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March 10th, 2022 630 comments

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Stocks Arrive – B&M 2022 4th Doctor and Robot Set

Stocks have now arrived and stores are now receiving the set

Product Code 374862 Priced at £19.99

There appears to be plenty of stock but you can search for this set on or

At the time of writing option 3 on published store telephone numbers that allowed you to speak to a member of staff has been removed. You could try the main customer service number, 0330 838 9000 and ask to be put through to your local store or try and find out its direct number.

We strongly advise you make whatever checks you can yourself to check store availability before traveling.

To find your nearest store visit or use the map below. Please contact if you require more information.

The B&M Map:

This map is a guide only and shouldn’t be used as a definite indication that a particular store has stock

The map shows most stores, if you see any missing please leave a comment. As the app will not allow you to check stock locations at the moment we may use this map to show the distribution pattern and possible stock locations.

If you see stock and take a picture you can send it to [email protected] and we can add it to the map or you can link to an image you are hosting yourself.

This map has layers, if you click on the icon in the blue header at the top left of the map in the you can select which layers you want to see.

A Robot will be placed to the right of the store concerned but you will need to zoom in to separate the 2 or click off the store location layer.

Categorised under: News, Retail



  • Pela Don

    February 12th, 2022 - 2:00pm

    Been to Hounslow branch this lunchtime. They have 2 Robot sets left in stock and about half a dozen of the bobblehead daleks/mini invasion dalek sets.

    • TheGingyrDoctor

      February 12th, 2022 - 6:03pm

      Do you know if they have any extra stock?

    • Pela Don

      February 13th, 2022 - 3:11pm

      ‘Fraid I can’t help you on that one. The lady in the store did say they had been selling fast, so possibly not, but I wouldn’t say that for definate.

    • TheGingyrDoctor

      February 13th, 2022 - 9:23pm

      It’s fine, I checked today anyway, seems they’re all out. Lady at the counter said “If they’re gone, they’re gone.”

  • Jax

    February 12th, 2022 - 1:23pm

    Does anyone know which Liverpool stores currently have this set?

  • Euan Bird

    February 12th, 2022 - 12:58pm

    B&M Alloa had around 12 in today

  • funkadelicish

    February 12th, 2022 - 12:46pm

    Hey folks, sadly not a find but more of a heads up for anyone who was about to look in Govan (formerly Toys r Us store) or Paisley (next to Pure Gym), sadly no sign of stock just yet. If anyone else sees in or around Glasgow that would be great to know, thanks!

    • Coleman

      February 12th, 2022 - 3:12pm

      Off Topic funkadelicish, but all our “Toys R Us” in the South Yorkshire Area all turned into Smyth’s Toys.
      I took it for granted that this had happened all over the UK.
      (But Obviously not).

    • Tom

      February 12th, 2022 - 8:49pm

      Hi There,
      I posted a notification that my local B&M store here in East Kilbride Queensway Retail Park G74 5NY had at least 10x K1 Robot Sets when I was there on Thursday. I know its outa ur way but if you pass by there you might be lucky and pick up a K 1 Robot Set. Atb Tom

    • funkadelicish

      February 13th, 2022 - 8:30am

      Thanks Tom, might need to go on an adventure today!

  • Doc3Pertwee

    February 12th, 2022 - 12:25pm

    Hello everyone,

    I hope you’re all having plenty of luck finding this set.

    I’m sorry if this has been asked multiple times already, but I was wondering if anyone in Liverpool was having luck finding this set?

  • Ian D

    February 12th, 2022 - 12:19pm

    Found Robot set in Fishponds B&M Bristol BS16 2EA

  • Doctor What

    February 12th, 2022 - 11:50am

    10x Robot set at Mile Cross in Norwich, don’t all rush at once, there’s plenty 🙂

  • Bunter

    February 12th, 2022 - 11:16am

    Last night at 6pm they had two of these left in St Neots after I picked one up. That store never got any of the last wave (that I saw), so this is a relief. Other than that just Marinus, Bobble Heads and Dynamix. Personally I wish so much that the Bobble Heads were actually ‘normal’ style daleks, I can’t stand exaggerated cutesy figures like these (or Dynamix, or Funko Pops for that matter). Each to their own of course, but they would be such great sets, and the bobble heads don’t seem to be flying off the shelves, I see loads in multiple stores.

