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September 17th, 2021 1,382 comments

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Stocks Arrive – B&M 2021 September Sets Information on Product Codes / Barcodes

Stocks have now arrived and are starting to appear in stores.

We have closed comments on all other B&M posts so they can be concentrated here.

At the time of writing option 3 on published store telephone numbers that allowed you to speak to a member of staff has been removed. You could try the main customer service number, 0330 838 9000 and ask to be put through to your local store or try and find out its direct number.

Shown below are the product codes and bar codes. The app is not allowing you check locations at this time.

We strongly advise you make whatever checks you can yourself to check store availability before traveling.

To find your nearest store visit or use the map below. Please contact if you require more information.

The B&M Map:

This map is a guide only and shouldn’t be used as a definite indication that a particular store has stock

The map shows most stores, if you see any missing please leave a comment. As the app will not allow you to check stock locations at the moment we may use this map to show the distribution pattern and possible stock locations.

If you see stock and take a picture you can send it to [email protected] and we can add it to the map or you can link to an image you are hosting yourself.

This map has layers, if you click on the icon in the blue header at the top left of the map in the you can select which layers you want to see.

A Dalek will be placed to the right of the store concerned but you will need to zoom in to separate the 2 or click off the store location layer.

Please note as the situation on the shop floor is so fluid we will no longer list stock on the map. As far as we can tell the initial delivery for stores that have had stock was for 12 of each figure set and 6 of each Dalek. As you might expect most stores are selling out of Daleks at a faster rate than the sets. Some stores listed have already sold out of all stock

B&M 2021 The Keys of Marinus collector figure set. Product Code 370537.

You can search for the lowest price for this set on or

From a classic episode of 1964 is The Keys of Marinus Collector Figure three figure Set. This Ian Chesterton Action Figure depicts one of The Doctors very first companions and is accompanied by not one but two Voord Warrior Action Figures with dagger accessory.

B&M 2021 The Sensorites (1964) collector figure set. Product Code 370538.

You can search for the lowest price for this set on or

This Doctor Who Collectors set is a must have for all Doctor Who fans and collectors and includes a trio of detailed Doctor Who figures from the classic 1964 episode ‘The Sensorites’.

History of The Daleks #5 Power of the Daleks. Product Code 370539. (Sets 5 and 7 have the same code).

You can search for History of The Daleks Sets on

The Doctor Who Daleks’ Collector Sets have their very own fan base and to mix things up a little the next two sets are slightly out of order to give a more varied on shelf presence. The Power of the Daleks Set, comprising of two highly detailed Daleks – The Silver Drone Dalek and Drone with Mutant Scoop Dalek.

History of The Daleks #7 Day of the Daleks. Product Code 370539. (Sets 5 and 7 have the same code).

You can search for the lowest price for this set on

Finally, we jump one story forwards to the next decade to 1972’s ‘Day of the Daleks’ and The Daleks’ first foray into colour TV with Collector Set #7 which celebrates this four part story first shown in January of that year.

Our own images of the box and figures in the Sensorites set…

The First Doctor on the left from this set and the First Doctor from the 13 Doctors set on the right showing the different variations in costume…

Please note in future comments will be restricted to stock locations reports only and all comments will be on moderation for a while.

Categorised under: News, Retail



  • the ergon

    September 11th, 2021 - 6:09pm

    Frustration setting in a little for some. Its only the third day.

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 6:16pm

      yes, we might look to shut this off for a while and leave it others in future, seriously the flack is not worth it. I understand business and i know how this works and we have 3 sets to find ourselves!

    • the ergon

      September 11th, 2021 - 6:33pm

      I,d be interested to know how far people are willing to travel to get these items rather than just rely on Ebay. I know not a lot of people can get out and about but if they really want to find them…. The 3 figure packs were the ones i most wanted for now but im sure the day one will show up next week +. The store distribution is random as hell for example West Yorkshire city centres seem to not have much or any stock at present but you will get a smaller b and m 200 yards up the road who have them in. Sheffield Meadowhall retail park haven,t had nothing, yet about 10 minute drive from there at Rotherham parkway they have had the plentiful lot. Its the luck of the pallot.

    • the ergon

      September 11th, 2021 - 6:39pm

      I bet most people would dearly like to go the distance outside their areas but wouldn,t want to waste the mileage when they may get the items they want just the following week.

