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September 17th, 2021 1,382 comments

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Stocks Arrive – B&M 2021 September Sets Information on Product Codes / Barcodes

Stocks have now arrived and are starting to appear in stores.

We have closed comments on all other B&M posts so they can be concentrated here.

At the time of writing option 3 on published store telephone numbers that allowed you to speak to a member of staff has been removed. You could try the main customer service number, 0330 838 9000 and ask to be put through to your local store or try and find out its direct number.

Shown below are the product codes and bar codes. The app is not allowing you check locations at this time.

We strongly advise you make whatever checks you can yourself to check store availability before traveling.

To find your nearest store visit or use the map below. Please contact if you require more information.

The B&M Map:

This map is a guide only and shouldn’t be used as a definite indication that a particular store has stock

The map shows most stores, if you see any missing please leave a comment. As the app will not allow you to check stock locations at the moment we may use this map to show the distribution pattern and possible stock locations.

If you see stock and take a picture you can send it to [email protected] and we can add it to the map or you can link to an image you are hosting yourself.

This map has layers, if you click on the icon in the blue header at the top left of the map in the you can select which layers you want to see.

A Dalek will be placed to the right of the store concerned but you will need to zoom in to separate the 2 or click off the store location layer.

Please note as the situation on the shop floor is so fluid we will no longer list stock on the map. As far as we can tell the initial delivery for stores that have had stock was for 12 of each figure set and 6 of each Dalek. As you might expect most stores are selling out of Daleks at a faster rate than the sets. Some stores listed have already sold out of all stock

B&M 2021 The Keys of Marinus collector figure set. Product Code 370537.

You can search for the lowest price for this set on or

From a classic episode of 1964 is The Keys of Marinus Collector Figure three figure Set. This Ian Chesterton Action Figure depicts one of The Doctors very first companions and is accompanied by not one but two Voord Warrior Action Figures with dagger accessory.

B&M 2021 The Sensorites (1964) collector figure set. Product Code 370538.

You can search for the lowest price for this set on or

This Doctor Who Collectors set is a must have for all Doctor Who fans and collectors and includes a trio of detailed Doctor Who figures from the classic 1964 episode ‘The Sensorites’.

History of The Daleks #5 Power of the Daleks. Product Code 370539. (Sets 5 and 7 have the same code).

You can search for History of The Daleks Sets on

The Doctor Who Daleks’ Collector Sets have their very own fan base and to mix things up a little the next two sets are slightly out of order to give a more varied on shelf presence. The Power of the Daleks Set, comprising of two highly detailed Daleks – The Silver Drone Dalek and Drone with Mutant Scoop Dalek.

History of The Daleks #7 Day of the Daleks. Product Code 370539. (Sets 5 and 7 have the same code).

You can search for the lowest price for this set on

Finally, we jump one story forwards to the next decade to 1972’s ‘Day of the Daleks’ and The Daleks’ first foray into colour TV with Collector Set #7 which celebrates this four part story first shown in January of that year.

Our own images of the box and figures in the Sensorites set…

The First Doctor on the left from this set and the First Doctor from the 13 Doctors set on the right showing the different variations in costume…

Please note in future comments will be restricted to stock locations reports only and all comments will be on moderation for a while.

Categorised under: News, Retail



  • Mr Rob Marsden

    September 3rd, 2021 - 8:24pm

    Nothing in Sheffield Chesterfield Road branch this afternoon.

  • booboo

    September 3rd, 2021 - 6:12pm

    not hearing about any stock getting out to stores right now

    • Robert W

      September 3rd, 2021 - 8:11pm

      Supermarkets are struggling with some food items, let alone plastic space dollies at B&M. I think we might have a bit of wait yet!