  • Count Davros

    February 12th, 2022 - 11:01am

    Three ‘Robot’ sets in B&M Lincoln, Tritton Road. Also a few Marinus sets and bobble Daleks.

  • Joe 90

    February 12th, 2022 - 10:26am

    Still no Robot sets at York Foss Islands as of 08:10 this morning.

    They only had:

    X21 Earthshock sets
    Both Dalek bobblehead sets
    11th Doctor Dynamix figures

  • Sammej

    February 12th, 2022 - 10:16am

    2 left in Reading Brunel at time of writing

    • Mr Fish

      February 12th, 2022 - 12:36pm

      Wow those are going fast, I went there about 9am and they had about 8!

    • Century 22 Productions

      February 12th, 2022 - 1:28pm

      There are now 2 again

  • WhoMerchCollector07

    February 12th, 2022 - 9:08am

    Anyone checked Portsmouth area stores?

    • MC

      February 12th, 2022 - 10:43am

      Loads in Blackpool (Bispham) store.

  • Fredfez

    February 12th, 2022 - 8:55am

    Bognor Regis has 8 robots left
    12/2 8:15

  • Fredfez

    February 12th, 2022 - 8:16am

    Bognor Regis
    8 robots left (12/2 8:15)

  • Kasterborous Mongrel

    February 11th, 2022 - 10:53pm

    Picked mine up @ imperial park Bristol, was around 4 left at roughly 11am 11th February 2022

  • Richard Jackson

    February 11th, 2022 - 10:06pm

    Plenty at Rock Retail Park in Birkenhead this afternoon.

  • Mark

    February 11th, 2022 - 9:36pm

    Just grabbed the last K1 Robot set at the B&M in Brislington, Bristol.

    It was right at the back and only noticed when I friend pointed it out.

  • Ryan

    February 11th, 2022 - 7:09pm

    A couple spotted in Yeovil today!

  • mk

    February 11th, 2022 - 6:14pm

    Any new sets at Leytonstone b&m

  • Jonathan Medd

    February 11th, 2022 - 6:09pm

    No sign in Fareham, Newgate Lane this morning

  • Doug Who

    February 11th, 2022 - 4:42pm

    Not sure who posted that they had stock at the Granton Road branch in Edinburgh, but the shelves hadn’t changed at all since I looked for the Five Doctors set and the staff member I asked said they hadn’t had any new ‘Who’ stuff for a while and what was on the shelves was all they had.

    The had plenty of Sensorites, Marinus, Earthshock and Power sets left as well as the Bobbleheads and Dynamix.

    None in Fort Kinnaird either and a very nice member of staff looked in the back and one unopened box of Earthshock was all they had. Plenty of reduced Marinus sets left too. Lots of Bobbleheads and Dynamix as ever!

    Looks like it will be Ebay for me!

    • booboo

      February 11th, 2022 - 5:08pm

      sent you an email

  • Century 22 Productions

    February 11th, 2022 - 4:11pm

    Any luck at the Basingstoke store in Thorneycroft Industrial estate?

    • Coleman

      February 11th, 2022 - 4:29pm

      They have a shop on an Industrial estate?

    • Century 22 Productions

      February 11th, 2022 - 4:38pm

      Yeah it’s just to the west of the town centre. They had pretty good stock of the last wave of figures.

    • Tanya Morris

      February 11th, 2022 - 6:41pm

      Nope we’ve be a bazillion times

    • Century 22 Productionss

      February 11th, 2022 - 8:41pm

      Last wave had most of the sets in but they disappeared off the shelves within a day 🙁

    • Tanya Morris

      February 11th, 2022 - 9:57pm

      Every time we’ve been it’s full of the same stock booble head daleks and the 10” figures

    • Century 22 Productions

      February 11th, 2022 - 10:06pm


    • MDS

      February 12th, 2022 - 9:52am

      Except for the last wave the Basingstoke stores are terrible. Plenty of Harry Potter and Scoobie Doo. But when it comes to Doctor Who one box of figures if we are lucky. No Robots (yet benefit of the doubt). If you want the History of the Dale sets don’t bother.

