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June 24th, 2020 33 comments

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Big Finish The Tenth Doctor and River Song 1

The Doctor knows that River Song is a part of his future. A maddening, intriguing, but inevitable part.

Their lives are becoming inextricably intertwined, but in these early days – for the Doctor at least – they must navigate their relationship without too many spoilers.

Whatever her past, and the Doctor’s future, holds, River will make sure that he has fun untangling the mystery…

1. Expiry Dating by James Goss

The first time the Doctor met River Song, he saw her die. And now she’s asking him on a date. Well, not a date, exactly… More of a mission.

But the Doctor isn’t at anyone’s beck and call. Or so he thinks. With billions of lives hanging in the balance, can the Doctor afford not to do whatever River wants? Whichever one of him she asks?

2. Precious Annihilation by Lizzie Hopley

When jewels become lethal in the London of 1912, both River and the Doctor turn up to find out why.

A mystery takes them centuries into the past, and onto the high seas, where a superstitious crew edges towards mutiny.

The star-crossed couple are about to find out that, while gemstones inspire jealousy, love can be the deadliest treasure of all…

3. Ghosts by Jonathan Morris

River and the Doctor meet on the most haunted planet in the galaxy. The Doctor’s not sure it’s an ideal date – until they discover a mystery.

Something is wrong with the ghosts. Something might even be killing them…

And as the Doctor and River investigate, the truth of what’s happening on the planet of ghosts may prove deadly for them both.

Categorised under: Big Finish, CD



  • Max Kennedy

    June 25th, 2020 - 1:48pm

    I would like it if they brought back the Unbound Series.

  • Col

    June 24th, 2020 - 4:43pm

    I can’t wait to hear more of the chemistry

  • Mrs Croot

    June 24th, 2020 - 2:42pm

    If River took a while to realise 10 was the Doctor in Silence in the Library, then how does she meet him here and still not recognise him in the two parter immediately? The again, she did have a picture of him 24 years before the story as well (Husbands of River Song), so she seems to be a bit of a “butter fingers” with her memories of the 10th Doctor.

    So is there a reason why she forgot his face?

    • Whorules

      June 24th, 2020 - 5:08pm

      Simply it was the first story written. At the time they probably didn’t know if river would be back,

    • Doctor Stu

      June 24th, 2020 - 6:10pm

      She didn’t forget his face, her first words to him are hello sweetie and about 2 minutes after her introduction she says to him ‘there must be a reason you’re pretending not to recognise me’ or something like that. She explicitly knows who he is straight from the off

    • Anonymous

      June 24th, 2020 - 8:05pm

      She did, recognise him, it was the Doctor who didn’t know her, according the dialogue she had interacting with the 10th Doctor at some point otherwise she would have realised straight away this was his first meeting with her. Plus the way 11 acts around River in Time of Angels suggests they’ve met at least a couple of times.

    • JL

      June 24th, 2020 - 8:06pm

      Yeah I was gonna say, she definitely recognised him from the off with her iconic “hello sweetie”, she just didn’t know how much he knew her

    • Mrs Croot

      June 24th, 2020 - 9:55pm

      Ok, ok! It’s been a long time since seeing the story. I am re-watching Doctor Who and am on Warriors of the Deep, so please don’t get angry at me for being wrong, and really only one person needed to point it out.

    • Ghostguy

      June 25th, 2020 - 11:45am

      She knows what all of the first 13 Doctors look like. She can tell this is the youngest version of the Tenth Doctor she’s met. She does recognise him, she just doesn’t immediately realise how young he is

    • Anonymous

      August 17th, 2020 - 12:59pm

      The Day of the Doctor novelisation confirmed that River had met post Library 10 on a few occasions

  • Anonymous

    June 24th, 2020 - 2:16pm

    What is the 4th disc?

    • SamWho

      June 24th, 2020 - 2:22pm

      Behind the Scenes & music probably

  • Doctor Stu

    June 24th, 2020 - 1:28pm

    Im confused, the tenth Doctor is 906 when he regenerates and he’s 903 in voyage of the damned. So in a gap of 3 years, he travelled with Donna, had the tie in books with Donna, there’s the adventures he has during the specials, the ongoing comic series he has, and now this river song box set. Not to mention the constant expanding of Rose and Martha’s tenure, with the books, comics, time lord victorious etc

    Seems like he was very busy as all of this must be so tight to fit in such a short span of years

    • Anonymous

      June 24th, 2020 - 1:50pm

      He’s also 950 in Time and the Rani. He just makes up his age.

      And like hes in about 47 tv stories. If each one takes place over a day (obviously not all of them do) then that’s about a month and a half worth of stories.

    • The Outcast

      June 24th, 2020 - 1:50pm

      Eh, the Doctor’s age is iffy. He’s 950-something in Time and the Rani, and 9 spends like 27 years trapped on Earth in one audio set after Aliens of London where he says he’s 900, so age is never really accurate.

    • SamWho

      June 24th, 2020 - 2:23pm

      The Doctor can fit a lot into a short amount of time & they always lie about the age they are it’s timey wimey

    • JacksonLake

      June 24th, 2020 - 2:34pm

      Depends how long 900 years is, maybe he bases it off Gallifreyan years compared to earth years…also because he zips around Time a lot the definition of how long 1 year is could vary a lot!


