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B&M 2021 The Five Doctors (1983) Figure set
Character Options is excited to announce a next wave of Doctor Who action figure sets for 2021 with five new lines scheduled to arrive in B&M stores in Mid-October.
The line-up will introduce two more action figure three packs, two further ‘History of the Daleks’ sets, plus a rather splendid “Doctor & TARDIS” set. This new wave includes highly detailed and decorated 5.5 inch scale figures with multiple points of articulation all of which come packaged in the familiar ‘heritage’ style Doctor Who collector packs with specially created insert artwork. Once again these Limited Edition figure sets all bring something fresh to the range be it the characters themselves or variants never released before.
This set will contain either a Cybertrooper Or Cyberleader
Mock up image
07442 The Five Doctors 1983 collector figure set
This set is from the Classic Anniversary Story the Five Doctors in which the Doctor suffers some cosmic angst that’s revealed to be his other selves being removed from Time to the ‘Death Zone’ on Gallifrey, to aid the dictatorial Time Lord Borusa in his quest for entry to the Tomb of Rassilon. The set features the Third Doctor in his unique outfit from that story, a somewhat weathered Cyberman figure with blaster and for the first time, a figure of the very memorable Raston Warrior Robot.
Al Dewar Character Options’ Creative Director said: “I think it is safe to say this swathe of releases is very different from the first release and features some truly unique characters and ‘Big hitters’. This line up represents some of the finest episodes of the Fifth Doctor, Cyber Androids with interchangeable ‘attack’ hands, a Raston Warrior Robot and a new First Doctors TARDIS that’s not just a repaint! In the Daleks sets we have also delivered something new for fans again with some truly nefarious Daleks and the first real ‘army builder’ set. We hope that our fans and followers enjoy them!”
Roy the Accuser
December 15th, 2021 - 10:41pmCan army build the Cyberleader as well as the Cybertrooper because there are three Leaders in the episode
Roy the Accuser
December 15th, 2021 - 10:44pmCheck out my website if you want to know more about Cyberman ranks. The only page I’ve finished sorry
Dave B
December 12th, 2021 - 12:36pmNottingham Castle Retail Park, Radford Boulevard, has both versions of these (ordinary Cyberman, and Cyberleader), approx 3 of each.
Robert Watkins
December 9th, 2021 - 2:17pmJon’s hair was white by the time of the Five Doctors, this is grey on close inspection. Good to have more Cybermen. Raston Robot okay, but how come no arrow or discs that it threw?
December 10th, 2021 - 10:21pmThe ones I bought this evening look to have whiter hair than the picture shows, which I think is great, as Jon Pertwee’s hair was indeed much whiter by then, as you say!
mark stevenson
December 4th, 2021 - 6:49pmi can confirm there is 2 versions od the five doctors set 1 has got a normal cyberman
and the other the cyber leader
Mark Stevenson
December 4th, 2021 - 3:53pmThis is on ebay
Dave B
December 12th, 2021 - 1:46pmHave you seen how many single Raston Robots and Five Doctors Pertwees there are on ebay? Predictable fallout from all those who bought two sets to get both Cybertrooper and Cyberleader. Strangely someone is selling a single Leader, which you would have thought would be the rarest.
mark stevenson
December 4th, 2021 - 3:51pmTHESE ARE ON EBAY FOUND 1
Mark Stevenson
December 4th, 2021 - 3:24pmFound the 2 version s of this pack in bedford
November 30th, 2021 - 7:45pmAnyone seen any of these sets yet?
December 3rd, 2021 - 3:16pmAn in-store photo has been posted on Twitter today – saw it in one of the FB groups!
Doctor Stu
November 16th, 2021 - 6:15pmHe looks a bit like Lilly savage here
November 16th, 2021 - 11:16pmIdea for a new B&M set.
The celebrity cameo set
Featuring action figures of Peggy Mitchell, Sharon Osbourne, Anne Widdicombe and Paul O’Grady.
