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August 26th, 2022 7 comments

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Big Finish 4th Doctor Series 12 New Frontiers

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Anjli Mohindra’s Fourth Doctor Adventure

Story details are today revealed for the second full-cast audio adventure in The Fourth Doctor Adventures: New Frontiers, due for release in March 2023 from Big Finish Productions.

In the brand-new box set of two four-part stories, Tom Baker stars as the Fourth Doctor — first encountering the Ice Warriors in the previously-announced Ice Heist! — alongside Louise Jameson as Leela and Nerys Hughes as the new companion Margaret Hopwood.

Then, joining the glittering cast in the second story, Antillia the Lost, is Anjli Mohindra (Bodyguard, Dark Heart, The Sarah Jane Adventures) as Theodora Markway — a hard-nosed reporter about to uncover the biggest story of her career.

Antillia the Lost by Phil Mulryne

Antillia. A place of mystery. A manufactured island in space, lost to time. But now it’s finally been found.

The Doctor and his friends arrive on Antillia at the same time as an expeditionary party, delighted to solve one of the great mysteries of history. But they may have found more than they bargained for.

Some things are better off lost.

Doctor Who — The Fourth Doctor Adventures: New Frontiers is now available to pre-order as a collector’s edition 4-disc CD box set (+ download for just £24.99) or a digital download (for just £19.99), exclusively from

Big Finish listeners can also pre-order either of the two stories in this box set, Ice Heist! and Antillia the Lost, as separate downloads for just £12.99 each.

Anjli Mohindra said: “Tom Baker is so funny, endearing, and charming. Working with him is really good fun. I was a little bit nervous because I’ve always admired his work but he’s just so welcoming. It’s been a real treat.

“I’ve not played someone like Theodora before. She’s quite fun but also open about how she feels – there’s no beating around the bush. It’s a real adventure. I’ve loved working with everybody. There’s such an energy that everyone brings to it.”

Producer David Richardson said: “It’s no surprise that Anjli has become one of the busiest young actors in the UK — she’s a phenomenal talent who we’re always delighted to welcome back to Big Finish. So, we leapt at the opportunity to cast her in this, in a very different role to Rani Chandra — the ambitious Theodora Markway. It was thrilling to watch her running with it!”

The talented ensemble cast of Antillia the Lost also includes audio veterans Adrian Rawlins (best-known for playing James Potter in the Harry Potter franchise), Keziah Joseph (The Archers) and Richard Lumsden (Sugar Rush, Darkest Hour, The Avengers). As previously announced, Adele Lynch (Doctor Who) guest stars in the opening adventure as the Ice Warrior Kaltakk.

Doctor Who — The Fourth Doctor Adventures: New Frontiers is now available to pre-order for just £24.99 (collector’s edition CD box set + download) or £19.99 (download only), exclusively from

Big Finish listeners can save money by pre-ordering New Frontiers and 2023’s as-yet untitled second Fourth Doctor Adventures box set together in a bundle for just £46 (collection edition CD box set + download) or £39 (download only).

All the above prices include the special pre-order discount and are subject to change after general release.

Please note that Big Finish is currently operating a digital-first release schedule. The mailout of collector’s edition CDs will be delayed, but all purchases of this release unlock a digital copy that can be immediately downloaded or played on the Big Finish app from the release date

Categorised under: Big Finish, CD, The 4th Doctor



  • Phillip

    August 27th, 2022 - 3:40am

    I love these Baker releases, I’m incredibly surprised that these haven’t been animated… I would think that The Who fandom internationally would constitute enough of a market for a 4th Doctor animated series to be lucrative enough to thrive:) I would also want a Colin Baker animated series (in Blue suit) and a McGann animated series as well…

    • Mac

      August 27th, 2022 - 9:18am

      They stopped animating missing episodes. I doubt there’ll animate Big Finish audios.

    • Doug Who

      August 27th, 2022 - 10:21am

      A fan is Australia Josh Snares animated the Fourth/Ten ‘Out of Time’ release and did a great job. It’s designed to be watched while listening to the official audio. He did a great job and you can find it on YouTube.

    • Doctor Stu

      August 27th, 2022 - 5:39pm

      They’ll never do it but if they did there’d definitely be a market for it. Especially the new who stuff. Imagine the amount they’d sell if they properly promoted and animated something like the new doctor/rose or Doctor/Donna stories as a few one offs. Especially with the 60th approaching

    • Gordon

      August 29th, 2022 - 3:24am

      Can’t really see it. There isn’t enough demand for the missing episodes to get animated without additional financial support and that has far more demand to get animated than big finish. Josh snares excellent out of time has 29,000 views on YouTube. If you take into account a good chunk of those that watched it probably only watched it as it was free on YouTube and some may have watched it more than once I don’t think the demand is high enough

      out of time is excellent but it took josh 2 years to do it and lost money on it. If it was an official project there probably would only be about a quarter of the time to do it

    • Doug Who

      August 29th, 2022 - 9:21am

      I think that was always the issue with animations really. There was never enough time and money to do the missing episodes with the exception of ‘Invasion’ in my opinion, although they do the job required of them and many enjoy them. Personally, I find the ‘Web’ 3 animation almost unwatchable it’s so bizarrely uncanny valley but I can see what they were attempting. Some of the recent experiments ‘animating’ telesnaps are interesting.

      The animations Levine did cost him a fortune and are still nowhere near a standard good enough for commercial release. Josh’s animation was much better but as Gordon says took him ages and he lost money. If the animations had the resources of, say Marvel’s ‘What If..?’ series fantastic but I can’t see that ever being the case.

      At least it is nice to see (or hear) some Big Finish recently broadcast on radio however. Not sure what kind of audience figures they get.

  • Doug Who

    August 26th, 2022 - 5:57pm

    Twelve audio series with Tom! Fantastic and hopefully more to come. Great that Louise Jameson is back too. I’m hoping there can perhaps be some new stories with Sadie Miller although not entirely sure he is still recording.

    Nice connection with the ‘Sarah Jane Adventures’ that Anjli Mohindra is in one of these. So wish he’d come on board with Big Finish when Elisabeth Sladen asked him to but new adventures with Sadie as Sarah would be great.


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