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April 11th, 2022 227 comments

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B&M 2022 Doctor Who Sets

Please note B&M are OK with this information being “out there”, we have checked with them.

No specifics on content, as always dates and set names are fluid.

Listed for release in 2022

1st Wave Expected late 2022

  • 8th Doctor 3 Figure Set
  • 10th Doctor 3 Figure Set
  • Dalek Packs (Presumably History of the Daleks Sets)

2nd Wave Expected End of 2022

  • 9th Doctor 3 Figure Set
  • 13th Doctor 3 Figure Set
  • Davros and Dalek Set
  • 1st Doctor and Tardis set
  • Dalek Packs (Presumably History of the Daleks Sets)

Sets are now £21.99. The Electronic Tardis is listed at £32.99. Dalek and Davros set £24.99

Categorised under: News, Retail



  • Whovian92

    April 20th, 2022 - 4:08am

    When will we get confirmation of what will be in the sets?

    • booboo

      April 20th, 2022 - 9:07am

      i suspect a while yet

  • Mike

    April 19th, 2022 - 2:20pm

    Imagine an Arthur Stengos becoming a dalek figure, from Revelation of the Daleks. It would need an SFX chip for button activated words “NATASHA!” and “KILL MEEEE!”. That would be too awesome.

  • Paddy Troughton

    April 18th, 2022 - 3:20pm

    What is the likelihood of getting an Emperor Davros re-released through B&M?? Is the only Davros variant I want as have a Genesis and Resurrection one but not sure if the budget would stretch to releasing him as quite a big model with the dome hinge and a variety of paint apps on wires. As they aren’t doing any Colin figure due to his technicolor dream coat being expensive to paint.

    • Jamie

      April 18th, 2022 - 7:01pm

      If the price is higher and the moulds exist then we will get it.

    • Judooning

      April 18th, 2022 - 7:53pm

      It was confirmed last year that the mould for Emperor Davros was lost/too badly damaged which would mean it would be like creating a brand new figure in order to get released again.
      So not very likely unfortunately

    • Martino

      April 19th, 2022 - 3:23pm

      I can imagine us a non-opening variant, without the Davros reveal.

    • Paddy Troughton

      April 19th, 2022 - 5:12pm

      Idk about you but I feel like a non-opening variant would be kinda pointless cause surely everyone who has the figure would display it open to show davros. And defeats it being released as a davros if you can’t see him

  • Anthony Fgan

    April 17th, 2022 - 12:55pm

    I dont get how a TWO pack is £24.99 whereas a THREE pack is £21.99?

    • booboo

      April 17th, 2022 - 1:21pm

      because whatever is in it may be a lot more expensive to produce, or its not a two pack

    • George Agdgdgwngo

      April 17th, 2022 - 4:26pm

      Detailing on Genesis Davros costs more?

      But what do I know, I should shut my mouth

    • Bobby Davros

      April 18th, 2022 - 12:39pm

      Factor in supply and demand as well They know the Dalek packs sell out faster than the 3 packs so they know they can charge more.

    • booboo

      April 18th, 2022 - 12:41pm

      The Dalek sets are still the same price as the 3 figure sets.

    • Bobby Davros

      April 19th, 2022 - 12:33pm

      Yes but 2 contents versus 3 contents and the Davros set price is probably a trial to see if the Dalek packs can sustain it too.

  • Judooning

    April 16th, 2022 - 11:09am

    Depending how far in advance CO knew about the Ood returning in Flux, i can actually see it being released in the 13th Dr set with updated paint apps. Darker head like the Nephew Ood figure but with clear translator orb and eyes instead of green.
    along side the 13th Dr in her Flux coat variation and Dan Lewis using a Primeval body sculpt

    • TimelordTim

      April 16th, 2022 - 2:45pm

      Good idea, certainly something they are likely to do given the budget line. Am hoping they are able to do the Master in the 13th set though.

