Sound FX Special weapons dalek
      Emperor Davros and destroyed imperial
      Coal Hill school set
      History of the daleks #15
      TBA re-release of emperor davros

    • Mark Turner

      August 17th, 2023 - 10:35pm

      The only other Resurrection Dalek is in the Asylum

  • Bob James

    August 17th, 2023 - 1:11am

    Where for art thou, Susan?

    • Philip Shaw

      August 17th, 2023 - 4:57am

      Probably why they put it as a History set so wouldn’t have to include Susan, a five Dr’s set 2 3 pack might have included her.

    • Anon

      August 17th, 2023 - 8:55am

      Where for art thou doctors walking stick? Not even a required accessory.

    • Rex F

      August 17th, 2023 - 2:48pm

      He doesn’t look right without the stick, does he? The budgets for these things must be so tight. Cue the ebay sellers…


