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May 13th, 2019 5 comments

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Big Finish 253 Memories of a Tyrant

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What if you’d committed a truly dreadful crime but couldn’t remember?

The Doctor takes Peri to the Memory Farm – a state of the art space station where hidden memories can be harvested and analysed. To their surprise, they find the station in lock-down and all its resources dedicated to probing the memories of an elderly man. Garius Moro may, or may not, have been responsible for the deaths of billions of people many years ago, but he simply can’t remember.

The assembled representatives of two opposing factions, each with their own agenda, anxiously wait for the truth to be unlocked from Moro’s mind. But when a memory does eventually surface, everyone is surprised to learn that it is of Peri…

Categorised under: Big Finish, CD, Monthy Series



  • Doctor Mysterio

    May 15th, 2019 - 8:53pm

    Love this TARDIS team! Great too see Peri back again.

  • Daz

    May 15th, 2019 - 10:32am

    Good job the BBC took plenty of promo shots back in the day for Big Finish to use now! I imagine they didn’t even take as many as they do today as there wasn’t as much merch then compared to what we have now.

    • SJF

      May 15th, 2019 - 11:46am

      It tends to be that most of the pictures used on those covers are stills from in the story rather than actual promo shots.

    • Anonymous

      May 15th, 2019 - 9:47pm

      But in this case this sixth doctor is from a promo shot from attack of the cybermen, the neck tie has just been recoloured red.

    • Anonymous

      May 15th, 2019 - 10:11pm

      I wish they’d use something other than Donna in her partners in crime suit for the covers though

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