  • beef business

    April 15th, 2022 - 7:09pm

    Do you think the History sets will go on into the new series? It would be lovely if we got a re-release of that new dalek sec sculpt which was exclusive to the US…

    • The Outcast

      April 16th, 2022 - 12:05pm

      I don’t know if they will, but hopefully they will. There’s plenty of potential for cool variants and new Dalek figures, perhaps moreso than we’ve seen with classic Daleks. If they do NuWho Daleks, 2024 would be a very cool year in terms of releases, since Dalek, Parting of the Ways, Doomsday and Evolution all have the potential for every interesting variants and reissues, for example:

      -Dalek would likely have the damaged (just a repaint) and restored variant of the Dalek

      -Parting of the Ways could include the Assault and sensor arm Emperor Guard Daleks (we’ve seen from the mutant scoop and flip top Daleks that they’re willing to tool new arms and bits)

      -Doomsday would likely be a reissue of the the new tool Sec you mention, alongside one of the other members of the cult of Skaro, probably Jast.

      -Evolution would likely contain Thay (potentially retooled to have the damaged panels, which would be a nice variant and make the set different from what would otherwise be two standard NSDs) and Caan.

      That’s just what the first four sets could include. Very interesting variant potential + the following year we’d get the big Red Supreme and a Crucible Dalek.

  • Judooning

    April 14th, 2022 - 11:44pm

    If we are getting Tweaked sculpts/Repaints, then my predictions are:

    – Slitheen (Collar ID colour variant)
    – Ninth Doctor (Green Jumper)
    – Gas Mask Zombie Soldier

    – Clockwork Man (Gold Outfit)
    – Tenth Doctor (Grey Suit/Coat/Updated Articulation)
    – Flood Zombie (unreleased prototype)

    – The Master (Ascension of the Cybermen)
    – Thirteenth Doctor (Flux Coat Variant)
    – Dan Lewis

    If its definitely just re-releases:

    – The Empty Child
    – Ninth Doctor (Green Jumper)
    – Slitheen

    – Clockwork Man (Purple Outfit)
    – Tenth Doctor (Old & Ancient)
    – The Master with Toclafane Sphere

    (I Don’t see the 13th Dr set being strait re-releases considering most of the figures from her era are still available. Unless we get the USA exclusive light blue top 13th Dr)

    • The Outcast

      April 15th, 2022 - 10:29am

      I think the first predictions sound pretty good, and seems pretty plausible to me (and would also result in me getting all the sets). The only thing I think I’d add is maybe the Slitheen could have an altered head-sculpt to have an expression more akin to the one the props had, rather than the angry face of the CGI ones, just to make it a more exciting variant, but that’s probably unlikely. Would be neat though.

    • Doug Who

      April 15th, 2022 - 10:44pm

      The Flood figure would be fantastic! Be great to see some of the unreleased prototypes out there!

  • Jamie

    April 14th, 2022 - 10:06pm

    I would be happy with a Jackie Tyler! There are 2 potential sets that she could appear in. I really feel we are missing a Jackie. I hope co give us new characters and not remakes.

    • HS

      April 15th, 2022 - 10:21am

      They will never make a Jackie figure dude xd

    • Jamie

      April 15th, 2022 - 11:54am

      Why not? They have made all kinds of characters we didn’t expect to get.

    • Doctor Stu

      April 15th, 2022 - 12:02pm

      There’s not a chance in hell we’ll get Jackie Tyler. That’s rare enough if we were in the glory days of series 1 to 5 merchandise, let alone this stagnant period where they have to reuse as much as possible

    • HS

      April 18th, 2022 - 10:02am

      Exactly, Doctor Stu.

  • David Smith

    April 14th, 2022 - 9:42pm

    I hope that more stores gets the figures in as for the last batch were limited very limited ie 1st Doctor and Tardis (Unearthly Child) in a store near me had I think 10 sets in total sold with in least 2 weeks. And some stores never receive any of the sets in. I ended paying £80 a rip off price for one set… so if they go I won’t be buying any more from ebay.