    • SFS

      September 3rd, 2021 - 10:11pm

      That’s very worrying like many other things with driver shortages 🙁

    • Prototype dalek

      September 4th, 2021 - 9:19am

      I spoke to member of staff who knows about the set’s from previous years, she mainly said it’ll probably take a number of weeks for them to get in to stores but still check every other week just incase. Probably because of the lines of what you said booboo.

    • booboo

      September 4th, 2021 - 11:11am

      yes, in other times stock would have been in some stores by now

    • Coleman

      September 4th, 2021 - 11:22am

      That’s what I was thinking Robert W.
      One of our local McDonalds for the last TWO WEEKS, never as any bottled pop or bottled water and sometimes no Coffee or Tea either. When I complained before the Lady said the issues are nationwide not just our store.
      So I don’t know what’s going to happen with non urgent items?

    • The ergon

      September 4th, 2021 - 11:45am

      It would be nice if they came by my birthday which is next week but could be weeks off yet. Will be very lucky if we get wave 2 by xmas.

    • Coleman

      September 4th, 2021 - 11:58am

      Basically every year, their appears to be issues now, it’s just par for the course I suppose.

    • Prototype dalek

      September 4th, 2021 - 12:24pm

      I’m curious to know if they’ll roll it out across stores like past times in the first couple weeks or just scattered when priority stock is all taken care of and their is a driver available for those stores.

    • booboo

      September 4th, 2021 - 12:28pm

      they could just be trying to make sure the stock is more evenly distributed this time and just waiting for the appropriate window

      they might be giving priority to Halloween which is time limited unlike these which go go on shelves at any time

    • Coleman

      September 4th, 2021 - 1:47pm

      Ah,ah, what a coincidence ergon my Birthdays also in September, a couple of weeks off still though. Was having this wave as a present, so was also hoping theyd come soon.

    • Prototype dalek

      September 4th, 2021 - 2:02pm

      Wonder if that’ll make it more late September then after the Halloween stuff has arrived or been put up

    • the ergon

      September 4th, 2021 - 4:51pm

      And as we are in good Who company coleman as janet Fielding and Billie piper are also virgos.

    • Coleman

      September 4th, 2021 - 7:55pm

      I’m a Libran ergon, only just. (It’s very close though). Won’t give too much away because you don’t know who’s reading.

    • the ergon

      September 4th, 2021 - 9:31pm

      Its fine Coleman. Somethings are personal. Actually Billies is on the cusp so shes almost a libran.

    • Colemas

      September 6th, 2021 - 10:32am

      I recently asked Booboo, what are the chances of getting the Robot set in the 3rd wave, for December (and Christmas). NOW I should say virtually no chance.

    • The ergon

      September 6th, 2021 - 12:46pm

      The k-1robot might come as part of wave 2 coleman. I think we are assuming that this wave would be earthshock, five doctors and 1st with tardis. Nothing else seems to be rumoured or speculated as to what else would be in a wave 3 so this could easily be included. The question then is when?

    • Coleman.

      September 6th, 2021 - 3:59pm

      Don’t forget the other two History of the Dalek sets aswell ergon supposed to be in the 2nd wave.

    • The ergon

      September 6th, 2021 - 5:07pm

      Thanks for reninding me coleman. Although to get those 4 sets in 3 waves i suppose its not inconceivable to have k-1and first with tardis to add a few variants from five docs and earthshock sets like they did with companions and unit soldiers last year.

    • Ron

      September 6th, 2021 - 5:45pm

      ‘Plastic space dollies’ gave me a good laugh…

    • Spacewarp

      January 11th, 2022 - 7:18pm

      I drop into my local stores every fortnight or so, and although there’s the odd single Dalek set #6 (and I do mean single), there are still loads of Marinus and Sensorite sets. I mean as a fan it was very welcome to have them, but they don’t seem to have mainstream appeal. Even the scalpers aren’t touching them.

    • Robert Watkins

      January 11th, 2022 - 8:52pm

      I think they will drop in price even further

  • Keith Walker

    September 3rd, 2021 - 3:35pm

    There are 2 B&M stores in Northern Ireland missing from the map: Portadown and Craigavon. Both are in County Armagh.


