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June 22nd, 2017 44 comments

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All New Doctor Who Adventures Magazine Issue 24

Publication of Doctor Who Adventures Magazine is being suspended at Issue 24.

Categorised under: Doctor Who Adventures, Magazine



  • Ben Inge

    July 2nd, 2019 - 5:29pm

    They will bring it back the reason whsmiths did not order in is they were told it was not going to be published any more for a long time.

  • doctor whom

    December 14th, 2018 - 7:27pm

    such a shame surly the bbc would be trying to get yonger fans

  • Walter Homma

    November 25th, 2017 - 10:10am

    very sorry to see the end of Doctor Who Adventures Magazine What lovely memories I had of our show I shall miss this magazine terribly and so will our younger fans

  • Walter Homma

    November 25th, 2017 - 10:05am

    Very sorry to see the end of Doctor Who Adventures Magazine I shall miss it terribly thanks for many memories

  • Dalek4ever

    June 29th, 2017 - 1:51pm

    Finally got this! Ithe is quite good for a kids magazine. Nice to see a few Classic things to

  • The Monitor

    June 26th, 2017 - 8:19pm

    A great addition for the Doctor Who collector, I have about 450 issues (including the ones with 2 variant covers (not just variant gifts- but specific printing differences or bag/unbagged differences for additional gifts as the supermarkets (Tesco mainly) did)

    The cameras, radio, clocks, pencil tins and trainer bags were the best gifts.

    I am deeply saddened that a 11 year routine of tracking down this magazine and its variants is sadly over.

    The worst thing is of course the still very successful Doctor Who Experience and its massive shop with massive amounts of DWE exclusive merchandise closing.

  • Weeping Angel

    June 24th, 2017 - 5:06pm

    This magazines free gift is one or two of these:

    Weeping Angel (not sure which one)
    Screwdriver Set
    Monster Mould Set
    Monster Build Kit
    Wind Up Tardis
    Monster Carry Case
    Monster Figures
    Cybermen Hunters

    If you know that this issue includes any others: comment below

    • The Monitor

      June 26th, 2017 - 8:08pm

      Mine came with 2 Cyberman related gifts. Bagged in Co-op with extra free gift sticker.

    • Anonymous

      July 4th, 2017 - 2:00pm

      Conundrum Cube( same as previous month) very disappointed.

    • Demdike@CultLabs

      July 4th, 2017 - 3:16pm

      Got mine at Tesco. Came with two gifts. – Cyberman hunters and a Timelord travel kit.

  • Anonymous

    June 24th, 2017 - 2:55pm

    Can not find this at all. Please tell me where you got it

    • Weeping Angel

      June 24th, 2017 - 5:07pm

      Whsmith, various newsagents

    • Anonymous

      June 24th, 2017 - 5:26pm

      okay, thanks

  • Dalek4ever

    June 24th, 2017 - 1:54pm

    I went to see of my local shop had this, I asked if there were any and they said “Sorry, we don’t get them anymore. They were left out. Football now days. So we didn’t bother getting any” That’s makes me sad how mamy people forgot about it. Well I didn’t buy it in ages but I got the first ever issue so I had to get the last, so now I can’t

    • Weeping Angel

      June 24th, 2017 - 5:08pm

      Try whsmiths

    • The Contessa

      June 24th, 2017 - 6:17pm

      Try larger Tescos. My Tesco Extra always stocked them, often with additional gifts. And goodbye Doctor Who Adventures! I was loyal from beginning to end and still have every issue. You’ll be missed.

  • T4RD1S

    June 24th, 2017 - 3:04am

    It’s sad to see this magazine being stopped. I remember when they were at the top, but then they fell off after they stopped the subscriptions and made it 2 weeks. Most of my stationery in year 4 was supplied by the stationery from these magazines, lol.

  • The Flying Shark

    June 23rd, 2017 - 7:04pm

    I got this today, it was quite a good final issue.

    • Demdike@CultLabs

      June 23rd, 2017 - 8:32pm

      What is given away with the final issue?

  • AlexanderOP

    June 23rd, 2017 - 10:59am

    So with this being the final issue, what does everyone think the best free gifts were?
    I remember in one issue they had the watch Donna wore in Turn Left, that was really cool it was even lenticular so the number changed.

    • booboo

      June 23rd, 2017 - 11:25am

      growing cyberman

    • Weeping Angel

      June 23rd, 2017 - 1:10pm

      cress cyberman

    • Demdike@CultLabs

      June 23rd, 2017 - 3:39pm

      The Cyber camera was good. I also liked the growing Weeping Angel.