  • Cyberhen

    April 14th, 2022 - 8:05pm

    Hey Al Dewar, how about a ‘History of the Cybermen’ figure collection. Starting with ‘The Tenth Planet ‘ with two mondas cybermen. Then ‘The Moonbase’ with two 60’s cybermen, followed by ‘Tomb of the Cybermen’ with cyberman and cyber controller, then we’d finally get two ‘Wheel in Space’ cybermen, next would be two ‘The Invasion’ cybermen. Onto the 70’s would be two re-released ‘Revenge’ Cybermen. One cyberman and one cyber leader (black helmet), into the 80’s with two ‘Earthshock’ cybermen. One cyberman and one cyber leader. Follow that with ‘Attack of the Cybermen’ set, with darker camouflage cyberman and cyber controller. Then finishing the collection with two ‘Silver Nemesis’ cybermen.

    • HS

      April 15th, 2022 - 10:30am

      They wouldn’t do a History of the Cybermen set series like the Daleks. They are much better off including them in normal sets. Simply because there is not enough variety to make History sets like the Daleks. Just like many of the ones you pointed out, a lot of them would just be 2 of the same figure per packs. And even in some stories where there is a variety it would only be a Cyber Leader (mainly) or Cyber Controller, maybe even the Rogue and Stealth Cyberman. There have already been plenty released of classic Cybermen and Cyber Leaders, even recently (Five Doctors Set). They are much better off being released in normal 2/3 figure sets rather than a “History” series being made out of it. Think for example when they reach Attack of Cybermen or Silver Nemesis…they have already released Cybermen and Cyber Leaders from those stories recently. So for all those reasons, a “History” series for the Cybermen just isn’t necessary or viable.

  • MG

    April 14th, 2022 - 1:50pm

    Struggling to think of what new headscupts we could be getting for the figure sets that aren’t wildly unlikely.

    Disappointing not to see any Classic sets beyond the Dalek ones, although the Davros re-release is very welcome.

    • Doctor Stu

      April 15th, 2022 - 12:04pm

      Wonder which Davros it will be?

    • beef business

      April 15th, 2022 - 7:02pm

      I really hope it’s Remembrance Davros along with a special weapons dalek re-release. I had that one from the Remembrance Collectors Set over a decade ago, sold it along with the rest of my childhood figures. One of the worst decisions I ever made lol

    • Nath

      April 16th, 2022 - 6:17am

      I thought they lost one of the moulds for davros and thought it was at one so if anything it will probably be the gen or revolution davros

  • Hi

    April 13th, 2022 - 10:31pm

    These what My predictions for the 3 packs are
    -Eighth Doctor set
    Eighth Doctor (Night Of The Doctor), The Master (The Tv Movie), Lucie Miller
    -Tenth Doctor set
    Purple Clockwork Man, Andy Stone, Son Of Mine
    -Ninth Doctor set
    Adam, Jackie Tyler, Ninth Doctor (Parting Of The Ways)
    -Thirteenth Doctor set
    Dan, Skaak, Sea Devil

    • fourthdoctorfan9

      April 13th, 2022 - 10:40pm

      I don’t think a Sea Devil is likely considering CO don’t get any advanced images, and these sets have almost definitely been in production for a good few months now.

    • Rex Farrel

      April 14th, 2022 - 1:56am

      I don’t we’ll be seeing any Adam merchandise… There’s more chance of Mickey, because that actor isn’t convicted as yet.

    • HS

      April 14th, 2022 - 9:48am

      We will not be getting an Adam and Jackie figure xD
      They will never make those. And even if they did, it would be a missed opportunity on plenty other better series 1 stuff they could make.

    • Jamie

      April 14th, 2022 - 10:03pm

      Why not Jackie? She’s appeared in many episodes and is a main character and popular.

    • Jamie

      April 15th, 2022 - 12:03pm

      HS….What better choices would you pick for season 1 then?