Considering how we got odd figures of the most random characters back in the day (Destroyed Cassandra, Grandma Connelly, Hawthorne) I’m surprised we didn’t get this.
The ergon
November 14th, 2021 - 10:02pmCant be long now. Plugging the b and m figs in extra promo merchandise booklet in galaxy 4 dvd. I wonder which will be harder to get. Cyberleader or cyberman. There the first packs ill be checking on the shelves.
November 15th, 2021 - 9:53amThis is my favourite of the new sets ergon. I am really keen to know which of the Cybermen are more harder to find. I think when they arrive I will see which a fewer and buy that one. Have you got any preferences on Cyberleader or Cyberman?
The ergon
November 15th, 2021 - 12:33pmI want both jay. I think that there may be a lot of spare single 3rd doctor and raston warrior robots selling on ebay because of this. There will be a lot of boxchecking and since these cybermen are exclusive fans will want one of each. Its just a case which b and m will stock both and how many in store.
November 15th, 2021 - 4:18pmI’m tempted to get one of each ergon. I just hope we manage to get them ok when they arrive. Good luck in finding yours!.
November 16th, 2021 - 5:13amTbh tho 3rd doctor spares could be used for season 8, the five doctors and dimensions in time and it’s not an exact match but spare raston warrior robots could be used as a stand in for the handbots to build up series 6.
November 24th, 2021 - 3:14pmI reckon the scalpels will by up the sets with the leader. Boohoo any update on a release. Pr co. not saying & Al hasn’t done a video so far.
November 24th, 2021 - 4:17pmkeeping out of it, so much misinformation and quite frankly disturbing apparent misdirection with unknown motive going on recently for my liking.
When the stock arrives we will post it, (although some people don’t seem to know about the real world of unavoidable delays and set backs right now effecting everything and anything)
The ergon
November 24th, 2021 - 3:45pmHandbots with axon body.XD.
The ergon
November 24th, 2021 - 4:16pmWhos to say it wont be the cyberman that might be harder to get hold of?
Dalek Eye Stalk
October 10th, 2021 - 5:00pmAfter this wave of figures (I only want ‘Five Doctors’ set and 1st Doctor/Tardis, plus K1 Robot if it gets a re-release?), I can’t see myself buying many more. Not only am I running short of space, but the cost of living could mean I may well have to adjust my spending in the near future. I would still get the DVDs and Blu-rays. But I know I won’t be able to buy as much Doctor Who merchandise.
October 7th, 2021 - 9:54amHas this Cyberman or cheerleader been released before? Thanks
October 7th, 2021 - 9:55amI mean cyber leader!
October 8th, 2021 - 12:07pmBoth have been released before I think with the B&M Silver Nemesis set.
October 8th, 2021 - 12:29pmThere will be differences with the boots from Silver Nemesis and maybe a darker paint finish as the Silver Nemesis one’s were much more shiny.
d33j r093r5
October 9th, 2021 - 4:14pmThese aren’t the same as the Silver Nemesis Cybermen. They have been released previously, back in the noughties as individual figures in blister packs, with a couple of re-releases here and there. They are they Earthshock Cybers, which reappeared in The Five Doctors, and again in Attack of the Cybermen. The Silver Nemesis Cybers had a different uniform again from these.
The ergon
October 9th, 2021 - 6:05pmFunny. I couldn,t imagine the cyberleader with pom poms.
October 11th, 2021 - 7:16amPreviously in terms of standard 80’s Cybermen we’ve had:
Earthshock Cyberman – Ski Boots and Silver Gun.
Attack Cyberman – Lace Up boots and Green/ Gold Gun
Silver Nemesis – Entirely different Sculpt Helmet, Chest Unit and Body, New Guns, Cyberleader with Solid Black Handles.
Since in the Five Doctors they had the lace up boots they would use again in Attack but the same silver guns as Earthshock they are new variants… on a technicality.
Plus we’ve never had an early 80’s Cyberleader with the divided Black and Silver handles!
