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October 1st, 2021 87 comments

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B&M 2021 History of the Daleks #8 Figure Set

Character Options is excited to announce a next wave of Doctor Who action figure sets for 2021 with five new lines scheduled to arrive in B&M stores in Mid-October.

The line-up will introduce two more action figure three packs, two further ‘History of the Daleks’ sets, plus a rather splendid “Doctor & TARDIS” set. This new wave includes highly detailed and decorated 5.5 inch scale figures with multiple points of articulation all of which come packaged in the familiar ‘heritage’ style Doctor Who collector packs with specially created insert artwork. Once again these Limited Edition figure sets all bring something fresh to the range be it the characters themselves or variants never released before.

07440 History Daleks #8 Planet of the Daleks 1972 collector figure set
This 1972 Dalek story was wildly ambitious in scope, intending to feature a full Dalek Army. The existing three props were therefore bulked out by the arrival of brand new Dalek props. The episode also gave the Daleks new voices.

In the story the Daleks have enslaved the Planet Spiradon, and are carrying out experiments into invisibility and biological weapons. Meanwhile a group of Thals from the Daleks’ home planet are already trying to thwart their plans, but unbeknown, there is an army of 10,000 Daleks hidden on the planet. This ‘army builder’ set features two ‘drone’ style Daleks as seen in the story in their full black and metallic grey splendour. Both Daleks also have new eyestalks based on one of the variants seen onscreen. Never have the Daleks looked so purposeful, militaristic and threatening onscreen.

Al Dewar Character Options’ Creative Director said: “I think it is safe to say this swathe of releases is very different from the first release and features some truly unique characters and ‘Big hitters’. This line up represents some of the finest episodes of the Fifth Doctor, Cyber Androids with interchangeable ‘attack’ hands, a Raston Warrior Robot and a new First Doctors TARDIS that’s not just a repaint! In the Daleks sets we have also delivered something new for fans again with some truly nefarious Daleks and the first real ‘army builder’ set. We hope that our fans and followers enjoy them!”

Categorised under: Doctor Who 5" scale figures, Toys



  • JJ

    February 14th, 2024 - 11:45am

    Hi does anyone know how to get the dome back on? Recently opened this set and one Daleks dome just came off and struggling to put it back on


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