      September 4th, 2021 - 3:11pm

      and Bangor N.I. in county Down

  • Alan Silvester

    September 3rd, 2021 - 2:04pm

    They haven’t made it down south yet – none in the store at Bognor.

  • Button

    September 3rd, 2021 - 12:32pm

    Update from B&M’s in Sale. Unfortunately no sets as of yet, however I did notice that they are readying the seasonal isle for this year so they could put the figures out while doing that.

    • Coleman

      September 3rd, 2021 - 12:47pm

      Button, Something else Ive notice at B&M stores around this time of year. (Don’t know if anyone else notices this in other parts of the country). But all my local B&M stores only have maybe one isle full of boys and girls toys for most of the year. But around now on the run up to Christmas they usually expand the toys to two full isles. (One for boys and a seperate isle for girls).
      The Gardening section which usually as Two full isles of merchandise through the Summer turns into just one isle.
      So hopefully this happens soon and they leave plenty of space for the new CO stuff.

    • Coleman

      September 3rd, 2021 - 12:56pm

      I havnt been in any B&Ms for a couple of months (last time was for a three pack of them humidifier containers). But Buttons mentioned their altering their seasonal isles at this minute. (So, this might be it guys).

    • booboo

      September 3rd, 2021 - 1:01pm

      Halloween stuff it its not already out

    • Coleman

      September 3rd, 2021 - 1:06pm

      Ah. Forgot about that Booboo, (how could I forget about that it’s huge). then it should be the Christmas reshuffle.

    • Alan Silvester

      September 3rd, 2021 - 1:38pm

      None down south in the Bognor store. Plenty of discounted Harry Potter, if you’re interested!

    • MDS

      September 3rd, 2021 - 4:05pm

      The second isle in Basingstoke has the 2 for £20 games offers

    • Coleman

      September 3rd, 2021 - 5:09pm

      Was shopping day today, so called at B&M at Stairfoot. Nothing in today ergon.
      Did notice though in the toy section the WWE wresters had a figure of Rowdy Ronda Roust, that surprised me.
      During lockdown got interested In MMA, especially the woman’s contests. (They knock the hell out of each other and don’t hold back).
      After Ronda’s last two fights which she lost, I’d heard she gone into WWE, but was still surprised they had a figure of her already. (Good likeness aswell for a six inch figure).

    • Coleman

      September 3rd, 2021 - 5:12pm

      Should be Rousy.

    • the ergon

      September 3rd, 2021 - 6:13pm

      An old workmate of mine was into WWE. Not a fan myself, not since those old saturday afternoon fights on World of Sport with Big Daddy, Giant Haystacks, Mick McManus and Griffiths himself from Attack of the Cybermen Brian Glover. We used to see him occasionally going into a pub at Newmillerdam going towards Wakefield (apparently he was a regular). I did enjoy the film ‘fighting with my Family’ directed by Stephen Merchant of The Office fame, which starred Florence Pugh as ‘Jade’ (a fictionalised biopic) and featured other ex WWE stars including The Rock himself Dwayne Johnson. Super hot Jade but then so is Florence Pugh.

    • Coleman

      September 3rd, 2021 - 6:46pm

      Hello Ergon, I’m not a fan of Wrestling. only recently got interested in MMA during lockdown.
      Ronda Rouseys fight against Amanda Nunes was awesome. Ronda was the big favourite but Amanda wasn’t having any of that. Check it out on YouTube if you get time it only lasts a couple of minutes.

  • Dalek Commander

    September 3rd, 2021 - 11:39am

    Now up on ebay £95

    • booboo

      September 3rd, 2021 - 11:47am

      they dont have them though

  • John smith

    September 3rd, 2021 - 11:14am

    None in Newport, Cardiff or Caerphilly yet

    • The Real M

      September 3rd, 2021 - 6:56pm

      Or Bridgend

    • Anonymous

      September 4th, 2021 - 11:15am

      Did you manage to get them In B&M stores last year John, with the distribution issues?