October 4th, 2021 - 7:35pmHi Booboo, I apologise if this has been asked but I haven’t seen it yet, when it says it could be cheerleader or normal cyberman, is it random? Or do we just not know what’s in the set? Like will some sets have the leader and some have normal cybermen?
October 4th, 2021 - 8:01pmi honestly dont know, its a 50/50 split but that could mean boxes of 6 contain either or so a chance stores will end up with all the same sets
news on these sets is so diluted now but we should know more when they arrive
October 4th, 2021 - 9:15pmAl has confirmed each store that takes them will get equal numbers of both sets.
The down side of this decision is that it encourages people who want all variants to buy two boxes, which essentially halves the chances of stock being on the shelf when you visit a B&M.
October 12th, 2021 - 2:00pm@Bundy. “The down side of this decision is that it encourages people who want all variants to buy two boxes, which essentially halves the chances of stock being on the shelf when you visit a B&M.”
Which is a double-edged sword. The faster the stock is sold, the more likely that store is to continue stocking the line, or even increase the meterage. A couple of stores in Nottingham no longer stock the Who lines, possibly because they weren’t lucrative enough.
October 3rd, 2021 - 11:41amSomething people seem to be missing is that the 3rd doctor finally has the frilled shirt sculpt without any accessories on it. Nice!
October 3rd, 2021 - 4:30pmProbably not on this site, but it’s all round the internet DrXshock about Jon Pertwee having a shirt with no tie.
October 3rd, 2021 - 9:06amAs someone in Australia, I can’t quite express just how frustrating these releases are to get. It’s either eBay for a ridiculous price, or nothing. Does anyone know if they’re sold anywhere else? They’re so nice
October 3rd, 2021 - 9:34amnot at the moment, looks like the market in Australia and the USA is not big enough any more as previous wholesalers have not ordered them this time.
November 20th, 2021 - 6:04amAgreed. I feel like fans down here have been abandoned.
November 20th, 2021 - 6:14amNo wait – looks like Ikon in Australia has picked these up. Excellent.
Roy the Accuser
December 15th, 2021 - 10:26pmHey bro, I live in Australia too. I bought mine from an online Australian store called Who Central where you can choose to buy either the Cyberleader and/or Cybertrooper set. You can also buy from Sanity but they’ll pick sets at random. And you also have the option to pick your purchases up from the store or have them mailed to you for a really good price. I’d definitely recommend buying The Five Doctors set from Who Central
Roy the Accuser
December 15th, 2021 - 10:35pmHey bro, go to WhoCentral.Sydney to buy online or pick instore. You can choose to buy either the Cyberleader or Cybertrooper set or both.
Jason Z
October 2nd, 2021 - 8:29pmI have a general question to ask, so will put it as a comment on this lovely set. What are the chances of CO re-releasing, in £20 3-sets like these, now-rare figures like Sutekh, Scaroth, Omega and Night of the Doctor 8th? I look at the prices on Ebay and baulk at them. Would they not sell as well?
October 2nd, 2021 - 8:53pmJason, I think theirs a very good chance any of COs back catalogue of figures could end up in these B&M sets. (Why Not). The only problem CO will have with these budget sets is making new Tooling for brand new figures.
October 2nd, 2021 - 8:53pmRemember, the three packs started as a way of re-releasing figures, initially with Tesco before b&m picked them up, and gradually they have been expanded to new figures & variants. Also we do get re-leases like the Axos Brigadier, this cyberman and others for example.
The thing is @Jason Z, it is far more in CO’s interest to release slight variants than exactre-releases, as an attempt to attract both people who missed out on originals who are happy to substitute and those who have originals but want variants. There is no reason for people who do own figures to buy straight re-releases, so they make small changes, like the HOTD squinted eyes.
Also, there is what I like to call “orphan figures”, where part of a set is released but not all. Think of the original claws of axos set, the Jo and Axon man are just as rare but there is a similar brigadier re-release. Similarly the Ainley master is as rare as it has always been, but the hatted 5th doctor that came was re-released with minor variations. Many accessories fall into this category due to budget, including the cane and skull from in this wave.