    • Century 22 Productions

      February 12th, 2022 - 3:43pm

      I agree about the past for that store. Do you mean to say there are some HOTD sets there now?

  • BagOfPlums

    February 11th, 2022 - 3:45pm

    As of today at around 12:30,
    Yeovil have around 3 or 4 left.

  • TheFineLens

    February 11th, 2022 - 3:27pm

    Just been to the Skeleton store, just Sensorites sets now unfortunately

    • t

      February 11th, 2022 - 3:43pm

      if you mean skelton nr saltburn then i got last one yesterday.there is stock in at redcar though or was 11 this morning,

  • Andrew

    February 11th, 2022 - 3:18pm

    Plymouth City Centre – Friday 8.45am
    No Robot sets

  • Andrew

    February 11th, 2022 - 3:16pm

    Saltash, Cornwall – Friday 12:15pm
    Nine Robot sets left on the bottom shelf.

  • Glyn

    February 11th, 2022 - 3:13pm

    9 Robots left in Bognor Regis store as of 3pm Friday.

  • John Sissons

    February 11th, 2022 - 2:59pm

    I wonder why Chesterfield is being ignored again ? They never had the last two waves and will not be getting the Robot either. Strange considering its supposed to be a B&M exclusive.

    • Anonymous

      February 11th, 2022 - 6:10pm

      Not just Chesterfield. After experiencing B&M “customer service” at its best and worst over the last two days, I can provide a partial update on the Derbyshire area:

      As I mentioned on Wednesday, Chez and Alfreton are a no – go. The phrase I seem to be getting a lot is “outranged/ranged out” which basically means no stock being allocated to said store. This also apparently applies to Bolsover and, shockingly, Derby itself (Meteor centre). The guy I spoke to there genuinely seemed to want to help and suggested the Spondon branch, but Spondon is a B&M too far for me, so I have not checked there.

      Somercotes – a glimmer of hope; think they may be getting some in, possibly this weekend, and I have been told that the Replan team(?) will put one aside for me, but I’m not holding my breath, because:-

      Belper – seriously, just don’t bother. By all means have a shufty if you’re in the area, but don’t expect to get any reliable, consistent or helpful information from the lazy, rude incompetents who “staff” this branch, up to and including management level. First it was in, then it wasn’t, ‘cos there was a “misspick”, yeah? at “dc”, an’ it’s your fault, ‘cos you dint give yer name an’ number (I DID give my name and tried to give my number)… honestly possibly the worst retail experience I’ve had.

      Derbyshire has obviously become a black spot as regards allocation of this range over the last year, which I can only put down to B&M’s aggressive expansion. This doesn’t bother me as much, however, as being treated as an unreasonable nuisance by *some* store staff for phoning up to enquire about availability before wasting money/time on bus and train fares, mainly because B&M itself doesn’t give us previously loyal customers ANY OTHER OPTION.

  • booboo

    February 11th, 2022 - 2:51pm

    stock at Eastern Ave Gloucester

    • James

      February 11th, 2022 - 6:52pm

      That’s good… and annoying – it wasn’t there when I visited at 10am this morning.

  • the ergon

    February 11th, 2022 - 2:48pm

    Some of the ones i,ve seen online seem to have pushed down, sealed or squashed mouths. The one i have is straight and open. or is it that the mouth can be moved up and down? I only ask because mine is still sealed.

    • the ergon

      February 11th, 2022 - 3:58pm

      The box is sealed, not the mouth

    • Coleman

      February 11th, 2022 - 4:34pm

      Mines out of package already, on my small display rack on wall, with some of my Harrops Figurines ergon.

    • Richard

      February 11th, 2022 - 4:54pm

      Yes, some have the mouth ‘closed’ in the box.

      The head is removable. You can then move the plastic ‘chin’ piece up and down a little to open or shut the mouth!

      I’m also going to paint the black piece under the chin silver, so it’s screen accurate.

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