    • Crosby

      April 15th, 2022 - 2:32pm

      They won’t do Adam that will never come out now the actor is in prison

    • daz

      April 15th, 2022 - 5:45pm

      For 10th Doctor I would love a Jackie Tyler and Wilf figure as been wanting those since 2009 but both will be unlikely.

      We might get Donna and Rose in different outfits though.

      A Journey’s End Set would be lovely.

    • The ergon

      April 15th, 2022 - 8:12pm

      Most definitely WIlf. It would certainly be Sir Bernards year if they could present him with his own character action figure as well after recieving his much belated knighthood.

    • HS

      April 18th, 2022 - 10:47am


      Firstly, Jackie was not a main character, she was a supporting character.
      Secondly, you don’t seem to understand how these CO figure releases work and why they would never release figures of characters like Jackie and Adam. Yes, Jackie was popular and she is a beloved character. But that simply doesn’t justify a CO figure being made out of her. It would be much more likely for a company like Eaglemoss to do a little figurine statue of her rather than CO making a poseable figure. Also, think about it. If CO didn’t make a figure of characters like that back in the glory days where they made a figures out of a lot of characters, then they sure as hell aren’t gonna waste a space and materials for that today where the budget is super tight and with more profitable figures taking priority.
      In terms of more realistic series 1 NEW releases in that set, it would be more likely for them to make something like a Gas Mask Soldier, for example, or a re-tooled Slitheen or re-tooled Auton. I would go as far to say that if they were putting quite a budget on it and were doing new sculpts (which is still unlikely) then what would be cool would be Zu-Zana and Trine-E figures from ‘Bad Wolf’ . The shapes would be easy and basic to make, but again it would mean spending money on making new sculpts. And that would definitely be more profitable than a Jackie or Adam figure.

  • booboo

    April 13th, 2022 - 6:45pm

    who said it was the same, no one.

  • TheGingyrDoctor

    April 13th, 2022 - 4:56pm

    So this year, we’re getting virtually no classic sets? I think I understand, these new who sets are probably to show they haven’t lost their rights to make these figures. We did get only classic who sets last year so it makes sense and I hop that with a price risen to 22 pounds, we get real good figures.

    • booboo

      April 13th, 2022 - 5:03pm

      Nothing to do with the licence, these sets would have been signed off way before that incorrect email.

      Price rise is also due to increased production and distribution costs as with everything and will not mean more invested in figures, in fact the opposite maybe.

  • pupbenny

    April 13th, 2022 - 3:34pm

    So, people are saying a new lamp sculpt is known to have been done for the 1st Doctor’s TARDIS. What lamp would it be? Anyone got any pictures?

    • booboo

      April 13th, 2022 - 3:37pm

      it was said at the time to be a custom but i’m not so sure

  • Birdy98

    April 13th, 2022 - 10:21am

    I reckon that the 9th and 10th Doctor sets will be prototype releases or maybe minor changes.

    9th dr predictions:

    – Rose (unreleased standard pose)
    – slitheen (closed mouth version)
    – 9th dr (Jacketless)

    10th dr set:

    – 10th dr (grey suit)
    – Son of mine (unreleased)
    – scarecrow (new paint app)


    – Aged 10th Doctor (in coat)
    – the master (suit and red lined coat)
    – unit soldier (primeval figure with new head sculpt)

    • AM

      April 14th, 2022 - 1:03am

      I definitely wish/hope you’re right about the unreleased (better) version of Rose, but I thought the whole reason it was never released was because Billie was so dissatisfied with both prior sculpts that she wouldn’t approve any more.

      I assume she still has to give approval for her likeness?

    • Birdy98

      April 14th, 2022 - 12:06pm

      I was under the impression that the actors only needed to consent their likeness while they were still under contract for the show, with character likeness then being at the discretion of the show thereafter?

      Hence all the issues with the Jack Harkness figure as John Barrowman was still under contract for Torchwood and Doctor Who at the time of release.

