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October 1st, 2021 137 comments

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B&M 2021 Earthshock (1982) Figure Set

Character Options is excited to announce a next wave of Doctor Who action figure sets for 2021 with five new lines scheduled to arrive in B&M stores in Mid-October.

The line-up will introduce two more action figure three packs, two further ‘History of the Daleks’ sets, plus a rather splendid “Doctor & TARDIS” set. This new wave includes highly detailed and decorated 5.5 inch scale figures with multiple points of articulation all of which come packaged in the familiar ‘heritage’ style Doctor Who collector packs with specially created insert artwork. Once again these Limited Edition figure sets all bring something fresh to the range be it the characters themselves or variants never released before.

07441 Earthshock (1982) collector figure set
Based on the 1982 story where the Cybermen concoct a devious plan to explode a gigantic bomb on Earth and then launch a full scale invasion, this set features the Fifth Doctor in his slightly muddied attire as well as the twin cybernetic Androids plus the Cyber-Bomb they are guarding. The Androids were very memorable characters and these action figures feature swappable ‘attack’ hand accessories and come complete with the Cyber Bomb itself!

Al Dewar Character Options’ Creative Director said: “I think it is safe to say this swathe of releases is very different from the first release and features some truly unique characters and ‘Big hitters’. This line up represents some of the finest episodes of the Fifth Doctor, Cyber Androids with interchangeable ‘attack’ hands, a Raston Warrior Robot and a new First Doctors TARDIS that’s not just a repaint! In the Daleks sets we have also delivered something new for fans again with some truly nefarious Daleks and the first real ‘army builder’ set. We hope that our fans and followers enjoy them!”

Categorised under: Doctor Who 5" scale figures, Toys



  • Kone112

    October 8th, 2021 - 12:27pm

    I don’t know if I have the strength to go hunting for this wave of figures so soon after the last lot.

    • MJS

      November 18th, 2021 - 12:22pm

      You might not need to. There’s still loads of the recent sets in some stores.

  • Jack

    October 7th, 2021 - 2:46pm

    Disappointed with this set. We have more than enough fifth Dr. Yes I know all the reasons costs etc but I did hope for s fifth Dr companion instead.

    • Had enough of the 5th Doctor figures

      October 8th, 2021 - 2:48pm

      It this set had included Adric, I would have bought it. As it’s yet another 5th Doctor I’m not going to bother.

  • Crosby

    October 7th, 2021 - 6:02am

    We could’ve had Adric with this set

  • Wheel in Space

    October 6th, 2021 - 10:16pm

    We really do need a ‘Wheel in Space’ Cyberman. Maybe they could do a three pack? Two ‘Wheel’ Cybermen with either Jamie or Zoe.

    • Popplewick

      November 1st, 2021 - 10:41pm

      Include a Servo Robot in that pack it’d be great 😀

  • lister

    October 5th, 2021 - 6:42pm

    Just an FYI, the art for the Earthshock and Five Doctors sets is switched on the main 5″ figure page.

  • Jon666

    October 4th, 2021 - 11:24am

    Any codes yet ?????

    • booboo

      October 4th, 2021 - 11:28am

      yes i will do that soon

  • Hi

    October 3rd, 2021 - 12:59pm

    I hope they will be available in the US

  • Demdike@CultLabs

    October 2nd, 2021 - 11:54pm

    I wonder why there’s no Sharaz Jek in this set. It would have been a definite purchase if it had.

    Thinking out loud perhaps they might re-release Jek with Peri at some point. That was one of the early releases i missed out on.

    • Dalek Omega

      October 3rd, 2021 - 4:27am

      Sharaz Jek wasn’t in this story ‍♂️

    • Philip shaw

      October 3rd, 2021 - 9:54am

      The obvious chance to release a caves of Androzani set with Peri, or an android, Jek, and Dr 5 with interchangeable 6th Dr head.

    • Demdike@CultLabs

      October 3rd, 2021 - 2:52pm

      Haha! It’s Earthshock isn’t it. All this time i was thinking they were androids from Caves.
      What an idiot. I’ll go away now.

    • Coleman

      October 3rd, 2021 - 5:07pm

      Don’t know if any of you guys like Star Wars aswell but the Androids heads you mentioned from Caves of Androzani remind me of the Gauvian Enforcers from The Force awakens.
      Wondered where I’d seen them before when I first watched it.

  • kaz

    October 2nd, 2021 - 11:30pm

    Might have to give most of these sets a pass for once.