  • Martino

    September 3rd, 2021 - 11:03am

    Checked with the Willesden branch this morning, no sets yet, and really noticeable lack of stock in other departments

  • Karl Clemmy

    September 3rd, 2021 - 9:39am

    None in Lancaster branch, which isn’t a surprise really, they usually get them months after everyone else or not at all, so expected not to find any, further afield to try

  • Ste Carruthers

    September 3rd, 2021 - 6:43am

    There are two stores in Wigan missing off the list, there’s a big store in the city centre then a bigger home store on Marus Bridge retail park which is a 5 minute drive from the town centre

  • TARDIS traveller

    September 3rd, 2021 - 12:06am

    Looking at the map I’m in the middle of a triangle of distribution centres so will check stock around me tomorrow

  • The 2nd Joker

    September 2nd, 2021 - 11:48pm

    so no more america services? no chance for the other side of the world to collect these? the gogs1 store also empited their stocks and all they have is graham figures

    • lister

      September 3rd, 2021 - 12:19am

      Gogs1 was only the “official” US Doctor Who seller for about a year. I had very little trouble getting the B&M sets in America before Gogs1 came along. I don’t see why it would be any different now.

    • Coleman

      September 3rd, 2021 - 10:17am

      I feel your pain The 2nd Joker.
      I’m from Engand and I also collect Star Wars merchandise besides Dr Who. America always gets all the best Hasbro collectibles and it’s as if Europe (an entire continent) doesn’t exist.

  • pupbenny

    September 2nd, 2021 - 5:38pm

    It’s amazing how London has so few stores. xD None near me.

  • The ergon

    September 2nd, 2021 - 3:08pm

    Coleman. Don,t know how much you want to read into it but the woman who deals with the toys say they aren,t getting the doctor who sets in at stairfootdue to having to sell the items off as cheap.called en route earlier. She did say others had rung but i still think they will get them but dont seem in a rush to do so this year.

    • booboo

      September 2nd, 2021 - 3:21pm

      i think its unfortunate that some stores were overloaded as all the stock was essentially sent to half the country giving a false impression at store level of poor sales

    • The ergon

      September 2nd, 2021 - 3:46pm

      Their just store staff. I cant take her comments too seriously even though she did say she had to mark the last of them up just to clear the shelves for new stock. I know what you mean booboo but these workers must not have much of an idea about evenly spread distribution but just open boxes and see excess stock of certain items. There cant be much communication between head office and stores up and down the country when some are overloaded and others arent. Is there noone complaining?

    • booboo

      September 2nd, 2021 - 3:50pm

      there is, but as with many companies they become so big significant discrepancies to us are nothing to them and the DW stuff is a tiny tiny part of their income.

      I was only just saying to someone I’m seeing huge mistakes, pricing discrepancies, listing errors etc etc across the whole DW franchise at the moment.

    • Coleman

      September 2nd, 2021 - 4:13pm

      Bit of a sickener if true ergon.
      I live bang in the middle of Barnsley, Sheffield, Doncaster And Rotherham, it’s a similar distance to travel in milage to them all, from where I live. So hopefully one of them will get all the figures, I’ll be ok.
      I can understand their situation, but it was caused by their own distribution issues. (They can’t blame anyone else).

    • the ergon

      September 2nd, 2021 - 4:32pm

      If they let me down its either Meadowhall or Doncaster. i thought we might be set and reliable after the last few years like the Grimsby store usually is. Never take nothing for granted or as given. Still like i say i,ll call in once a week if no joy elsewhere and if going past, you never know.

    • Coleman

      September 2nd, 2021 - 4:45pm

      I don’t know if your familiar with the pargate store ergon, but they always get them in. Not the Rotherham store, but the actual pargate retail park.