    • Skirlston

      June 23rd, 2017 - 8:17pm

      The best ‘free’ gift was the first-ever one – the TARDIS clock. There were many good ones – the first ever release of the new paradigm Daleks,, the build your own wind-up Daleks and the advent calendars to name but a few.

    • Demdike@CultLabs

      June 23rd, 2017 - 8:32pm


      Forgot about the TARDIS clock. I shouldn’t have as i still use it.

    • Weeping Angel

      June 23rd, 2017 - 9:45pm

      i thought the tardis clock was recalled???

    • Anonymous

      June 24th, 2017 - 6:58am

      @Weeping Angel It was recalled but I have still have my mines lol.


      June 24th, 2017 - 12:04pm

      Why was the Tardis clock recalled? I still have mine unopened.

    • DalekAgent

      June 24th, 2017 - 12:50pm

      Its a bit of hard choice because i cant remember a lot of the free gifts they had, but im gonna say the issue that came with the Big Finish audio The Mutant Phase (and a Dalek inflatable?) because that was the first ever Big Finish audio i heard and its the one that got into Big Finish audios in the first place

    • DalekAgent

      June 24th, 2017 - 12:52pm

      – that got *me* into Big Finish audios in the first place

    • T4RD1S

      June 24th, 2017 - 10:02pm

      I think them little plastic Dalek toys they had, I had loads of them. They had Sontarans, Cybermen, the Silence, Ood(s), Judoons, Silurians and loads of others aswell

  • Demdike@CultLabs

    June 22nd, 2017 - 11:17pm

    What is being given away with this final issue?

  • Tom

    June 22nd, 2017 - 10:45pm

    I use to be subscribed to the magazine but since having the internet since 2010 i have only bought the odd issue as all the info is online in some form

  • The Monitor

    June 22nd, 2017 - 10:43pm

    I bought every single issue, every known variant cover, and searched the supermarkets for an exclusive edition most weeks since 2006.

    This really is a shame. As with everything Doctor Who, a good proportion of the buyers are collectors who are way beyond any target age.

    The magazine seldom did anything wrong. In fact it was something of a masterpiece to maintain a publication after so many many issues.

    • Simon W

      June 22nd, 2017 - 10:47pm

      Iv got every one since the 1st issue way back in 06 and this is the last issue. sad day for fan’s

  • Anonymous

    June 22nd, 2017 - 10:26pm

    Booboo, do we know what the mystery free gifts are?

  • Anonymous

    June 22nd, 2017 - 10:24pm

    The 10 year old part of me is screaming for this to go, and in all honestly I think this had so much potential!

  • Weeping Angel

    June 22nd, 2017 - 10:17pm

    I got issue 23, and I was suprised how good of a magazine it was for kids: it had comics, quizzes, poster, story, puzzles and info as well. Not too bad gift either (at least it wasnt a reused old one from 5 years ago!). Must be down to not many kids buying it, because if I was younger I would by it! I’ll stick with Doctor Who Magazine for now.
    N.B. My favourite DWA gift was the Cyberman cress set! I had great fun with that! (That sounds so sad 🙂 )

  • Doctor Mysterio

    June 22nd, 2017 - 8:08pm

    Well, with 12 shiny new episodes of Doctor Who airing, to leave the past issue on sale for 8 weeks seems like a missed opportunity.
    My tame 11 year old used to ask about this every week but the long wait between issues means they soon forgot about it and moved on. A shame.

    • booboo

      June 22nd, 2017 - 8:29pm

      people had become more and more negative towards the mag even before it changed to pannini

      I saw it happen week upon week

      to me it was clear the generation that grew up with it out-grew it (and therefore were unfairly negative towards it) and the “next generation” simply wasn’t there in big numbers

    • Simon W

      June 22nd, 2017 - 10:49pm

      the number of issues sold each issue has dropped to under 11k from over 50k when is started.

  • The emperor of mars

    June 22nd, 2017 - 7:33pm

    Its a shame to see what was once a great publication go but to be honest it’s not a surprise quite a lot of dull episodes and the ratings have been down kids would rather watch YouTube or football I mean have you the magazines they sell nowadays

  • Demdike@CultLabs

    June 22nd, 2017 - 1:04pm

    No wonder this publication is finishing. There has been nothing this series to excite it’s targeted age range aside from the Ice Warriors.

    • bryan

      June 22nd, 2017 - 3:49pm

      not sure i agree. Snake tipped alligators, Giant eel fish, Wooden princess , creepy beetles, Mummified monks, and Roman Soldiers (remember Rory was Roman and they loved that). I live in Chester, so we have whole shoals of kids in the age group, marching along the streets in costumes,shields ,etc.

      Nephews loving this series,even if there have been some troubled nights.

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