      June 24th, 2020 - 3:37pm

      It’s best to ignore the Doctor’s age, after all timelines were messed up when Mawdryn Undead got the UNIT timeline messed up.

    • sick of lockdown

      June 24th, 2020 - 3:54pm

      the doctor lies about his age

    • Dalekparadigm2

      June 24th, 2020 - 6:57pm

      The Doctor’s age is unnecessary I feel. I don’t need to know His age exactly to the year, it just doesn’t interest me. And it’s held in contention by the various plot holes to the point that I just ignore it.

    • Doctor Stu

      June 24th, 2020 - 9:34pm

      I just feel that for Tennant in particular, despite him being my favourite Doctor I always feel that they need to be careful to keep it in the span of his ‘In universe’ 8 years or so as the tenth Doctor. Because in the end of time he’s frustrated that it’s not fair he’s regenerating because in this body, with this life and personality and emotions he could do so much more and it’s not fair that his reward is that he must lose everything and everyone all the time. I feel stretching his tenure out too much so he actually lived for a hundred years or something like they did for Eleven and Twelve (much to my annoyance) it diminishes the raw emotion and resolution of the end of time

      But then again a few years here and there can’t harm much I suppose but RTD definitely intended for the Doctors age to be accurate. If he said he’s 903 one episode and then 906 in another, it’s almost 99% sure that RTD intended that to be true.

    • Anonymous

      June 25th, 2020 - 8:48am

      I think it’s best and go with what the 8th Doctor Novels did and have him lose count with his age and just started from the beginning of his incarnation. It’s a fair asumption that with stuff like Orbis and the Time War, the Doctor lived for 900 years from the TV Movie to Rose.

    • George

      June 29th, 2020 - 1:29pm

      The Doctor us always on the move?

      Oh, and he only needs to “lie about his age” now. His age was consistent across tv,books and more..until RTD screwed it up with “900”.

  • FRER

    June 24th, 2020 - 1:10pm

    This is nice cos it can fit between the specials

  • Jackson Lake

    June 24th, 2020 - 12:54pm

    This makes total sense, as River clearly had spent some time with the Tentb Doctor before Silence in the Library…

  • bryan

    June 24th, 2020 - 12:47pm

    Oh lots of River Song, and Lots of 10, along with Her own Box sets, Here she is crashing Number 10s Box.

    Love both very much. BF have shown a great deal of creativity in front of and behind the scenes. Brilliant news. With Timelord Victorious audios to come from BBC, Dr 10 is having a busy time.

    I wonder how easy it is to record from home, if you live in the us (Freeyma,& Catherine for example) not everyone is A ) tech savvy and B ) can get all the gear delivered or want too.

  • Anonymous

    June 24th, 2020 - 12:38pm

    I love Big finish. But they are really going for quantity over quality these days. They also should leave things alone and not everything needs to be expanded and explained.

    • Anonymous

      June 24th, 2020 - 1:11pm

      Yes, but it will appeal to certain fans. If its not for you, dont buy it. Simple as. They are a business who have a license. They arent just going to not make productions because some fans arent happy about it. It’s the same thing with whatever they announce in these comments and its driving me mad. I’ll definitely be buying it as they are both great actors with great chemistry.

    • Anonymous

      June 24th, 2020 - 1:24pm

      I note this is the same response posted on another Big finish related post. I see there is very little thought or insight offered.

      10 & River has already been read/heard in “the day of the doctor” penned by Steven Moffatt has a whole chapter dedicated to the expanded universe of “10 & river” and actually offered a very interesting perspective of sorrow and sadness that 10 feels and his desire to breal the laws of time by actively avoiding river to try and rewrite history(Time lord victorious actions IMO) and actually gives a explanation as to how 10 ended up where he is in DOTD.

      With the drought we currently experience (no thats not a dig at 13 btw), i welcome all big fniish.

      To say “leave it alone” to big finish is pointless…..perhaps you should say “big finish, bbc audio, bbc books, DWM comics, titan comic, C.O figures,escape rooms and miscellaneous expanded media”

      Doctor who’s longevity has always been due to the expanded media – long may it continue

    • Anonymous

      June 24th, 2020 - 8:08pm

      These releases where planned and made during Lockdown, there main goal is to attract new listeners, casual viewers or fans who only watch the show who are spending more time on social media and are more likely to see stuff about BF.

    • George

      June 29th, 2020 - 1:32pm

      I think the issue is not the excess itself. Anyone can choose to say “I’m not going to buy that”.

      But Big Finish link all their ranges together. Not just Doctor Who either. Characters from non-Who ranges appear un Who ranges, and new stories require you to have heard these other stories.

      So saying “I’m only going to buy [x] audios” means you’re clueless when these continuity-heavy releases come out.

  • JL

    June 24th, 2020 - 12:26pm

    I hope lockdown has also given big finish the chance to record something with 10 and Martha, or a 10, Martha and Donna trio boxset as there’s nothing to say the 3 didn’t meet up again between the doctors daughter and turn left… but il so excited for this set too, love 10, love river, I need to get diary of river song sets 2 to 6 pronto!!

  • Anonymous

    June 24th, 2020 - 12:20pm

    I cannot wait for this!!! And hopefully more afterwards and definitely hopefully more tenth Doctor afterwards!!!


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