  • Mac

    October 2nd, 2021 - 10:45pm

    People keep saying it should be this or it should be that.

    Think about what molds Character have and think logically.

    For instance you could do a Lucie Miller figure using Abbeys from Primeval mold.

    A Alex MacQueen Master using the original John Simms mold.

    Looking at the pictures of previous figures, I can’t seem to find an Adric look a like.

    • Mac

      October 2nd, 2021 - 10:54pm

      Actually a 2019 Clara might make a Tegan from Ressurection of the Daleks.

    • Coleman

      October 2nd, 2021 - 11:13pm

      Ergon and I were talking about this Subject awhile ago. (Just use a new wrap around body part)
      Ever since last year when CO used an old figure for the Unit set and by adding a new wrap around mould to make Benton’s webbing etc they made a brand new figure.
      So as far as new figures go for Budget sets just sculpting a new head a new Wrap around like they’ve done already, sky’s the limit.

    • Mac

      October 3rd, 2021 - 12:53am

      This is a new game.

      Can you think of a previous figure that would be suitable for an Adric?

    • Coleman

      October 3rd, 2021 - 11:58am

      Yes I was thinking of the Scarecrows, but just using a new wrap around and head, like they did with Benton and the other Unit soldiers.
      I know their not 100% accurate. But neither are any of the new figures in the B&M line anyway.
      After all it’s a budget line.

    • Colemann

      October 3rd, 2021 - 12:25pm

      Theyve tooled new hands for the Raston Robot and Cyberman Android also tooled new feet for the Voord and Sensorites. So using this approach with wrap around and new head I don’t know why he couldn’t be made in a budget line.

    • Scott

      October 3rd, 2021 - 2:34pm

      In reply to Mac regarding Adric. The top half of Toby z with new wrap and legs of natural Ood would make a great Adric. Not sure they can mix and match like that though

    • Coleman

      October 3rd, 2021 - 4:22pm

      Excellent idea Scott if their compatible. Then add a wrap and new head and it will be as close to 100% accurate as possible.

    • Adam Holwell

      October 6th, 2021 - 8:14pm

      Couldn’t a Lazlo figure be any good for an Adric figure? Maybe the arms of Jo Grant in an Ace body for Nyssa since the Jo Grant arms are similar to Nyssa and they’re the same sculpt as Ace’s arms? I agree with Mac they could use Clara for Tegan or maybe even Jo Grant from Claws of Axos if they sculpt new legs/feet like they did with the Sensorites and Voord. If you forgive paint aps instead of sculpt they could use the Axon body for Kamelion maybe even resculpt slightly like they did with the Sensorites disk on their torso. The list goes on but I’d be here all day.

    • Coleman

      October 6th, 2021 - 8:32pm

      Hi Adam, I think CO has a choice of a few different figures now they could use for the base figure of Adric, then just had a wrap and new head.
      Since last year, when they started making these wraps for Benton and the other Unit figures in the B&M budget line it should now be possible to make many new figures that havnt been made before. It’s great because it being a budget line I don’t think many people expected new figures anymore only repaints.

  • Coleman

    October 2nd, 2021 - 9:51pm

    I had a Saisho ghetto blaster in the 80s just like the Androids have. (wonder what sought of music they play)

  • James

    October 2nd, 2021 - 6:36pm

    Last week I was in b&m in Birmingham city centre and I couldn’t see any doctor who figures at all I check again today and still nothing
    Like what is going on???

    • Michael Pearson

      October 4th, 2021 - 12:07am

      They had plenty of both of the first Doctor sets when i went in on Thursday PM. Still yet to see a Dalek set 7 in any Birmingham area branch though.

  • Martin Russell

    October 2nd, 2021 - 5:19pm

    What’s happening with the 5th Doctors hair?
    He’s going full Turlough before Turlough joined.

  • Ron

    October 2nd, 2021 - 3:45pm

    Well as soon as they are on ebay I can buy the lot!

    • Jason Z

      October 2nd, 2021 - 5:43pm

      I saw some up on Ebay for ‘pre-order’ yesterday!

  • the ergon

    October 2nd, 2021 - 1:16pm

    I.m going to have a rifle through my boxsets this afternoon to see how many 5th and 1st doctors and TARDI’ i have to see if i need any more. I feel a few items might be making their way to the nearest charity shop before i start adding new to the collection. I,m sure i own about 4 or 5 5th doctors and 1st doctors. Don,t want anymore unless they are in new outfits.