Jason Z
October 4th, 2021 - 3:56pmThanks both!
Tim M
October 2nd, 2021 - 6:00pmIf I only manage to buy one set. It’s got to be ‘The Five Doctors’ set. For the Pertwee varient and Raston Warrior Robot!
Phantom Sidious
October 2nd, 2021 - 5:00pmHey how come the Cyberman in the batmanmarch review is just a regular cyber scout and not a leader as advertised? What’s going on?!
October 2nd, 2021 - 5:11pmwhy dont you ask him? we don’t get any sets in advance or any other info to be able to answer that
Phantom Sidious
October 2nd, 2021 - 5:21pmI have asked he’s not replying, I thought you guys had some sort of info on these sets in advance or something? Whatever, no cyberleader not buying the sets, false advertising and a deal breaker for me
October 2nd, 2021 - 5:29pmnope we know nothing, we get the official press release (which unlike us hardly any one publishes in full) at the same time as everyone else.
This time it came out of the blue and we were unable to post it for several hours.
we get no info or anything in advance. seems like we are looking at 2 variant sets, a bit like the Jo Grant Smiling / neutral face
October 2nd, 2021 - 5:26pmCaptainJimiPie gave the answer in his review.
Apparently it is a 50/50 variant set, you might receive the cyberleader or the cyberman. The same thing happened with the smiling/neutral joe and the commander/general modern sontaran.
the ergon
October 2nd, 2021 - 5:50pmI hope its not like trying to find a needle in a haystack where the cyberleader is concerned and that would mean buying 2 of the same set if you want both.
October 2nd, 2021 - 5:56pm50/50 split its been said
the ergon
October 2nd, 2021 - 6:12pmWhat i meant Booboo is if some get more cybermen than leaders in store or vice versa. and you would still have to buy both if you want both.
October 2nd, 2021 - 6:15pma right yes i see, depends if they are 50/50 split in the boxes i suppose, otherwise it really is going to be hit a miss
October 2nd, 2021 - 11:50pmI fear it will be like other sets where this has happened (smiling/straight faced Jo, the different ranked Sontarans) and one store only gets one type.
I don’t think CO needed to do this to encourage sales, they would have sold perfectly well all having the same figure – this is just going to frustrate people trying to find the one they want, or needing to buy two sets (reducing the number available to others) to get 4 figures and have 2 duplicates.
the ergon
October 3rd, 2021 - 10:30amSomething else to add to the comments. ‘ Do you know if there Was a cyberleader/cybermen in the sets?’
October 3rd, 2021 - 4:58pmThe cyberman was to be the original release and was sent out in the “pre-production” samples. They changed it to the cyber-leader based on feedback and based on having variety in the sets as it is essentially a new figure.
October 4th, 2021 - 10:45amWhich sets were the smiling/straight faced Jo & the different ranked Sontarans in? I never knew about these. Thanks.
October 4th, 2021 - 10:49amthis set https://merchandise.thedoctorwhosite.co.uk/doctor-who-5-5%e2%80%b3-bm-2017-collectors-set-the-monsters/ and this set https://merchandise.thedoctorwhosite.co.uk/doctor-who-5-5-collectors-set-the-3rd-doctor/
the smiling Joe’s were much rarer i think
October 4th, 2021 - 4:22pmThanks for the links booboo – I think I might actually have the smiling Jo
Alex Oswin
October 2nd, 2021 - 11:46amThis is the must get out of all this year’s sets for me. I wonder if we’ll eventually see more sets from this story with the other Doctors, monsters, and the companions?
October 2nd, 2021 - 11:26amApparently the cyberman figure in this set is a 50/50 chance between a regular scout and a Cyberleader.
October 2nd, 2021 - 12:51pmI was wondering this.
So it’s like another scenario with the Sontaran Commander/General from a few years back.
October 2nd, 2021 - 4:42pmI believe so Judooning.
Phantom Sidious
October 2nd, 2021 - 5:10pmI hope so, otherwise its false advertising, why does there have to be some issue with all the cybermen in these sets being a leader?