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 6:48pm

      We are bit more patient than we used to be, i would have driven the UK at one time to get these sets 1st ( once drove Cheltenham to Wales to get CB silent spaceship from BBC shop miles away because they were the first to get it)

      Everything became less important with the advance of social media / lack of acknowledgement etc and we get them when we can now.

      This site essentially exist because we are fellow collectors like the rest of you and we probably have one of the biggest Doctor Who collections out there.

    • the ergon

      September 11th, 2021 - 7:00pm

      Thats the right attitude. You know youre going to get them eventually anyway. Its just when others are reading comments like ‘I picked all 4 sets up today’… thats when it sets off the urgency, desperation and frustration for some who might be miles from their nearest store. Its better if people keep their purchases to themselves and just state where they are seen to help out.

    • The ergon

      September 11th, 2021 - 7:14pm

      Booboo i know you once said you collect almost everything but do you own any actual props or replicas from classic or new who?

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 8:00pm

      replica life size Dalek but props not really my thing

    • Dalek Commander

      September 11th, 2021 - 9:20pm

      I think the whole thing can be summed up by the fact that if it was not for B & M funding the sets we would most likely get nothing. B & M has a business model which is really wrong for collectors hence the anger and frustration. Not the ideal however at the moment the best option we have to get any sets.
      I do think the postings which have people saying they have purchased 5 or 6 sets are unhelpful. Let’s just keep it for information as to where things are. Let’s help each other. That way we will all get the sets we want. You will get them in the end.

    • Alydon2007

      September 12th, 2021 - 12:20am

      I hope I didn’t cause offence with my earlier post, booboo… My frustration is not with you at all but with the endless trekking round B&M stores when I really don’t want to be in there, especially at the moment with the extra stress of the pandemic…

      This site and the work you do on it is superb… and I do really really appreciate it a lot!!

    • Independently Cross

      September 12th, 2021 - 1:57pm

      Pretty jealous of the life size Dalek, Booboo, not gonna lie 😀

    • Coleman

      September 12th, 2021 - 5:10pm

      Independently Cross, Prototype Daleks got a full size Paradigm Dalek on Collections if you check it out.
      Booboo, I seem to remember you showing just a glimpse of your full size Dalek when you posted a photo of your Eaglemoss collection around a year ago?

    • booboo

      September 12th, 2021 - 5:14pm

      yes i did i think, its still a work in progress

    • Coleman

      September 12th, 2021 - 5:37pm

      Their was just the plunger and gun on show in the photo but I thought it looked like a full sized Dalek.

    • Independently Cross

      September 12th, 2021 - 6:07pm

      That’s awesome. No matter how difficult life might seem sometimes: if you as a kid knew you were gonna grow up to get a life size Dalek, they’d have thought you were living right, eh? Sweet!

  • Haza14

    September 11th, 2021 - 5:49pm

    Just popped into the Bristol fishponds store and nothing there. Had a good look round. There is a Dalek on the map so not sure if there was stock but it didn’t look like there was, no gaps on shelves etc.

    • Haza14

      September 11th, 2021 - 11:02pm

      Damn! Must have missed out already then! Definitely none there today and no sign of where they would have been on the selves! 🙁

  • Lloyd

    September 11th, 2021 - 5:33pm

    3 Day of the Daleks sets & 4 Power of the Daleks sets at Baglan store @ 17:30

  • Mr Greel

    September 11th, 2021 - 5:32pm

    Leicester Belgrave – As @ 5:30pm Sat – 7 Sensorite Sets & 1 Power Set only left on shelf.

    • Doc

      September 11th, 2021 - 6:17pm

      Wait, ONE Power set left?! When I went there this afternoon, there were like 6 or 7 of them! I hope it isn’t scalpers roaming around…

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 6:19pm

      Probably because you let genuine collectors know they were there, that’s what we do, have you seen how many views the map has had?

      People assume cleared shelves are due to scalpers but mostly its not, its because collectors in their droves know where to go thanks to people like you!