    • Dalek Eye Stalk

      October 2nd, 2021 - 5:57pm

      We have had enough Fifth Doctor figures already through B&M. Should have been a Cyberman or Adric instead.

    • the ergon

      October 2nd, 2021 - 6:16pm

      I,m not going to lie Dalek Eye Stalk i had my heart set on Adric but i had a feeling we would be getting another davison.

    • booboo

      October 2nd, 2021 - 6:23pm

      these sets strike me as the “best option” to keep them at 19.99, probably a price point B&M want, they are the same price as last year, for the 1st time, and considering all the huge increase in costs especially from China Goods something probably had to give whilst still maintaining something for the most part desirable .

  • Trenzalore

    October 2nd, 2021 - 11:50am

    I’m not sure how I feel about these sets. I think I’d prefer original sculptures rather than the re-use and re-paint of parts, it makes it seem less faithful to how they looked on screen when parts are used that were intended for another figures, it might as well be a custom figure. These sets don’t excite me much but I hope the money made goes towards some more original figure moulds in future.

    • Coleman

      October 2nd, 2021 - 11:58am

      Was very disappointed with these sets apart from the Five Doctors set.
      Was expecting one new companion at least or maybe even two.
      As for the Daleks Meh, theyve all been done before, just more of the same, nothing new or unexpected.

    • the ergon

      October 2nd, 2021 - 12:53pm

      but will you still buy them all coleman?

    • Coleman

      October 2nd, 2021 - 4:06pm

      I’ll definitely be on the hunt again like you ergon, when there released. At the moment not sure how many sets I’m looking for. (Possibly only two). That’s rare for me as I usually buy all The CO stuff.

    • the ergon

      October 2nd, 2021 - 7:13pm

      you may just have to buy at least 3 if they split the cyberleader with cyberman coleman. more cost and hassle.

    • Coleman

      October 2nd, 2021 - 7:48pm

      Hello ergon, was reading about that earlier, very good idea having a 50/50 mix of Cyberleader and Cyberman in that set to give everyone a fair chance to get what they want.
      I’m Glad they didn’t go down the Character building, Titans Vinyl or even the Star wars Funkos route and have a 5/95 ratio or similar and make them a chase set.
      That’s a good way to alienate your customers and it only annoys everyone.à

    • The ergon

      October 2nd, 2021 - 9:16pm

      A lot will want both coleman and itll be the luck of the draw if they only get one sort in the box or limited few in store. We are going to have to check each set

    • Nathan

      October 4th, 2021 - 11:57am

      To be fair Coleman how many new companions did we get this year alone… I reckon they are holding the companions off so they can make them the best they can I’m blown away by the amounts of sets we got this year alone and the fact 5 more are around the corner is crazy

  • bryan

    October 2nd, 2021 - 11:13am

    These are amazes me,that with a few tweaks. We can suddenly get various figures undreamed of before.

    I love both the Raston and Androids . A few years ago the sharaz jek figure came with an android Head ( androzani ) so hopefully a full one can pop up at some time.

    I would have loved Sarah in her pink rain Mac. But these things take time and money.

    Thanks as ever to BooBoo and Co. For the swift appearance of the figures . Considering they were on a Day away .

  • Judooning

    October 2nd, 2021 - 9:56am

    I am surprised there is no Cyberman, but I think the set looks great the way it is presented. The Androids look really nice.
    So we are also getting a Cyberleader in the 5 Doctors set…is that Cyberleader accurate to the one that appears in Earthshock?

    • Danny

      October 2nd, 2021 - 10:54am

      It is more accurate to Attack of the Cybermen with the lace-up boots rather than the ski boots with the thick soles but the gun and the rest are identical to the Earthshock version… and also the first ever release for a cyber-leader which is surprising considering it is a minor variation…

    • Dalekz

      October 2nd, 2021 - 2:01pm

      Yes it’s a good way to get the more rare “Attack” version without the moon boots.
      The “attack” version also seemed to have its head and chest unit all in one piece as the Earthshock ones have the bottom of the helmet tucked under the chest unit.
      Why we never got a leader is weird as we got a “Nemissis” leader and a “Revenge” it’s only painted handles.

    • HS

      November 18th, 2021 - 9:27am

      Well in the case of certain Cyber Leaders like from ‘Revenger’ and ‘The Next Doctor’ a large portion of the helmet is actually black and not just the handles 😀

  • Popplewick

    October 2nd, 2021 - 12:56am

    The bomb is an interesting addition – wonder if they could do packs of these ‘props’ and accessories for each era.