    • Jamie

      April 17th, 2022 - 2:43am

      Billie approved the big chief likeness and the titan likeness, since declining to have more figures made in 2008. What I don’t get is if Billie didn’t want more figures made, why were they allowed to Re-release the same 2 fugures she dislikes several times since 2008? It wasn’t only figures, Billie was removed from photos, book covers etc in 2008, due to her wanting to move on from the show. Thankfully, Billie has been doing big finish and is associating herself with Dr Who more again.

    • HS

      April 18th, 2022 - 10:52am

      They are still allowed to re-release pre-made figures of her. They were already approved. That’s how it works.

  • CJ

    April 12th, 2022 - 9:01pm

    I’ll only get the 13th doctor set if it has The Master, Dan, or Sea Devil.

  • Who Knows

    April 12th, 2022 - 5:57pm

    I’m going to make the assumption that the 13th Doctor Set will include:

    13th Doctor (Dark Coat Version) – Repaint

    Dan – New head sculpt on existing body

    Master (Tux) – New head sculpt on 10th Doctor Tux body with new lower legs maybe? I imagine another Master figure will get a single release later on using the 11th Doctor body from Time of the Doctor.

    • Nath

      April 13th, 2022 - 5:49am

      Just watch a video b&m replied with a gif from waters of Mars shot in the dark but perhaps it’s a water of Mars set we have the Andy figure prototype don’t we? And the tenth would possibly be in the space suit other figure maybe another of the water beings or the lass forgot her name lol

  • Slitheen71

    April 12th, 2022 - 3:43pm

    So excited to see what Al and Character bring to these sets. They have surprised me so many times after they release sets names. They have done a fantastic job over the past years, creating sets with figures that appeal to both new and existing collectors.
    These are concentrating mainly on new who which especially the 9th and 10th had a lot of figure releases. Can t wait to see what they come up with for these sets.

  • AY

    April 12th, 2022 - 3:35pm

    This is very exciting. I think the Dalek sets will be history of the Daleks and I’m very excited for the Genesis and Resurrection sets if that is the case. As the more recent sets have been sets from a specific *story* rather than *era* I think it will be very interesting to have story specific sets from the 10th and 9th Doctor. As we can only expect repaints and slight modifications, I’m still hoping for a series 1 Rose that is actually good! An Empty Child set with the child, 9th Doctor and Rose with Martha’s body could be done! The 9th Doctor is my favourite so I’m hoping for something good for that set.

    I think an 8th Doctor movie set would be cool but I also think any Big Finish set would be interesting. Hopefully we get something new from the 13th Doctor set. A sontaran, master or even a Sea Devil would be excellent.

  • TimelordTim

    April 12th, 2022 - 1:54pm

    Wouldn’t be surprised if the 8th Doctor set we’re an 8th, Lucie and Zygon. Strong ties with the Zygon for Lucie and that would make the set, one re-release (Zygon), one slight re-paint (8th) and one with some new parts (Lucie). Viable on budget at least.

    • Doug Who

      April 14th, 2022 - 12:39pm

      Tim that would be a great set! Nice original way of getting the Zygon figure too. Be great to have a Lucie Miller figure. One of the best audio companions I think.

      Bit surprised that more classic ‘monsters’ haven’t yet been re-released other than Daleks. The Fourth Doctor and K1 Robot was a great start! I’d like to see the Third Doctor and Giant Maggots set get a re-release. Could maybe add a Giant Fly if it were possible. Did the ‘Primeval’ line do a large flying insect I wonder?

    • TimelordTim

      April 14th, 2022 - 1:31pm

      I was tempted to suggest the Krynoid, but that only had one story with Lucie and is a lot more plastic to produce on budget so the Zygon seems the best bet. The 8th Doctor set is most intriguing to me, there’s so much that could be done if they delve into the audios.

      Would enjoy seeing more classic monsters re-releases as well. Scaroth and Sharez Jek spring to mind as fairly simple ones to do again, the Maggots would be great as well.