October 4th, 2021 - 1:18amCan someone give me more info about the 50/50 Sontaran variants. First I’ve heard about it is here, and I’ve tried to find info elsewhere about it, including on this site, but haven’t turned anything up.
Was it the Sontaran set with Harry, or the 2 Doctors set with Ape-arms Peri that had the variants? How were the figures different?
October 4th, 2021 - 4:55ambottom of the page https://merchandise.thedoctorwhosite.co.uk/doctor-who-5-5%e2%80%b3-bm-2017-collectors-set-the-monsters/
for got used to do all these comparison pics etc when we got the review sets
October 4th, 2021 - 9:08amThe variants nothing major DaveBlob. I think the Sontarans were identicle apart from the collar.
They were three or five tiny marks on collar to denote rank.
The variation was so sleight I only picked up one set of these.
October 2nd, 2021 - 10:29amWas there ever a Cyber Leader in this episode? It’s been a few years since I’ve seen it.
The cyber Leader figure will go nicely with the Earthshock set
October 2nd, 2021 - 10:51amThere was at least 3 throughout the story… The first one one encountered the 5th Doctor and ended up being destroyed by the Master on the “Board of Death” the second was impaled by Raston Robot (being the one in the set) and the third tried to blow up the TARDIS with a cyber-bomb
October 2nd, 2021 - 11:20amThank you for that! Always thought it was a standard cyberman that was impaled by the Raston Warrior. Definitely need a re-watch
October 2nd, 2021 - 2:30pmI think the leader is the one that pukes up the white coloured liquid when he gets hit in the arm… the first one that gets hit direct in the chest is a scout
Roy the Accuser
December 15th, 2021 - 10:39pmI thought I was one of the only people who knew there are three different Cyber patrols in the episode XD
October 2nd, 2021 - 9:53amI’ve seen elsewhere,photos of some sets having cyberleader and some cyberman.
October 2nd, 2021 - 12:00amThey should have called this the five doctors set but with a sub heading “the 3rd doctors encounters” so that they can release more from the episode
Philip Shaw
October 5th, 2021 - 8:41amI’m hoping that they do a set 2 with Hurndall and Susan figures with a Dalek…
Phantom Sidious
October 1st, 2021 - 11:13pmSuperb set, love all the figures and finally a Cyber leader!
October 1st, 2021 - 11:00pmA great chance to get the rare “Attack” Cyberman version without the moonboots and the Raston robot looks cool
Dalek Eye Stalk
October 1st, 2021 - 10:21pmDefinitely want to get this set. The Pertwee figure would look great alongside the Troughton in fur coat figure.
October 1st, 2021 - 10:19pmThese look great. Always wanted a raston warrior robot.
Sons of Skaro
October 1st, 2021 - 10:07pmOoh, nice! I had a feeling they’d do a Reston warrior robot and Earthshock Android. Easy enough to make.
I will be getting this one. But, most likely from eBay as none of the B&M stores near me ever seem to have the dr who sets in stock.
Alan Silvester
October 1st, 2021 - 9:56pmI’m sorry, but the body on the Raston Warrior Robot is all wrong. It’s all too “chunky” and it did not have ripples on the chest – it was smooth. But, obviously, CO have reused the Voord moulds (which they’ve also done for the androids in the Earthshock set). Very obvious and very disappointing. I’m afraid I won’t be rushing out for these.
Children of davros
October 1st, 2021 - 10:07pmYou do realise that co have to reuse moulds to make these commercially viable? It looks enough like the raston and androids to make me happy
the ergon
October 1st, 2021 - 10:40pmIt creases a bit when it moves. i just think they could have added a few more accessories for the raston warrior robot as they did with the sensorites and voords.
the ergon
October 1st, 2021 - 11:04pmThe eaglemoss raston shouldnt be too far behind Alan if this disappoints you. That should have a smoother body.
Century 22 Productions
October 1st, 2021 - 9:55pmAwesome set!