    • the ergon

      September 2nd, 2021 - 4:56pm

      Its a bit off route and they were later i think at getting these than the other stores around south Yorkshire if i remember a few comments from last year. Doncaster was good a few years ago but last year were slow off the mark, the same with Meadowhall. There were more sightings though not much in sheffield city centre either. Last resort would be Wakefield city centre though when they get them they stock well and like stairfoot is huge..

    • TTF3000

      September 3rd, 2021 - 7:40am

      The figures being over ordered has nothing to do with the workers most stores like ours have 1 or 2 people on the toy section they were over ordered by the main company most likely due to how popular the waves before sold and thanks boo for explaining that the dw are a pretty small part like some people don’t understand how retail works it’s not as simple as getting it in and putting it out

    • Coleman

      September 3rd, 2021 - 10:25am

      TTF3000, I think most people realise last year’s dedacle wasn’t the fault of floor staff.
      As I previously mentioned the Distribution centre in the south wasn’t open so all stock ended up in the North of the Country, causing a huge bottleneck.
      And as Booboo already mentioned it gave an exaggerated view of poor sales to most of the Northern stores.

    • The ergon

      September 3rd, 2021 - 11:54am

      Exactly coleman. The woman in charge of toys at the store i visited explained they had an excess amount last yearthat wasnt moving and was told to mark at low price just to clear the shelves. They sold well initially but the superfluous stock wasnt moving. Stock that if evenly distributed throughout the country would have been deemed a success as far as sales go. That wasnt an attack at b and m staff, just an outsiders view its just what i was told.

    • Coleman

      September 3rd, 2021 - 12:23pm

      As you say ergon, they sold well initially, which in any other year would have been judged a great success. But with the southern distribution centre being closed, the Northern stores kept getting more and more shipments which would not have usually happened.
      It caused major problems, as you witnessed on this site with all the frustration it caused from collectors in the South who were unable to get these sets.
      (I think even Booboo was fed up with the situation it caused).

  • prototype dalek

    September 2nd, 2021 - 12:19pm

    B&M Market Harborough has actually permanently closed now.

  • Andy

    September 2nd, 2021 - 11:30am

    There is a B&M at Towcester.

    • booboo

      September 2nd, 2021 - 11:36am

      OK thanks, for some reason google search isn’t picking some up unless you zoom right into an area

  • the ergon

    September 2nd, 2021 - 9:56am

    Nothing yet at Meadowhall and nobody answering at stairfoot Barnsley. The other two in same area are usually last to get stock in if at all.

    • booboo

      September 2nd, 2021 - 11:28am

      you are not likely to find anything anywhere today at this stage

    • Coleman

      September 2nd, 2021 - 11:35am

      Just a quick question Booboo, I realise you may not know anything in regards to this but I thought it’s worth asking.
      These new B&M sets are coming out in at least three waves this year. And since this first wave as been significantly delayed do you think it will have a knock on effect with the later waves this year.
      I.E, do you think we might not get the Robot set for December (and Christmas) after all.

    • booboo

      September 2nd, 2021 - 11:51am

      difficult to know, i dont see the backlog and driver shortage being resolved any time soon so may its inevitable but these were only a coople of weeks lta which is good going really considering some delays I’m seeing

    • The ergon

      September 2nd, 2021 - 12:17pm

      Its been said that a lot of drivers from the eu are getting roughly the same rates of pay as they would in the uk and would rather be closer to home near their families so no incentive to work for uk hgv/ british haulage firms.

    • Jason Z

      September 2nd, 2021 - 1:20pm

      Er Coleman what is the Robot set of which you speak?