      September 11th, 2021 - 7:34pm

      i just got power, sensorite amd marinus no gold grey as of 645 pm today


      September 11th, 2021 - 7:44pm

      I got sensorite, marinus and power daleks from there no good chatted to guy there were some but gone as of 645pm Saturday

    • Doc

      September 11th, 2021 - 8:20pm

      Well, I’m glad I was of help! If they do restock (which I’ve a hunch my local one will no) I’ll try to pick up HOTD #5

  • Independently Cross

    September 11th, 2021 - 5:29pm

    Just got back from Yeading/Willow Tree Lane after hours of travel and promising myself I’d wait rather than waste a third horrible and potentially disappointing day at this.. but with both Dalek sets! Sadly, only one Power/set 5 left there now after I picked up one of each of the Power and Days. No 3-packs to be found.
    This was apparently another restock on the shelves there today, all the stock put out, and all nearly gone again in the space of a couple of hours.
    No restock at small Hayes/Pump Lane yet and not in today’s delivery which was being shelved this afternoon.
    Ruislip: still no sign of any.

  • Mr Who

    September 11th, 2021 - 5:23pm

    You’d think with London being a high demand area that we would get the sets. It is rather a strange business model with B&M just keep popping in so you keep spending on something else till you get what you want. I spent 29p on a drink. I paid £4.65 bus fare to get there so from a customer perspective it is an inconvenience when they do not distribute evenly. Most businesses will do stock counts and replenish stock. Don’t get me wrong I like B&M but I do think they should rethink their business model because it clearly isn’t working fairly for the customers and that is important if you want to keep them. It seems like they don’t want us to talk to anyone on the phone or see stock. Alienating their customer base from them.

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 5:35pm

      They won’t worry, 600+ stores, successful and ever expanding business and Doctor Who a tiny tiny part of their income and they won’t suffer at all if it ends, They will just find something else because they are good at that.

      The real story is that the buyers do care, but it has to fit with their business model, get people in stores, and it works, which is most likely the only reason these sets for the last few years exist at all.

    • Mr Who

      September 11th, 2021 - 5:36pm

      I see. Hope they come soon. ❤️

  • AdamW

    September 11th, 2021 - 5:19pm

    Marshwood, Canterbury (Units 1, 3 6 Marshwood Cl, Canterbury CT1 1DX) store has just got the Daleks in! (Only Dalek sets). I managed to pick up some up.

  • Chris

    September 11th, 2021 - 5:13pm

    Portsmouth stores, anyone?

    • Good!Grief!

      September 11th, 2021 - 11:11pm

      Ocean Retail had Marinus sets at about 5.30pm!

  • Kone112

    September 11th, 2021 - 5:07pm

    Any one seen any sets in the sunderland area?

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 5:11pm

      not that i can see

  • jvm2701

    September 11th, 2021 - 5:04pm

    9 sets of Marinus sets in Newtownabbey branch in Northern Ireland as of 17.03 on Saturday 11th September.

  • NathyNayf

    September 11th, 2021 - 4:37pm

    Ellesmere Port have both The Marinus set and The Sensorite set. No Daleks though.

  • Kytori

    September 11th, 2021 - 4:36pm

    I’m about to head to the Kingsway store in half hour or so to pick up any sets that I can, it sounds like the Cheltenham store (My closest) isn’t getting any soon.

    If anyone has any info on other Gloucestershire stores I can visit tomorrow to get any sets, would appreciated the info!

    • Robert Watkins

      September 11th, 2021 - 4:49pm

      I’m not sure if city will get any of many, they’ve been inconsistent at times. Kingsway only had the Capaldi and Ace set last release time

    • Kytori

      September 11th, 2021 - 6:06pm

      Got myself one keys of marinus set from Gloucester kingsway, they had 7 more on the shelf. Spoke to staff they said they’re expecting more in the coming days.

    • Robert Watkins

      September 11th, 2021 - 6:11pm

      Thanks Kaytori, saves me a trip from Prestbury for one set!

    • Aiden

      September 11th, 2021 - 8:03pm

      Hopefully going up tommorrow to get one, that’s if there not gone by the time I get there

  • booboo

    September 11th, 2021 - 4:32pm

    Thanks to all those sending pictures in, its so busy not getting time to reply but its all appreciated

    • Jack D. Evans

      September 11th, 2021 - 4:40pm

      Thank YOU for setting this map up and allowing collectors and fans to help each other out!

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 4:45pm

      its not working as well as i had hopped but its the only option for now as you cant phone and they have disabled the app on these products, big problem is how quickly stock goes in and out of stores just impossible to keep track of but at least it gives an idea of spread, but big thanks to all those leaving comments / sending pictures we could do it with out you!