    • Alex Oswin

      October 2nd, 2021 - 11:50am

      Would also be a great way to release Sonic Screwdriver replacements given how easy they are to lose!
      Mattel released similar packs for their DC collector figures lines so maybe Character might. I’d imagine it would be online exclusive not a B & M release though if we were to see accessory packs.

  • Philip shaw

    October 1st, 2021 - 11:33pm

    Maybe the android is saying “any complaints talk to the hand!”

    • the ergon

      October 2nd, 2021 - 1:03pm

      No the android just happens to be a fan of either The supremes or The Spice Girls.

  • Phantom Sidious

    October 1st, 2021 - 11:12pm

    Very nice set overall

  • Daleksz

    October 1st, 2021 - 11:04pm

    They look cool and the Cyberbomb is great, good reuse of the raston warrior they look different enought so good job Character!

    • Alan

      October 2nd, 2021 - 11:36am

      It’s also same body as Sensorite and Voord
      Character are doing well out of that body

    • Dalekz

      October 2nd, 2021 - 2:07pm

      Well they really have done well then as they all look different, these characters are not in costumes as such so it’s a good way to make different figures I like it.
      They could probbably give us the andriods from “Adrozani” too they are just plain robots with specific heads.

    • the ergon

      October 2nd, 2021 - 6:20pm

      Hey that wouldn t be a bad idea dalekz. With Peri and Sharaz Jek. Although we would probably get the ‘muddied’ 5th in there if they did.

  • Peter C

    October 1st, 2021 - 11:04pm

    A nice looking set, but I would have expected them to have included Adric in this one considering the importance of him in the story. I thought they may have moulded a new head and tweaked an existing body sculpt. They did something similar with Romana I In the past and it wasn’t 100% accurate but gave us a new figure. I would have thought a Cybermen would have appeared also instead of a second android. Not complaining though, as any new sets or characters are welcome and I’ll definitely be trying to get all the new sets. They’ve done well this year, considering. 10 new sets in all, including the forthcoming ones. The Five Drs set is my favourite in this wave.

  • Kenny

    October 1st, 2021 - 10:42pm

    Couldn’t we have got a third different figure.They’re too similar

    • the ergon

      October 1st, 2021 - 10:46pm

      I do hope they CO release more new companions in 2022 kenny. Tegan ,nyssa and Adric for definite and sarah jane in Andy pandy outfit. Hope your reading this Al.

    • Phantom Sidious

      October 1st, 2021 - 11:11pm

      Well there’s more than one Android in that story so it makes sense to have two

    • Peter C

      October 2nd, 2021 - 2:31am

      Adric really should have been in this set. It’s the most obvious one for him of all of them released so far.

    • Slitheen09

      October 2nd, 2021 - 9:25am

      Definitely fingers crossed for more companions in the future, especially Barbara and Susan to go with Ian and the First Doctor.

    • Philip shaw

      October 2nd, 2021 - 9:57am

      Might have been better to have a trooper, and an android, then you could buy a second pack to have both android and have 2 troopers.

    • Dave

      October 2nd, 2021 - 12:30pm

      prob a Tegan next year im guessin for 60th

    • Axon123

      October 2nd, 2021 - 12:39pm

      but it’s not the 60th next year?

  • Doctor Stu

    October 1st, 2021 - 10:39pm

    Oh dear, may as well stick a tenth Doctor in with them for the next wave and call it the Smith and Jones set.

  • the ergon

    October 1st, 2021 - 10:26pm

    Mid october. I,m reading more mid november as things are at present. I hope to be proved wrong.

  • the ergon

    October 1st, 2021 - 10:25pm

    This and The five doctors sets i want the most out of all of these if just for a bit of originality but once hunting begins i shall have to have the lot and hope they are all there. I,m also hoping to beat my third day record in tracking these.

  • Dalek Eye Stalk

    October 1st, 2021 - 10:16pm

    Hmmm. Another 5th Doctor figure which I don’t think anyone wanted or needed. No Cyberman figure, and most disappointing of all, no Adric figure. So no, I have no interest in buying this set.

  • the ergon

    October 1st, 2021 - 10:14pm

    Thats more or less what i was expecting but was hoping either adric or the cyberleader. Though two androids saves having to buy multiple packs. Great stuff.

  • David

    October 1st, 2021 - 9:58pm



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