    • The Outcast

      April 14th, 2022 - 4:07pm

      Considering the Zygon and Ice Warrior have been released in the B&M range before, I wonder if they’d give us an Alex MacQueen Master, as it’d simply require a new head and maybe a new weapon accessory.

    • Jason Z

      April 16th, 2022 - 10:56pm

      Timelord Tim – as well as Scaroth and Sharaz Jek, there were also two Sutekhs released. And Omega. Would really like to be able to acquire these affordably.

    • TimelordTim

      April 17th, 2022 - 8:55am

      Yes Jason, good choices. Sutekh could be released with the Mummy’s again as well, two figures from the same mold (one with a bit of extra gold paint) would be a cost saving release as well. There’s hope at least!

    • Doug Who

      April 18th, 2022 - 2:16pm

      Yes Tim! A Guardian Servicer and Sutekh (with both masked and unmasked heads) would be fantastic! And there’s already been a ‘Pyramids’ Fourth Doctor released so that would make a fabulous three figure set.

  • The Fishmonger

    April 12th, 2022 - 12:45pm

    Wow. Just wow. Amazing.

  • Doctor Stu

    April 12th, 2022 - 11:54am

    Was excited about this until I realized it’ll probably be the usual business. 5% of your body maybe thinks there’s going to new figures but then the other 95% assures you that no it’s just going to be rereleased figures with new blotches of paint.

    On a side note however I’m going to laugh so hard if the tenth Doctor they’re doing is the rare one everyone discovered last year and paid hundreds of pounds for. But it’ll probably just be another colour variation of the suit and coat combo that we haven’t had yet

    Quite possibly, possibly, possibly the thirteenth Doctor set may be newish. The dream would be literally any new monster at all and the master. Or more importantly cyber timelords and the master. But not a chance in hell that’s happening, the more realistic expectation would be repainted 13 (probably the inverted colours of her jacket from that series 13 episode that I can’t remember at all. Was it episode 3?) as that only requires a repaint, repainted Yaz and then rereleased body of some other figure with Dans head.

    • The Outcast

      April 12th, 2022 - 2:24pm

      All the B&M figures are re-issues and repaints, along with the odd new element, like new heads and hands and such. So of course you’re not gonna get CyberMasters, that’s a simply unrealistic expectation these days. The S12 Master is definitely a possibility though, since the S7B 11th Doctor body is similar enough that with a few within budget tweaks, it could be a base body for the Master.

    • Doctor Stu

      April 12th, 2022 - 2:44pm

      Which is exactly why i said there’s not a chance in hell that’ll happen. I know full well we’re never getting cybermasters. It’s not even a possibility

  • MDS

    April 12th, 2022 - 11:00am

    8th Doctor set could be

    8th Doctor, Master in Paramedic clothes, Master Dressed to Impress or

    TV Movie 8th Doctor, Big Finish 8th Doctor (Black jacket and bag), Night of the Doctor version.

    10th Doctor could be a companion set with Rose, Martha and Donna in.

    9th Doctor set – Doctor, Rose and Dalek or Rose, Jack and Dalek.

    13th Doctor set – Legend of the Sea Devils set with 13th, Yaz and Dan.

    I think the Sea Devil would be a new sculpt to allow for the new costume, so cost may stop that one.

    • HS

      April 13th, 2022 - 4:27pm

      None of the 3-packs will have Daleks in them. That’s what the History line is for. Would be redundant for them to have Daleks in the 3-packs.

  • TimelordTim

    April 12th, 2022 - 10:49am

    Will be interesting to see how this year pans out. In 2020 we got 6 3-figure packs compared to 4 3-figure packs in 2021. Whilst the quality was high the variation in figures also reduced for 2021 (less new head sculpts, same basic body used for many of them).

    If we see similar this year, and the number of new parts/characters is more like 2021 releases, or even less, then maybe the hopes of 5th Doctor companions and others down the line will be pushed to hoping for them from online exclusives only.