    • booboo

      September 2nd, 2021 - 1:23pm

      we are assuming its the K1 Robot in a Tardis Box style set with an unknown figure, but it could just be a figure set from Robot

    • Coleman

      September 2nd, 2021 - 2:37pm

      Hello Jason Z. In case you hadn’t heard theirs been rumours for months now that after these four sets are released at B&M theirs another 5 sets to follow roughly around October and a final Robot set in December.
      Nothings been made official yet by CO, but the 1st four rumoured sets have been true so it’s likely these sets will follow later.

    • TimelordTim

      September 2nd, 2021 - 2:44pm

      Hi Coleman, is that 5 sets rumoured and then the Robot one, or 5 including the Robot one.

      I’m aware of Five Doctors and Earthshock being rumoured alongside the next two HotD. But, if it’s not the Robot one, were there any inklings as to the 5th set?

    • booboo

      September 2nd, 2021 - 2:45pm

      1st Doctor and Tardis

    • Coleman

      September 2nd, 2021 - 2:54pm

      Hello Tim, as far as I can remember their was 5 sets coming in October with a 6th set in December.
      Yes, as Booboo just mentioned 1st Doctor and TARDIS.
      Five Doctors.
      And theTwo Dalek sets.
      With the Robot set last.

    • TimelordTim

      September 2nd, 2021 - 2:56pm

      Ah yes, of course! Thanks Booboo.

      1st and TARDIS would be an instant purchase for me if it were from An Unearthly Child and in black and white. More likely standard colour for B&M range though, but we shall see!

    • TimelordTim

      September 2nd, 2021 - 3:00pm

      Thanks Coleman. I’m hoping for Adric, Cybermen, Tegan, 1st Hurndall and Master for the Earthshock and Five Doctors sets.

      Only likely to get those if they are along those lines, and the 1st TARDIS if they did a black and white version.

      Looking forward to the announcement of them though after not looking for any in this wave.

    • Coleman

      September 2nd, 2021 - 3:07pm

      Yes, I know I’m a grown man, but really looking forward to the next batch of sets with the three figures in. Some great posibilities their with what COs been doing lately with these B&M sets.
      You more or less know theirs going to be some more long awaited companions included or
      never been done before creatures.
      Roll on next couple of months.

    • Cokeman

      September 2nd, 2021 - 3:23pm

      Don’t know if you’ve heard Tim, (I hope it doesn’t disappoint you). But theirs strong speculation why the 3 pack sets are the Five Doctors and Earth shock. Because CO are again using the Axon Man mould they used to make the Sensorites and Voord to make the Raston warrior and its black version Cyberman robot.

    • Anonymous

      September 2nd, 2021 - 3:28pm

      My guess for the Five Doctors set is the Raston Warrior robot and two Cybermen. Keeping to the theme CO s used for the first wave.

    • TimelordTim

      September 2nd, 2021 - 3:37pm

      Hi Coleman, yep I’ve heard and thought that might happen, we shall see. If they are still packaged with the likes of Adric, Tegan, Nyssa or the Master then I’d likely still get them. Just all depends on the combo in each pack, will only get them if there are 2 figures I want in each.

    • Coleman

      September 2nd, 2021 - 4:25pm

      Tim, if the Black Cyberman robot variant is in the EarthShock set then I think theirs a good chance the other two spaces will be for the 5th Doctor Companions. So all’s good still.

    • Anonymous

      September 2nd, 2021 - 4:50pm

      Actually, their was two Cybermen androids in EarthShock so it’s possible theyll be two of them in this set and only one companion. (Shame really).

  • Bigman46

    September 2nd, 2021 - 9:00am

    Thanx booboo this will be really useful, so I’m awaiting Corby and Peterborough area for these sets….

  • James Robson

    September 2nd, 2021 - 8:54am

    There’s a large B&M up in Wick, Caithness >

    • booboo

      September 2nd, 2021 - 9:08am

      OK thanks

  • Robert W

    September 1st, 2021 - 11:21pm

    This time all the sets will be down sarf

  • David Minter

    September 1st, 2021 - 10:36pm

    Any news on USA distribution? It was supposedly up in the air if GOGS would be carrying the 2021 B&M product on or not.