  • Joe

    September 11th, 2021 - 4:32pm

    Checked Leytonstone and they have The Keys of Marinus sets, they has about 10 left when I was there. I asked a member of staff if they had the other sets and they didn’t. I also checked Tottenham & Newbury Park again and they didn’t have anything.

  • The Educator

    September 11th, 2021 - 4:24pm

    Booboo, any reports from Chesterfield, Mansfield or the surrounding areas? Looking like East Midlands hasn’t been blessed yet…

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 4:28pm

      nothing, however stock is coming through to the “void Areas” so hang in in there, lots more stock to get out there yet

    • Tom’s Refurbishments

      September 11th, 2021 - 4:55pm

      I asked the management in the Chesterfield store on Thursday about the Dalek sets and they said that they weren’t listed for receiving them at all. However, they said that a few years back regarding the 4th Doctor TARDIS and then they had it in about a week later.

    • The Educator

      September 11th, 2021 - 7:22pm

      Lovely, thank you both for the info! Thank you as well Booboo for doing all of this by the way- this has been massively helpful and I can’t wait to join everyone else in own these great sets.

  • Dan

    September 11th, 2021 - 4:21pm

    Any sightings in Birmingham/West Midlands?

  • Lloyd

    September 11th, 2021 - 4:20pm

    5 Marinus sets & 6 Sensorites sets at Llanelli store.
    10+ Marinus sets at Cross Hands Store.
    Nothing in Llansamlet & Neath stores as of 16:00

  • Jack D. Evans

    September 11th, 2021 - 4:17pm

    A few Power/Day Dalek sets and lots of Sensorites in Chepstow at 2:30pm today. There was two Power of the Daleks sets and one last Day of the Daleks set.

  • Eccentric_Polymath

    September 11th, 2021 - 4:04pm

    B&M York Rd Doncaster has some Sensorite sets in as well as a small amount of both daleks sets, pretty hidden away but no Keys of marinus sets

    As for Lakeside B&M Doncaster, not a single one, hope that helps

  • EndlessTimelord

    September 11th, 2021 - 3:53pm

    Any sightings in Scotland? Particularly around Aberdeen?

    Checked yesterday, couldn’t see anything. Didn’t want to ask staff as they all looked busy! It seems Scotland is currently lacking stock atm

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 3:57pm

      Alloa, confirmed so stuff must be getting that way

  • Euan Bird

    September 11th, 2021 - 3:48pm

    B&M Alloa had The Keys of Marinus and History of the Daleks #7. I only picked up the Marinus set as I don’t collect the Dalek sets. There were I would say 10+ of each set.

    • Euan Bird

      September 11th, 2021 - 3:51pm

      To add to this comment, this was in Scotland so it looks like Scotland is now getting the sets

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 3:55pm

      I know Alloa (or did ) well

    • Alastair R

      September 11th, 2021 - 5:56pm

      Thanks for the tip Euan, took a drive through this evening. I found some History of the Daleks #5 behind the 7’s so there’s a couple of them there too. Only one set to go!

  • Danny

    September 11th, 2021 - 3:47pm

    HOD 5 and 7 (now 3 of each) and Marinus sets in Darlington North Road B&M… no Sensorites as yet 🙂

  • Nathan

    September 11th, 2021 - 3:39pm

    Any in Gloucester this afternoon please?

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 3:42pm

      Some one said Gloucester Kingsway store has Keys of Marinus sets, eastern Avenue had nothing this morning we checked but stock could be outback

  • George

    September 11th, 2021 - 3:38pm

    Three ‘Sensorites’ set left in B&M Queens Drive/Utting Avenue Liverpooll at 3:15 this afternoon.

  • Doc

    September 11th, 2021 - 3:08pm

    B&M Belgrave Gate has got both Dalek & Sensorites sets. Not sure about the Ian Chesterton one though.

    • Janet Black

      September 11th, 2021 - 4:03pm

      They have not. I was there at 3.30, the lady was there with her list in hand. No Dr Who on the shelves, no gap where they should go. She is expecting them, but doesn’t know when they’ll be arriving.

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 4:13pm

      Are you sure about that? They have sent in photos of the stock in boxes on the shop floor!

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 4:14pm

      They are a regular poster here as well…

    • Doc

      September 11th, 2021 - 4:29pm

      Janet, they’re on shelves as we speak. Aisle 13, below the WWE stuff. Thanks.

