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Big Finish The Ninth Doctor Adventures 4.01
Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper star in a brand-new series of full-cast audio dramas, beginning in August 2025 from Big Finish Productions.
The Doctor and Rose want you to come with them!
Back to the Powell Estate, where the Doctor’s past returns to haunt him, and out into the universe where enemies old and new are waiting…
In 2005, Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper, as the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler, took a whole new generation of Doctor Who fans on the trip of a lifetime into time and space.
Twenty years later, the trip continues, as they’re set to star in a brand-new series of twelve, hour-long, full-cast audio adventures, due to be released from August 2025.
Christopher Eccleston said: “I am so happy to be back recording more adventures for the Ninth Doctor with Billie. I don’t think my Doctor exists without Rose. He’s a ‘one man, one companion’ kind of alien. We’ve explored him on his own at Big Finish, as a loner. But there’s a resilience and a bravery and a deep empathy to Billie as Rose, that’s why I do this. They complete each other.”
Billie Piper added: “I can’t think of a better time for Rose to reunite with her first Doctor than now. Twenty years after she first ran into the TARDIS and towards adventure, here we are again, me and Chris, ready to have fun facing the universe – and the monsters – together.”
Producer Matt Fitton said: “Twenty years after the Ninth Doctor and Rose burst onto our screens, Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper are back with that brilliant dynamic – the Doctor showing Rose the universe, and Rose showing him the best of humanity.
“Across 12 episodes, slotting neatly into that 2005 series, we have more Jackie Tyler, more Powell Estate, plus friends and enemies old and new through time and space. Our writers have done an amazing job recapturing the spirit of that very special season, and Chris and Billie have embraced these scripts with delight and gusto. They’re having a blast, back on that trip of a lifetime – and they sound fantastic!”
Big Finish listeners can now pre-order The Ninth Doctor and Rose, starting at just £11.99 (per story on collector’s edition CD + download) or £9.99 (download only) exclusively from www.bigfinish.com. Please note: the collector’s edition CDs are strictly limited to 1,500 copies each and will not be repressed.
A complete series multibuy bundle of all twelve releases is also available to pre-order at the special discounted price of £126 (on collector’s edition CD + download) or £102 (download only), again exclusively from the Big Finish website.
February 26th, 2025 - 7:04pmDo the CDs usually sell out and if so, how quickly could they? Thanks
Daniel p
February 18th, 2025 - 12:39amLove to see the weeping angels and see how The 9th doctor does
February 17th, 2025 - 6:35pmGetting a bit fed up of Big Finish’s policy now of limiting their cds. I can’t afford to pre-order the whole lot at once just as they’ve done with 13th Dr ones. I get the cds each month when I’ve been paid. Worried now that by the time each one is released they’ll be sold out?
Was lucky getting the fugitive Dr set as that’s sold out now and is download only. Limiting the cds is just opening it up to the EBay scalpers to charge ridiculous prices for them.
Coupled with their ridiculous decision to release the new UNIT box sets on download only they’re steadily losing me as a loyal customer of over 25 years!
February 18th, 2025 - 9:00amSame here – so far I bundled the the releases and ordered them so i don’t have Pay a large sum at once – what i do not get is that even in some Ranges Some Are coriously Not Limited
It wouldnt be a Problem if you wouldmt be Charged in Advance but at Release –
So with this policy i Must Pay and preorder for war Master and war Doctor Release that will released in Fall 2026 and worse still not now if there unannounced releases on top
More then 2 alphabets
February 18th, 2025 - 10:46amCds have been being phased out for 5+ years now. Less then 8% of big finish sales are physical. They get more profit and reduce costs. The reduction is also reflective of consumer demand so blame the audience as much as BF. It’s sad people can’t afford to pre order straight away but this is a premium collectors item and like with all real collectors editions it’s low number
I’ve collected every cd and whilst it’s not great, it’s inevitable that one day it will be 100% DLO – 2027 by my calculations.
February 18th, 2025 - 12:38pmHi Timelord 63 and Sascha
The situation re CDs (4 vs3) no CDs vs A CD. Was addressed in one of the Vortex magazines. The producer of each range has a budget. That’s for Talent,facilities,sound designers and music. Depending on the budget,and release dates, a choice is made on CD replication. Which then needs art and backing page,booklet. Overtimes getting a prime Cast can take precedent over CD.
The other factor is storage. BF warehouse is big but if they have 100 copies of every CD they ever made,it would have to be bigger, much bigger. Add in the retail costs increasing,limiting the number of CDs to say 1000, gives BF more scope to have less space taken up with small amounts taking longer to shift.
I would like a LTD collectors CD too for the Recent Unit Bambera sets. But the producer decided not to. Using the budget on what was written above. I wonder if a model could be found for print on demand of some items like UNIT Brave New World,which would cut the Ebay prices down for sure. But might cost BF more with faffing about at thier end.
February 17th, 2025 - 12:56pmWe gotta get a Slitheen based story in there!
February 17th, 2025 - 11:15amOrdered when announced on Saturday.
Thought A new 9th Doctor was an outside chance
But Rose and the 9th Doctor, on the Trip of a lifetime , never.
Huge congratulations to BF for an absolute coup.
So far 2025 has given us
The Fugative Doctor
Sacha Master
13th Doctor and yaz
9th Doctor and Rose.
Wonder what the Xmas pressie/November announcement will be
11th Doctor ,Amy, & Rory all back
February 17th, 2025 - 12:57pmOr 12th dr