    • booboo

      September 2nd, 2021 - 7:16am

      its all gone a bit silent, perhaps they are trying to find another USA distributor, gogs have take off virtually everything on Amazon at the moment

    • David Minter

      September 2nd, 2021 - 3:55pm

      Yes, I just now noticed that searching for all previous History Of The Daleks sets on returns no hits.

      Hopefully will carry their usual allotment of a few stocks. I check their site every day for new items. Just 2 days ago, the new Out Of Time 2 and War Doctor Begins CD sets from Big Finish I was waiting for came into stock. And ordered. 🙂

    • booboo

      September 2nd, 2021 - 4:01pm

      i think its a real shame if the USA cant get a decent distributor with decent prices, gogs1 should have owned it so i dont know what happened

    • David Minter

      September 2nd, 2021 - 7:17pm

      Yes, I was disappointed with how GOGS1 handled it. One time, they sent me 2 Coal Hill Ace sets instead of 1 and a Witch’s Familiar set that I had ordered. When I finally did get the right set, it had a big hole in the plastic on the front! While GOGS1’s prices were about half those of, I started to prefer getting sets from the latter again. While I’ve also received a mistake once from WhoNA (They sent volume 1 of a Doctor Who CD set when it should have been volume 2.) they’re upfront if a toy’s packaging is not in mint condition on their web site.

  • moo

    September 1st, 2021 - 10:32pm

    Just an FYI, the B&M in Redditch Kingfisher Centre closed 2 weeks ago

    • booboo

      September 2nd, 2021 - 7:17am

      Ok thanks

  • Peter

    September 1st, 2021 - 9:56pm

    And so it begins

    • Gerry

      September 2nd, 2021 - 12:22am

      LOL, this is the best part, hopping around visiting stores until mission complete. If this went to online ordering it would rob the fun out of it.

  • TimelordTim

    September 1st, 2021 - 9:45pm

    The map is an excellent idea Booboo!

    Makes me glad the store in Aberdeen is a good one and has the figures when they arrive, would be quite a journey for me otherwise! (Or more likely, would have to wait for 6 months for the eBay prices to reduce).

    • Coleman

      September 1st, 2021 - 10:23pm

      Just looking at the map Tim, theirs not many B&M stores at all the further you travel north in Scotland.

    • TimelordTim

      September 1st, 2021 - 10:46pm

      It does thin out quite a bit Coleman. Not too surprising, but this map really makes it stand out.

      The store just South of Aberdeen didn’t do figures last year and the one in Elgin is a very small one. So Aberdeen is my only realistic option.

      It served me well last year though so hoping that continues when the rumoured Five Doctors and Earthshock sets come along.

    • EndlessTimelord

      September 2nd, 2021 - 1:12am

      Aberdeen have always been amazing for the sets! Portlethen had some of the Sets in last year too, that’s where I got my Zygons one!

    • TimelordTim

      September 2nd, 2021 - 8:22am

      Good to know EndlessTimelord, I only visited Portlethen a couple of times but they never seemed to have any, or shelf space for any, I must’ve missed them there. I’ll keep it in mind if I ever miss a set I want in Aberdeen, cheers.

    • EndlessTimelord

      September 2nd, 2021 - 11:48am

      I’ll be checking ABZ tonight. Will let you know if I see anything!

    • booboo

      September 2nd, 2021 - 12:01pm

      I’m not holding out much hope for today at the moment but who knows

  • Popplewick

    September 1st, 2021 - 8:00pm

    Pity B&M dont have a website to purchase through.

  • Coleman

    September 1st, 2021 - 7:17pm

    Stairfoot stores missing near Barnsley Booboo, I can’t even see Stairfoot.
    (It says on the blurb above to mention if any stores are missing).