    I worry with how much the 3-figure packs stick around on shelves as well. The Daleks and Tardis sets will continue to keep the range viable I’m sure, but the 3-figure packs may be a struggle to keep going in future.

    All just thoughts though, here’s hoping the 3-figure packs have plenty of new elements this year and the range gets a well deserved boost considering the good quality of them. Maybe the use of 9th and 10th Doctor releases in the time when people are getting excited about the return of RTD will be a boost as well.

    • Coleman

      April 12th, 2022 - 11:08am

      I’m abit disappointed that theirs no 5th Doctor sets. I really thought this year would be when we finally received his Companions. Especially since CO have been drip feeding us a few Companions over the last couple of years.

    • Richard

      April 12th, 2022 - 11:42am

      Agree with the point re the three packs. Not necessarily the good ones but the more obscure ones (namely Keys of Marinus). Still sitting at £12.99 (and plenty of them) in my local store. Once collectors have bought them, who else is interested? They could knock them down to a fiver and stick struggle to get rid of them. Same with those bobble heads – they were an error to put it mildly.

  • Jamie

    April 12th, 2022 - 10:21am

    I think the 9th dr set is jabe, 9 in green and Gelth woman… :/

    • HS

      April 13th, 2022 - 5:20pm

      I hardly think they would re-release the Gelth Zombie figure of all things xD

    • booboo

      April 13th, 2022 - 5:31pm

      but that’s what people asked for – apparently…

    • Jamie

      April 15th, 2022 - 12:02pm

      Yes, the geth zombie came out in a vote that Al asked about the figures we want to see reissued. It was Geth Zombie, Jabe, 9th Dr in green for 9th era.
      10th era was purple clockwork man, timelord, aged doctor… so….

    • booboo

      April 15th, 2022 - 12:13pm

      I never saw any vote

    • Ev

      April 15th, 2022 - 11:41pm

      Gelth Zombie/9th Doctor/Gelth Spirit would be a great 3 pack

  • Mr Penguin

    April 12th, 2022 - 8:34am

    I am hoping that the 8th doctor is going to have a Grace and the master from the movie

  • Alex Oswin

    April 12th, 2022 - 8:16am

    Anyone have any idea what sort of time frame we’re looking at for pictures or confirmation of what figures are in each set? Either based on previous years or from reasonable rumours.

    • Who Knows

      April 12th, 2022 - 9:27am

      June for the first wave

    • John Hogg

      April 12th, 2022 - 10:23am

      if it says july expect it to be august onward with their track record,most just wac h ebay as a guide but even they got it wrong with robot that was 2 months late

  • The Werewolf

    April 12th, 2022 - 12:29am

    And I hope the Davros is Genesis as that’s the only one I don’t have.

    • The Outcast

      April 12th, 2022 - 2:26pm

      I think it will be a Genesis one, that’d tie in with the Genesis set that’ll likely be coming this year, and the Genesis figure is one of the most requested when the topic of reissues pops up. Probably will get a Remembrance Davros reissue next year.

    • booboo

      April 12th, 2022 - 2:29pm

      Genesis set? has that leaked as well somewhere?

    • Bobby Davros

      April 13th, 2022 - 12:36am

      Well its obvious that one of the four Dalek sets this year is going to be Genesis given that we are up to 1973 stories currently, Booboo.

    • booboo

      April 13th, 2022 - 5:37pm

      yes but it didn’t tie price wise to other things that doesn’t now seem to be happening or has changed

  • The Werewolf

    April 12th, 2022 - 12:08am

    I really hope for Sacha Dhawan’s Master in that 13th Doctor set

    • Dalek Eye Stalk

      April 12th, 2022 - 9:43am

      And the ‘fugitive’ Doctor.

    • Jay

      April 12th, 2022 - 11:20am

      I think it might be the Master, Fugitive Doctor and Dan. Hope we don’t get another 13th doctor again though she might feature in blue coat as featured in Flux.

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