    • Doc

      September 11th, 2021 - 4:45pm

      I double checked, seems like there’s no Dalek sets on shelves, so I’m not sure if they’re out of stock already…if they are, my apologies.

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 4:46pm

      photos still useful if you can, they sort of give people reassurance (if its needed) that stock is out there

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 4:48pm

      only 6 of each Daleks as opposed to 12 of each 3 figure sets, Daleks selling out instantly in many places

    • Doc

      September 11th, 2021 - 4:56pm

      ‘Sent another photo of the sets in shelves, sorry that it isnt clear, some boxes were in the way & my phone camera can take so many in one shot! If the Dalek sets are here then, great! If not, well I apologise for the people who’ve missed out.

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 4:59pm

      you do not need to apologise! did you manage to get the Dalek sets from last year?

    • Doc

      September 11th, 2021 - 5:14pm

      Hi, booboo! If you’re referring to the November sets with the Ace & Dalek + 12th Doctor & Davros, then yes, I did bought them. ‘Glad I was able to help! This current wave, I only bought HOTD #7 this time. So, obviously the rest should be there.

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 5:18pm

      i thought you were after some of the earlier History Dalek sets last year? just wondered if you had managed to get them

    • Doc

      September 11th, 2021 - 5:33pm

      I was only able to get HOTD #3. But, someone else was able to get it for me. So, only HOTD#3 for the October range.

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 5:38pm

      so you have everything?

    • Janet Black

      September 11th, 2021 - 6:05pm

      I was aware of Doctorus’ posting history, so I fully expected the sets to be there. However, they definitely were not on the shelves at 3.30 – I thoroughly checked all the shelves three times before approaching the lady I mentioned, who said that she was responsible for the toys and that they were not in the store at all, but showed me all three codes on the list of what is supposed to be coming. As I reached her, she was already talking to a young man who had also rushed in there in response to that post and we both left the store empty-handed. I’m not going back in there today – bad enough leaving the house on a saturday, of all days, (it’s a big problem for me any day).

    • Doc

      September 11th, 2021 - 6:09pm

      I guess, booboo? I didn’t collect everything from the October range of last year, due to the distribution errors. The November sets, I managed to get & as for this year’s range, I’ve bought HOTD Set 7

    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 6:23pm

      still unclear, is there any past sets you don’t have that you want?

    • Doc

      September 11th, 2021 - 9:18pm

      I guess I wanted HOTD #4 & the 5th Doctor & TARDIS set of the October 2020 Range . That’s all. Maybe even the Power set but that’s sold out at my local stores now.

  • Luke

    September 11th, 2021 - 2:53pm

    Any in Fareham or Portsmouth stores?

  • The11thDoctorThe2nd

    September 11th, 2021 - 2:49pm

    Anyone had fresh eyes on Watford today? Went yesterday and they had nothing.

  • Stiki

    September 11th, 2021 - 2:20pm

    At 9AM this morning:

    – Abingdon, South Oxfordshire – Dalek History Sets 5 & 7 and Keys of Marinus Sets
    – Didcot, South Oxfordshire – Keys of Marinus Sets only

    Hope this helps?

    • stiki

      September 11th, 2021 - 5:42pm

      Went back at 5PM – All The Dalek History Set 7s had gone BUT they did have the Sensorite Set.

  • DrWhoFan689

    September 11th, 2021 - 2:19pm

    Any in Basingstoke?

    • MDS

      September 11th, 2021 - 5:08pm


  • James Norman

    September 11th, 2021 - 2:15pm

    Still nothing in Cheltenham. I’m not surprised as the store is a mess with everything scattered everywhere, while they finish the extension.

    • Robert Watkins

      September 11th, 2021 - 2:48pm

      Cheltenham- I spoke to a member of staff who toys are on hold whilst the refit goes ahead, so at least a month delay.

    • James Norman

      September 11th, 2021 - 3:31pm

      That’s a nuisance. It’s the only store I can get to with any degree of regularity.

    • Robert Watkins

      September 11th, 2021 - 4:18pm

      Hi James
      There are five stores in Gloucestershire altogether, not sure if you can get to any of the Gloucester or Lydney ones?


    • booboo

      September 11th, 2021 - 4:23pm

      Evesham? I got the last lot 2 years ago from there (when i used to go into shops!)

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