    • booboo

      September 1st, 2021 - 7:20pm

      done that, searches are missing about 26 stores out of 300+

    • Coleman

      September 1st, 2021 - 7:28pm

      Yes, Seen it now Booboo, the stores a beauty as you can see from the photo. Only used to be half size untill a year or so ago when they expanded into next doors premises.

  • Mrs Croot

    September 1st, 2021 - 7:07pm

    Boo boo: You can nno longer ring up your store
    Me: Oh no, i can’t ring up to be told false information, now what?

    God, what we have to go through for our toys I hope it never changes…

    • booboo

      September 1st, 2021 - 7:09pm

      you can pester, but they removed option 3, we are in the same position as everyone else!

  • Ron

    September 1st, 2021 - 6:51pm

    So the chaos begins again & madness ensues –

    I’ll just sit back & quietly purchase them from ebay at a reasonable price with none of the hassle & all that silly stress. I may sip from a leisurely cup of tea whilst browsing the listings online.

    Absolute bliss!

    • booboo

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:54pm

      give it a while, ebay will be awash initially but prices tend to plummet, the Dalek sets should be the priority

  • the ergon

    September 1st, 2021 - 6:48pm

    i,m guessing there might be well over 100 comments tonight?

    • Coleman

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:51pm

      Yes, and that will just be yours

    • booboo

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:52pm

      probably not, things used to kick of when there are actual store sightings but its different now, social media and forums have the upper hand now within their particular groups, but it makes it very diluted.

    • the ergon

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:54pm

      Ha! Ha! Ha!. Cheers for that coleman. i,ll let someone else have a go and quite rightly so.

    • Coleman

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:57pm

      Won’t be long now before their in your collection ergon. Let me know if you see them and I’ll let you know if I see them first.

    • the ergon

      September 1st, 2021 - 7:01pm

      Ill do that coleman. Wasn,t there a 1500+ comments on here though over the first month last year?

    • booboo

      September 1st, 2021 - 7:05pm

      2200 in all, but at that time i could tell people where to look via the app, its not showing locations at the moment.

  • the ergon

    September 1st, 2021 - 6:17pm

    where? Where? Where? first booboo?

    • booboo

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:18pm

      you will know when i do!

    • the ergon

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:21pm

      just phoned Meadowhall, Stairfoot, Wakefield but no joy as yet. straight onto answerphone.

    • booboo

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:23pm

      some may get sent out overnight but we are in new territory here this year

    • the ergon

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:28pm

      payday tomorrow. So ill call them tomrrow and see if the lady who i rang in advance has put them aside. Its going to be frantic for a while now.

    • Coleman

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:29pm

      Ergon, let the hunt begin.
      Usually around Hull, Grimsby first next Day into Scotland, then we should be next, if it goes to plan.

    • booboo

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:32pm

      if you find any send in photos if you can i can add them to the store images

    • the ergon

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:33pm

      there were a fair few in North East early as well as i remember from last year coleman. the South might get first dibs this year. Hope its all Evenly distributed otherwise you can almost hear the frustration setting in.

    • booboo

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:36pm

      The Movie Dalek in Bedford is where it all went wrong for the south last year

    • the ergon

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:35pm

      Its on a par with trying to get those 5 gold willy wonka tickets.

    • Coleman

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:38pm

      Will do Booboo.

    • the ergon

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:40pm

      i thought as soon as stocks arriving came up you,d have heard where the first sets were?

    • booboo

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:45pm

      They are with B&M, its down to logistics as to how quickly they reach stores, and then down to stockroom staff to get them on shelves.

    • the ergon

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:43pm

      i,m getting GIFS of corporal jones shouting ‘Dont Panic! Don,t panic! in my head now.

    • Coleman

      September 1st, 2021 - 6:47pm

      Great idea with the map Booboo, hopefully it helps everybody find what they want without endless trips around the country, waisting fuel.

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